Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Story ❯ Birth of Buu ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
TGSS5: Well, the tournament's done. Time to move on.

Disclaimer: TGSS5 does not own most of this stuff, so no suing, please.

TGSS5: I forgot to mention that I made a new disclaimer- this one's more polite than the first. Anyway, chapter away!


"___": Speech (duh) and quotes
*___*: Thoughts
CAPS: Signs and Geta's shirts
'___': Other writing and quotes in speech
italics : Flashbacks

Okay, recap. Geta has gone through the DB timeline from the defeat of King Piccolo to the end of the last tournament before Buu's rebirth. He has just revealed his true power and has even gone Super Saiyan 4. He has been the World Martial Arts Champion for over ten years and is still the champ. Now he is about to get a rude surprise involving his brother-in-law Vegeta...

Chapter 12
Birth of Buu

Geta looked around in the aftermath of the tournament, seeing the people's reactions to him. The predominant emotion he saw was simple: raw, unfiltered fear. Eventually he decided to power down from all forms of Super Saiyan. When he was done, he looked at the tournament employees and asked, "Do I still get the prize after that performance?"

The announcer gulped audibly, then nodded. "Yes, you get it regardless of the techniques you use unless you kill someone," he said. Then he stepped up and handed Geta a capsule. "Here's your prize."

Geta looked at the capsule, then nodded and put it in his pocket. "Thanks. I'll be go-" he started before turning to the center of the ring. "What's that?" he asked no one in particular. He quickly found out since Goku and Vegeta appeared out of thin air, looking as though they had always been there. Also appearing was a metallic circle in the middle of the ring. Then he noticed Vegeta's face. He stared at it, knowing something was wrong, until he finally noticed the 'M' on his forehead. "Something's wrong with him..." he mumbled.

As Geta was studying Vegeta's face, Vegeta himself had been making a speech. Geta never knew what it was about, though, because his mumbled reaction followed the ending of the speech. Then Vegeta fired an enormous blast at Goku that knocked the many-time hero out of its way. Geta had no choice but to fly in front of the blast and deflect it skyward.

"What's wrong with you, Vegeta?!" Geta demanded. Then Goku started talking into thin air and, a few seconds later, he, Vegeta, and the circle on the ground disappeared again.

"Excuse me, Geta, but what happened just now?" the announcer asked.

Geta waited a few seconds before saying, "Apparently they've found a method of teleportation." He turned when he sensed Gohan's ki. "I have to go now."

"Wait!" someone called from nearby. Geta looked and saw his entire family, Videl included for some reason, standing at the edge of the ring. "We're going with you!" Tolone stated in a tone that allowed no argument, even from someone like Geta.

Geta nodded. "All right, but if it gets dangerous, leave." When Tolone opened her mouth he smirked and asked, "Or did you think I didn't know that we've got a third on the way?"

Tolone stepped back, shocked. Kaerlos, Seraphita, and Videl all asked, "Is that true?" at the same time. Tolone simply nodded, too surprised to say anything.

"C'mon," Geta said, gesturing with his head, and flew off, going slow so even Videl could keep up. He looked back about a minute later and saw they were all close behind. Then he stopped and said, "Hey Tolone, do you want to know how I knew you were pregnant?"

The others stopped a few feet from him. "How?" Tolone asked.

Geta smiled and said, "I could smell it. I remember this change in your scent from when you were pregnant with Kaerlos and Seraph." He shrugged and continued, "I just want to protect you and create a better world for our children. Can you blame me? Is that so wrong?"

Tolone smiled ruefully. "I guess barriers around my womb don't help hide much when my scent gives it away, huh?"

Kaerlos nodded. "Yeah, Mom, I've noticed you've smelled different for the past month. So this is the change a woman's pregnancy causes in her scent..." he said contemplatively.

Seraph sighed. "I kinda want kids, too... Soon as I'm married to Gohan we're gonna start working on that," she mumbled.

Geta looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Any plans you'd like to tell us about, Seraphita?"

Seraph blushed. "W-we were just talking about getting married after we get out of school."

Tolone narrowed her eyes. "You don't smell any different, but just to make sure..." she mumbled. Louder, she asked, "Is there anything else about your relationship that you'd like to tell us?"

