Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Of Stars, Steam, and Pride ❯ 02 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Stars, Steam, and Pride

By LadyVegeets

~Part 2~

Goku's estate was lavish to say the least. Bulma was no stranger to opulence, but even she had to take a moment to admire how nice it was. And luckily, it was in a part of the city that hadn't been attacked.

Vegeta was barely conscious by the time they arrived, slumped between Goku and Bulma. Bulma struggled under his weight. When they stepped inside the foyer, Goku lifted Vegeta over his shoulder and gave Bulma a courteous smile. “My house is yours, Miss Briefs. Have my people fetch whatever you need. Please take good care of Miss Ox for me.”

“Of course,” Bulma replied, but Goku was already headed off, Vegeta bleeding and hanging limply over his shoulder.

An attendant came and Bulma was led upstairs to a lovely room where Chi Chi was lying in bed. Chi Chi looked pale, her brow furrowed in pain, but she smiled wanly when Bulma entered.

“Bulma! Are you alright? You're all scratched up!” Chi Chi asked, pushing herself up even though it pained her to do so.

“I'm fine,” Bulma assured, ignoring for now how tired and sore she felt.

“Oh, thank goodness… How is Son?”

“Also fine,” Bulma replied. “What happened to you?”

“It's stupid, really,” Chi Chi waved off Bulma's concern. “Son was so brave! He gathered everyone and led them to an evacuation point. He stopped along the way to help some people from a collapsed building, and I tried to help too but cut open my leg.”

Bulma lifted the blankets and saw Chi Chi's leg wrapped in a bandage. It had already bled through. Bulma's eyes widened in alarm. “Chi Chi, how did you walk on this?!”

“I-I didn't. Son carried me,” Chi Chi admitted, blushing.

Bulma rolled her eyes, biting back a smirk. Trust Chi Chi to find the romance in a terrible situation. “You are shameless.”

“Me?” Chi Chi exclaimed. “I wasn't the one who chased after short, dark and handsome.”

Bulma felt her cheeks heat up, and she scowled at Chi Chi. “That is totally not what I was doing. I was saving his stupid ass.”


“I was. Did. We're still alive because of me, so, you're welcome.”

“Oh really? Thanks,” Chi Chi drawled, clearly not buying it.

“It's true,” Bulma grumbled. She sat down and filled in her friend on what had occurred. After she was done, Chi Chi's face was aglow with amazement.

“He sounds really brave,” Chi Chi commented.

Bulma pouted, crossing her arms, loathing to admit anything nice about Vegeta if she didn't have to. “His one redeeming quality,” she said grudgingly.

“Oh, and the fact that he's drop dead gorgeous, rich and of noble birth means nothing to you?”

Bulma arched a brow. “How would it? I didn't know.”

“Even the drop dead gorgeous part?”

Bulma pressed her lips together, refusing to answer.

Chi Chi smiled. “Son told me a little about Vegeta as he carried me here. Did you know that Vegeta is the last remaining heir of his family and the Darcy estate? And General Frieza himself, of the De Bourgh estate, sent Vegeta here. Apparently Frieza is grooming Vegeta to take over the outposts, but Vegeta doesn't want that and is unhappy about the whole situation.”

“Hmff, that's no reason for him to be such a dick,” Bulma grumbled, still adamant about hating the man.

They spoke for a while longer, Chi Chi soon gushing over Goku again, clearly smitten, discussing everything she thought admirable about him until the late hour, excitement, and her injury caught up with her and she grew tired. Bulma redressed Chi Chi's wound and let her sleep. It was getting late and she was feeling exhausted herself. She had an attendant set up a chaise for her, refusing a private room so that she could stay by Chi Chi's side, just in case her friend needed her.

Bulma woke in the middle of the night, ravenous. She hadn't eaten since lunch the previous day. Hoping it wouldn't be too impolite, she checked on Chi Chi who was sleeping well, and crept downstairs to help herself to the kitchens.

Apparently she wasn't the only one who'd had the same thought.

The cooling box door was open, and bathed in its glow was Vegeta, a pile of food already pulled out on the counter behind him, and he, still searching for more. He was dressed only in light pajama bottoms, his upper body topless but wrapped in bandages. Bulma blanched at the the sight of him and turned around to leave, hoping to sneak away before-

“You're up late,” he commented.

She froze, wincing, and turned back to face him. “You too.”

“A hole in the back makes it hard to sleep well,” he commented. Bulma frowned, unable to tell if he was just being blunt or blaming her for the wound. She eyed him surreptitiously, seeing he'd regained his color and was walking around comfortably unassisted. He had recovered from his earlier exhaustion. She noticed he still wore the ki guard over his arm. It didn't look as though it could be comfortable.

