Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover: Never Ending ❯ A bad feeling… ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry for not updating but I have been without a computer for a while!

Beta reader: Dragonheart287


Chapter eleven: A bad feeling…

"So are your men ready, brother?" Freeza asked his brother as they walked to the ships that were getting ready to leave.

Cooler chuckled at the question. "The real question is: are you ready? I'm a bit worried that you'll go and fight Goku on your own. Are you sure that you don't want my help?" the Iceling asked and stopped before his ship.

Freeza smiled and then flashed his brother a grin. "If you do as we have planned the battle will be as easy as taking candy from a child. When you are done you can always come and help me clean the battle ground."

Cooler sighed. "You are so confident aren't you? I wonder if you got that from father… I'll see you when I'm finished with my end of the plan," he told his little brother before stepping on the ramp. Turning one last time he looked at the half mechanic Iceling. "Are you absolutely certain that I shall leave no one alive?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Freeza frowned and snarled out his answer. "Kill them. Kill them all!"


Krilin and Tiden walked down the hall to the place where Goku would speak to the Sayajiins. "Do you think that Goku is nervous? I mean, it is his people."

Tiden looked down at the small guard. "I believe that he is. Even though it is his people, it is nervous to speak to them about this war that is coming up. I mean, how do you tell your people that they might die and never meet their loved ones again?" he asked as they reached the assembling room.

"I honestly don't know…" Krilin sighed and opened the door.

The huge room was filled with Sayajiins. They covered the entire floor and some had even taken seats on some inbuilt shelves. By the wall nearest the door, where the two had entered, there stood Goku on a large box so that he could look over the Sayajiins.

Goku heard the door open and smiled at his friends. "Hi! You came just in time!" he said and turned to face the Sayajiins that were mumbling amongst themselves. "Listen to me everyone!" Goku called.

The Sayajiins went silent and looked up at their leader. Krilin frowned and whispered to Tiden. "It is kind of hard to listen when you don't understand them."

Tiden nodded. "You are right, but even if we don't understand what he is telling them we must stay and support Goku," he told his smaller companion.

Goku waited until he had everyone's attention before continuing. "I know that you are scared and confused right now, but you have to listen to me. Your mates and cubs are fine and well on Saya. I know that you all wish that you could be with them now, but there is something that stops us from doing so: Freeza and his army! As long as he is alive we Sayajiins will never go safe! He will hunt us and kill us as soon as we think that we are safe! That is why I have gathered you all here today! I'm asking you: will you help me fight Freeza once and for all?!" Goku spoke, letting his gaze slide over the large group of Sayajiins.

"How can we be sure that we will be let in peace once he is dead?" one Sayajiin with a scar running across his face asked.

"We can't know that until he is dead. Freeza is our biggest enemy! He is everyone's enemy! Lets go together and fight him, bring an end to his terror! I'm going to battle, are you with me?!!" He roared in the end, throwing a fist in the air.

The Sayajiins roared and shouted with him, letting their leader know that they were going to fight with him.

Krilin blinked at the scene. "Whatever he said it must have done the job. I guess they are joining us, huh?"

Tiden nodded. "I picked up Freeza's name here and there so I guess that Goku asked them to fight with us. With the Sayajiins on our side we have a chance against that foul lizard!"


Vegeta stared at the sky as his older cubs played with Bardock's. Kabu and Kosho were wrestling with each other while Nashi napped in her `mother's' arms. Vegeta sighed and started to groom Nashi's small tail.

Bardock saw the sad Suru and walked over to him. "Thinking about Kakarott?" he asked and settled down with his cubs in his arms. Placing the mewling cubs on the ground, he sighed. "I know it is hard to be without him, believe me I know but you know that he'll return soon," he told the smaller Suru.

Vegeta looked up at Bardock with a smile. "I know that he'll come back, but I can't shake of the feeling that something is about to happen," Vegeta said and looked up again.

Bardock looked up and then back at Vegeta. "Maybe it is the fight our mates are in. We are safe here, Vegeta. Even if someone came now it wouldn't be Freeza and the person would be taken care of by the Sayajiins they left behind here. Don't worry about a thing."

Vegeta frowned and sat up. "It is not only the fight that worries me. Someone is coming and I have a strange feeling that they are strong," he turned to face the playing cubs before standing up. "I'm not taking any chances. We must move the cubs to the large cave in the forest. Gather everyone and tell them to get their tails moving."

Bardock was about to question Vegeta when one of the Sayajiins walked up to the small Suru. He was about Bardock's size and had shoulder length mane. On his chest he had three scars that ran from one shoulder and across his stomach and stopped at his opposite hip. "I couldn't help but hear what you just said and I don't see why we must do as you say," he glared at Vegeta.

