Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ To find out the truth ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Pan 13

Trunks 17

Goten 17

Marron 16

Bra 16

I know the ages are wrong, but it's my story

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ/GT/

Pan was always the outcast in her group of friends. Her uncle Goten was the funny guy who girls loved, Trunks was Mr. Popular who the girls loved to love, Bra was the popular girl who you either loved or hated, Marron was the flirt that had guys falling at her feet. but Pan was the tomboy who no one payed attention to. She had no idea why they hung around her. She wasn't even in their age group. She however is about to find out.

@@@Bra's Room, Capsule Corp@@@

Bulma Briefs had let Pan into Capsule corp and Pan made her way up to her friends Bra's room. She wished she never went up there. "Why are we even friends with Pan Son, she's nothing but a whiny brat" She heard Marron Chestnut say. "Don't you agree Bra"

Bra who was polishing her nails agreed "Yes, she is a bratty baby"

Goten who was looking through an old magazine that was on Bra's floor, "I agree, the only reason I hang out with her, is because Gohan will kill me, if I don't"

"What do you think Trunks?" Marron asked her boyfriend"

Trunks nodded and agreed.

Pan felt tears in her eyes as she sat and listened at the door "No, not him too" She whispered running down stairs where she bumped right into Vegeta.

"Watch where your going Brat?"

"Gomen?" She ran out of the house not ever wanting to go back there.

"Brats?" Vegeta Scoffed. "Can't live with em, Can't kill them" He went to his gravity room. But not before seeing Trunks, Goten, Bra and Marron come down stairs "Brat?" He called for Trunks.

"What Father, I'm kinda busy" Trunks stated.

"I just wanted to ask you something"

Trunks turned to his friends "I'll catch up with you later"

Goten nodded "Alright Man"

Bra and Marron waved goodbye "Alright Trunks"

Once The three were gone, Trunks turned to his father, Alright, what?"

"Do you have any Idea why Pan would run out of here Crying"

Trunks eyes went wide "Panny was crying, Why?"

"That's what I want you tell me"

Trunks thought for a moment, "No she couldn't have heard us talking, Could she?" He whispered.

"Speak up boy" Vegeta demanded.

"I'm sorry Toussan I have to go find Pan" He said running out of the house.

@@@PAN'S ROOM@@@

~~I don't even know why I'm crying, I don't cry~~ She thought as she cried uncrotrollably.

Pan's Mother Videl came into the room with a plate of freshly baked Chocolate chip cookies and a class of Milk. "Pan tell me what happened"

Pan sniffled back some tears "Nothing wrongs Mama"

"Oh honey, you can't lie to me, I know somethings bugging you" She said.

"I have no friends" She finally said.

"Oh that's not true, you have Bra and Marron not to mention Goten and Trunks"

Pan started crying again "No mama, I heard them talking, they only hang out with me, because Daddy forced them to"

"That's not true Panny" Pan turned around and Saw Trunks standing there.

"Trunks?" Pan sniffled

"I leave you two alone" Videl said leaving.

"Panny, No one put a gun to my head and forced me to be your friend"

"Yeah right, I heard you" She lashed out. "None of you like me?"

"No You heard the others say that"

"Then why did you even agree with them" She asked as a lonely tear fell down her cheek.

Trunks went over to Pan and wiped the tears off her Cheek "There there, please don't cry I don't know why I agreed with them, I just it's cause Goten is my best friend or Marron is My girlfriend, Although I have no Idea I don't even like here"

"Then why are you with her"

"Because she's Bra's best friend, Maybe I don't know"

"That's kinda silly" Pan tried to laugh

"Yeah it is isn't it" Trunks laughed, "But all laughing aside Pan, I don't hate you, You are the only one that is remotely fun, The rest are completely boring, I like hanging with you" He brought her into a hug.

Trunks "Thankyou"

"For what"

"For liking me and being my friend"

Just as Trunks was about to respond he heard his Cell ring, He looked at the Caller ID and saw Marron's Number.

"Oh, It's Marron" He hestitated a minute, before answering "Hello"

"Trunksie, Where are you" Said Marron in her shrilly nasal voice.

Trunks sighed, "What do you want Marron"

"Trunks Everyone is waiting down at the beach, aren't you coming?"

Trunks looked at Pan, "What do I do"

A/N: So what will Trunks decide, will he stay and hang out with Pan, or go to the beach with the others.