“Do you always sleep with that on?” she asked before she could think better of prying.

He hitched a brow, looking down at the mechanical brace. Then he glanced at her. “What do you know about it?”

Bulma raised her chin haughtily. “Maybe more than you. Definitely more than you if you allow me to examine it.”

Vegeta snorted. “Like you messed with that scouter? Do you have any idea how expensive this equipment is?”

“Over nine trillion galts, last I checked,” Bulma replied confidently.

Vegeta froze, giving her a hard look. “… You're not an ordinary brass mouse.”

Bulma glared at him, hating the way he threw that term around. A lot of her friends were considered `brass mice' and she didn't like the condescending tone he used every time he said it.

“… What are you?” he asked.

Bulma grit her teeth. “Hungry.”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes, but splayed his fingers at the small feast he'd laid out on the kitchen counter, haughtily offering it to her. As if she needed his permission. It wasn't even his estate. She refused, turning to the cooling box and opening it, but Vegeta had already pulled out the most select choices of food. Damn him. She closed the door and glanced at him over her shoulder.

He was watching her with dark, amused eyes, smirking at her as he bit into a round, red fruit.

She gave up and investigated his pile of food, selecting the same red fruit he ate and bit into it. It was delightfully sweet and crisp, filling her mouth with juice.

For a while they ate in silence. It wasn't what she could call uncomfortable, but Bulma still considered taking her leave early only to dismiss the idea a moment later; somehow that would feel like retreating, like losing to Vegeta, and she was determined not to let the pompous man get the best of her.

And she still couldn't let the ki guard go, her eyes drawn to it as she filled her belly with food. Her family was wealthy, but 9 trillion galactic tokens, `galts', was a lot of money just to buy a fancy toy that she wasn't even licensed to use. She doubted she would get another chance to see one again.

“Does it not come off?” she said, breaking the silence as an idea struck her. “Is it fused to your nerves?” she added, excited by the possibilities.

Vegeta scowled at her over the sandwich he had fashioned for himself. “No.”

“So why not take it off? It must be more comfortable to eat and sleep without it.”

“If I took it off to be comfortable, then I wouldn't have had it on me when the saibamen attacked, and we wouldn't be having this conversation. Because we'd be dead.” He bit into his sandwich and chewed, looking at her with hard eyes.

Bulma felt her face twist with annoyance. She'd never met someone so blatantly unpleasant. She had only asked a logical question, yet he had to throw it back in her face, didn't he? She ate her own food, chewing sullenly. “Maybe you should sleep with a scouter on too then.”

“Maybe,” he said, and she couldn't tell if he was sarcastic or serious.

The silence stretched out between them.

“… It seems awfully inefficient,” she finally commented, needing to get in the last word.

His brow pulled down. “Excuse me?”

Bulma smirked, pleased to have caused him offense. “You were at your limit so quickly. What if there had been more enemies? What if it had gone on longer?”

“I wouldn't have wasted so much ki had someone's scouter not caused me to do so,” he snapped at her.

She shrugged one elegant shoulder. “Your using the wrong equipment aside, the ki guard still seems rather poorly designed. I bet I could double the efficiency and strength put out.”

He snorted, disbelieving.

Bulma's hands fisted, irritated that he didn't give her the benefit of the doubt even for a second. What an unbelievable jerk.

Vegeta finished the last of his sandwich (what was that, his fourth?), his appetite as impressive as his physique — which Bulma had been trying very hard not to ogle — and he stood up. “Good night, Miss…”

Oh no… He didn't even remember her name?! Bulma barely contained her rage, her voice low as she grit back, “Bulma Briefs.”

“Right,” he drawled, smiling. “Good evening, Miss Briefs.” His voice purred over her name, and he left the kitchen, leaving her to stew over a kitchen counter still piled with food that she would now have to put away on his behalf, and a burning, wild vehemence for the man that she unfortunately owed her life to.

She didn't sleep well that night.


The next morning, an attendant came to fetch Bulma. She had a visitor. Chi Chi was still sleeping so Bulma headed downstairs to see who called for her.

She didn't know the man standing in the foyer. He was very tall and powerfully built, his long hair pulled back into a wild yet dashing ponytail. He was dressed in military blues, and when he saw her approach he smiled at her amiably.

“Miss Briefs?”

“Yes? And you are…?” Bulma asked.

“First Lieutenant Raditz of the Wickham Estate. Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he greeted, holding out his palm.

Bulma arched a brow and gave him her hand. Raditz smiled, pressing his thumb lightly over her fingers. He raised her hand to his mouth, and like Goku had with Chi Chi, merely gestured a kiss, not quite making contact; she could feel his breath on her fingertips, his hand strong and warm. He watched her, his eyes dancing mischievously.

