Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ New Love ❯ chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's note:Sorry about taking so long to write part 4. Writer block you know. But all is well and I'm moving along nicely Comments are welcome…goldwarriors@msn.com



Part 4


New Love

Somewhere out in outer space, Goku was just beginning to realize how difficult finding Chi-Chi would be. He had assumed the Ultimate Kia had some Idea where to look. But as Goku was finding out, Solitude wouldn't mess with his or Saradina's destiny.

Solitude: I cannot help you!

Goku: What do you mean!! You're the Ultimate Kia! You can do anything you want!

Solitude: No I can't…there are rules. I'm bending them to the point of breaking as it is.

Goku: That can't be! How in the Hell am I supposed to find a lone human woman lost in the universe without a single clue!

After a moment of silence Goku growled violently. Solitude caught off guard by his anger stepped back.

Goku: You know where she is?

Solitude: Yes…and no.

Goku powered up slightly, just enough to make him look more intimidating. Not that he needed that thought Solitude. The Saiy-jin was scary as hell.

Goku: What do you mean by that!!

Solitude sighed. He should have known Goku would push him. Now he was in a predicament, he couldn't tell Goku where she was. His brothers would for sure hear his words and realize what he was up to. Yet if he didn't tell Goku, he might do some bodily harm to him. Solitude wasn't so vain to think he was better than Goku because he was the Ultimate Ka. Goku was by far stronger.

Solitude: Listen Goku. I can't tell you. You see there are people out there that might hurt her. I'm shielding her right now. And if I tell you, then they'll hear me and know as well. Besides it wouldn't do you any good to know.

Goku: Let me guess another thing you can't tell me.

Solitude: Now you're getting the hang of it. I'm here to protect you…from those people I'm here for the ride, nothing more.

Goku took a deep breath and tried to settle his nerves. The little runt was getting on his nerves. But he did have a point; if someone really wanted to hurt Chi-Chi then he wouldn't risk it. Turning suddenly and rudely away from Solitude Goku left to think. So much didn't make sense now. First Chi-Chi disappeared now this. Who wanted to hurt her? Why would anybody want to hurt her? Goku deep in thought walked into the room he claimed as his own. He startled and crouched down ready to fight when he heard another's voice…it was humming.

Looking up he saw that girl floating by his light working on some wires. Goku relaxes instantly, which that in itself was strange. He hadn't relaxed like this around someone in years. Goku's minds gears started to grind slowly as he thought of possible reasons. Maybe it was because she had lost loved ones as well, or maybe it was because she was Saiy-jin, but Goku felt strangely at ease with her. Saradina was so absorbed in her work that she didn't notice him. Goku took the opportunity to study her more bluntly than he did before. She was wearing the same jump suit she had been earlier except it was dirty. He also noticed that she wore the same style boots that Vegeta often wore, and her tail. (Unlike his) was wrapped firmly around her waist. The very end flicked to and from keeping beat with her humming. Her hair was no longer in a bun and fell freely down to her waste. It was thick, wild and Black. With out really thinking about it Goku realized she wasn't bad looking.

Saradina looked down at him sensing someone was near. She smiled guilty and floated down to the floor.

Saradina: Just working on the light fixture. I'll leave.

Saradina stood there a moment expecting him to answer. When he didn't she sighed and shouldered pass him. Goku waited until she was almost out of the door.

Goku: Are you strong?

Saradina stiffened and smiled a biter smile at memories of past fights and failures. Images of her son, and the pain in his blues eyes suddenly threaten to over take her. No not in front of him. I can't show weakness! Why can't I forget! Without turning she answered the pain in her voice was masked well but Goku still heard it. He stiffened himself, suddenly uncomfortable.

Saradina: Never strong enough.

Goku nodded, he knew the feeling. He knew she wanted him to change the subject and although he was still curious he did as she wished.

Goku: Are there training rooms on board.

Now on safer ground Saradina had the courage to turn and face him. She smiled with pride.