Vegeta sensed that the Sayajiin before him was trying to take a dominate role now when the leader was gone. Growling he grabbed the Sayajiin by the mane and snarled in his face. "Listen to me! You aren't our leader and never will be! I'm not the leader but the leader's mate and I'm in charge of the Surus and the cubs right now until my mate comes back! You can stay here for all I care, but the Surus and cubs are coming with me until this war is over, is that understood?"

The Sayajiins grunted and untangled the hand in his mane. "I stayed behind to protect you and the rest of the Surus so I can't stay behind. Fine, I'll tell the others and meet you in the forest," he muttered and walked away from the two.

Bardock looked after him and stepped closer to Vegeta. "Hm… he was larger then you and could easily killed you and you just snarled at him. Weren't you scared?" he asked Vegeta and collected his cubs.

Vegeta looked at him and nodded. "I was terrified but I have to make sure that the rest of the Surus are safe. I really wish that Kakarott were here."


Cooler tapped his finger against his throne as he glared through the window. "I can't really understand how my brother enjoys long trips. He tells me that he passes the time by looking at the different planets that passes him by, but I'm bored beyond words… I can't wait until we arrive."

`Arriving in one hour. Arriving in one hour. Prepare for landing. Prepare for landing,' a mechanical voice spoke up.

Cooler sighed and leaned back against the throne. "Finally some action! I can't wait until I have finished my part so that I can help my brother with the real thing."


"Sir, your brother's ship is about to land on the planet you sent him to," a yellow skinned alien announced as he bowed before the white Iceling.

Freeza grinned and waved him of. "Good. The first part has been set in motion. Set the course for the planet known as Earth! We'll battle there. Now go!"

The soldier bowed once before leaving.

Raddiz looked up from where he and Broli were resting. He yawned and got up to walk over to Freeza. Sitting down beside the throne he looked up at the Iceling with questioning eyes.

Freeza heard one of the Sayajiins move and saw that it was Raddiz. He could see the unspoken question in the dark orbs. He reached out and stroked the wild mane. "He will come after me. His anger will force him to follow. As soon as my brother has finished his part, there will be no doubts," the Iceling smirked and returned his gaze to face the window.

Raddiz looked behind him and saw Broli grinning back at him. They both knew that this would be the end of the Sayajiin leader.


Vegeta watched as the Surus placed their cubs in the back of the cave. They had gathered leaves and different mosses so that the cubs could lie comfortably. The Surus then left the cave and gathered at it's mouth.

Vegeta nodded as soon as the last Suru came out of the cave. Bibou and Shindou stood by his side, their tails curled around his.

Bardock sighed as he faced Vegeta. "That was the last one, Vegeta. Are you sure that this is necessary?" he asked as his older cubs hugged him.

"I'm not sure, but this is safer then it would be in the village where we would be shattered and easy to hunt. Together we are stronger and we can protect the young ones better now that we have them all in one place. Now I must ask you all, have you done as I asked?"

The Surus nodded and some sobbed as they did. Bardock nodded as well and looked down. Vegeta had really taken charge of the small group of Surus. He knew that it was hard on Vegeta, but he admired his strength.

Vegeta sighed as he heard the soft sobs. "I know I must have sounded cruel when I asked you all to give up the bond with your mates, but I have a very good reason for doing so. If…" he hesitated for a second, swallowing a lump in his throat "… if we were to be attacked and killed, our mates wouldn't die. I know it sounds cruel, but I would gladly die if I knew my mate would kill Freeza! I don't want my mate to die because I'd die before he gets his hands on Freeza. I know that you hate me for asking you in the first place, but I hope that you'll forgive me in time…"

One Suru with short mane walked up to him. "We don't hate you, Vegeta, it is just that it is hard for us to break a bond that we have carried with our mates for so long. I believe that all of us realises that after the war, if we and our mates are ok, we can re-bond again."

"He is right. Lets not drag our mates down with us if we are attacked!" another Suru shouted and soon the rest joined.

Vegeta nodded in approval. Just as he was going to speak again, an ear deafening sound echoed through the forest. "What is that?!" Vegeta shouted to Bardock as he held his hands over his ears.

"I have no idea! Here comes Renke! He'll tell us!!" Bardock answered as the noise started to go down.

Renke ran as fast as he could to the cave. "A ship just landed! We are under attack!!" he screamed as he spotted the group.

Vegeta tensed hard. `So I was right. Something was about to happen!' "Are you sure that it is not one of Kakarott's friends?"

Renke shook his head. "No it wasn't! I saw a strange mark on the ship's side and it was a mark I saw when we were on Freeza's main ship! Freeza is attacking us!!"


Next chapter: Vegeta and the Surus end up in a battle and Goku chases after Freeza.