Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Suru Lover ❯ The lord of ice ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yet another chapter. Still feeling bad about the last chapter (About the poor lemon, I can't read that chapter!).

Thanks for the tips! They helped me to think of future chapters. THANKS!!


Chapter six: The lord of ice

Goku yawned and stretched. He felt sooooo good! The bed was warm and comfortable to leave the bed and go to work. `And Vegeta's body feels so good beside me. This is hea… !... VEGETA?!'

Goku eyes shot open, turning to the little Suru at his side. Vegeta was curled into a ball on Goku's right side. He looked relaxed, his mane ruffled up and his cheeks a bit rosy. He looked so adorable. Goku sighed and covered his eyes with his free arm, the one that Vegeta wasn't sleeping on.

`I sleep with Vegeta. My own SURU! I should have had more control then to give in to his heat. Hope Vegeta can trust me for doing that to him' Goku though and groaned. `What would happen if Freeza, or any of his goons for soldiers, will find out? What would happen to the station? The Sayajiins and Surus would probably be removed to other stations, but what of Vegeta? Freeza have no place for a Suru with Vegeta's problems… what a mess'

Just as he though that, Vegeta awoke. He yawned and moaned deep in his throat. He felt good. Better then what he had done in the cage in the med. Having his mate with him felt good. He was secure and loved. And he felt unclean… Sitting up in the bed he started to groom his tail, his butt was a little sore. No matter, he should look nice for his new mate.

Goku opened his eyes, looking at Vegeta. He was glad that Vegeta wasn't trying to shy away from him. But he probably would when Goku had to get him to med again.


Vegeta fought and growled when he was forced on his back. Why Goku had brought him to the horrible place again, was still a mystery. Goku was still there with him, but that didn't take the fear away completely. He wanted back to his spot on his mate's bed.

"Hold him still, please Tiden. He mustn't move around when I do the ultrasound. I'll get fussy pictures then" Bulma said as she tugged the over part of the two part spandex that Vegeta wore (like the one he had in the fight with Buu). She squinted some clear gel on Vegeta's stomach and then prepared the machine. "Tell me why you wanted an ultrasound on Vegeta again, Goku"

Goku scratched his head. "Dunno, Bulma. But I think I want a positive answer if Vegeta is carrying Raddiz's cubs. Freeza wants more Sayajiins and if Vegeta is with cubs, I want to know so I can tell the lord that I can provide him with what he wants"

Bulma stopped scanning. She looked over at Goku and her face sulked. "Freeza is coming today you know."

"What?! I haven't been informed about that!" Goku exploded. He was shocked. Freeza was coming to HIS station TODAY? He wasn't prepared for that. `Great. More then one mess to take care of'.

Feeling his mate's discomfort, Vegeta made a sharp twist and jumped into Goku's arms, his arms warping around Goku's neck. WHAM! Goku hadn't been paying attention so he and Vegeta fell to the floor. Vegeta gazed into Goku's eyes and the leant town and gave him a quick peck on the side of Goku's nose.

"Vegeta! I told you to stay put!" Goku said. To see that Vegeta was so protective of him made him so proud.

"Hey, it's ok, you know! I m done. Before you ask, yes, Vegeta is with cubs. He has about two or three cubs that would be in due in about five months. Now, my question: why did you want an ultrasound, really? You have never had ultrasound on any of your other Surus. Why just Vegeta?"

Goku cradled Vegeta in his lap as the Suru rubbed his head in his neck. He ran a hand in Vegeta's newly groomed mane and sighed. "It's because of what happened. I don't want Vegeta to have cubs if he can't think as a Suru. I m afraid that if anything goes wrong…"

"Vegeta would be killed, right? Goku. You know that Vegeta is strong. Heck, Tiden barely could hold him down on the exam table, and he is your strongest fighter. Don't worry to much. Vegeta is going to be fine." Bulma soothed and knelt beside Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta had known Bulma through his life. He knew that Bulma was nice. He always got snacks and toys from her when Goku was on a mission. But today something was wrong. He could sense that in Goku and Bulma. The air was tense and a feeling of danger started to slow into his senses. Vegeta knew that he would protect his mate from anything, no matter what.


