Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ nightmare to remember ❯ Funeral day ( Chapter 9 )
Chapter 9
Funeral day
Okay if you guys even care I am going to have a comical epic going on in my Profile. It is going to be funny so have fun with it. Okay.
Disclaimer: I do not own DB/Z/GT so don't get on my ass about it. Okay.
~~~~~~~~~LAST TIME~~~~~~~~~
The door now swung open fully but there was no Videl. Pan slowly walked to the bed finding the mess that her parents had left when they had packed. She found her mother's favorite party gown. She grabbed it greedily and held it to her face. "You really are gone... You aren't here and I can't sense you!" She began to cry lightly as she collapsed to the floor and curled into the ball as she cradled her mothers soft dress. "Mama... Please don't leave me... I need you."
~~~~~~~~~THIS TIME~~~~~~~~~
*Just outside the San residents*
Gohan stood there and his parents stood right behind him. Chichi stood clinging to her husband Goku as she cried for the lose of her daughter in law. Gohan turned before he opened the door. "She is my daughter so you have no need to hassle your selves." He said quit plainly. Goku only looked at him as chichi answered her son.
"You need us Gohan it was your wife after all, we can not expect you to put all of this on your shoulders." She said only looking up to talk to him. He turned back around and walked in through the door. He saw the mess on the floor and remembered his little "fight" with his daughter. Goku looked down on it as he stepped around the pictures. "She must really be taking it hard." He said as he fallowed his son through the house and up the stairs. He knew Gohan was headed to find Pan and could sense the girls' ki in he parents room. Gohan just stopped at the door and looked at his helpless daughter and mentally laughed at her.
Goku grew a very saddened expression on his face as he saw his granddaughter on the floor but before he could do any thing his son rushed to Pan's side. He lifted the girl into his arms trying his best to act like he cared. Pan looked up and found herself nuzzled in with her father and she slightly pushed away and spoke in a low voice "you bastard you stay away."
He made sure he was turned away from his parents before he gave an evil grin. "I knew the little wench would have found out sooner or later and I couldn't have her blabbing her mouth now could I?"
Pan rose her voice to her father now not knowing that her grandmother and grandfather were there. "You bastard it is your fault! IT IS YOUR ENTIRE FAULT. YOU DID IT! IT WAS YOU!" She said pushing herself from her father while still holding tightly to her mother's dress. "Damn you! Damn you!" She yelled as she turned seeing her grandparents there but she did not care that they were there, she pushed past them as well, flying from the room and out of the house. Gohan was soon to fallow but was stopped by Goku.
"Gohan you stay here with your mother, I will go find her and calm her down." Gohan was not sure if that was a good idea but let his father go after her. Goku rushed out of the room and began fallowing Pan's ki signal. He sensed her energy rise as she began going faster; he could not see her though only sense her for she was to far ahead. He began picking up speed and found Pan in his sights.
Her power level began rising more. `I have never seen her energy like this... Well what do you expect when going through something like this.' But he was stopped in his thought as he saw a golden glint in front of him radiating from Pan. He picked up speed to find out if this was what he had in mind. He saw Pan now more clearly now and knew that his accusation were right. Pan landed on the ground in the clearing.
She looked up her eyes filled with pain. Such pain. No tear though, it was like she just bring herself to that. Goku landed near Pan not saying anything to her as she stared back at him. "She really is gone...She's gone now." She said lifting the dress to her face and pressed it to her cheek and looked back at Goku.
"Yes Pan she is, but we can't help that. I am sorry Pan." He said holding out his hand to he as he slowly walked closer to her. "I am here though Pan."
She couldn't help but fall into him. She was so exousted. So tired, with all the pain coming to her once more. "Grandpa, I want mama back, she... she ... I just..." but her words faded off into nothing as she collapsed onto her grandfather. She still clung to her mother's garment as she slept.
Goku stood there with his granddaughter in his arms. `She is so fragile but so strong.' he thought as he suddenly noticed that Pan had not powered down when she passed out. `I guess she is no longer that little girl I thought she was.'
