Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Tease ❯ My Little Tease ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Little Tease by Kaialicious

Disclaimer: Dragon Ball Z and the characters of Dragon Ball Z are the property of Akira Toriyama. I in no way make any profit from them.

Warning: This story contains LEMON. It is not intended for under aged readers.

Author's Note: Have you ever had one of those moments when scenes just pop up in your head and you have nowhere to place them? Well, this is one of my random images of my favorite anime couple, Vegeta and Bulma.


It had started as a game, but it soon became something more.

The woman had been constantly sending him signals. A sultry glance here, an all too accidental touch there.

She had even once flashed her breasts at him when he had come out of the gravitational chamber.

At first, Vegeta had thought that she had lost her mind. Then he had convinced himself that she was probably in heat. When he finally decided to act on her bold suggestions, she danced away from him and laughed.

Such was the case today.

She was outside fixing one of her toys -a hover bike.

Vegeta didn't understand why she was so poorly dressed for such a task.

She was wearing the shortest red skirt that he had ever seen her wear before. It left her long, smooth, and supple legs exposed.

The pink blouse that she wore, which proudly sported the words Daddy's Spoiled Princess, barely covered her midriff. Its neckline was far too low. Each time she bent over, her breasts threatened to spill out of the confines of the shirt.

"What on Earth are you wearing?" he asked her.

She tossed her hair back and let her blouse slip over one shoulder, then slowly and seductively straddled the bike.

Great Saiyan…

He was on the verge of ravishing her.

She laughed at his obvious arousal.

"You can be a real bitch when you want to," he told her.

"Get bent!" she snapped, then laughed.

Vegeta stiffened with rage. He had not understood what the female had said, but he knew that it was some sort of insult and that he should take offense.

"You insignificant baka-ne!"

"Aw, is the little prince getting cranky because he can't have what he wants?" She cupped her breasts in her hands and pushed them together seductively.

The Saiyan prince growled in anger and moved towards her. "I have had enough of your squabbling!"

"Vegeta, that's enough!"

The Saiyan halted.

"Kakarott!" he sneered.

How dare the low class Saiyan intrude on him? This was now his domain. Kakarott had no business being there.

"What's this, you are giving me orders? I didn't think that you would be that stupid!" Vegeta angrily replied.

"Get him, Goku!" Bulma prodded.

Vegeta stared angry daggers at the blue haired woman. He had never wanted to kill a person more than he did at that moment. Then, the infuriating woman did something that completely shook his system. She winked at him.

"What…?" Vegeta's mouth dropped open in shock.

I don't believe this, he thought. She is teasing me! The little bitch!

Goku saw the murderous glint in Goku's eyes and decided to calm the hot-tempered prince.

"Hey, Vegeta, how about a sparring session? I'm still embarrassed from the last one. You kicked me pretty hard." He rubbed his backside in memory.

Vegeta smirked and crossed his arms. He gave the female one last angry look before he turned to the simple-minded Goku. Goku could be a trial at times, but it did feel good to beat up on him -both mentally and physically. With what he had gone through with the wretched female, he deserved to pound his fists into the idiot clown.

"Fine," he left the courtyard, his proud, patrician nose in the air.

Goku let out a sigh of relief. Another crisis averted.

A hero's work was never done.

He turned to Bulma and frowned.

"What?" she asked.

"What's gotten into you? You shouldn't tease him, Bulma."

"I don't tease the little prince," she lied.

"He's not Yamcha, Bulma."

At the mention of her former boyfriend, Bulma scowled at him.

"He doesn't understand the way you think and he can't take a joke. Playing these games with him could be dangerous."

"Fine, I won't bother him anymore," she promised.


She was reclining on a lounger, soaking up the sun. She seemed to be asleep, but Vegeta was not certain since she was wearing dark tinted glasses.

Vegeta silently observed the woman for a moment. She seemed harmless enough when her mouth was not yapping.