Saradina: Yep, and thanks to the Ultimate Kia. We have an indestructible training room. I never saw anything like the metal he gave me to make it, but it does the job. AND…I just got some cool plans from Earth. I'm going to make a gravity chamber.

Goku smiled…

Goku: You raided Bulma's lab?

Saradina: How did you know that?

Goku: She's the only one who had the plans. And Bulma doesn't like sharing her ideas with anyone.

Saradina: Oh.

Once again thinking she was dismissed she turned to leave. Goku however had a few more questions.

Goku: Do you spar?

A strange light glittered in her eyes. Although Goku couldn't see, he did see her excitement though her muscles. The thought of sparing with another Saiy-jin was more than she ever hoped for.

Saradina: I'll be there.

Goku nodded and she left.

Back at Ubuu and Pan's, Ubuu sat holding his daughter thinking. Goku was on his mind, as he usually was. There just was something about Goku that day on the mountain. Something that sent warning flags throughout Ubuu's body. Especially now that Goku went on some trip to the afterworld.

It had happened rather suddenly without warning. One moment he seemed content with his new life and new Great granddaughter, the next moment he went running off on some mission. Ubuu would never forget the horrible look in Goku's eyes, so haunted.

Ubuu: He's been gone to long…something's up. But what?

Of course no one answered just Chi-kou as she babbled in her baby talk. Looking into her dark eyes Ubuu knew the truth. The truth that no matter what Goku was doing Ubuu couldn't join him. He loved his wife and daughter too much. He would fight for them, train to the brink of death for them. But he would not go on a wild goose chase looking for Goku. It was too much. Ubuu put the now sleeping Chi-kou back into her cradle. She was so sweet, the best baby in the world.

Ubuu: Don't worry little one, daddy will protect you always…

Pan: Don't protect her too much; we want her to grow strong.

Ubuu looked up at his dear wife, and once again was overcome by love. He never imagined her could love so unconditionally, so strongly. It was as his life was being read from a fairy tale book.

Ubuu: Ah I think I can over protect until she's at least 40.

Pan laughed softly and took Chi-kou so she could be feed. The baby cooed happily then grew silent. Ubuu was glad that she was feeling better. In fact Pan was almost completely healed, she just grew a little tired every now and then.

Pan: Ubuu is it all right if we take in some strays this weekend?

Ubuu: What?

Pan: Bra's going to some medical convention, and Del had a show to do. So I suggested they leave the kids with us.

Ubuu: I don't think that's wise Pan. You're still kinda weak.

Pan: Ah don't worry about it. With you here I'm sure we can handle those monsters.

Ubuu: Well it has been awhile since we saw you cousin.

Pan: Oh Ubuu I hear he's adorable…He just had his 11th birthday last week. I wish I could have gone.

Ubuu: so when they coming over?

Pan: Oh they'll be here in about 5 minutes

Ubuu sighed and shook his head. But he knew better than to argue, it seemed like she always won. He just hoped she wasn't over doing it. At that moment someone knocked on the door. Knowing who it was Ubuu gestured that he got it and headed toward his front door.

Opening it up Ubuu smiled at his good friend Del. With him was his 11-year-old step-son Goku, his 9-year-old son Del Jr. and his 4 year old daughter Hope. Ubuu smiled warmly and let them in. Del smiled and slapped Ubuu on the back. Del as always was wearing what was considered cool. Which at the moment was red leather pants and coat. And lots of jewelry.

His black hair was shaved which made him look younger than he was. He had the same color skin as Ubuu and the same black eyes. They were about the same height but Ubuu was defiantly more muscle. While Del wasn't flab, he couldn't compare to Ubuu's six-pack.

Del: Long time no see man! So Whatcha been doing homie?

Ubuu: having kids.

Del nodded

Del: Hey Goku why don'tcha go say hi to your Auntie and new cousin real quicke eh. Take the youngin' with ya.