*Back as the San residence the next day*
Pan woke up as if from the worst dream and like usual screaming as the thoughts of her mother rushed to her. `Was it a dream? Oh Kami say it was a dream.' She thought as she heard someone rushing to her door but it all hit her once more but even with more force as she saw chichi rushed to her bed and held her.
"Grandma, Where's mama? Where is...?" But Pan was cut short.
"Oh Pan you don't remember?"
"But mama was, she..." but she just stopped speaking. Chichi looked at her in wonder.
"Pan? What? What is it?"
Pan just shook her head not speaking and just kept nodding her head. Chichi had no idea how to talk to the girl at this point so she just looked at her for a while before speaking. "Pan, are you going to be all right for now? You have been sleeping all morning so I made lunch" pan still nodded her head yes. "So go ahead and relaxed I will yell for you when it is done, okay" pan looked at her and nodded again. With this, chichi stood from the bed and slowly walked to the door and looked over her shoulder before leaving. Pan just stared into nowhere when her grandma left and though.
`What am I supposed to feel? I don't feel anymore, I just can't. I want to cry for her lose but my body won't let me.' she said as she slowly moved herself from the bed and to the closet grabbing out her cloths. `I don't know. If I can't grieve I will carry on anyway.'
She had chosen out an out fit of some tight black jean pants and a small strapped belly shirt. `If I can not grieve I might as well find the blackest out fit I have so it looks like something.' she said as she walked to the bathroom in her room. Pan looked in the mirror and was surprised to see a spiky hair girl star back at her. `What The fuck? I transformed? And I didn't power down. I remember when grandpa told me about this she said' but once again she only showed a slight bit of surprise. She began to power down but something would not let her, there was a barrier holding her at s.s. `What is going on, is everything in my life going to shit?'
She said ignoring it now before she got frustrated and got into the shower. She could feel it wash over her body. The only thing that had felt this good in a while. She soon retreated from the shower and got fully dressed in her "grieving" cloths and exited the room. `I should really go down and eat. My appetite won't hold out to long. I haven't eaten in a while' she thought as her stomach growled loudly as she though of the good food her grandma made. `Well I guess' she said exiting her room. She walked slowly even though she wanted to eat so much. She arrived at the kitchen to find her father and grandpa at the table and her grandmother at the stove. She gave a small smirk at the two. Goku put on his happy face and Gohan did the same.
"So come on and sit down and eat it is almost ready." Goku said pulling out the chair by his side. She nodded and sat. "I see you have not powered down. I thought you just might have when you were sleeping but I guess I was wrong." Pan just nodded again.
Chichi approached the table with a pot of rice and set it on a cooling pad. "Well here it is so dig in" she said as she herself sat by her son.
Everyone seemed hurried and did not know why " so what time is the wake again Gohan?"
"Well it is a wake and a funeral in one. They said there was no way to find anything from the crash so they said they could set up the funeral right away. So it's going to be here in an hour or so. We are going to leave right after this."
Pan looked up and just stared at them still not saying a word. She had lost her appetite. She looked at everyone at the table and smiled as she slowly got up. "I going to wait outside for you guys to get done."
Chichi shook her head as Pan walked out the door. "The poor little child."
About 20 minutes later they were all out side. Seeing as they had no vehicle they had to fly. The funeral was being held in the outskirts of South City. They arrived soon fast.
Few people were there but they were grieving just as hard as anyone would. Pan arrived to see who it was. Of course one of there closest friends. Bulma stood at the door of the funeral home and waited for Gohan and the rest she looked up and spotted them and instantly tears swelled in her eyes. Pan landed on the ground and was hugged by Bulma but did not return it. Bulma let go and let her return to Goku, Gohan, and Chichi Bulma began to speak pathetically to the three. Pan did not care she only walked past and into the funeral home seeing people lined up to the coffin to lay items by it. She could tell who a few of them were but not all, Bra was now at the coffin laying a letter on it and sobbed slightly next in line behind her was Trunks who clasped tightly to his sisters shoulder. Pan searched the room and her eyes landed on Vegita who like usual was standing in a corner, even at a funeral he had an attitude.