Seraph blushed harder at the insinuation. "N-no, there's nothing," she said as calmly as she could manage, knowing anything more vehement would convince her parents that there was something going on.

Geta looked into her eyes for a second, saw that, despite her blush, she didn't look away, nodded, and said, "All right. Well, we're probably late so let's get going. Kaerlos, hang on to Videl, please." With that, Kaerlos put his arm around Videl's waist and held her close, blushing all the while, and they all flew toward Gohan's ki at the fastest speed the second slowest of them could go (the slowest was being towed, after all). Geta noticed Kaerlos's blush and shouted to Tolone, "All that blushing must be my genes. I don't think they get it from you." Then he shrugged (a difficult feat at that speed). "Unless they've picked up on society's ideas of proper and improper. I think we'll have to find some way to cure their shyness." Geta and Tolone hmm'ed as they continued flying toward Gohan's power when it suddenly... vanished.

Everyone stopped. "No... G-Gohan...!" Seraphita said, starting to cry.

Kaerlos looked down, also crying slightly. "He was a great friend... I... I wanted him to be my brother!" he said quietly. Then he shouted, "WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE?!"

"Don't give up. It's possible that his ki is just too low to sense easily." Geta, acting as the voice of reason despite his occasional (yeah, right) acts of total idiotic lunacy, continued, "Besides, we could wish him back even if he is dead."

Tolone nodded. "He's got a point, guys." She turned to Geta. "We'll look for Gohan. We'll leave the rest to you."

Geta shook his head and said, "No, we're all looking for him. I have an idea of where he may be." The others blinked but nodded, and the group flew in a certain direction at its previous speed. Shortly, they came to a glade in a forest. Landing in the middle, they looked around for a few seconds before Geta pointed at something and said, "There. Look." They walked towards whatever Geta had pointed at, and quickly found Gohan lying unconscious with a good deal of his clothing burned away.

"How did you know where to find him, Mr. Geta?" Videl asked.

"First off, don't call me 'Mr. Geta,' just call me 'Geta' or 'Dad' or something like that. As to how I knew, it's like this..." Geta said before explaining the full truth of his past to Videl, finally disclosing his secret to someone outside his immediate family. "I know it sounds strange, but believe me when I say that I'm not from this timeline." He was about to say more when Shin and Kibito walked into the clearing.

"It looks like someone beat us here, Kibito," Shin said to his companion. "Who are you and what do you want with Gohan?" he asked Geta and his family as he fell into a stance.

Geta introduced his family, including Videl, then said, "We just want to help Gohan. Considering his condition, he may need it."

Shin considered something for a second, then said, "All right, everyone stand near Gohan." When everyone had approached to the point where the closest was about to step on Gohan he turned to Kibito. "Kibito, take us to the Sacred Kai Planet."

Kibito blinked and shook his head. "B-but sir, no one's been allowed on the Sacred Kai Planet except the Kai's for over 5000 years!"

Shin interrupted Kibito before he could start his next sentence. "I don't care! In emergencies like this, the rules don't matter- only the good of the universe!"

Tolone asked, "Before we go, could you tell us who that huge power is?"

Shin nodded. "That's Majin Buu," he said grimly.

Geta tilted his head, saying, "Are we going or not?" Shortly afterwards, he found himself suddenly elsewhere. Everywhere he looked he saw grasslands and water. Then he turned back to his companions and saw Kibito kneeling and holding one hand over Gohan's chest. As he watched, the youth's injuries faded and vanished. "So... we're on that Holy Kai Planet or whatever?"

Shin nodded. "Yes, this is the Sacred Kai Planet... and my home."

Geta smirked. "So... I guess that makes you a Kai, huh?"

Shin nodded again. "The Supreme Kai, to be more specific." Geta noticed that Gohan was coming to as he said that.

Geta shrugged. "Well, we'd better get going as soon as we can. Could you tell us why we're on this planet?" Everyone, even the newly recovered and now standing Gohan, nodded in agreement.

Shin said, "I'll show you." Then he and Kibito flew off. Those remaining looked at each other, shrugged, and followed, Kaerlos towing Videl again but not blushing as much.