He leaned against the balcony wall and studied her. How could someone so weak be so volatile? She was an enigma for the Saiyan prince. The longer he remained in her presence, the more confounded he became. Of course, he could not very well acknowledge the fact that he enjoyed bickering with her. If he did, then she would be abominable to live with.

Her slender legs shifted. A swift breeze carried the scent of her body to him. His acute Saiyan senses smelled her moist excitement. He concluded that either she was having a very erotic dream, or she was wide-awake and had caught him looking at her. The sexual tension between them the last few days had been hell. Vegeta was at the end of his restraint.

He flew down from the balcony and alighted beside the sunbathing female. His shadow cast over her scarcely clad body. She did not move. Vegeta saw that a little stimulation was in order.

He sat beside her on the lounge chair and caressed her long, limber legs. She made an incoherent sound in her sleep. Vegeta's nostrils flared. He slid his hands upwards, closer to her soft heat. His fingers touched the red fabric of her bikini bottom. It was damp.

She was in heat.

The Saiyan wasted no time in slipping his fingers beneath the saturated cloth. Using his middle finger, he deftly parted her nether lips and stroked around her tight core. She automatically closed her thighs, trapping his hand between them.

Vegeta lightly touched her perineum and the slumbering Bulma twitched. He used his other hand to pry her knees apart. He ran his finger upwards towards the tender little nodule that hid just below her exotic blue nest of curls. He pushed back the hood of flesh and ruthlessly rubbed the delicate button. The bundle of sensitive nerve endings swelled and throbbed from his manipulation.

Bulma inhaled sharply as she was wrenched out of a titillating dream by a persuasive finger. She tried sitting up, but he placed his other hand upon her shoulder and pushed her back against the lounge chair. Pinned in place, she could do nothing but accept Vegeta's skilled and probing fingers. She wrapped her own around his wrist and lifted her hips. The Saiyan prince slid his finger within her and she tightened her hold on him. Her action was a silent entreaty.

Vegeta curled his tongue around one of her tiny nipples, wetting the fabric of her bikini top. Her nipple hardened into a peak and wantonly protruded from her swimsuit. He gently bit the tender morsel. Bulma sucked in her breath and dug her fingernails into his wrist.

Vegeta released the swollen, protruding flesh and gave equal attention to its twin. Bulma arched her back in pleasure. She widened her legs to accommodate his probing hand.

He added a second finger to her sheath. Her face went crimson.

He let go of her pinned arm and removed her sunglasses. Her bright blue eyes looked up at him, filled with desire and longing.

"What do you want from me?" she asked him huskily.

Her confusion only fueled Vegeta's need to probe her body.

"What do you want, onna?"

Bulma looked away from him.

Vegeta withdrew his fingers. Bulma returned her gaze to him and desperately clutched at his arm.

"Why did you stop?" she asked.

"You don't seem to be interested," he explained.


Vegeta stood and crossed his arms. "You heard me."

He turned and began walking away, towards the house. Bulma quickly sat up and shouted, "You Saiyan bastard! Come back here!"

He stopped and faced her. "A bit cranky, are we?"

Her face flushed pink. Vegeta smirked.

"You…you did this on purpose!"

"Did what?"

"Got me all…" she was reluctant to announce the manner of state she was in.

"Wet?" Vegeta suggested.

Bulma frowned at his blunt word and stared daggers at him. "You did it just to get back at me, didn't you?"

"Yes, that's it," he drawled.

His coldness shocked her. She had never thought that he was capable of pulling off such a scheme. She had thought that teasing was beneath him.

"Don't play games with me, onna. You wouldn't like the results," he said and left.

At the thought of all the horrible things that she had done to him, her anger melted away. She had been very bad, and Vegeta had been very lenient with her up until now.

She guessed the Saiyan prince could take a joke after all.

"Well, turnabout is fair play," she sighed and pouted, "but why did it have to be so darn good?"


I had this idea during the summer vacation and didn't finish it until the beginning of December. I practically completed about seven other stories before I returned to this one. It is one of my favorite B/V stories. Can you guess why?*laughs goofily* ^_^!