Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Now is the time for Family ❯ Three Saiyans Minus... Three Nameks? ( Chapter 14 )
Three Saiyans Minus 3 Nameks?
"Ha, you have no ace up your sleeve! Just because you bit off more than you could ever possibly hope to chew!"
"Ah Piccolo, it is not always the strongest that wins, as you can see by your comrades here. Tell me, you weren't always the being I see before me, were you? No I believe you have two "house" guests that we need to be dealing with. All three of you big strong Nameks ganging up on little ole me, I think not! Try this!"
Thallous threw his arms out behind him and began powering up, a strange, bright white light forming in his hands.
"NOW PICCOLO, LET'S SEE WHO'S HOME! HA!" Thallous released the white energy like a net, there was no way Piccolo could have dodged.
"Ahhhhhh" Piccolo screamed and grunted. As if he had done the split form technique, it looked as if another Piccolo had appeared, but it was in fact Nail. Another moment would reveal Kami, even more withered than he had been before the "permanent" fusion with his alter ego.
"What the..." The three Nameks screamed at once.
"AHAHAHAHA! There we are Piccolo, no lets see how you cope! You couldn't even destroy Freeza in that form could you? You've got no chance!" Thallous powered up and blasted off towards the three confused Nameks. The frail Kami was the first to fall to his attack, slammed into the Earth beside the observing saiyans.
"No Kami!" Piccolo and Nail screamed in unison. "Why you..." The two put there backs together and careened toward Thallous, but it was no good, without the fusion, their combined strength was nothing, they were both sent to lie next to Kami in the dirt. Thallous put his hand out in front of him and powered up a blue ki ball, aimed directly at the unconscious Nameks. He fired, direct hit. As the smoke cleared, Thallous was amazed to find that the Nameks were not there, nor even a trace that he had killed them. He scanned the area. Under a tree, Bardock and Raditz stood, the Nameks slung over their shoulders.
"What? But How... No one can move that fast!"
"Oh but light can! Instant transmission, what did you think we hadn't been doing anything the entire time we have been here? Goku knows lots of neat tricks, this being one of them." Bardock screamed back.
"Oh yes the Yardrat technique. No matter, you will all die, in time" Thallous powered back up and careened towards the saiyans.
"Ready?" Raditz asked.
"Oh yea, let's do it" Bardock replied.
The two saiyans intertwined their hands, "KA-ME-HA-ME," Thallous grew closer, "HA!" The wave hit Thallous direct on, a gigantic explosion ensued. The father-son duo could only wait and hope, while the King could only look on in awe, he had fallen far behind in the short time they had been on this planet. The smoke cleared to reveal Thallous with scorched hands, but little other damage. The blast had only served to enrage him.
"YOU PUNY SAIYANS THINK THAT YOU CAN DO THIS TO ME! ME? THE FUTURE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE! I WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE!" Thallous, in his rage powered up, sending a shock wave through the area, and began to form an attack in his hands, the exhausted saiyans could only look up.
"TAKE THIS YOU WORTHLESS SCUM!" Thallous fired the beam, lighting the entire area with a blinding flash. All seemed silent, and then the wave hit with an ear shattering BANG! The smoke took a long time in clearing, first it only revealed Thallous with a sickeningly huge smile. The smoke cleared and revealed where the tree had stood, the Nameks were thrown off to the side, apparently alive, but there was no sign of the two saiyans, or the third saiyan for that matter. As the smoke cleared, Thallous was sure that it was over, the universe, the dragon balls, and his wish were all within his grasp, but something caught his eye, high in the sky above. He looked up, all three saiyans looked back down at him...
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Getting late, good place to stop. Yea I like Piccolo, but he was one of those too powerful characters to keep in the story, I thought that would be a neat way to get him out of it. Any ideas on how the saiyans should fight back? R&R -- lost