Along the way, Kibito turned to Geta and his extended family and said, "You all shouldn't be here dressed like that." Then, as Geta pulled his clothes and prize capsules out of his pocket, he pointed in their direction and their clothes were replaced with outfits similar to Shin's.

Geta searched for a pocket in the strange new outfit and quickly found one right where he was used to. He put his capsules in there, thinking about how glad he was that he had donated his ship capsule to Capsule Corp for research. When they finally arrived at their destination Shin pointed at a nearby pillar of rock and said, "In that rock there is a sword. It is called the Z Sword, and only one with a pure heart can lift it."

Geta nodded. "Yeah, so what you're saying is you want us to try to draw the sword."

"Yes," Shin said. "That is it exactly."

Geta turned. "Gohan, you get first crack. I doubt a pure heart's all it takes to pick it up," he said. Gohan nodded and jumped to the top of the rock. They shortly heard a strained growl from the top of the rock, then Gohan's shout as his power jumped in a familiar manner. Then more strained growling trailing into a triumphant shout as the rock collapsed, revealing a Super Saiyan Gohan holding a sword over his head. "So that's the Z Sword..."

Gohan landed next to Geta. "This thing's heavy!" he complained.

Seraph walked up to Gohan. "Hey Gohan, can I try?" Gohan nodded, and Seraph went Super Saiyan and took the sword from him. "You're right. This is heavy."

"My turn," Kaerlos said, going Angel Super Saiyan 2. He took the sword from his sister and lifted it slightly. "What did they make this thing out of?"

Tolone went Super Saiyan and took the sword from her son. "Heavy as a moon, I'd say."

Geta simply walked up and took the sword, not even bothering to go Super Saiyan. Then he rested it on one shoulder, holding it with one hand, and said, "This is nothing to me. I think it may be too much for Videl, though." Then he stabbed the sword into the ground and stepped back.

Videl walked up and heaved at the sword for a few seconds before saying, "I think you're right, Geta. I pulled as hard as I could, but I didn't feel any give."

Shin and Kibito stared wide eyed at the group. "Did you see that, Kibito? Five of them can use the sword, and one of them hardly even tries!" Kibito was too shocked to answer.

Geta drew the sword again (one handed) and handed it back to Gohan, saying, "You drew it first, so it's yours." Privately, he thought, *I've gotten the feel of it anyway. I know what it's made of, and its magic I can duplicate... I can make a copy in a few seconds.* He then turned. "Hey Kibito, do me a favor? Give Videl a strength-weighted version of her current outfit."

"Strength-weighted?" Videl asked in confusion.

Geta turned to her. "Clothing whose weight varies with the wearer's strength. Great for training." He smirked. "Remember those training clothes I gave those three?" When she nodded he said, "That's what those are- strength-weighted. Even I would have trouble with those clothes."

"Why these clothes?" Videl demanded. "Why can't I choose something else?"

Kaerlos looked at her. "You know... you look great in that," he said (without blushing, Geta noted with approval).

Videl looked at Kaerlos's serious, if kind, face and said, "Well... okay." She turned to Kibito, who had just recovered from his shock, and said, "Could you give me what Geta calls strength-weighted clothes? This style's fine."

Kibito nodded and, after Geta gave him a quick explanation on the term, gave Videl strength-weighted clothes. Then she started training as Geta, Tolone, Shin, and Kibito watched the other teens.


TGSS5: This chapter is probably a little short, but SO WHAT? I refuse to detail training or one-sided fights.

Goten: How many neices and nephews do I end up with?

TGSS5: You may find out if I succeed in changing history. Otherwise... zero. Gohan dies in that Omega Buu disaster, too... *starts crying quietly* I miss them...

Gohan: We're right here.

TGSS5: You're actually just shadows with what I've seen of their personalities implanted into you.

Gohan, Tolone, Seraphita, and Kaerlos: We're WHAT?!

TGSS5: "Geta" is another shadow, but he's always known. I just asked him not to tell.

Seraph: Dad, is that true?

Geta: Yes.

Kaerlos: Okay, so how do I self-banish...? *thought of self-banishment destroys him*

Gohan, Tolone, and Seraph: Good idea. *self-banish*

Goten: I think I'd better leave now... *flies away*

TGSS5: ...Next chapter: Food Fight.