Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Now is the time for Family ❯ Fight Fire With Fire ( Chapter 16 )
Fight Fire With Fire
"Errrr, enough!" Thallous screamed, still smoking from Bardock's attack, "I don't have time for this playtime with you pathetic Saiyans! Enough fooling around, time to die boys!" Thallous powered up and careened towards the father and son duo, Raditz holding a semi-conscious King Vegeta who was quickly thrown aside. Bardock, still weary from the Kamehameha wave, was quickly slammed to the ground. Raditz would not last much longer. He was quickly pinned against a tree and subsequently pounded through it and sent flying to the ground.
"Now, just relax the end is near." Thallous fired a massive energy blast. Bardock was the fateful victim. It appeared the Saiyan who had stood up to Frieza so many years ago, was silenced again. Raditz rose from the ground to see his father's smoking body.
"Father! No!" Raditz cried out in sheer desperation. He began to remember the last time he had gotten news that his father had been killed along with all the Saiyans and his home planet. He had felt almost nothing. Now, away from all of Planet Vegeta's war-like ways that allowed for little to no family affections, he had gotten to know his true father. And now he was gone. And if he could do nothing, if he was helpless to stop destruction once more, he would lose his brother and all of his newfound family. No he wouldn't allow it, not after all the changes he went through. Not after he learned to care again. Rage began to seethe through him. Lightning began to course through his very veins. The ground beneath his feet began to shake and tremble as if the rage of God himself shook the core. Rocks began to rise all around the enraged Saiyan. And then, something inside him broke, and a wellspring of power was unleashed. Raditz stood transformed, eyes blazing blue, and hair a flaming gold.
"Its time you learned the worth of the Saiyan race Thallous." Raditz coolly exclaimed.
"Ahh, yes a Super Saiyan. Lets see just what you've got shall we?" Thallous replied with a smirk.
Raditz launched himself at Thallous and a fierce fistfight ensued. Raditz, with incredible speed matched Thallous blow for blow. The two combatants quickly fought to a stand still…
Ok I know it was short and a little lacking, but after this long, It works for me and gives me a direction to go in, although I think you coulda figured that out for yourselves ~lost