Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Second Dbz Whose Line ❯ DBZ Whose Line Part 2 ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Alright its time for my second installment of my ANIME STYLE WHOSE LINE IS IT

ANYWAY? My stories will always contain either Hoe Down, Scenes from a hat, or worlds

worst. Sometimes even all three. and i might have to borrow some stuff from the show but most

of it will be original. Lots of OOCness. for those who don't know that means out of

characterness. This is alot longer than the other one since I'm using games that will require alot

of lines

LL&A= Loud laughs and Applause

L&A= Laughs and Applause

AM= audience member

AAM= Another audience member

L&B=Laugh and buzz

LAB=Laughs, applause, and buzz

LL&B= Loud laughs and a buzz


Disclaimer. This show is owned by ABC Hat Trick Productions, Ryan Stiles, and Drew Carey.

And DBZ is owned by Funimation and Bird Studios.

Theme music begins

Host: Good evening and welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway. On tonight's show

Watch out for that frying pan, its Chi Chi

The lovely genius Bulma

The Purple haired wonder Trunks

And the bald avenger Krillin

And I'm your host Drew Carey come on down and lets have some fun

Applause as Drew heads down the steps and sits at his desk.

Drew: Good evening and welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway the show where everything is

made up and the points don't matter. Thats right the points are just like a woman to George

Michael. They mean nothing

Laughs and groans from the audience

Drew: Now if you haven't seen the show here's how the thing works. We give these guys scenes

and things to use and they have to come up with stuff right of the top of their heads.

Chi Chi: Some of us will have an easier time than others. Indicates Krillin


Krillin: Two minutes and we already start with the bald jokes

Audience: Awwww.

Drew: Yeah, yeah poor Krillin. Now let's get started with a game called Super Heroes.

Applause as Trunks heads to the center and the others go to the side.

Drew: Now how this game works is that Trunks will be a super hero who is trying to solve a

problem and then he gives the other one a name. And they have to do what their name implies as

they try to solve the global problem Now what kind of super hero should Trunks be?

AM: Captain Hair!

AAM: Ugly Guy!

AAM: Sergeant lactate!

Drew: Sergeant Lactate

Trunks scoffs: You gotta be kidding.

Drew: Nope. And can you give me a little help with this coffee?

L&A from the audience

Trunks tries to knock him out but Krillin holds him back

Drew: Alright now we need a global problem someone from this side.

Points behind him

AM: All the world leaders have diarrhea!


Drew: Beautiful. All the world leaders have diarrhea! What are we gonna do Sergeant Lactate

Audience laughs and Trunks starts the scene

Trunks: God I'm thirsty.

Starts pulling on his nipples

Trunks: Aw. There we are a nice glass of milk. Maybe I should check the crisis monitor.

Flips a couple of knobs

Trunks: Holy udders. laughs All the world leaders have diarrhea! I hope my super friends get

here soon.

Chi Chi jumps on the stage

Chi Chi: Sorry I'm late Sergeant Lactate.

Trunks: Thank god you're here PMS Girl.


Chi Chi: I would have been here sooner but my feet are swollen. So what's the problem?

Trunks: All the world leaders have diarrhea. Hold on a sec.

Milks himself

Trunks: Thirsty?

Chi Chi: Thanks. But what are we gonna do?

Trunks: I don't know.

Krillin: I'm here

Chi Chi: Thank god you're Newborn Puppy Boy

Krillin drops to the floor and whimpers, barks happily then runs around sniffing

Trunks: Don't you dare go on anything! He's no help, what'll we do?

Krillin jumps on Trunks and tries to suckle as Bulma walks in

Bulma: Sorry I'm late I had to make a pit stop.

Krillin: Rit's ra Routh Rark Rid. (South Park Kid)

Bulma as Cartman: What's with all the goddamn tree hugging hippy crap.

Chi Chi: OH stop your bitching at least your husband finds you attractive. I'm nothing but a fat


starts crying then stops

Chi Chi happily: Nothing just a little diarrhea. Now gives us a kiss.

Bulma as Stan: Dude, what are you gay? Get the <beep> away from me

Chi Chi kisses her

Bulma as Stan again: BLAH! (vomits)

Bulma as Kyle: Holy shit dude!

Bulma as Kenny: Mph me me mph. ( You got that right)

Trunks: Will you stop it what'll we do about the diarrhea.

Bulma back to Cartman: Why don't you assholes just feed `em some laxative till they shit

themselves dry.

Trunks: Good idea. I'll send them some later.

Bulma once again as Cartman: Now screw you guys. I'm going home. walks out

Chi Chi: <Sniff> I'll just go home all by my fat self.

Trunks to Krillin: Look what you did. NO PISSING!

Krillin whimpers and leaves.

Trunks Thank god now I can get back to the important stuff.

Tries to milk himself again

LAB and the contestants go back to their seats.

Drew: That was great. 5000 points to you all.

All four whistle.

Drew: Krillin gets 8 because of that suckling thing.

