Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ New Destiny, New life ❯ Crumbled souls ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing so don't sue I'm broke


Chapter 1: Crumbled souls

Usagi was on her way to a scout meeting and she was going to be early "Boy! the girls are going to so surprised" Usagi said to herself. She was at the shrine steps when she heard some noise and stopped to listen.

~~~~Hiwaka Jinga~~~~

"Why would you do this to Usagi" yelled Luna, "why is it so wrong to have a relationship with mamoru-san" Makoto yelled. "How will Chibi-Usa be born? Do you relize that you have destroyed the possible peace we would of had" Ami yelled, The three other senshi were shocked at how Ami acted. "That is it I can't believe you guys, the thought make me shutter in betrayal" Artimes yelled. "I have had enough, as leader of the inner senshi I declare you three: Minako said pointing at Luna, Artimes and Ami "Are removed from the inner senshi for ever" Minako yelled. "you can't do that" Ami yelled, "and why not" Rei yelled "because we quit" Ami yelled picking up Luna and Artimes then stomped out.

~~~~ Bottem of Hiwaka Jinga~~~~~~~

Usagi hid in the bushes and Though... *** I remember seeing Mamo-baka with Minako on his motercycle I knew where they were going but then i refused to believe that. Then there was the day I went to Mamo-chan's apartment and when i opened the door i heard moans and looked and I saw Rei-chan and Mamo- Baka on the floor of the couch making out. Then At Mako-chan's house was the same thing***. Usagi sobbed in the bushes when she felt tapping on her shoulder, she turned around to see Luna, Artimes and Ami looking down at her. " you heard didn't you" Ami said Usagi nodded. "Ami can you sleep over at my house I was going to have Minako-chan, so can you come" Usagi asked "sure" Ami said.

~~~~~Usagi house~~~~~

As Usagi and Ami were playing games and studied Usagi asked "Ami, I was thinking..." "about what?" Ami asked "about going to another dimension to be reborn with no memories of here and I want you to come"Usagi said. "Ami understood how Usagi was feeling and nodded. Usagi summoned the crystal and said " Silver Crystal please grant me my wish, Since Mamo-Baka has Ruined our future let Chibi-Usa be born to me In another dimension by another man" The crystal glowed in responce Usagi's abodomen glowed and then the glowed died down. "Silver Crystal grant me my next wish and send Luna, Artimes, Ami,and me to another dimension to be reborn" Usagi said as the crystal cracked in two and were absorbed into Usagi and Ami's heart. The two girls and cats glowed and their souls were sent to a nother dimension, Their bodies on the floor lifeless.

In another Time, Space, and Galaxy a new life was beginning.......

Congratulations! Ms. Son it's a girl!

G okuru: Story story short Rui Ryui:I know I know Gokuru Gokuru:What what do Gokuru do to to get get more chapters Ryui Ryui:I need a few reviews to post up the next chapter Gokuru: Kay kay!!!!! hey hey everybody body review so so Gokuru can can read next next chapter Pleeeezze Ryui: Good bye til next time, now say bye Gokuru

Gokuru: Bye bye remember review view so Gokuru can read more