When Pan looked to him he was staring straight back at her, she looked away quickly and walked to her mother's casket that she was now kneeling in front of. "I know you aren't in there but still I know you are watching over me mama, I hope you don't mind me putting this in there?" She said as she lifted the lid of the empty casket and laid out her mother's party dress nicely and crossed its arms over the chest to represent what her body may have looked like.
Pan was startled by Bra who had snuck behind her and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Pan knew this was the one person that would let her cry and let her emotion flow so she quickly turned around and wrapped her arms around Bra and began sobbing quietly so that no one else would hear her. Bra began stroking her hair gently as she spoke to her grief stricken friend "Pan it is okay, you know as well as I do that your mom is in other world and you will see her again some day. Just look at your grandfather." She spoke very gently and quietly knowing Pan would want there little conversation private.
Pan soon rose from her friend's shoulder trying to whip her face so that the fact that she had been crying was not evident. Most everyone was there and everyone had come to greet Pan and pay his or her respects. The ceremony had started but Pan was not listening and only stared blankly as they played songs on al little stereo. The songs hit a lot of the people as they played sad lyrics of various songs. The preacher stood as the song stopped and asked those who wanted to speak to stand up and approach the front and of course trying to be the good man her father stood and walked to the podium.
He stood there for a second and looked around the room at the many people. "I would like to thank you all for coming, I can honestly say that I know she would be happy to see this many people who respected her enough to come to her funeral. But I know she loved all of us here and she would not want us to mourn to harshly and enjoy our lives as she did hers..." He continued on but that was the only part she care to listen to before she got up from her chair. Everyone in the room was eyeing her as she walked out of the room. She knew what they were thinking. They were thinking that she was disrespectful and that she had not enough kindness in her heart. They automatically assumed it was the saiya-jin in her.
`I really do not care what they think about me. I just want this day to end, so I can just get away from all these pathetic people. They never even really knew who my mom was.' She thought as she walked out of the funeral home. It took at least a half-hour for everything to get over. `Now all we have to do now is bury her and go home, I can be alone then.'
Soon she was summoned inside so she could help carry the casket to the hurce (that funeral car thing). There were six people lined up along the casket carrying it (three on each side). There was Gohan and Goku in front Trunks and Pan in the middle and Hercule and Goten in back. They slowly pushed it into the hurse. Everyone got into there cars and the drive to the graveyard began.
The sky began to darken as the evening began to approach. Like at the wake Pan did not pay attention. She soon noticed people had start to leave and that her mothers coffin was lowered into the ground. Pan stepped closer to the large hole in the ground that contained the coffin and looked deeply saddened for the second time today she knew she was going to cry. She bent down on one knee as she took one of the flowers that had already been placed by the grave and held it to her. She raised her hand above the coffin and closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her face and fell as she dropped the flower in. There were few people left but only Videl's relatives remained manly. Pan refused to move from her spot even when they started to fill the grave with dirt. Gohan approached Pan and knelt so that his head was to her ear and placed his hand on her shoulder "I hoe your not going to cry little Panny" he spoke in a low mocking voice "well I could care less though, oh you can go ahead and stay here as long as you want but me and everyone else will be at Bulma's so if I sense you going anywhere besides her house your ass is as good as dead... You hear me?" He said still making sure that he did not raise his voice to high.
Pan just nodded her hair wishing not to fight with her "father" and stood up quickly to lift her father's arm from her. She did not turn to face them but felt the driving away in there cars. The night was now almost here the sun at the horizon and the moon slightly in the sky. `I wonder when I'll see her again? I wonder if she is watching me now?' She thought as she finally decided to leave so she walked away. "I love you mama." She said aloud as she rose to the sky.
Pan now set her eyes upon the C.C. corp. as she slowed her pace. The building was light upping brightly as to tell her that everyone was there and awake. She did not bother to knock an walked in knowing right were her room was she headed right for it while not running into anyone...
To be continued...
Well there it is. I have a good story line but I want to know if you guys want me to get to the point or if you want me to drag it on cause it could take a bit for me to get another event out of the way. I don't know what to do. I will try to skim it down for now so try and give advice or something.