Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ A match? We have a Match? ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Gohan smiled. "Yeah, coming."

Goten met up with the doctor, "I'm here to get tested, for Pan Son."

Dr. Hagashi, looked at him, "And you are?"

"I'm Goten Son, I'm Pan's Brother." He stated.

"Brother, no one mentioned to me she had a brother, why didn't you come forward sooner?"

"I didn't know, I was her brother, I just found out recently myself." Goten smiled.

"Whatever the reason, come on, time shouldn't be waisted, lets get you tested, and hope and pray you're a match for you're sister." She said as she ushered Goten into an examining room.

Goten followed the doctor into the room. "Please roll up your sleeve." She asked him. Goten rolled his sleeve up, while she got the supplies to draw blood.

"This may hurt a little." Goten smirked, a little needle wasn't gonna hurt him, after all he was saiyan.

"No problem, I can handle it."

Dr. Hagashi, looked at him, "Alright," She said as she stuck a needle into his arm, drawing blood, once that vial was filled, she filled up another one, and other one. "All done." She said putting a bandaid, on his arm.

"Now what?" Goten wondered.

"Now, I send this down to the lab, and see if it's a match for Pan." She explained.

"ALright, Thankyou Dr. Hagashi." He said as he exited the room. Once he was in the waiting room he took a deep breath, relieved that was over, He hoped he was a match for Pan. ~Pleae let me be a match.~~ he prayed to Kami.

"Goten, how'd it go?" Gohan asked.

"It went fine, the doctors sending it down to the lab now, she put urgent on it." Goten explained.

Goten looked around for Trunks, "Where's Trunks?"

"He's in with Pan?" Gohan replied.

"Can I go in as I well?"

"Yeah, but you have to where this, and you have to talk to Pan, from the outside of a air tight room." Videl explained, handing Gohan what looked like hospital scrubs, along with a face mask, and hat.


"Pan has no white blood cells to fight off ilnesses, right now she is highly succeptable of any Virus, Germ, and Bacteria, we have to protect her." Videl explained.

"makes since." Goten said as he put on the scrubs. He opened the door to Pan's room, and saw Trunks with his face in his hands, sobbing.

"Trunks?" Goten asked calmly as he patted his shoulder. Trunks looked up, Goten took a deep breath. "Trunks?" Trunks' face and eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"She's in so much Pain, I can feel her pain, it hurts to much." Trunks explained.

"Yeah, Gohan and Videl told me you guys were bonded.

"I don't understand how she is sick, I mean she's saiyan after all." Trunks wondered. "I just don't understand."

Goten stared at his bestfriend. "You really love her don't you?"

"More then I thought possible, if anything were to happen to her." Trunks started to choke up.

Goten put his hand up to stop him from. "No don't talk like that, Pan is gonna be fine, she is, she just has to be." Goten firmly stated.

"Trunks?" Pan was starting to wake up. "Trunks, why am I in here?"

"It's to protect you"

"Protect me? Why?

"You're not suppose to have any physical contact with anyone."

Pan was confused "Why?"

"You're very succeptable to all types of Viruses, Bacteria and Germs." Goten explained.

Pan nodded. "Oh"

Goten got up, seeing that Pan and Trunks wanted time alone. "I'll leave you two alone."

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

Goten entered the waiting room, where he met up with everyone else. He saw Gohan and Videl talking to Goku and Chi Chi, "I sure hope Goten is a match." Videl said hopefully.

"I'm sure he will, he just has to be." Gohan replied.

Goten stepped up to them. "Hey Guys, Uh..." He really didn't know what to call them. "Uh..who do I call Mom and who do I call dad?"

Videl went up to him. "Goten, even though Gohan and I made you, Chi Chi and Goku raised you, they are your parents in everyway that counts alright."

"You sure?" Goten asked.

Gohan went up to Gohan, "Yeah, as Videl said we may have made you, but we didn't raise you, Mom and Dad did, they are your parents through and through, alright."

That comment made Goten smile. "Thankyou, Gohan."

The five waited with along with Bulma and Vegeta, Krillin and Eighteen, Yamucha, Tien, Chiaoutzu and suprisingly Bra and Marron.

"What's taking so long?" Gohan shouted.

"Gohan calm down, we only been waiting for a half hour." Bulma tried to calm the worried father down, but she had to admit, that the half hour, felt more like an eternity.

"Calm down? Calm down, My little girl, My baby is in that hospital room dying and you want me ato calm down?" Gohan yelled as he put his head in his hands and screamed.

*****Few Hours later*****

Dr. Hagashi, enters the waiting room. "I have the results."

"What are they?" Gohan asked along with everyone else.

The doctor smiled, "He's a match."

Everyone let out a collective sigh. "Oh Thank Kami, What a relief." Videl said as she felt a ton of weight lifted from her shoulder. She was relieved. The doctor however didn't want them getting their hopes up.

"There is still a chance her body could reject the Marrow."

"What do you mean?" Gohan asked.

"Well everyone's body works in different ways, and moving any type of organ or blood tissue from one person to the other is taking a huge risk, once the transplant is done, Pan will be on Twenty four hour watch. To see if it takes." She explained. "So without delaying any longer Goten, please follow the nurse."

Goten nodded as he followed the nurse.

a/n: Well, Well, looky here, another one of those damn cliffhangers, why do I do that, I must be insane, but then again where would all the drama be if I didn't add one every chapter? Sorry! Anyways, will it take?