Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ My Immortal ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Artist: Evanescence

Song: My Immortal

Album: Fallen

<b>A/N: I don't own Evanescence or Dragon Ball Z. According to my lawyers I don't, anyway.</b>

This spire still showed a pristine valley. It was desolate and far, far from civilization. Far where any man could touch, the woman thought as her hair whipped freely in the wind. She dutifully gathered the ebony mass and tied it back in a matronly bun.

Or android.

<I>I'm so tired of being here</i>

Gokou had always liked it down. ChiChi decided and let her hair go in the wind, letting her hair tie fall to the ground. The wind died at that moment, her hair lay limp. She looked down to find her hair tie. It had blown away. Not that she could have seen it trough the tears anyways.

<I>Suppressed by all my childish fears</i>

"Damn it!" A voice cried from under the underside of the large belly of the capsule looking vehicle. Salvation in the form of transportation, she mused. The wrench clattered noisily to the ground and a body jumped in the other room and darted in.

"Are you okay Mom?"

Bulma scooted out from under the machine, eyeing her son for a moment. His clear blue eyes were filled with concern. Ever since she had nearly crushed herself knocking the frame over, every bump caused him to check in with her.

How he looked like his father. Vegeta had never jumped when she did something, he wouldn't have come in to check on her. He would have remained at the door, looking unconcerned, merely curious.

But his eyes lied. They were the same.

How Trunks looked like his father.

<I>And if you have to leave</i>

He looked like him exactly the day he died. Bulma remembered it like yesterday. To her, it had been yesterday for seventeen years. Had it been seventeen years? It had to have been. Trunks was getting so big…

"Vegeta." Bulma had said, her voice thick, tears running down her cheeks. She had known approaching the Saiya-jin that he was dying. He should have been dead already. Her face cast a shadow over his face and the Saiya-jin squinted at her, hearing his name. "I really didn't mean it."

The Saiya-jin smirked at her, his eyes focusing on her. They had fought and it was bad. He had left, in anger after she had declared she no longer wanted him in her house. He left. She had been looking for him for the last four hours, after the news announcement. A shaky hand reached up and pressed their gloved digits to her cold cheek, brushing away the tears. "I know."

Bulma took that gloved hand and removed the glove. The Saiya-jin did not fight it as he usually did. Taking that still warm hand, she pressed it to her cheek. "I love you."

"Take care of our son." Vegeta said in response almost immediately. Bulma sniffed.


"What woman?" Vegeta said, more hoarsely. This time he smiled at her, no smirk. One of his rare smiles.

"Don't leave me."

"You look like an angel. I do not deserve an angel, but I got one anyways..." The Saiya-jin closed his eyes for a moment and leaned back before opening his eyes again. Eyes hazy. The street lamp overhead flickered and went dead.


<I>I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone</i>

ChiChi stared at the sink. She had returned from shopping and had finally put the huge pile of food in the refrigerator. Why had she bought so much food? She lived alone. She had been about to wash dishes that were not there. They had been washed this morning. A tear slipped down her cheek. She turned and silently walked into the living room.

Gohan's bedroom door was open. His belongings were exactly where he had left them before he left that day. Clothing scattered on the floor. He had forgotten to pick them up that day; he had left in a hurry and never came home. Standing in the doorway, she grabbed the handle and closed the door.

<I>These wounds won't seem to heal</i>

On the way out of the bedroom doorframe, her eyes locked on the portrait hanging on the wall across the room. The one that she promised herself that she would never remove. All the other pictures in the household had long been crammed in a drawer.

Her father, her husband, her son. All dead. One of age, one of sickness, one murdered. Without thinking, she moved across the room. Her form bumping into tabletops that had not moved since they had been placed there.

They all looked so happy… She had been holding a young Gohan in the picture. She was so young and beautiful.

What had she done to deserve this?

<I>This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase</i>


Bulma blinked at the interruption. Her hand lowered and touched the hot burner and she cried out in pain. Trunks got up from his seat and grabbed her hand and looked at it. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. He looked back, pain in his. She forgot the hand and held her son to him. He smelled of his father even. Trunks held her close to him, leaning his head on hers.

After a few moments, he withdrew. "Mom, we got to take care of your hand."

Bulma nodded and stepped back, looking at it. The burner from the stove had left rings on her hand. Her hands were cracked already and nicked from myriads of cuts while working on the time machine. Her hands used to be soft and smooth. Vegeta had always said she had nice hands, though it was odd that he would notice such a thing.

If he saw them now, he would berate her for not taking care of herself.

At that, Bulma burst into fresh tears. Trunks sighed and pulled her close again, in tears himself.

"I am sorry." He said quietly.

"It isnt your fault!" Bulma said instantly, knowing what he was talking about.

"I know."

<I>When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have, all of me. </i>

"Woman, you are being stupid."

"No, Vegeta, YOU are being stupid. If you keep training the way you are, you will KILL yourself."

"Not that it is any of your business."


"You are the one that can't grasp the concept that I have chosen to fight for this shit-ball of a planet!"

"Why YOU!?" Bulma had shrieked at him. He looked up at her in annoyance.

"Because there is no one left." The Saiya-jin said quietly, looking to the young infant who was watching the television. The boy was far too used to his parents fighting and could tell the difference between verbal banter and verbal abuse.

