Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Nappa's Lesson ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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<h1 align="center">Nappa's Lesson</h1>
<h2 align="center">Teaching Prince Vegeta
<p><b>Disclaimer:</b> I do not own DBZ. I do not make any profit from this document.</p>
<p><b>By:</b> Webtester01
<p><b>Pairing:</b> Prince Vegeta and Nappa</p>
<p><b>Rating:</b> Mature
<h3><acronym title="Point Of Veiw">POV</acronym>: Nappa</h3>
<p>The Prince's training was cut short as Lord Freiza summoned us over
the loudspeaker to appear in the throne room at once. Quickly wiping
the sweat from our faces and my head, we toss the towels into a bin as
we exit the training room, to do as we were commanded.</p>
<p>"You two are to purge Agora. Those arthropods have been eating my warriors. I want them eradicated. Go."</p>
<p>"Yes Lord Frieza." We said in unison. I really hate that creature.
He keeps the prince busy with mission after mission. The work is great,
I enjoy it a lot. But some down time would be good soon.</p>
<p>I rush to shower and pack some necessities for our trip to Agora. As
I close the drawer red marble rolls out from under a paper. The little
model of Planet Vegeta reminds me of the promise I made to the King
before he died when the planet was struck by a meteorite.
<p>The time has come. The Prince is of age.
<h3><acronym title="Point Of Veiw">POV</acronym>: Vegeta</h3>
<p>Nappa and I landed on Agora. It appears as just another planet with
large empty cities. My scouter cannot detect any Agoran life-signs. So
why has Frieza sent us here?</p>
<p> As I peruse the composition of the city wall where I stand, I
notice it is rich in mineralin, an element critical to the Cold
Empire's technology. The wall seems to be made of the aforementioned
mineralin and some other unknown elements. I adjust the settings on my
scouter and sure
enough, the planet is rich in the substance. There is no doubt in my
mind the is the mot valuable planet I have encountered so far. The city
is surprisingly intact despite all the sentient inhabitants being
<p>An experimental energy blast dissipates into the wall, giving it an iridescent glow before fading unharmed. Interesting.
Another thing to note, is that the short-range links the the pods,
which house the long-range communications equipment, don't work within
the city either.
<p>The report I looked over says the weaker warriors were eaten. Nappa
reported back from flying over the rural areas of the town we landed in.
Pictures of bone fragments are transferred to my scouter from his.
Whatever ate them did not reside in the cities.
<p>The three suns soon set low in the horizon and the creatures that
destroyed the low-level soldiers made their appearance. It was
interesting to note that they did not come too close to the city, as if
some invisible barrier prevented, or discouraged them from approaching.</p>
<p>The pests had low energy signatures, but were fast, armored
arthropods. The armor absorbed energy blasts like a sponge, left no
damage. No wonder the weaklings had trouble. I had to expend a little
more physical energy than I initially wanted. I began to enjoy manually
eliminating the masses of them. I will need to bathe after this.
<h3><acronym title="Point Of Veiw">POV</acronym>: Narrator</h3>
<p>The smallest of the three suns began to rise by the time Nappa and
the Saiyan Prince destroyed all the nests on Agora. Soon the other two
would make an appearance and help charge the pods energy reserves. The
lone saiyans would have to wait till sunset again for a full charge.</p>
<p>With nothing else to do the two wandered through the halls of the
city, briefly looking up at the high ceilings and curved archways. The
round, tall pillars showed off the opulence of the place. All but a few
rooms had no door. The majority of what looked like sleeping quarters
had a zigzag entrance, so you could not see directly inside from the
main hall.
<p>Nappa retrieved his pack of necessities from his pod after he and
Vegeta found a bathing facility. The pool was large enough for ten, and
full of hot water. Shower heads lined the perimeter walls. Some of them
had benches. Permission to begin bathing was silently given as Vegeta began removing his boots.
<p>Nappa's large, thick fingers grasped the chest-plate of his armor and
pulled it over his head, letting it flap against his back, careful not
to let it pull his hair. He then hooked his thumbs into the torso cover
and slid it down, revealing a larger burly chest. Stiff nipples stood
out as they greeted the cool, moist air. Well-trained lateral muscles
rippled as they were no longer covered. A long, fluffy tail unwound from
wide hips, while bulky thighs flexed as they were about to be freed
from the confines of restrictive guards.</p>
<h3><acronym title="Point Of Veiw">POV</acronym>: Nappa</h3>
<p>The time has come to teach the young prince the Coming Of Age
Ritual. In my haste, I had my armor half-way off before I removed my
boots! That task complete, I pull off my armor, glad to feel the moist
air against all of my exposed skin. I wave my tail around flexing it,
working out the tired muscles that kept it around my waist.
<p>The young Prince's form was elegant to behold. His compact, well
trained body showed off its perfection. My physical form is
well-shaped, but has begun to increase in bulk, unlike the prince.
Setting some items on the bench near my shower head, I start the water
<p>"Permission to speak freely, Your Highness?" I asked.</p>
<p>"Granted" the Prince said while running soapy hands through the dirty fur on his tail.</p>
<p>"Your father asked me to perform the the Coming Of Age Ritual with
you. I promised him I would do my best when the time came." I said
nervously, aroused by his previous actions.</p>
<p>"I see." was the reply. It is clear that he has only has a text-book
knowledge of the rite. It is the custom to keep it that way, since it
was meant as a hands-on experience.
<p>I washed my cock and testicles, fingerling them lazily as they were
swollen from lack of recent 'use.' It felt good to wash again. I look
over at the prince and notice his erection from washing his tail and
his well-endowed manhood. Good things do come in small packages. I
smirk as that thought crossed my mind.</p>
<h3><acronym title="Point Of Veiw">POV</acronym>: Vegeta</h3>
<p>Part of me is embarrassed at having my life-long guard seem me in
this state, yet I know from what I read about The Rite, vague as the
text was, I knew this time would come. So far I've managed to keep it
hidden for a while. Yet my pride convicts me of my fear. I take a breath.
