Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Night Prowler Addition ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2

“Where’s Dad?” Trunks asked, shoveling his cereal into his mouth with all the zest of a true Saiyan. “Did he already start training?”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” his mother scolded. “No. He isn’t training. He had something else to do today.”

Bulma sipped her coffee, staring out the window at the clear summer sky. Even though she managed to keep it from Trunks, she worried about Vegeta. He had been doing this little disappearing act for nearly a year now. Sometimes he would be gone for a few hours, sometimes a whole night. It started out being a weekly event, but lately, it increased in frequency and he didn’t seem as calm when he returned as he used to.

He told her he just needed to get out, get away, that he felt caged. She could understand that. Since he was very young, he had never stayed in one place for long. Hell! He had never been around people this long that he didn’t end up blasting into charred bits!

But what was there for him now? Since Goku’s death during the Cell Games, Vegeta no longer had a rival. No one to test his strength. No one to push him harder and further. A fighter without a fight. She could understand that feeling of uselessness. Felt it herself if she couldn’t get to the lab for any length of time. She was just glad he found a way to deal with it. His symptoms were downright frightening at the beginning.

“So can I?”

Trunks’ insistent voice brought her back from her thoughts.

“I’m sorry, honey. What were you saying?”

“Can I go play in the gravity room until Dad gets back?” The hopeful look on his face spoke volumes to Bulma. Even though he was barely five years old, he wanted so badly to spend time with his father. The small amounts of time he was able to train himself in his father’s gravity room was all Bulma could offer him.

“Sure,” she said with a smile. “But I’ll be checking up on you, so I’d better not find out you overrode my gravity limit program again.”

He gave her a sheepish grin. “But could you at least raise it to 50? It’s no fun at 25 anymore.”

Her immediate instinct was to tell him no, but her worry about Vegeta made her stop and think. If it was a Saiyan trait to want to keep challenging their limits, maybe she shouldn’t stand in his way. To an extent, of course.

“30,” she offered.

“45,” he bargained.

“35.”   “40.”   ̶ 0;Sold!” she said. Trunks cheered and ran upstairs to change into his training clothes while Bulma reset her safety program in the gravity chamber.

If only she could get Vegeta to take an interest in how much Trunks’ solitary training had advanced his strength. Maybe it was just a mother’s eye, but she thought his arms alone should get his father’s attention.