Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Now is the time for Family ❯ Saiyans, Nameks, and Humans Oh My! (Part 2) ( Chapter 9 )
Saiyans, Nameks, and Humans Oh my! (Part 2)
"So how strong has Krillin gotten since the last time we uh... met?" Raditz screamed ahead to Gohan who was careening further and further away from Raditz.
"What!?" Gohan shouted back.
"Well maybe if you would slow down so your old uncle can keep up you could here me! Jeese."
"Oh yea sorry, It's just I haven't flown with anyone for a while and I guess I forgot you can't fly nearly as fast as me. What did you say?"
"I said how strong has Krillin gotten since the last time we met!?" Raditz screamed about a foot from Gohan's face.
"Jeese do you think you could yell any louder I can still hear out of one of them! Krillin can hold his own in battle. He's not nearly as strong Piccolo but I would have to say he's the strongest human ever since Yamcha stopped training and Tien and Chatzu sort of disappeared. I haven't seen them since well jeese I can't remember. Anyway I think you have more to fear from his wife than you do from him."
"What do you mean? I thought you said he was the strongest human? How can his wife be more to worry about? She's human isn't she?"
"Well kinda, she's an android."
Raditz began to bust out laughing and nearly fell into the sea. "So baldy couldn't get a real woman so he made one. Oh my that's a crack up!"
"No, you knew Cell in hell didn't you?"
"Yea but what does that have to do with baldy having a machine for a wife?"
"Well long story short, she was part of Cell at one point. I guess you didn't really get into his history all that much huh?"
"Oh so she's one of Gero's creations! That guy is nuts! When he showed up he had his head in his arms! I can't believe anyone would make themselves into a robot!"
"Hey look there's Kame house! Let's just hope old Master Roshi doesn't have a heart attack when he sees you. Oh and watch out, Krillin may not be that strong but he will want to protect his family. I don't know how strong you really are but I would play it safe, he has gotten a lot stronger. Even stronger than he was when we fought Freeza. Oh and about all this baldy stuff, you might be surprised."
The two saiyans landed and headed towards the door. Suddenly the door flew open and Master Roshi ran out with a magazine covering his head from the various objects being thrown at him.
"Uh oh looks like Launch is back. She must have sneezed!"
"Roshi you sicko, how dare you! If I ever catch you in my underwear drawer again, we'll be having turtle hermit soup for dinner!"
In all the confusion Master Roshi ran right into Raditz and his glasses flew off. Roshi looked up and recognized Gohan even without his glasses. The other, broader figure he couldn't place. "Must be Goku he thought. Krillin! Gohan and Goku are here!"
Krillin came rushing down the stairs and out to the front yard. "Gohan, Goku, I haven't seen you guys in forev... Yeow! What the hell are you doing here Raditz! Gohan what's the big idea of bringing this guy here? You better have a good reason or I'll beat him to a pulp! I know he's not above kidnapping to get what he wants. I will protect my baby girl if I have to!"
"Settle Krillin, he's not like he used to be!"
"Oh yea like hell he's not. Vegeta has been with us for years and I still don't trust that guy. How do you expect me to trust him? The last thing I remember is flying through that wall the last time he was here!" Krillin said indicating that front wall of Kame House.
"Wow Krillin," Raditz began, "First off nice hair. I'm not going to hurt you or anyone else. From what I hear I wouldn't stand a chance if I did. And even if I some how got by you, I hear your wife is a real firecracker."
"Come on Krillin, Even my dad has given him a chance and Raditz was responsible for his first death!"
"Well if Goku can forgive him that's great, but its gonna take me time! I'll talk to you guys later, give me a while and I'll come find you. Where is he staying?"
" With my mother, father, brother and grandfather in our old house."
"Oh boy Goku's father is back too. This could take awhile. See ya round bro. I think you should leave atleast for now."
"You got it Krillin." Gohan said as he grabbed Raditz and took off.
"Well I'm not exactly making friends real quick and easy am I? But I gotta say, all four limbs still intact, You introduce me to people better than your father..."
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All right thats it for me this time. Let me know what you think. Sorry for taking so long to update. Later all- lost ^-^