"Why now?" Bulma asked nastily. "Couldn't you have 'chosen' to do something when everyone else went out to fight, together maybe you could have overcome them!"

"Because defending this planet isnt in my fucking job description!" Vegeta roared back. Trunks began to take interest in the two over his cartoon show.

"Then why the fuck are you here you selfish fuck?!" Bulma screamed at him. His eyes flickered in return.

"If you don't want me here, I can always leave."

"You do that." Bulma said evenly. "Thanks to you, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD! You leave, you coward."

And he did. Trunks wailed for his father to come back while Bulma cried to herself.

<I>You used to captivate me

By your resonating life

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind</i>


"I haven't changed my mind Gohan." ChiChi sighed from her usual place in front of the sink. She had sent the boy to his room to study. It was shortly after Vegeta had been killed, and he wanted to go fight with the androids. If that monster that Bulma claimed was her mate couldn't do it, how could he? Her own husband, of course, would have had no trouble.

"I am not asking. I am telling you." Gohan said quietly and went back into his room. ChiChi, in alarm followed him.

"Gohan, what are you telling me?!" ChiChi demanded. She opened the door just in time to see the window was open, the curtains flailing. She gripped the edge and stuck her head out the window "GOHAN! GET BACK HERE!! YOU ARE GROUNDED MISTER!"

<I>Your face it haunts

My once pleasant dreams</i>

She had stayed up all night that night. He did not come home until late. He had re-entered through his bedroom window, bumping into things. ChiChi was up in a flash, bursting into the teenagers room. What she saw broke her heart. Her little boy was bloody and battered. His eyes looked up to her, filled with fear, sadness, anger.

Fatigue. She moved to him quietly, her heart full of relief and her eyes of tears and hugged him to her. He leaned into her limply. "Don't do that to me again." She whispered.

Gohan pulled back from her, tears in his own eyes. "I have to."

"Why?" ChiChi sobbed. She knew why already.

"You know why. For the same reason Dad had to." Gohan sighed and leaned back into his mother.

<I>Your voice it chased away

All the sanity in me</i>

The empty gravestone had been meant for her, Bulma told herself. She was never meant to bury her son.

<center><I>Here lies Trunks Vegeta Briefs

1994-2011 A.D.

Last Saiya-jin Prince.</center></I>

But she did. He had been so happy, he had killed the androids in the past, then their own time. Her plan had worked. But right before he left to go visit his newly found friends of the past, a new monster had appeared and killed him. She barely survived herself. She survived, thinking only that Trunks needed her. Her son had been murdered in front of her. Strangled by that beasts tail.

<I>These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase</i>

"You are ChiChi." The voice said. ChiChi didn't look, didn't have to. She knew who it was, what it was.

"My son and husband are no longer here, if that is what you wanted." ChiChi said simply. She no longer cared about anything worldly.

"No. I was wondering if you could kindly direct me to the location of the androids."

Anger pierced her heart and she looked into the eyes of the monster. No fear filled her at that moment. Just pure anger and agony. "NO! THEY ARE DEAD LIKE THEY DESERVE!"

The monsters eyes widened at her in curiosity and tilted to the side for a moment. Then its expression grew bored. "Soon you will be as well."

"Good." ChiChi muttered, sitting down, facing away from the monster. It was painful for a moment, but then her consciousness left her.

<I>When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears</i>

"I am in need of your time machine."

"What the fuck are you?!" Trunks demanded, a cocky tone to his voice. Bulma smirked proudly behind him. Cell looked bored.

"My name is Cell, and you are Trunks. Yes, I know all about you, your father, etc. I also know you killed the androids. I needed them. So I will go to the past and retrieve them. If you value their life, move. I do not need your genetic material."

"Blow me." Trunks said after a moment of admonished shock. He attacked the monster, the large tail wrapping itself around his throat. His sword dropped to the ground as he struggled to fight against the surprisingly strong tail. Powering up did him no help. Moments later, he passed out.

Cell pried open the time machine, but not before swatting the annoying female human that had attacked him away.

<I>I held your hand through all of these years

But you still have, all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone all along</i>

When Bulma had come to, she discovered ChiChi was also dead. No one answered the phone. Bulma flew to her house in her hovercraft and discovered her clothing laying in a heap. Cell had killed her.

"Why?" Bulma sobbed, holding ChiChi's dress to her. She was of no threat to him. Why had he even come here? He said he knew all about Trunks, wouldn't he have known Gohan was dead as well?

<I>When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years</i>

The world was safe for the first time in nearly three decades, spanning from the time the Saiya-jin arrived on Earth and stolen Gohan, to when the androids came and passed. Cell was in the past, the machine on its final charge. Cell would not know how to re-power it to return.

But there was nothing left, Bulma said to herself as she sipped her coffee. It was slightly more bitter than usual and had the faint scent of almonds. She finished the note on the table leaving instructions for whomever came to Capsule Corporations. People would be sure to visit, looking for someone to fund the rebuilding of West City.

She laid down on the couch, finishing her coffee and setting the cup down the table. Exhausted, she slipped into a sleep from which she did not awake.

<I>But you still have, all of me</i>