Goku rolled his eyes at his dads `cool' talk and went into the back. Ubuu took a second and studied Del's kids. He hadn't seen them in years and boy how they had grown. Goku at the tender age of 11 was already as tall as his stepfather. And although he had the look of a child. He was already filling out. His hair was spiky like a Saiy-jin and never grew. Which Ubuu knew kinda bummed him out. Since he could never cut it. It was naturally short and kinda looked like Vegeta's hair after he cut it. The boy's eyes were also black and his skin was light. Basically in Ubuu's mind he looked like a mix of Vegeta and Goku…almost like Goeita. It was weird. Del jr. being true to his name looked exactly like his father with one difference, he had blue eyes. Hope was just weird looking (in Ubuu's mind) She had her mothers blue hair but it was spiky like a Saiy-jin. She had one blue eye and one black and she had a tail. Basically though he looked like Bra.

Ubuu thought back, he had known Del his whole life. They had grown up together, and after Goku joined his family. Del had been right beside him urging him on and telling him to beat the crap of that white cracker. It was all in fun of course.

And later when Bra started dating again after her son's birth, Ubuu had a flash of inspiration. He introduced his now very rich and famous friend to his other rich and famous friend. They got married 2 years later.

Del: So hey man. I heard that Goku's Grandfather was chillin here?

Ubuu: not anymore. Something happened and he took off again.

Del: Man must be hard. I know how much you liked the guy Pan too.

Ubuu nodded suddenly really sad and hurt at Goku's leaving. He had really thought that Chi-kou would keep him home.

Del: But hey man, that guy was always a free spirit right.

Suddenly there was a loud crash coming from the kitchen. Del groaned and Ubuu couldn't help but laugh at the tiny voices that came after.

Del Jr. I didn't do it! Hope did!

Hope: whaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa *sob*

Goku: Stop crying! Look what you did Del.!

Del jr. Me! You're the one who wanted the cookies!

Goku: Ya but I didn't tell you to drop the jar!

Del jr. It wasn't my fault it was slippery!

Ubuu waved off Del and told him to behave on tour and went to see how much of a mess the kids made.

Trunks didn't know what to make of it. Never in his life would he have thought that his dad would do such a thing!

Trunks: Mom are you sure!

Trunks listened carefully as his mother talked through the phone.

Oh boy how am I going to explain this to Sky's mother?

Trunks: Ok mom…Listen I have to talk to Becky…ya…Ok I'll come over.

After hanging up Trunks rubbed his temples. He trusted his dad…kinda and was sure he wouldn't harm Sky. She was after all his favorite. But to steal her and take her into space to train. That was too weird for Trunks. He remembered vividly Vegeta's thoughts on how it was Trunks responsibility to make sure his kids got trained! Trunks never really did care much. All of his kids were strong but none showed much knack at being fighters. So why Sky? Did Dad see something in her I missed?

Trunks looked up as Angie, his very pregnant girlfriend walked in baring a tray of drinks. Trunks forced a smile. Angie was a very beautiful woman. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes and the most beautiful smile. But recently they were having trouble. And with the new news he didn't really want to talk to her.

Angie: what's the matter?

Trunks: Nothing it was just my Mom.

Angie smiled as she gave him his drinks.

Why doesn't Trunks trust me yet. Something is bothering him. Why won't he tell me?

Trunks: Listen I got to go to Cap. Cor.

Angie's head snapped up…

Angie: What? You're leaving already? But the baby…

Trunks: I know it's due any day. Well don't worry about it. I'll be back.

Angie: you promised you would be here this time!

Trunks: And I will! I'm just going to see my Mom about something.

By this time Angie was in tears. How could Trunks do this to her. He promised he would be home when the baby was born. He promised!

Angie: Fine do what you want Trunks! You always do, without any thought of how others might feel!

Trunks: Come on Angie! I'm just going to see my Mom!

Angie: That's what you said last time! And you didn't make it in time!

Trunks: Whatever.