Soldiers were hurrying to get in place. The best armour had been put on and the landing dock had been prepared for the ice lord's arrival. Goku had put on his commander uniform: a dark blue almost black spandex, white chest armour with an ankle long red cape that flowed behind him (like the one King Vegeta had in the TV show). He stood at the end of the red mat that had been put out. He was a bit nervous that his men would mess things up and that Freeza would blow the ship up.

Beside his stood Bulma, since she was the head of the med team. On his other side stood Krilin, Yamchu and Tiden. They were after all his favourite men in combat. Behind him stood Vegeta. He, on the other hand, had never seen the lord before. He had heard his name being mentioned but had never seen him. Vegeta wore a collar that had a silver chain attached to it. The end of the chain was held by Goku. Vegeta had been told to stay quiet and still. that he did.

When the ship had landed, the ramp lowered. Goku straighten up and puffed out his chest. He held his breath when he saw the lord. `God, if there is some mercy, prove it to me!' Goku thought.

Freeza strode down the red mat, glazing around himself at the men. He saw fear in their eyes and that what he wanted. He wanted his soldiers to fear him. When he fixed his eyes on the captain, his sneer grew lager. He stopped in front of Goku, staring him straight in the eyes.

"Captain Goku, what a pleasure to meet you. I see that you have been expecting me." The lord said and smirked.

Goku swallowed the lump in his throat. "Yes my lord. It's an honour that you decided to visit our simple ship." Goku said and bowed to Freeza.

Behind Freeza stood his personal guards: Zarbon and Dodoria. Zarbon was a real beauty. He was all green with a darker shade of green in his hair that hung in a braid over his shoulder. His yellow eyes were fixed on Bulma, who blushed. Dodoria was butt ugly, though. He was big, fat and all pink with purple lips and spikes all over his body. He was string at the men and grinned when they flinched under his gaze.

Vegeta took a peak from behind Goku. He was stunned. He had never seen aliens like these three. He presumed that the little one, about his own height, were Freeza. His mate's eyes never left him after all.

"I came to see if you have anymore Sayajiins to deliver." Freeza spoke and passed Goku, heading to the main chamber that was always prepared for him. Goku and the other six fell in line behind him. Vegeta followed a little further behind them, as long as his chain let him.

"I m sorry, my lord. I have sent all of those I had ready last time. I only have three Sayajiins left and they are the ones I breed on. The rest are Surus that ether is carrying, raising or going into heat." Goku explained and tugged at the chain to lead Vegeta behind him, out of Freeza's sight. He felt calmer when Vegeta pressed onto his back.

Freeza wasn't happy to hear that. He turned and his hand shot out, stopping inches from Goku's nose. "That is not what I want to hear. You are the finest of Sayajiin breeders and I always want to presume that you have Sayajiins ready for delivery, got it?" Freeza said. His eyes narrowed when Goku didn't show any fear. "You know that I can kill you right here don't you?"

"Yes, sir. I know. When I think of it, I have one Sayajiin that you can have. Raddiz." Goku said and gave Krilin and Yamchu a side glaze. The two guards ran of.

"You have mentioned Raddiz before if I m not mistaken. Wasn't he one of your best Sayajiins in your station, Goku?" Freeza asked and lowered his hand. He had seen Raddiz before on show contests. He had always admired the Sayajiin for his beauty, and he had asked Goku if he wanted to sell him. But Goku had always refused and all of a sudden, he GAVE him way? Something wasn't right. "Why do you give me Raddiz? I know that he's your best one."

"Raddiz has proven that he can't handle his job as a breeding Sayajiin. If you don't want him, I'll put him down. I don't want him here any longer." Goku explained. He felt Vegeta's hands tightening in his cape at the big Sayajiin's name. Getting rid of Raddiz would bring a little bit of joy in his heart.

As they spoke, Krilin and Yamchu came back. In tow they had a growling and struggling Sayajiin. Raddiz. Raddiz had been chained hand and foot and he wore a collar with a chain to. He struggled as he was dragged along. He had never in his life been led around and he wasn't about to start with that ether. But then he saw Goku. His anger towards the human had grown over the night, from a flame to a inferno. When Goku had batted him away from Vegeta, Raddiz had lost what should be his mate. At seeing Goku, he attacked.