He was exceedingly handsome. Bulma fought back a rising blush. She'd met his kind before. This Raditz liked to charm anything with boobs, she would wager. Still, she wasn't opposed to the attention. It was certainly welcome after being called a brass mouse so much.

“What do I owe this pleasure?” she asked.

“Business, I'm afraid,” Raditz admitted, letting her hand go. “I'm here to get your assistance in repairing the wall.”

“Oh, of course… But, I don't have any of my equipment,” Bulma apologized.

“We can stop by your estate on the way-”

Raditz?” A harsh voice interrupted. Bulma looked over, seeing Vegeta stalk into the entryway. He wore fitted pants, a white shirt and a dark, slender vest, far more dressed than he had been the previous night. Of course, he still wore his ki guard on his arm, because he apparently never took the damn thing off, lest he not be prepared. “The hell are you doing here? Who let you in?” Vegeta snapped, looking accusingly at the frightened attendant loitering by the door.

Raditz smiled benignly at Vegeta. “Now, now, Vegeta, it's not your house to be making such calls,” Raditz replied back.

KAKAROT!” Vegeta shouted into the house, his voice echoing off the walls in rage that could almost be seen. Bulma was startled by his vehemence. “I'M ABOUT TO MURDER A MAN IN YOUR HOUSE IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN HERE IN 10 SECONDS AND KICK HIM OUT!”

There was a gentle touch on her elbow as Raditz pulled Bulma aside. “Perhaps you should depart, this might get ugly,” he said, still trying to smile, but it looked bitter.

Vegeta overheard, and he spotted Raditz's hand on her arm, then looked between the two of them with growing disgust. “Do you know each other?” he asked, his voice hoarse with barely suppressed outrage.

Bulma shook her head, alarmed at his ire. “No, we were just acquainted.”

“I'm here on official business of the General, Vegeta,” Raditz informed him.

Vegeta sneered. “Tell General Frieza I already sent his goddamn report.”

Raditz smiled smugly. “Not from you. From her,” he indicated Bulma.

Vegeta looked surprised. “Briefs? What could you possibly want from her?”

“Of course you wouldn't have bothered to look into such things since you consider them beneath you,” Raditz replied, his amiable tone holding an underbite of disdain, “but Miss Briefs here, as well as being the heir to the most prominent house of this outpost and benefactor of most of the social events here, is also the lead inventor and engineer of the city's mechanical defenses. There was a breach in the forcefield last night and we would like her expertise,” Raditz finished explaining just as Goku hurried down the stairs, having heard Vegeta's commotion.

Vegeta looked utterly dumbfounded by this new information. He glanced at Bulma, seeing her in a new light, and Bulma couldn't help tilting her chin up arrogantly, glad to finally put the pompous colonel in his place.

“So it's your fault we were attacked,” Vegeta spat at her.

Bulma saw red.

She started screaming at him, but she could barely hear herself because Vegeta was screaming back, both of them yelling horrible things at each other. Goku intervened immediately, grabbing Vegeta by the shoulders and pushing him back. He said something to Raditz and a moment later Bulma felt someone gently take her by the waist and shepherded out of the Bingley's estate.

She was livid, fuming, her hands balled into tight little fists that quivered, her cheeks flushed in anger and her eyes stinging with tears she refused to let fall. She was certain that the next time she saw Vegeta she was going to punch him in his stupid, scowling face. Hard.

“Well, I can see there's no love lost there,” Raditz said amiably.

Bulma startled, forgetting she wasn't alone. She looked up at the dashing young man, and the empathy on his face helped to quell her temper. She let out an angry breath, expelling her nerves as she tried to calm down.

“He is such an ass!” she vented. “I've never met anyone so insufferable!”

Raditz chuckled. “You and me both. I'd say you hate the man almost as much as I do.”

Bulma glanced at him, surprised. “You do?”

Raditz gave her a wry smile. “We have… a history.”

They walked to the carriage that Raditz had arrived in, and he helped her into the back. He tapped on the ceiling and the mechanical horses started pulling them along the street as the driver steered.

“Would it be impolite to ask how you know Vegeta?” Bulma inquired. She couldn't help herself. So far no one else wanted to acknowledge what a total jerk Vegeta was, but Raditz appeared to have a bone to pick with the man.

He smiled, but it looked sad. “No, I suppose not… There's not really much to tell though. I've been connected with his family for a long time, so I can confidently say that Vegeta is proud and strong, and as such looks down on those weaker than him, which is pretty much everybody, myself included.”

Bulma huffed. She could believe it, the pompous jerk that Vegeta was.

