Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ My Immortal ( One-Shot )

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My Immortal

DBZ songfic by VegetandAru

Disclaimer:- (to the tune of "a hunting we will go") They don't belong to me! They don't belong to me! No matter how I wish they did, they don't belong to me!

Warning:- Angst


I stopped as I walked by my daughters bedroom. Music, as always was playing from within. Rock! No doubt! She had it down low and I couldn't hear the lyrics properly. For once I regretted putting a limit on how loud Artemis was allowed her music as some of the words reached my ears, bringing back memories as they did so.

...I'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all my childish fears...

Frieza! I hadn't ever been able to do anything about it. I had had no where else to go. My home world had been destroyed and I had spent my life in the captivity of that Tyrant. Being scared at every turn, unable to do or say what I wanted out of the fear I had always felt. Oh how I had longed to leave.

I pressed my ear to my daughters bedroom door a second too late and missed the next line of the song.

...I wish that you would just leave
your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone...

Sometimes when I'm scared in the night and my mate isn't there to comfort me my imagination runs wild. I always think that I can hear him there beside me. Taunting! Laughing! Now that i've met him I know for sure that he won't leave me to myself. Not in the night not when there is no shoulder to cry on. No that's when he'll be there again when I have nobody to rely on.

...These wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase...

Life is so much better now, I know. I have my incredible husband, Aru, and three wonderful children, Indi, Aer and Art. But even as time goes on the pain never dies, not even my Aru san's magic can't ease it.

Pulled away from my memories, I watched as the carefree ten year old version of me, ran past me with my two energetic sons. Aerdin and Indira and bombarded into my daughters room. I had accidentally pulled him into this realm a few weeks ago along with my mother, father, Art chan's mate Zarbon and even that disgusting creature himself, Frieza!

The music faded into the background noise as happy laughing and talking succeeded in drowning it out.

Once the talking had quietened down somewhat I pressed my ear back against the door and tried to hear the lyrics of the song again. I'd missed some of it now but I still managed to pick up the words in the middle of the second verse.

...Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
your voice it chased away all the sanity in me...

I still have nightmares about it all! It has been so many years since Mirai Trunks killed Frieza, but Bulma, Kakarott and even my precious Aru san all tell me that I cry in the night begging and murmuring in my dreams.

...These wounds wont seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase...

My back slid down the wall as I became subject to my own memories. Eyes staring blankly ahead. I was no longer hearing the words to the song.

Then *he* walked by me. Frieza! He made a point of stopping and smirking at me I guess I looked quite weak huddled there on the floor with my knees pulled up against my chest. But at the time I honestly couldn't give a damn. ::He is just as weak:: I reminded myself ::As long as my love keeps him under the magic of this realm he is weaker than I could ever be:: As I remembered those nights alone after what he had done to me, this statement seemed hard to believe.

...I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
but although you're still with me
I've been alone all along...

The memory of you is Immortal!