Trunks stood up mad. But whether he was angry with Angie or the Truth of her words he didn't know. Barely a day went by that they didn't argue. And most of the time what they argued about was stupid. The truth was he didn't know why he just didn't tell he the truth about his daughters kidnapping. She would be more understanding. But for some reason his lips were sealed and he found himself just being annoyed with her.

He hates me…is that why he doesn't want to be here. All she asked was for Trunks the father of her child to be there at his birth! But he was being an ass.

Trunks just shook his head and walked to the door. Angie was silent for a moment but as he opened the door she spoke. He voice was thin and shaky.

Angie: If you leave…I won't be here when you get home.

Trunks stopped and halfway turned. Turmoil flashed in his eyes…he almost gave in but once again his pride made him walk out the door. He left a crying woman behind him again.

On Planet Arakis Ultimate Wrath stood beside the pool. His arms were crossed and his eyes were closed. He was a large man, dwarfing his brothers. He was also the most physically strongest. Anger was a powerful weapon, yet where it counts he wasn't the strongest. Their powers were only as powerful as the people that felt them. That was why the brothers fought over control of the strong mortals. And although ever warrior felt anger at some point, it was short lived. Ever warrior cooled off sooner of later. And that was Wraths double edge sword. He was a powerful Kia but his power was unreliable. Wrath smiled his eyes still closed. It was a cold smile full of malice and hate. He was unreliable until Pain came to him. It was five years ago when Pain made his offer. They had just finished their unsuccessful search for Soul.

(flash back)

In was raining outside. Ultimate Wrath hated the rain, if annoyed him. And today everything was against him even the damn weather. He had just come in from searching 3 different dimensions for his lost Brother.

Wrath: Where could he be?

Hate and anger rose like a serpent in his chest. He had things to do, mortals to influence. He didn't have time to search the universe for that idiot! So wrapped up in his thoughts Wrath didn't hear Pain walk up.

Pain: I agree Brother.

Wrath's head shot up…What did he want. As a rule pain and wrath avoided each other. Their powers came to close together so they continuously had to fight over the same Mortals. So why was he here?

Wrath: What do you want!

Pain: I just was thinking.

Wrath: Well do it somewhere else.

Pain: Not so fast Brother. I wish to talk to you.

This got Wrath's attention. When did Pain talk to anyone.

Pain: Soul is gone…maybe for good.

What was he getting at. Wrath knew Soul was gone.

Wrath: So…?

Pain: the Mortal Goku…

Wrath was becoming angry. He knew all about that Mortal. He had felt the power his emotions gave him. It was a sore spot that Wrath couldn't keep that power.

Pain: Settle down Brother. I know how you feel. I to have tasted his power, only to have it ripped away from me. But listen…how would you like to have his power…forever.

Wrath gasped…how could…and why was Pain sharing this with him.

Pain: I know what you are thinking…here is the reason. Pain and Wrath…two separate emotions. Yet my brother it is rare that a mortal feels one and not the other is that right.

Wrath nodded.

Pain: Let us unite. Soul is gone…so he can't work to keep the mortal anymore. You had him as a child remember.

Wrath: Yes…then Soul made a plan, so the child hit his head…

Pain: And he became Souls.

Wrath: He was a sweet loving child after that…disgusting! But at the time I didn't care.

Pain: Yes the child was weak…but my brother I have often wondered why Soul would want a Saiy-jin. I know now.

Pain next words shocked him to his core.

Wrath: Are you sure??

Pain: Yes…and after it happens whoever has control over him will have the power forever!

Wrath: Why did you tell me this.

Pain: I need a second Kia to look into the pool.

Suddenly Wrath understood. Without the pool they were blind. Pain couldn't go on his own, the pool was rigged so only two or more could look at a time. Never just one, it was that way incase one became corrupted. But if two were corrupted…that didn't matter.

Wrath: So we will be partners?

Pain: Yes, follow me and you won't have anything to worry about.