Goku had no time to react as the heavy Sayajiin punched on him. With a loud bang they hit the floor. Goku had to use both hands to keep Raddiz from ripping his head of. Freeza didn't lift a finger to help. He wanted to see if the captain could handle this on his own.

Vegeta was hiding behind Bulma when he had seen the big baka enter. He had fought the urge to rush to Goku's aid when the Sayajiin had jumped him. Goku had told Vegeta to stay put. But Vegeta couldn't hold himself in check. Rushing forward, he slammed into Raddiz with his shoulder.

Raddiz rolled of Goku and growled at his attacker. Seeing that it was his little almost mate, he puffed himself up. He still wanted the Suru, so he tried to charm the Suru. Seeing that the Suru wouldn't leave the human's side, he started forward.

Vegeta was at a loss. Defending Goku from a Sayajiin behind a glass wall was one thing, defending Goku from a Sayajiin that he knew wasn't restrained was another. He would fight to death anyway, for Goku.

Goku gasped for air when Raddiz suddenly left him. His eyes were slightly fogged from the lack of air. When he saw that Vegeta was the one that had forced the other Sayajiin of him, he tried to call him back. Then he heard Vegeta growl… no… it wasn't growling he heard…

"Leave… alone… Kaka…ott"

"He's… filthy… no mate… Suru…"

"He is… mate… to… me!"

Goku could only hear some of the words over the growling. But he thought that Sayajiins couldn't speak. Then he felt Bulma kneel down beside him. He saw her mouth moving, but nothing came out. He was starting to panic.

"That's enough!!"

Goku turned to the voice, snapping out of his daze. Freeza was standing behind Raddiz, his hand fisted in the Sayajiin's mane. Freeza then threw the big Sayajiin to his guards like he was a pillow or something.

"Take him to the ship and lock him up tight. I have never seen a Sayajiin attack a breeder before. That's interesting." Freeza said and looked back at Goku.

Goku was sitting up and hugged the small growling Suru to his chest. He rubbed the Suru's back until he stopped growling. "It's ok, Vegeta. He's gone." He whispered to the Suru.

"What's that?" Freeza piped in. "Is that your Sayajiin, captain?"

Ice froze Goku's heart. Freeza had seen his little Suru. Standing up, he held Vegeta close. "Yes, he is one of the cubs that I got 17 years ago, sir."

"Why isn't he with the rest of the Sayajiins then? A fine looking Suru like himself would bring such nice Sayajiins if mated with the right Sayajiin." Freeza said and ran his cold hand over Vegeta's head.

Vegeta tried to shy away from the touch, but Goku's body were in he way. He started to shiver and he could feel the panic raising inside of him.

Goku loathed the way Freeza spoke and touched his Suru. He wanted so much to snap at Freeza, but he probably wouldn't have a head left before he finished that sentence. "Vegeta was put in breeding, but I pulled him out from it when he was mated. He was together with Raddiz, one of the reasons that I took him out of breeding. Vegeta doesn't know that he is supposed to be with Sayajiins since he was raised under my hand. Raddiz were to hard on him." Goku explained.

Freeza looked like he was thinking. Then he asked "Is he carrying Raddiz's cubs?"

Goku only nodded. This conversation over his Suru was getting way out of hand. When he saw Freeza smile, he knew what he was about to say.

"If you don't have nay use for him, I'll take him. You don't have time for him with your job. I'll take him and give you the cubs when they arrive. He will be a splendid pet in my court. Others will be so jealous of him when he stands at my side."

Goku was horrified. Freeza was going to take his Suru away from him.

`My Suru lover…"


Ech! I hate to write when it turns out as bad as this. Na, so what do you think? I m going to start a story beside this one, so the updates may come a little later then usual. R&R!

Next Chapter: Goku is forced to see Vegeta leave, but can he stand the thought of Freeza owing his Suru? Is there a way to get him back?