Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Unwanted Destiny ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Bulma stood in front of the door that would give her the entrance in a weirdness that would be the beginning of the end of her. She of course did not have a clue at that moment. Nothing of the stuff that would happen in a few moments crossed her mind at that exact moment. The only thing she was thinking about at that moment was that the door had a weird doorknob. A very weird doorknob, trying to repress the feeling that she must be losing her mind, starting to hear voices and all she clung to the only available subject. Her attempt however failed miserably when her mind drifted back to what had happened in the parking lot.

'What the fuck is happening to me? Why am I hearing that voice? It must have been the macaroni that I ate! Yes, that's it! It was the food and I am suffering from food poison that's why I am hearing voices. Right?” She tried to convince herself.
Her best friend noticed the change in the blue haired female's behaviour.
"B are you ok?” she asked looking concerned. “ You look like you've seen a ghost or something!"

"Close Chi, very close” Bulma replied in a serious tone.
Her friend replied with a strange stare on her face.

"What? what did I say?" her Friend asked her irritated.

"Nothing B, nothing, shall we go in?" chichi replied hastly not wanting to make her friend irritated.
Bulma agreed with her friend although going into that house was at the moment the last thing she wanted to do. She saw her friend push the bell next to door and a shiver ran through her. She didn't not know what it was, but this whole visit had gotten something sinister.
The door opened and in front of her she saw a little girl. The girl had dark green eyes and an even darker shade of green as the colour of her hair. The only thing Bulma thought at that moment was ` odd colouring'

"Hi!" the young girl said, "You must be here to see my mom!"
“ Yeah… we are..” chichi replied as fast as she could. “ Do you know if she has time to fit us into her schedule? “

"She was already expecting your blue haired friend” the girl said while pointing at Bulma. “ So I guess she will be able to make time for you.”
"aaaaaaaaaaah" was the only reply the girl got from Chichi while she was looking at the green haired girl like she had some strange decease.
For all this time Bulma had been quiet but the odd reply the little girl had given Chichi had startled her. “ Ehm… I'm sorry.” She said to the girl “ But there must be a mistake. Your mother cannot be expecting me. I did not even know I was going to come here until late in this afternoon!”
“ I have no idea how my mother knows all these things…. Bulma” the girl said while adding a small smile at the last part of her sentence. “ Its just that she somehow always knows. Now would you two mind coming in and following me?” she said while starting to walk back inside the house.
The two girls followed the strange little girl. Bulma with an odd feeling that after this moment everything would be about to change. Chichi with a feeling that maybe this time she would know the truth before finding it out by herself.
Bulma's mind started to travel again. ` How can it be that she knows I'm coming? Why do I have the feeling that nothing will ever be the same after this day? How can that be? This was all supposed to be one big scam. So how in the world would this be able to change my life?'

"You can go in first!" the young girl said to Chichi. "It's the first door at your right and if I were you I would knock first before I got in because I don't know what she is doing!"

Chichi started walking to the door and knocked it once before a female voice told her to go in.

"Bulma, you can sit here," the girl said to her while pointing at a free spot next to her.

"My name is Annie if you were wondering"

"HI Annie!" Bulma replied, still having the disturbing feeling in her stomach.

"How does it feel?" the little girl asked.

"How does what feel?" Bulma replied, almost knowing what the next answer of the girl would be.

"how does the moment feel right before everything is going to change?"

I thought about that strange question before I gave my answer "It sucks Annie, it sucks!"

"So you know what's going to happen?" The girl replied amazed at Bulma's answer.

"No, I don't know anything” Bulma replied, looking a bit depressed. “ I just have this strange feeling in my stomach, I think it's my feminine instinct or something. Do you know anything about it?" she asked the girl.

"I wished I was allowed to tell you Bulma! But I am still to young, I would only let things be blabbed out of my mouth that aren't aloud to be said" The green haired girl replied mysterious.

"Like what?"

Annie never answered Bulma's question because at the moment she asked the last question the door in the hall opened and a close to tears Chichi appeared. Chichi had heard from the woman that her and Max were not mend to be.
After Chichi had calmed down a bit Bulma stood up looking at Annie who shot her a knowing glance.
Slowly she walked to the door expecting something strange. But she did not realize that what she would be hearing behind those doors would change her life in ways she never would have thought possible.