Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Tomboy ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z/GT

This story is based on Gidget, with Sandra Dee and James Darren a really cute
movie, watch it.

This summer was the turning point in my life. For sixteen years I have gone
blindly along enjoying myself, like a fool who never guesses what's in store for
her then,

"Oh Bra Please I” I began, but was cut off by my friend Bra Briefs, she
and my other friend Patricia Newman was trying their hardest to get me to go to
the beach. I really did not want to the only thing Bra doesn't take No for an

"Now here this Pan Son, the day, the hour, and the moment have arrived,”
She says as she puts her hands on her hips, I just sat on my bed sulking I just
really did not want to grow up.

"Not for me it hasn't” I pout,"Oh jeez Bra, Last year and the year before didn't
we all have a ball, why do we have to go and ruin it all” I ask her as we hear a
car horn honk outside.

Bra sticks her head out the window and shouts to the driver "Keep your shirt on
she's coming” She pulls back in and turns around. "Oh be realistic Pan, ask
yourself one vital question, too date what has your life added up to?" She asks,

I was about to respond, but she cut me off again, "Oh sure you're an A student,
but that's parents stuff, you know anyone else that impresses?"

I sigh in defeat "No I guess not"

"And as for this King size fiddle” She says as she plucks a string of my Cello
"It's probably a symptom of your whole problem” She walks over to the bed and
picks up a hat.

"Well” I say as I stand from my position on the bed. "I'll get my gear” and go
out of the room in defeat as I hear the car horn honk again.

Patricia stands from her seat and asks Bra "About her problem, what exactly
would you say it is.”

Bra answers "Well she's more of a fish, then dish. To put it bluntly the kid has
studied up on everything except sex. Moreover, let us face it like most of us
she's pushing 17"

"But she won't be until another month” Patricia said

"Oh Patty, you don't have to go you already got security with Tom's Fraternity
pin, take it from me Pan has to make it this summer our she'll be a social
outcast” Bra replied as she walked down the stairs and spotted My mother "Oh hi
Mrs. Son"

My mother turned around "Oh hello Girls” She greeted them.

She came up to me and hugged me, "bye dear.”

"Yeah Whatever” I said as I walk glumly out the door.

My mother turned around and asked, Patricia "Patricia you think maybe she didn't
want to go?"

"Oh she's just a bit Skittish. After all this is her first manhunt” Patricia
answered as she walked towards the door.

"Her first what?" My mother asks.

"Man hunt” She says quite loudly as she walks out the door.

"Man hunt?" My mother stands there confused.

We walk out to the car that has been honking it's horn for the last 15 minutes,
Marron Chestnut another good friend is the driver seat, "Hey what took you so
long B." She asks Bra.

"Panny doesn't want to grow up,” Bra said.

"Oh Pan, you really need to let go of your childhood and embrace adulthood”
Marron tells me.

I do not answer, I suppose she is right though I do need to put my childhood in
the past those days our gone, Long forgotten.

"She's right Pan" Marron's friend Paresu said.

"Yeah, I know I just hate change,” I said.

"Alright we're here,” Marron says. As we come to our destination the beach. We
walk up to the spot of the beach where one knows you can spot some, as Bra would
say "Gorgeous Men.”

"Come on girls six gorgeous hunks of male” Paresu said as she, and the others
stripped down to their bathing suits revealing perfectly proportioned bodies, I
went along and stripped down to mine, however I was lacking in some areas.

I shrugged my shoulder and ran after them. When Bra, Marron, and Paresu walked
by the boys, they all whistled and said some provocative things, which only made
the others smirk.

I on the other hand, was greeted by other well know sounds, one person started
howling like a dog, at me. Telling me I should "Go home to my to my master, dogs
aren't aloud on the beach." I just shrugged it off, and went to my swimming. I
have been called worse, it doesn't bother me.

While the other girls are busy throwing themselves at the boys, I really don’t
see what they see in them, I really don’t see what the big deal about finding a
man right now is, I mean I have my entire life to fall in love. Don’t I?

“Hey, Pan.” Bra came over.

“Yeah, Bra?” I ask.

“Join us.”

“I don’t think so.” I tell her.

“Oh, come on Pan, don’t be such a bore, and come and join us.”

“Bra, I rather spend my time swimming, then playing childish games on how to
snag a stupid boy.” I say as I grab my inflatable swimming toy and head towards
the ocean. Leaving Bra dumfounded.

I turn to see her shaking her head at me. “She never grow up.” I hear her say.

To tell you the truth, I find myself much maturer then the girls around here;
sure I do not want to throw my self at the first boy I see, but I…. Sorry about
that, I am just looking at the most gorgeous hunk of man, in the world, wow he
is so good looking. All right, I know I said I would never throw myself at the
first boy I see, but he is not a boy, he is a man, and what a man he is.

A/N: Who is Pan talking about, and will this mystery man return the feelings Pan
has, read the next exciting chapter of My Little Tomboy.