(end of flashback)

Wrath snarled. After all their hard work in tearing the bond between Goku and that human, Solitude had to mess it up. He was doing something. This much Wrath knew. It was to weird that she disappeared and was shielded! And unlike his brother Wrath was worried. Solitude was an Ultimate Kia and he had a lot of power. He could do something to mess up their plans. He did after all arrange Pan and Ubuu. Just so Goku would have a great grand daughter and heal a bit.

But Pain was being a pain and ignoring his warnings.

Wrath: Well…Solitude ain't the only one that can go one their own.

And he knew just want to do.

Wrath: Hahahahahahah (evil laughter)

Goku waited impatiently scratching at the uncomfortable suit he was wearing. Saradina had insisted that he wear something besides the gi he came in. Which kinda made sense. He only had that one outfit. So he got some spandex from Saradina's one size fits all collection. It was just a plain black spandex outfit. With no sleeves and long shorts. He liked it except that it itched and he was getting a wedgy.

The reason he was waiting was that Saradina was installing the gravity unit in the sparing room. It would have been done sooner but she was having trouble adapting Saiy-jin technology with Bulma's.

Saradina: There done!

Goku perked up and smiled. His muscle jumped under his smooth tan skin. It had been years since he had trained. He just hadn't felt like but now…he had to train. Who ever did this to Chi-Chi would pay

Goku: Good. How high will it go?

Saradina: Bulma for some reason made it work up to 1000 time earths normal gravity?

Goku: Great…how much can you handle?

Saradina was taken aback for a moment then thought. She was strong…but something about this man made her stop and wonder. He was stronger than he appeared to be. How strong was yet to be seen.

Saradina: 15 times…should be ok.

Goku smirked and walked to the controls. They were just like the ones in Vegeta's GR. He then set it to 20 times gravity.

Saradina was ready for it, but when it hit she found herself barely able to breath. Straining against the very air, Saradina steeled her muscles and stood up. After a few moments she felt ready to walk. Which she did, a few steps. Each extremely painful, her bone felt like they were cracking. Saradina looked up in triumph and gasped. Goku stood quietly against the wall. He showed no signs of strain.

Saradina: How???

Goku: You're good. I couldn't even stand in this the first time. You got potential.

Saradina regarded him confused. Was he suggesting what she thought he was suggesting.

Goku: It's better to spar with someone close to your own power than alone. So if you want I'll train you. I have a feeling we'll be here in space a long time.

Saradina's mind was whirling…how strong was he. He didn't even seem to feel the gravity. Suddenly she gasped as she realized what he was.

Saradina: you're the one that killed Frieza!! You're a Super Saiy-jin!

Goku laughed softly.

Goku: Yes I defeated Frieza. But I didn't kill him. I was stupid and weak. I let him live!

Saradina: Why??

Goku: I was hoping he could change. So I gave him a second chance.

Saradina: You sound like you hate your decision?

Goku growled softly. Damn her for being so insightful. He didn't want to talk about it. But as she looked up at him with her black eyes, Goku was struck by how much they looked like some else's he once knew. He couldn't lie to her.

Goku: Yes I do! I look back now and see all the stupid stuff I did. And wonder why in the hell am I alive!! I let Frieza live…he came back to kill all my friends. He was stopped luckily by another SS. Dr. Gero I let him live and the monster came back and nearly destroyed the universe with his creations. I was killed that way the second time!

Saradina: Don't hate yourself Goku. You're a good guy. You don't know how rare that is for a Saiy-jin. It took me losing my son to become what I am now. Although I wish every day with all my heart that he was alive again. I wouldn't go back to that too prideful monster I was before. And if it helps any…if my son lived, I would hope he would be something like you.

Goku was stunned speechless. The guilt he had been hiding deep inside melted away as he saw things in a new light. She was right…he was a good guy. That was what made him different than Dr. Gero, or Frieza. Why or how he lost sight of that Goku wasn't sure.

Goku: Thank you Sara.

Saradina blinked at the shorted version of her name. She then blushed only one other person ever called her that. Quickly excusing herself she left. Leaving him to do his Super Saiy-jin training. She had things to work out.