Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Unwanted Destiny ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Destiny* Chapter 3
Bulma started walking slowly to the door where she just had seen a teary eyes Chichi appear from. She walked even slower when the door came closer in her sight. She felt strange, strange because the weird feeling that had begun to settle into her stomach had only increased. In increased with every step she took to come closer to that door.
She tried to shake the feeling off but for some reason it didn't want to leave her. But still she walked on; she walked on even though she knew that a dreadful, horrible moment was approaching. A moment later she stood in front of the door with her hand on the doorknob. She knew she had to open the door and had to step inside. But she did not... she just remained there standing silent with the doorknob in her hand. For some reason she wanted to keep this moment. The moment where everything was still normal. She wanted to save this moment and lock it into her heart. Something inside her did not want to know what was going to change her life.
Her heart had made the decision and she started to let lose of the doorknob and started to turn around. Bulma wanted to get away from here, and she wanted to get away fast! But at the moment she wanted to set the first step towards her freedom. The strange voice appeared again.
“You will not leave now savior… your destiny waits. It has been decided. Nothing you will do will keep you from this path... whether you want it or not it will be your life. But do you really want to start your destiny, the rest of your life…. Unprepared?”

At that moment some force pulled her back to the door and she laid her hand back on the doorknob, without thinking about it any further she pushed the door open and stepped inside the room.
The room which she had entered was extremely dark, so dark that Bulma needed some time to adjust her eyes to be able to see a bit. On her right she could discover a few strange plants, but it was to dark to see what kind it was. On the other side there was the shape of something that could very well be a large bookcase.
All of a sudden a purple light went on and Bulma looked into the face of a woman. The woman was clearly the older version of her daughter. She had dark green eyes and dark green hair, and in her eyes Bulma could spot the same softness and tenderness with which her daughter had looked upon Bulma just a view moment ago.

"You're right you know" The woman with the dark green hair said to her. "I am Annie's mother"
Bulma looked scared “How did you know what I was thinking?” she asked the woman.

"don't worry I didn't read your thoughts.” The woman replied like it was nothing at all. “All though I could have done that if I really wanted to” she added to her statement with a knowing smile.

"But how?" Bulmer asked still lingering in her state of shock.

"I had a very long time to study the human face" was all the woman said. "Now come, sit! We have to talk Bulma ! "
Bulma seated herself in front of the woman.

"First let me introduce my self" the woman said to her “My name is Leony and I am sent here to tell you that you have to prepare yourself for your destiny, do you understand it so far?"
Bulma took in what the woman had said and then shook her head “No… I'm afraid I don't. I am real sorry but I do not understand anything that has been happening to me the last few minutes.”

"Well it's a good thing you're honest.” Leony replied to her with a sigh “ Well let me tell you a story before we go further."

"That's Ok with me" Bulma replied with a dumbstruck look on her face.
“The first thing that you have to know is that this universe has a lot of worlds in it.” Leony started her story. “Worlds that have not yet been discovered by your scientist and probably never will. The universe itself is mostly like one big world. You have planets that are completely into trading things. Then you have planets who are into inventing things and of course you have the planets who are likely to only war against other planets.” Leony paused for a moment while she took a sip of water
“But that's not the thing that is the most important in this story. The thing you will have to understand at this specific moment is that there is a universe beyond this one. A so called higher plane. Annie and I are from that universe, and the only purpose we have in that universe is watching the one that's below. Your universe and your lives. We look at how things are proceeding there and during the whole existence of your universe we have maintained one rule. DON'T EVER INTERFERE!
We were able to life by that rule for many years, which is until now. You will have to know that we have seen terrible prospects. There will be a lot of deaths all over the universe, planets that will be destroyed. One of us even has claimed to see the end of the universe in one of her visions. But luckily one of our young ones, one who is specialized in seeing other possibilities saw a solution.”
At that last sentence Bulma looked up.
“Yeah that's right” Leony replied “You!”
“Me?” Bulma yelled “ But how in the world can I be a solution to stop the ending of the universe?”

"You, my girl. Are the only one who is possible to stop it. We don't know how we don't know why we just now that the only way you will be able to succeed is by… And I am very sorry to have to say this... But by dying…”

"Yes I have heard that many times today" Bulma replied sounding irritated and not really wanting to hear the rest the female would have to say

"You only have to know this before you can go again. In four weeks at Monday at exactly 18.00 hour there are going to land a couple of spaceships in the dessert. People (scientists) already know that they are going to arrive and they are preparing themselves. I only need you to be there at that moment. That's all you have to know, the rest will come to you when everything is put in to action. Don't worries you'll know exactly what to do when that moment comes, you'll have to go now. You're friend is getting worried. But I have to tell you this. Don't tell her anything she mustn't know!" Leony closed her eyes and Bulma stood up.
She didn't know what to say. She just knew that she wanted to leave as fast as she could. What would she do now? What should she do? Why her?
At the way back Chichi tried to ask her what happened inside that room, but Bulma never told her. When she got home, she went to her room as fast as she could. In her room she started to cry silently, knowing that all that the woman had said was true.
Her destiny had been decided.
She was going to die..