Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Depths ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(Eight Years Later...)
A young woman sat on a fallen trunk. Her long blue hair fell past her butt and reached for the ground. She was dressed in a light blue dress that was flimsy, but very beautiful. It was tight around her bountiful bosom and loose around the rest of her figure as it floated around her bare feet. Her bare shoulders almost glowed in the mid morning light as it danced off her pale skin. Her cerulean eyes studied the golden ring on her ring finger as her right fingers played across it. A light breeze ruffled her hair and dress as she felt someone approach the clearing. She looked up to greet the very man who had haunted her dreams since she had met him eight years prior.
"Sayian-jin no Ouji," she breathed as she stood up in the still wet grass. The man before her was not the same as the boy she had met that day. He had matured into a very rugged man with a muscled body that every man envied and every woman dreamed about. He nodded to her, his eyes still emotionless, but very mysterious.
"Onna," he said as he approached her. "I did not know if you would show and you can call me Vegeta." Bulma looked shocked.
"Why wouldn't I? You asked me to come and I did." Vegeta reached for the woman in front of him and pulled her into a hug. Bulma was startled, but after the shock wore off she hugged him back. "You have changed," she said as they pulled away from each other.
"Hai, so have you," he said as he looked her over. "You have... blossomed." This caused the young woman to blush a nice shade of red as she looked at her feet.
"Arigato. Ummmm... I want to learn more about my Sayian heritage. Can you tell me about Sayians?" Vegeta shook his head. "Why not?" she inquired as she frowned up at him.
"It would be better for you to see it first hand," was his response. Bulma looked shocked.
'Is he saying what I think he is saying?' She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Vegeta.
"Hai, Onna, you can come with my to Planet Vegeta-sei, but you must stay by my side or risk someone taking you as their mate by force."
"What do you mean?" Bulma inquired as she moved closer to him. Vegeta said nothing for a moment as he tried to think of a way to explain to her the Sayian Law.
"Okay, on Vegeta-sei if you are not already taken or Mated then you are up for grabs by any man. Once they mark you, even if you are unwilling then you are theirs for life and vise versa." Bulma frowned for a moment as the information sunk in. "Do you understand?" She nodded. "Okay, let's go." He turned and started to walk in the opposite direction of the sea. She followed closely behind him, looking around her as they went. This would be the last time that she would see Earth for a very long time and she wanted to take everything in, not that she would miss this place very much, it had never really been home.
"Ouji, what does a mark look like?" Vegeta didn't stop as they got closer to where his pod was.
"It is a bite mark on your neck. All Sayians, half breeds and full bloods alike, have fangs." Bulma reached into her mouth where her fangs were. She had always been curious about them. Most of the Mer-people had said she looked like a sea demon, but her mom had told her that she was just different because of her human blood, now she was more than sure that she was Sayian-jin. As they came to the clearing where his pod lay deep in a very large crater, he turned to her. Bulma looked at him quizzically. Vegeta picked her up and levitated down into the hole. There was his pod, a small metallic sphere.
"What is that?" Bulma inquired as he touched down.
"That is a Sayian space pod. It helps us travel to planets faster. It usually only has one occupant, but today there will be two, which might make it a little cramped." Bulma didn't say anything as he said something in a foreign tongue causing the hatch to the pod to open revealing the one semi large seat surrounded by all sorts of little lights and buttons. He sat down in the chair and positioned Bulma between his muscular thighs. After they got comfortable Vegeta said something else in his tongue and the door closed. There was one round portal to the outside world and Bulma gazed out of it as the ship flew off the ground. Usually Vegeta would put on the sleeping gas, but he knew that she would want to see everything since she seemed to know so little about the world around. As they traveled in the dark void of space he asked questions about her childhood which she answered with little hesitation, leaving out that she lived underwater.
"I grew up in a loving family," she said as she watched the stars go back. "I have truly never been outside. I learned everything about the world from books, but never really got to experience it first hand except on my tenth birthday and today. As of today I am a woman in my culture and am free to do as I please." Vegeta smirked at the happiness in her voice. She seemed to be free from the sadness that he had first seen when he had seen her eight years before.
"In our culture that is the same. We are free to do as we please when we turn eighteen, but for women it is a little more complicated. You must remember to watch your back. There are very few women on our planet and any available woman is usually prized as though they are the last. Even you being a half breed will not detour them from wanting to mate with you. Most of our race has taken aliens as mates due to this shortage." Bulma nodded in understanding.
"A few questions Vegeta," she said with hesitation. "Does our planet have water like Earth with it's oceans and seas?" Vegeta nodded at her odd question. "One other thing. How old are you?"
"Twenty-one," he said as the ship beeped.
"One hour until planet fall," the computer beeped out.
"Almost home," Vegeta said as he settled back in his chair, but Bulma looked out the portal, looking for her father's home planet.
'I wonder who my father was,' she thought to herself as she gazed out into space. 'Was he a great man or was he a coward?' Vegeta studied her as she frowned at her thoughts.
'I wonder what she is thinking?' he thought as her face relaxed once more. Soon the computer beeped again.
"Five minutes until planet fall." As the planet came into view Bulma gasped. It was a dark red orb with swirls of dark blue and white. It was gorgeous! Five minutes later after passing through the atmosphere they landed in the docking bays, their pod bounced on a large trampoline and when it stopped the hatch opened into a large white room.