Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ To turn my back on the one I adore ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



Pan and Trunks were enjoying themselves decided to get their pictures
taken in one of those Photo Booths, "Come on Pan" Trunks said grabbing her
hand. He led her into one of the booths he deposited Five dollars. Pan and
Trunks sat and made funny and quirky faces at the camera. The final
picture showed Trunks giving Pan a Kiss on the cheek, she's blushing with
her eyes in shock.

Once they were finished, they waited for the pictures to develop. The
machine shot out the pictures, and they laughed at them. "Oh you look so
funny there" Pan said making the same monkey face Trunks had in the Photo.

Trunks laughed. "Ahem, what the hell is going on here?" Trunks turned
around and saw Marron and his sister, looking quite displeased with him.

"What are you hanging with her for"

"I uh...uh.."

"You better have a good reason for hanging with a good for nothing whiny
brat" Bra said.

Trunks needed to keep the act of him, pretending to hate Pan. up a little
while longer he went over to Pan, he pretended to fall against her, and
whispered in her ear. "Play along, I'm gonna say some mean things to you,
I want you to get upset and leave, Go to my bedroom at Capsule, I'll try
to get away as soon as possible"

Pan nodded.

Trunks got up. "Pan, I thought I told you to stay the hell away from me,
Can't you see I'm with Marron"

"Trunks, I.." Pan started to cry.

"No Pan, Bra was right, you are a good for nothing whiner, that deserves
no friends"

Pan knew Trunks was just Playing, but his words were cutting through her
heart like a knife to butter. "Trunks?" She bowed her head pretending to
be upset.

"Pan, you are the most ugliest, boring, unfeminine girl I know, In fact I
would rather be gay then even think of dating you, so why don't you stop
waisting your time, Little girl and go home"

Pan had full fledged tears now, the last words really stung his heart.
"FIne Trunks" She cried running away from him.

Trunks closed his eyes.~~I'm so Sorry Panny, I'm so sorry~~ He hated doing
that to her. He stood and thought about how much he hurt Pan. "I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for" Marron asked, grabbing on to his arm.

Trunks snapped back. "Uh..uhm..I'm sorry for lying to you" He lied.

"Oh Trunks, I just don't want you near her"

Trunks decided to ask them why they hated Pan. "Hey guys, Why do not like

Bra rang in first, "I don't like her, because, she thinks she's better
then anyonelse"

Marron chimed in after, "I hate her because she's trying to get her grubby
claws in you"

"And I don't like her because she's loud and obnoxious" Goten said.

Trunks just stared at them "Aren't those kinda of petty reasons, I mean
she must have done something to make you despise her so, tell me Marron do
you hate everyone, because the truth of the matter is that almost every
member of the Female population and some members of the Male population
want to screw me, So do you hate them to."

Marron was lost for words. Trunks then turned to Bra.

"Bra, if I remember correctly you are the self centered one, you are the
one that whines and bitches everytime something doesn't go your way"

"Trunks" Bra said.

"And you, Goten you are her uncle, her uncle sure she may be loud and
obnoxious sometimes but thats what makes her, her she has a fiery spirit
like a phoenix"

Bra chimed in. "If i'm not mistaken Trunks, I'm guessing you're sticking
up for Pan, because you like her"

Trunks all the sudden was lost for words. "Uh...I ..uh..."

"Tell me Trunks, do you like Pan"

Trunks needed a lie, and he needed one now. "Me like Pan. as If, My god,
Bra you are so funny"

Trunks looked at his sister, who apparently bought the lie.

Trunks then heard his Cell phone Ring. "Hello"

"Trunks" Bulma answered.

"Mother" He replied.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the carnival with Bra, Goten and Marron"

"Well Pan is here and she's crying because of something you said care to

~~What is Pan, crying still for~~"I'm on my way home now mom." He told

He flipped of his Cell and turned to the gang. "Uhm, mother calls, can't
keep her waiting" Trunks said as he flew off.

"Wait Trunks...." Marron called after but was to late "Kuso"



Trunks hightailed it to Capsule Corp. "Pan why were you crying, You know I
didn't mean any of that" He whispered to nothing as he flew home.

"Why did she take it to heart, why did she take the words to heart, none
of it, NONE of it was meant" He shouted.

He then saw Capsule come into View. He landed on Capsule Corp grounds and
walked inside. Only to be bombarded by his mother. "Trunks Breifs tell me
why Pan came here crying?"

"Mother, I..."

"Trunks, she told me everything, is it true, Bra don't like her?"

"Yes, and neither does Goten or Marron"

Bulma was shocked. "I don't understand why not, Pan is the greatest friend
anyone could ever imagine"

"Thats exactly what I think"

"So why did you say those harsh words to her?"

Trunks took a deep breath, "Because I need them to think I'm on their side
for a while"

"And what will you do, when the time comes"

"Dump Marron, so I can be with Pan"

"You want Pan?" Bulma was now confused. "I thought you loved Marron"

"Yeah I did too, until started controlling every aspect in my life"

"The truth is I love Pan, I know it's not good, to fall for someone so
young, but she isn't that much younger then me, she is the funnest and
most Prettiest girl I know" Trunks said Smiling.

"You love ME?" Trunks turned around and saw Pan standing there.

"Pan, I..Know this is sudden and all, but yeah I think I do"

Pan didn't know what to say, ~~Do I love him as well~~

Trunks looked confused. "Pan say something"