Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My only Friend ❯ Trunks and Panona ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The doctor lifted up the baby, "You have a healthy baby Girl."

"A girl?" Marron asked. Marron was hoping for a girl, she was hoping that the baby was a girl, she and Goten had agreed if the baby were a girl, they would name it Panona, in honor of Pan.

"You still want to name her Panona?" Goten asked.

"I think it be a way to honor her, I mean the way we treated her when she was alive wasn't that Great, to name our child for her would be doing her an honor." Goten explained in the best way he could. He wanted to make everything right by Pan, he could not do it when she away alive.

"Alright, then Panona it is." Marron said as the doctor handed her the newborn infant girl. Marron looked at her daughter, which they had named Panona, tears of joy streamed down her face.

Meanwhile in the other world.

"Oh, no, no this isn't happening." King Yemma was going crazy flipping through his book. Trunks stood and stared at him dumbfounded.

"What isn't happening?" Trunks wondered what had gotten King Yemma so upset.

"Pan wasn't supposed to be born to Marron and Goten, she was supposing to be born to your sister and your husband, Marron and Goten were suppose to have a boy, and Bra and her husband were suppose to bare a girl." King Yemma put a hand to his forehead. "Oh how did this happening, how did Pan go and not you.

"What does this mean?"

"Pan will be older then you, by ten years." King Yemma said.

"As long as I'm with her, I don't care about who's older or what age difference there is. She could be a hundred years as long as I'm near her."

Pan being born first was not what Trunks had in mind; he hoped that he being younger would not defer her from wanting to be with him, He turned to King Yemma. "King Yemma, what do I do?"

"Wait, you will be born soon, but all you can do is waiting." King Yemma Explained.

Trunks sighed; all he could do now is wait to be born.

****Six years later*****

Six years had passed on the earth, and six-year-old Panona was busy playing with her best Friend Sota Briefs-Morrissey. Jake and Bra had adopted Sota when he was six years old, Jake had met the boy when his mother had abandoned him at the hospital, and no one knew who the boy's father was, so he and Bra adopted him.

Panona had become best friends with him right away; Sota is Two years older then Panona.

Bra hoped to have a baby of her own one day, but having Sota was enough for now, she actually gave up hope of having one of her own, after many failed attempts to become pregnant.

"Auntie Bra." Panona asked the older woman. Bra looked down at her godchild.

"Yes, Panona"

"When are you going to have a baby?"

Bra was shocked at the little girls question "Why do ask that dear?"

"Just wondering, I want someone to play with."

"You have Sota."

"I know, but he plays a little rough sometimes, I want you to have a girl so we can do what girls do, what ever that maybe."

Bra laughed, if she did not know better she knew Panona did not want to play with dolls or other girls, she wanted to teach this other girl to fight and beat up boys. "If I'm not mistaken you are the reincarnation of your aunt."

"What?" Panona did not understand.

"Nothing, honey, why don't you go get your shoes on your Mama will be here soon."

"Alright." Pan ran to where her shoes were and put them on.

Marron had arrived to pick up little Pan. "How was she?"

"A complete doll, she enjoys hanging with Sota." Bra exclaimed

"I know she does, they are best pals after all." Marron said calling to Panona. "Panona, it's time to go home."

"Coming Mama."

"I have something to tell you Bra." Marron told her.

"Yeah what is it?" Bra was not sure what Marron had to tell her, what was so important.

"We're moving." Marron lowered her head, she did not want to move, she did not want to leave Bra or Jake, and she did not want to have Pan Leave Sota.

"Moving? Where?"

"America, California to be exact." Marron said quietly, Goten gotten a new job there, he cannot pass it up.

"When are you leaving?"

"In three days." Marron was upset, she actually just found out about the move not to long ago. She was trying to figure out away to tell Bra about the move. "I haven't told Panona yet; I really hate to separate her and Sota, and to separate her from her Grandparents.

As Marron and Bra were talking, Panona had come back, "Mama, I'm ready to go."

"I'll call you later; we'll have a going away party." Bra gave her friend a hug.

****Three Days Later*****

"I'm going to miss you so much Panona." Sota gave her a locket she opened it, one picture was of her family and the other was of his family.

"I'll miss you Sota, don't forget me." Panona got into the car, her mother strapped her in. She waved a quick goodbye to everyone as the car started moving away. Panona lowered her head. She would miss her friend, and her family, but most importantly, she would miss her home.

****Four years had passed since Goten and Marron had moved. *****

"Where is my Grandson?" Bulma rushed to her Grandsons side.

"Oh my, he is adorable." She then noticed he looked like Trunks when he was that age.

"You know dear he looks just like Trunks."

"That is why I named him that is that alright mother." Bra was not sure if her mother would agree to her naming her baby after her brother.

Bulma had tears in her eyes, which Bra had mistaken for sad ones. "Mother, I'm sorry, I can change it." She said frantically.

Bulma however stopped her. "No don't change it, to name your son Trunks, is an honor for your brother and his legacy."

"Thanks Mom." She lifted her son up, Welcome to world Trunks Briefs Morrissey.

"Stop Sota." Little Trunks said to his older brother who was bothering him. Trunks was now ten years old and in the fifth grade. Sota was stuck babysitting him again, even though Trunks had told his mother repeatedly he was old enough to stay home.

"Look, runt, I'm not going to tell you this again, a girl I use to know when I was younger is coming for a visit, and I don't want you to ruin it." Sota stated firmly to him.

"Whatever." Trunks got up and went to his room.

Sota had gotten a call from Panona, his child hood friend, and that she would be visiting Japan with her parents on holiday, the two had agreed to meet up. Panona was going to visit Sota at Capsule Corp.

Little Trunks was busy playing video games when he felt a strange, and yet for some bizarre reason, a familiar presence as if he knew this person from somewhere, he sat down his controllers and went to investigate what he was feeling.

He trotted down stairs to see his brother in a heated embrace with a young girl of about twenty years old. "Who's she?" He wondered.

"Oh, Sota it's so good to see you again." Panona kissed her friend on the cheek. For some reason, and for the life of him he could not figure out why, but Trunks all the sudden had a pang of Jealousy shoot through him, he wanted to kill his brother. `Why do I want to Kill Sota?'

Panona hearing Trunks' thought looked at Sota. "What."

"I didn't say anything." Sota looked at her confused.

"Oh, it must have been my imagination." Panona then saw Trunks at the foot of the stairs. "Who's he Sota?"

"Oh just my little Brother he isn't important." Sota said. "Let's go..." As Sota was about to say something, he noticed Panona was introducing her self to Trunks.

"Hello, I'm Panona, your brother Sota and I had grown up together." She extended her arm; at first, he was reluctant to take it. When the two had touched, a surge of electricity had shot out of them, they both jumped backward and stared at each other, and they felt a connection, but what kind of connection.

Panona waved good-bye to Trunks, as she and Sota went off to a new club he knew about. "See ya later Trunks."

Trunks had an odd feeling he would become close to Panona, but he could not figure out how, he just had this feeling.

Author Notes: I'm going to leave it here, one more chapter to be written, will take place when Trunks is 20 and Panona is 30 they meet up once again, this time Panona is engaged to Sota Trunks' older brother. Will Panona (Pan) and Trunks (Trunks) come together, or are they fated to live apart, I also know most of you wanted Trunks to be born first, but you know me. I'm the weird one.