<p>"Begin Nappa." I command.
<p>"Copy what I do." he says, while patting the bench beside him. He
turns to stradle it, leaning against the wall. I do the same on the
other end.</p>
<p>My eyes widen as he grabs a tube of some slick substance and squits
some of it onto his penis, before tossing the tube to me. Catching the
object, if pause before doing the same.</p>
<p>Staring while I watch him wrap his hand around his erect phallus,
moving along its length. I akwardly try to replicate his example.</p>
<p>"Boy, don't you know how to hold a cock?!" Nappa asked in disbelief.
<p>"Of course I do!" I replied defiantly, even though I had no clue as to what I was doing.</p>
<p>Trying again, something has changed. This acttion starts feel <i>good</i>.
No better than good it feels great! Now I begin to understand why
Raditz sometimes has the gleam in his eyes and the smirk on his face
when coming out of the shower.</p>
<p>A sound excapes my throat as a really good sensation flows through me.</p>
<p>He stops. I stop.
<p>Why have I not discovered this sooner? Oh that's right, I've been
training myself to exhaustion every day. Times of relaxation are few
and far between.</p>
<p>Nappa looks at me and reveals a genuine smile. Something I have not seen in quite some time.</p>
<p>"It gets better my Prince." he chuckles as he pats the bench near him.</p>
<p>I scoot closer, to the place he indicated. The tip of my penis
brushes up against his. He reaches around with a large hand, stroking
us both.</p>
<p>It is better!</p>
<p>Deciding to take charge for a moment, I scoot back a bit and run my
fingers along his shaft, cuping his balls and comparing the texture to
mine own.</p>
<p>Nappa grunts his approval, his hips jerking forward a little.</p>
<p>I feel like I'm on fire. Overwhelming curiosty to feel the rest of
him fills my mind as I run my fingers through his dark curls that are
similar to mine own.</p>
<p>"Knowlege of one's own body outside of battle is just as important.
Lay against me." he says with a sultry voice that further fuels my...
for lack of a better word, passion.
<p>The heat from his body pours into my being, like a living fire that permiates my body, bringing with a sense of comfort.</p>
<p>I moan as my guard licks and nibbles along my jaw and down my neck.</p>
<p> I want more.</p>
<p>I gasp as he licks and gently bites a nipple, before repeating on
the other side... before runing his fingernails through my tail-fur. I
mimick his actions on his tail.</p>
<p>We give and take as my explorations, and his obvously skill,
occilate into a rythm that has me unconciouly thrusting against him,
bringing enhanced pleasure.</p>
<p>My newfound knowlege explains why I occasionally found Raditz in Nappa's sleeping chambers.</p>
<p>Just when I feel as if something in ne is going to burst. He stops me again.</p>
<p>"Slow down your majesty, the best is yet to come." he says proudly.</p>
<h3><acronym title="Point Of Veiw">POV</acronym>: Narrator</h3>
<p>Nappa watched as Vegeta's tail fluffed in anticipation of 'better'
things in store for him. Nappa planed for them both the get their rocks
off. After all there was plenty of time before they had to leave and they did not have Frieza's computerized eyes watching them.</p>
<p>"There is another place that is very pleasureable, but it is inside
here." Nappa said as he gestured with his hand. Nappa continued.
"According to tradition, only your Rite Teacher and your mate, when you
choose one get to touch you there." Vegeta nodded in partial
<p>Vegeta's bodyguard and Rite Teacher spread some lube on his fingers
before he asked him to lean back a little. Once that was done, he
carefully smeared it around the Prince's royal entrance. The young man
that was born to rull all siayans, gasped again in surprise at the
<p>"Breathe." Nappa coached, while slowly inserting a finger.</p>
<p>One became two.</p>
<p>Prince Vegeta moaned as something inside made him tingle with a
foreign delight. Nappa leered while he stroked that place again,
bringing his pupil almost to the edge again.</p>
<p>The amazing digits were gone!</p>
<p>Vegeta now felt new emptiness that had to be filled. He reached over
with his own hand to fill himself, but stopped when Nappa laid on his
back on the bench.Comprehension dawned in his mind when the lube was
smeared again on the seemingly massive phallus jutting out between two
very powerful thighs that guarded a tumid sac.</p>
<p>Nappa grunted as the flame-haired royal&nbsp; sat astride him, slowly enterning royal heat.</p>
<p>A large, strong fist gripped a needy cock as the prince ajusted.
Finally the onclusion to the Comming Of Age Rite to come to a close.</p>
<p>Cries of ecstacy filled the room as their pace quckened. Tails,
puffed out in impending gratification, curled and brushed along their
<p>Hips rocked, meeting in rhythm as the ancient act played out.</p>
<p>The two saiyans roard their climax. Spikes of energy caused the
stone around them to glow a rainbow of colors, further imprinting this
lesson upon the prince as he was filled.
<p>Vegeta laid atop his teacher as they both panted for breath, spent and content with the moment.</p>
<p>Nappa rolled them both to their side, such as the bench would allow,
and withdrew from the prince. Finally sated, both lazily wandered over
to the pool to float, observing the ornate ceiling they previously
<p>Both laughed as they finally took note of the semingly erotic shapes
alight in the crystal. After the laughter died down a bit, they dicided
to wash their armor in the pool they swam in.</p>
<p>After showing together and washing each other, the prepared to
depart. As swiftly as this moment in their lives came, it vanished: leaving good memories and sore royal backside.</p>
<p><b>The End</b><p>