Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ I'll always be by your side ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Nope don't own it, don't own it. I DON'T OWN IT. sheesh how
many times do i have to say it.

/Pan's room/

Pan was sleeping soundly after the sedative the doctor had given her. "I'm
so sorry Pan, I never meant to cause you any Pain, I'm terribly sorry, on
how I treated you, I never realized something like this could happen, I
never knew you could get sick, I mean you were Pan,always the fighter" The
person sobbed on the edge of the bed. "Pan, I guess I always thought, you
thought yourself better then anything, I always thought of you as a
snobbish person, who was just trying to snag whatever you wanted, I never
thought that you were a person, and had feelings" They continued to sob.

The door opened. "What are you doing here" The person at the door asked in

"Trunks..I uh..." The person stuttered.

"Bra, it's okay" Trunks smiled.

"I'm going, I never should have came" She got up and left. Trunks stared
at her, she was running down the hall. ~~Bra, no ones gonna judge you for
looking in on Pan~~He thought as he averted his attention back to Pan.

He just sat and stared. ~~Why couldn't have been me, to get this disease,
wny couldn't she been spared~~He thought. He stroked the top of her head.
~~She looks so peaceful, just like she did this morning~~He thought. He
shut his eyes, he tried to picture her laughing and screaming playfully,
those image brought a smile to his face, he wished she would get up so she
continue to smile. "Pan, you don't have to worry, I'll be right here,I'm
not leaving your side" He said as he touched her face. He layed his head
on part of the bed next to her,and closed his eyes.

Pan's eyes started to flutter open.."Huh, where am I?" She asked before it
dawned on her, "Oh yeah, i'm at the hospital" She looked down and saw
Trunks sleeping soundly by her side. She smiled. "Thankyou Trunks, for
never leaving, and always being my friend" She whispered as she fiddled
with his hair. She was about to drift back into a deep sleep, when the
door opened, to reveal her father.

"How's my little Panny"

"I'm doing alright Daddy"

He bent down to kiss her cheek, "I don't know what I would do with out

Pan blushed. "Daddy, you're embarrassing me"

"Sorry, I came into tell you, the doctor wants to start you on the chemo
right away"

Pan just nodded, and whispered. "okay" Gohan went over to Trunks.

He shook him "Trunks?"

"Huh, what?" Trunks woke up. he looked up "Gohan"

"Come on, the doctors need to start Pan's chemo"

Trunks nodded, he went over to Pan. "Remember, I'll always love you, and
will never leave you" He whispered in her ear, which somehow made her less
scared. She smiled.


Trunks and Gohan left, as the doctors prepped Pan for her first Therapy"

/in the waiting room/

Videl went up to her husband, "How's she doing?"

"Suprisingly well actually" Gohan answered.

'Good, I don't want her to feel scared or alone"

"She won't she got Us, not to mention, her grandparents, Close friends,
and Trunks, especially Trunks, If he was to abandoned her I think she
would give up, on everything, he is her anchor right now"

Videl smiled, she went over to Trunks and gave him a hug. "Thankyou"

"For what?" Trunks asked confused.

"For being there for my little girl, she looks up to you and is relying on
you not to leave her" Videl explained

Trunks looked over at the room Pan was in. "I'm not ever leaving her, I'm
gonna be by her side no matter what"

This made Videl happy, the thought of someone caring for her child, more
then anything made her feel as if Pan was gonna pull out of this. "you are
a true friend to Pan"

"Thanks" Trunks said. "Look I'm gonna go down to the cafeteria and get
something to eat, can I get you or Gohan anything.

"Well I could sure you a cup of coffee, and I'm sure Gohan could as well"

"Alright" Trunks said as he asked Goten to go with him. "Come with me to
the Cafeteria, to get your brother and sister in law a cup of coffee"

"Yeah sure" Goten and Trunks left.

Gohan went up to his wife. "Hey, when do you think is a good time to tell
them" He was refering to their secret.

"I don't think it should ever come out, I mean only if the doctor says
she's needs a bone marrow transplant, then we will tell, until then no one
will know that Goten is our son."

"But Vid, She will more then likely need one, and since Goten is her full
blooded brother, he'll most likely be a match for her"

/the cafeteria/

"So how you doing man?" Goten asked.

"I'm doing, Okay I guess, I wish it was me in that hospital room, getting
treated instead of her, I hate to think of all the pain she has to endure"
Trunks explained as he got the coffee and food, and headed back up to the
floor Pan was on.

"It 's strange you know, how you think you know someone and then bam,
something comes along and knocks you over like a frieght Train" Trunks

"Yeah, you make Plans and life screws them up" Goten laughed.

"Exactly" They enter the elevator to take them up.

/waiting room/

Goten and Trunks, walked over to Videl and Gohan who were in a heated
conversation about Goten being their son. The son they had given his
mother to raise. "He has the right to know, They both have the right to
know they have a sibling"

"Who has a sibling?" Goten smiled.

"Goten, I..uh..." Gohan and Videl stared at him. Pondering their next
move, do they tell them.

A/N: Leaving it there, pretty wicked twist huh? Goten, is Gohan and Videls
son but how can he be. I'll explain. Gohan and Videl met when they were
14, at fifteen Videl became pregnant, she didn't know what to do with the
baby, so Gohan's mother agreed to adopt him. Gohan and Videl went to
college at UCLA together, where they married and had Pan, their daughter,
niether Pan or Goten know they are siblings.