Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Saiyajin Slave ❯ Ignorance is Bliss ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The sunlight hit Kakarot's face softly, warming him until it couldn't be bared much anymore. His eyes fluttered open, and once completely open, he stretched his arms and legs out on the bed and yawned lazily.

It was a new day. His first day of payless work with Vegeta. Oh, now he was just excited...

He scowled and jumped out of his bed, and to one of his cabinets that had been bought for him. He opened the upper drawer, and found it full with blue spandex, the usual armor for a Saiyan warrior. Or at least servant, in his state...

The upper drawer had two pairs of upper armor, the more protective type. He sighed, took one out of the drawer, along with a set of the spandex.

His mouth then set into a tight frown, as he removed his own old spandex suit, leaving him in his boxers, which he had then removed as well, leaving him nude. Before he could reach out to grab a newer spandex suit, something was seen through the corner of his eye.

He noticed that there was a box on top of the cabinet, and stared at it curiously. Once he found himself having gazed at it for a while more than acceptable, he snapped back into reality and decided to open it. But when he placed his hand on it's top, there was a knock at the door.


He cringed, and snatched his hand back, and ran to the door, but before he could open it, it had swung opened, slamming him on his face.

"Ouch!" he cried, holding his injured cheek. "What was that for? I was about to open it!" he yelled at the little boy at the door.

Tarble, who had been the one who knocked, frowned, and said," Sorry Mr. Kakarot! But Father wanted to advise you that Vegeta is getting ready to give you instructions for your first day." He then smiled cheesily, and said," I think you aren't ready yet though."

Kakarot blinked at that statement, and asked,"What makes you think I'm not ready?"

The boy pointed at Kakarot, who was still nude, and said,"You haven't put on your uniform, sir."

The older looked down at himself, and went pale when he saw was was indead naked, and said," Oh, dear Kami! Thanks for the heads up.. er.."

"Tarble!" the boy said.

"Yeah.." Kakarot said, yanking out a spandex suit.

"Hey, Veggie is here!" Tarble shrieked, pointing at his older brother, who was at the door already.

"Damn it!" the slave yelled.

Vegeta ingnored Kakarot's outburst, and glared at Tarble. "Tarble! Don't you dare call me by that absurd pet name! Treat your older brother with respect!" he chided.

Tarble hung his head in shame, and said," Sorry, Vegeta-sama, but I think you like it, even though you won't say so."

The prince frowned at that, and turned to Kakarot. "As for you--"

Kakarot felt a blush run through his face when he realized that the prince's cheeks were now pink, because of Kakarot's 'lack of clothing'.

"Kakarot, you idiot! Put some clothes on!" the older said, giving Kakarot a snobby look with his nose, then walked out the door.

After a moment of awkward silence, Tarble frowned at Kakarot.

"See! I told you to get ready!" he scolded childishly.

Kakarot could do nothing but facepalm.



Broly and Radditz were in their animalistic cages, glaring at each other.

"You fucking moron!" Broly yelled at Radditz.

"Pyscho!" Radditz yelled.

Broly stayed silent, they had been insulting each other for hours now, and he had run out of insults.

"Exactly," Radditz huffed, tail puffed out in agitation.

The more muscular of the two just glared at the other. Then, after a few minutes, he banged on the cage bars, and yelled," There has to be a way to get the hell out of here! I am not an animal!"

"You sure do seem like it.." the long-haired Saiyan laughed to himself.

"Shut the fuck up, before I kill you!" Broly yelled, giving him an insane glare.

Radditz just laughed, and said," Like if you could!"

Broly growled, Radditz was driving him CRAZY! It was not fair that they had sent off Kakarot, Radditz's own brother, and not himself! They would both surely get along, they were both annoying! Kakarot cried too much as a baby, and Radditz thought he was the shit of the planet!

Literally, he was! But not in the way Radditz had meant it. There was NO way the moron was cool.

Broly HAD to get the hell out of there.


Kakarot ran through the hallway, dodging a few statues and whatnot. He gave glances to all the doors, looking for the one labeled 'K4'.

J9... K1... K2.. K3.. Aha!

He stopped in his tracks once he stood in front of the door, which was closed.

Something seemed.. eerie. Like if he seriously shouldn't go in the room.

But the door was open, not ajar, but unlocked.

He pressed his ear against the cold wood, and felt it creak open. He almost panicked, but realized soon enough that it hadn't opened entirely.

He sighed with relief, and peeped into the room.

Then he felt his heart stop.

Kakarot knew that from the bed and other objects in the room, it was surely Vegeta's bedroom.

But he hadn't been expecting to see the prince of the Saiyans, nude on his light blue bed, pleauring himself to oblivion.

