Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Now is the time for Family ❯ Bardock and his sons ( Chapter 3 )
Bardock and his Sons
For your information: This is all taking place in those "forgotten years" between the destruction of Buu and the martial arts tournament. Goten is about 13 and Gohan is in his twenties.
Goku led his brother and his father towards his mountain home. Before the saiyans got to within sight of Goku's dwelling, he veered off into the woods. He landed in a clearing and turned to his relatives. All the childish glee and happiness had melted into seriousness as he eyed up the two weaker saiyans.
"What's the deal Kakarot? Are we going to meet our family or not?" Raditz asked sternly.
"You are not getting any where near my family, especially my wife ChiChi until i get some answers that I'm sure I can believe. My sons can take care of themselves, you wouldn't last a heartbeat against either one of them. Even my son's wife could probably fight you off Raditz. But my wife is defenseless against you. I believe our father was never really loyal to Freeza, but you I don't know. The last time I saw you, and you had the upper hand, you kidnapped my son, attacked my best friend, and ruthlessly fought your own brother to the death. I may be strong, but I'm not going to try and fool myself. I want to believe that you won't hurt her, but I can't let any of my kindness hurt my family. I trusted you once, and I remember the results of that! Have you changed Brother? Or are you the same ruthless fool you once were?"
Raditz just leaned against a tree with his arms folded and his eyes set in a scowl. He stayed there, his eyes locked with his brother's, for what seemed an eternity. Finally, something in Raditz snapped, he turned and took off. Without a moment's hesitation, Goku appeared in front of Raditz, grabbed a hold of him, and threw him into the ground.
"I won't play games with you on this matter! Are you willing to change or not? I know of many planets where you could live without being a threat. Would you rather go there? I'm giving you a chance at peace and a family! I know you would come to love it if you give it a chance. What's your decision brother?"
A small tear ran down Goku's cheek as he screamed at his brother. Raditz finally realized that someone did care for him. Goku wanted him to be at peace. He would give this a chance.
"I've never known peace brother. I don't know if it can work. I will give it a chance for your sake."
Goku pulled his brother into an embrace, a smile born widely on his face. What he didn't notice was the small smile that crept across Raditz's face. Bardock just looked on and smiled. He remembered back to when Goku was a new born. Even then Raditz had resented him. When Goku cried at night, Raditz was the one to shut him up with a slap. This was magical. This place was magical. Bardock filled his lungs with the sweet air and approached his sons.
"I believe we have a family to meet..."
Seemed like a good place to end... nother chapter coming very soon.