Laughs as Krillin smiles shyly

Drew: Now lets get onto our second game Weird news casters. This is for all of you

Cheers and applause as the guys head to the stage

Drew: Now in this game Chi Chi is the normal one of a group of news casters. and the others all

have weird personalities. Now Krillin is her co-anchor and he is Captain Kirk.

Krillin shakes his head as he gets L&A

Drew: Yeah I know it's weird. Bulma is the sports caster and she's George Carlin

more L&A as Bulma thanks god

Drew: And Trunks is going to be Carol Channing

Trunks: Damn!

Drew: So start whenever you hear the music.

News music plays

Chi Chi: Good evening I'm Busty Bunny


Chi Chi: And this is the six o'clock news. Today there was a cause for sadness as two cows were

killed in a horrible milking accident.


Chi Chi: And now to the man who was there when it happen Hung Like Mouse. Hung?

Krillin: (as Captain Kirk) Star Date 4643. Today we got word of a..... horrible milking accident.

So we were sent back in time to try and stop it (ring) Hold on. Spock what is it? I see, I'll be

there soon. I'm sorry it seems that the ship is under.... attack and I'm needed immediately. Beam

me up Scotty.

Does a Zanzoken (blur) and receives lots of applause

Chi Chi: Thank you, Hung. It's time for sports with Jim Sportwood. Jim

Bulma: (As George Carlin) Thanks huge tits.


Bulma: Now on with this sports bullshit. Today in the golf world Tiger Woods won another title.

Now...you know what why the hell would you play a pointless game like golf? I mean what kind

of stupid prick came up with a game like this. I mean hitting a ball with a crooked stick and then

walking after it. And then hitting it again. I say pick it up you stupid bastard you're lucky you

found the damn thing. Go home and get laid you won!


Bulma Back to you knobs.

Chi Chi: Thanks Jim. Now on to the weather with Martha.

Trunks : (As Carol Channing) Thank you young lady. Now this weekend we're going to have

some showers but then some...oh lord my heart just stopped.

L&A as he fakes dying and Bulma and Krillin act like a couple of coroners

Chi Chi: Well thats all for tonight's news good night and we'll see you at 11.


Drew: Good job guys. We'll be back with more Whose Liner after this.

Screen fades and we're met with Yamcha

HI! My name is Yamcha and I used to be a member of the Z Senshi. But since the world is at

peace right now I'm doing what I love best. Running an escort service.

Sign showing the name of the service

That's right I run an escort service that'll get even the biggest loser a date. And let me tell you

it's the truth just ask this man right here.

Camera pans to Master Roshi

Roshi: That's right this guy has the prettiest women working for him and they aren't picky about

the clients. I've even scored with a couple of them

Yamcha: (Nervously) Heh. Sorry about that. But if you can't get a date call my service at

1-800-get-date. Must be 18 to hire. 21 in some areas

Fade to show

Drew: Welcome back to Whose Line. The points are

Chi Chi who cares

Bulma don't know

Krillin screw it

and Trunks 250

Trunks: Yes!

Drew: Whatever. Now let's get on with the next game Scenes from a hat

You know the drill.

Drew: This game works by before each taping we have the audience write down scenes they'd

like to see. And we put them in this hat and they try and come up with things for each suggestion.

And let's start with "Confusing battle cries"

Trunks: Give me liberty or give me a bran muffin!


Chi Chi: Someone get me my brown pants!


Drew: Okay lets now go with "Things you can say about your motorcycle but not your


Bulma: Just give her a kick and she starts right up.


Krillin: If you squeeze up real tight you can fit three people on it.


Trunks: It's okay if you dont mind bugs in your teeth


Chi Chi: Sometimes you just have to blow on it to get it going.


Chi Chi again: Sure you can ride her everyone else has.


Drew: (Stifling laughter) Things you shouldn't say when pulled over by a cop.

Trunks: Where's the rest of the Village people.


Drew: (While laughing hard) We'll be back with who the winner is after this. Bwa HA HA.

Announcer: This Friday at 4 on Cartoon Network the man is back. (Dramatic Music)

He-Man is now back on completely redone with new animation. Only on Cartoon Network.

Drew: Welcome back tonights winner is Krillin

Krillin waves

The last game is going to be a hoe down about each one of these guests start the music Laura.

Hoedown music starts

Chi Chi: Hi my name is Krillin and I'm a bald midget

And le me tell you something about my litte digit

Although I maybe small as you all can see

I'm hung like Vern Troyer in Austin Powers 3.

That's an apology for earlier.

Applause and whistles from the audience

Krillin: Thanks Chi Chi

Drew: My name is Chi Chi and whati s it about me that causes people to itch

I don't ever act like a wicked witch

Oh wait I just remembered what causes me to twitch

I'm constantly called the worlds biggest bitch

Loud applause

Bulma: My name is Drew Carey and I am very pale

I've sometime been mistaken for a beached whale

I think I'm more of a bass

Then I remember that I have a huge ass


Trunks: My name is Bulma and I got something to say

This show has changed my life in a big way

After going home my husband and I are through

And I'm leaving him for Drew


Drew see you all next time on whose line is it anyway

There's number two i'll use a different ending game next time. R&R Sorry for the comments about the girls. You all know that i'm joking