The slave could feel himself stepping back, and gasping in disbelief, almost ready to scream in horror. But, he had been able to grasp what sanity and control he had left, and keep the scream in.

Then, he could only watch. Running away was not an option anymore. Someone would run into him and ask what was wrong, and then Kakarot knew that he would have to tell the truth.

Anyway, now he didn't even have the strength to move. It seemed that even his own breath was taken away, along with everything else.

So he watched.

Vegeta's lips were slightly parted, his mouth set in a silent scream, as he teased his shaft with light, butterfly strokes, the tip of his member feeling like it was going to burst.

His other unoccupied hand was gripping at the bedsheets, almost tearing them with his fingernails and such.

But he realized that maybe it was best if he set the hand to work.

He wouldn't have anything to supposrt him, but at the moment, all that mattered was orgasming. Nothing else.

"Ahhhh.. K-Ka-.." he moaned.

Kakarot's eyes widened, somehow the blubbering coming from the prince didn't seem like blubering at all.

The prince teased his entrance with his finger as the movements on his shaft continued, rubbing the digit against the pink, puckered entrance, making it turn a darker shade of pink.

The prince kept moaning, slipping the tip of his finger into his tight anus, then pulling it out mockingly.

Though the amount of time the finger stayed in was not sufficient for the prince, the movements he did on his cock never ceased. When he withdrew the tip of his digit, her could give his cock a squeeze, making the pirnce almost cry out in pleasure.

He kept teasing for the next few seconds, then cried suddenly,"Kakarot! Put it in!"

Kakarot felt dizzy. What the hell? Vegeta was FANTASISING about him!! That was just digusting!

But he knew it was out of his power to do anything anymore. He had to watch.

The prince groaned, the slammed the finger into his tight entrance, holding back a scream.

"Aiiyyee!" he moaned, the invading digit twisting around in his anus. "Kakarot!!"

His bangs began to become matted to his flushed face as sweat almost drenched him. He didn't bother to fix them.

Vegeta's cries of pleasure became louder when he inserted another finger, and began to pump his cock desperately, wanting to reach orgasm so desperately.

The other Saiyan man fell to his knees in despair whilst he watched. He felt as though he would burst into tears any second now.

But his options still hadn't changed. He could only watch.

Another finger. The strokes became even more needier, and the cries became louder.

"Kakarot.. you're so big!" he screamed, inserting yet another finger.

He kept moaning. the lithe bundle of fingers thrusting in and out of him at a heated pace, his strokes becoming even more faster.

Then, he felt his fingertips hit his prostate. He released a yell of pleasure, and released his seed al over his hand, the warm liquid dripping down his hand.

His mind became clouded with the intense sensation of release, his abdomen still felt tight from orgasm, his breaths heavy.

It had been quite a long time since he had such a climax.

After a while, Kakarot noticed that Vegeta was getting up, and ran from the door, and waited.

Though he was no longer in a location where he could see Vegeta's action, he knew surely that the prince was redressing himself. Not only that, but he could hear what the Saiyan no Ouji was saying.

"That was... oh my Kami.." the older had panted, smirking. "I'd best try again that sometime soon."

He then frowned. "But Kakarot ought to be wondering about me. And I wonder about him too.."

He laughed. "Wonder how he can be so well hung!" he said, stepping from out the room, already clothed. He stepped back in horror when he saw Kakarot resting by the door, and yelled,"What are you doing here?"

Kakarot did his best impression of sleep, and said,"..Huh? Oh.. waiting for you, of course.."

Vegeta sneered. "Hnn."


"Nothing. Just get your ass over to the damned throne room with me. Father, Tarble, and I will decide your first task."

Kakarot nodded.

But he knew that this wasn't over yet. The following days were going to be hell.

He had to fight through. His father could no longer help him.


*giggling insanely*

Sorry.. I had the most epic idea of what to do for this chapter. And I somehow finished this before I was able to finish the other chappy from another fic. o.e''

It may be crappy, but hey, you got a lemon!

Random person: No storyline in this at all...

Me: Of course there is! Vegeta saw Goku naked, got turned on by that, and fantasised, otherwise known as masturbated! :3 And because of that, it leads slowly to their destruction-- er, I mean other things! ^^;

Vegeta: -_____- You're unbelievably stupid.

Me: Thank yoouuu! Now get in the damn closet! *shoves Veggie into closet*
Er, okay, so anyway... Thank you all who reviewed and faved and everything else, you guys are awesome!

Vegeta: *muffled voice form closet* AHHHH, THERE'S AN OVER-SIZED MOSQUITO IN HERE!

Me: Hee-hee! It likes you! :DDD