Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ New World Sayians ❯ Battle of father and son Begin/New Fusion ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ

Chapter 9: Battle of father and son begins/New Fusion

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I stared the king down. To think he was my father. He did prove his point about it though. As far as I'm concerned, I have only one father, and he lives in the alternate dimension. The king and I began to fight.

"You will stand no chance against me" The king said as he powered up to SS4. I had to attack this being all alone. I didn't mind, for a one on one fight is the best way for me.

"I will not allow you to defeat me" I said. I took off my jacket. I didn't need any weight to hinder me. We continued to fight for twenty minutes. We were clearly exhausted, and the others were waking up. The king disappeared behind me, and I twisted my neck and I froze. The king saw this as his only opening, and beat me to an inch of my life. I was still awake, but I was laying down. I was being held by Pan, as she tried to get me away from the battlefield. I was to heavy for her to handle. I was rested by a nearby boulder. Pan was still a bit woozy from the Kings attack. Chronos and Surge were fighting with their swords, the fire and Ice swords.

"Delta Strike!!!!!" They screamed. The two elements collided from the swords and rushed towards the King. He wasn't even phased by the blast.

"Meteor Death Strike!!!!" I heard Surge scream. A massive energy started to surround Surge. The massive heat that emitted from him was amazing. In his right fist, he lunged it forward and the heat hit the King. This angered the King. The king then started to beat the living crap out of Surge, but Chonos intervened.

"Maelstrom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chonos shouted. Energy gathered into his palms, before they exploded and hit the king. This prevented Surge from being killed, and Chronos was able to escape before the king could kill him. Chronos was able to get an open shot and knocked the king out for a couple of seconds.

"Guys. I can't defeat this guy. There is only one thing left to do. Soul Fusion" He said. I was confused at it. Meanwhile, the king woke up.

"Soul fusion is where I fuse two souls into a new being. The bodies from the souls are left behind, so they are still alive, but soulless for the moment. The fusion is very powerful, but only lasts for 1 hour" Chronos said. I was eager to fuse my soul with someone.

"I'm giving you guys to the count of ten before this planet blows" The king said. He started to count. Gohan and I were the only ones to fight. I forgave him, but would his ego allow him to fuse with me. He looked at me, and he knew the same results.

"Chronos. Fuse me and Gohan, NOW!!!!!!" I said. Chronos fused our souls, and a new being was simply born. I am in full control of this one.