Raditz looked out the window as they went. “Vegeta ordered me to carry out a mission several years ago. I tried my best, but… well… I didn't succeed. I almost died, and in the process, failed the mission. He has never forgiven me for it. He tried to have me expelled from the military because of it.”

“No, that's dreadful!” Bulma exclaimed, horrified. After all, who didn't make mistakes? It was utterly unfair of Vegeta to expect that his subordinates be infallible, and to try and get them fired for it no less… “He's abominable!”

“Truly,” Raditz agreed, smirking as he leaned in towards her. “And he's short,” he added, making a face as if that were Vegeta's worst offense.

Bulma laughed, then put a hand over her mouth, feeling a little bad, but not by much. Vegeta deserved it after all.

She and Raditz chatted amiably for the rest of the ride, stopping at the Bennet estate so that Bulma could change and gather her tools, and she was glad to see her home was unaffected. It appeared the attack on the city had been contained mostly to the city center only. When they drove through, both her and Raditz fell silent, observing the damage from the previous night. They finally arrived at an entry point to the underground, and Raditz helped Bulma step out of the carriage. She saw his face grow more serious as they entered the doorwell that would lead them down to the underground passages beneath the city.

“I hate to spoil the mood, but I have been instructed to investigate the cause of the forcefield's failing,” Raditz informed her. “And I've been told you're the best this planet has to offer.”

“True,” Bulma said, knowing it sounded like she was boasting, but the simple truth was, she was the best, having even surpassed her father's expertise a few years back. “I would also like to know what happened, because the wall was putting out some strange readings yesterday.”

“It was?” Raditz asked, surprised. “Forgive me, but I already looked at the log, there were no alerts issued.”

“Exactly,” Bulma said, frowning. “There were no alerts, but the East Sector was reporting a lack of steam.”

Raditz looked startled. “The East Sector?”

Bulma nodded. “Yes… why?”

Raditz was reluctant to speak, but finally confided, “That's where the saibamen broke through.”

Bulma felt as if she had been punched in the gut. She had suspected as much, but having those suspicions confirmed was something else entirely. It was… devastating. Bulma stopped walking, putting a hand over her stomach, feeling queasy. “…I should have looked into it more, I could have prevent this…”

Raditz put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You couldn't have known.”

Bulma looked up at him, her chest tightening. “How many people were killed?” she asked.

Raditz's eyes slipped away. “There are no official reports yet.”

“Please. How many?” she begged quietly.

“…25 counted dead so far.”

Bulma turned away from him, covering a hand over her mouth, feeling tears burn and slip down her cheeks. Dozen of people were dead, more still likely to be found, some of whom had probably been friends, and she had been this close to preventing it from happening. If only she had ignored Chi Chi, if only she had investigated the strange reading further, then she might have been able to fix the forcefield and prevent the saibamen from ever having attacked.

So it's your fault we were attacked. Vegeta had been right… goddamn him.

She cried for a while until Bulma felt something soft brush her hand. Opening her eyes, she saw Raditz offering her a handkerchief. She accepted it with a wet thanks and wiped at her eyes and nose.

“Sounds awfully convenient, doesn't it, that there was no alert issued for a malfunctioning forcefield, the very same night we were attacked,” Raditz finally commented.

Bulma nodded. “Very convenient.”

He frowned, thinking. “…Inside job?”

Bulma thinned her lips. “That would be my suspicion, yes.”

“So then, I don't see any reason to blame yourself. Had you fixed the problem, whoever was responsible would have probably found another way to circumnavigate you. They were determined to see this attack through,” Raditz told her sympathetically.

Bulma gave him a small, appreciative smile. He was kind to say as much.

Raditz continued to take the lead through the underbelly of the city. They had to pass through an area that had suffered severe damage during the attack, and a large, heavy pipe blocked the way. Raditz didn't even pause, walking up to it and lifting it as though it weighed nothing.

Bulma knew it weighed hundreds of pounds, yet he lifted it one-handed. “How…?”

He smiled at her, and revealed the metal wrist bands he wore. “Strength bands,” he said smugly. “Most officers have them. Have you not seen Goku's?”

Bulma shook her head. “No… but Vegeta has a ki guard.”

Raditz made a face. “Yes, well, he's special, isn't he?”

Bulma smirked and walked under the pipe, and Raditz followed behind. They continued until they came to the point in the wall that was having the issues. “See if you can figure out why this sector isn't getting steam,” Raditz instructed. “Let me know if you see any evidence of foul play. I need to report our suspicions to the General, he'll want to hear about this. I'll be right back.”

Raditz turned and left, disappearing to contact the General. Bulma headed to the control panel to check the readings. She reached into her pocket before realizing she didn't have her scouter on her. In fact, she'd never gotten it back from Vegeta. Damn him. Now she would have to speak to that ass again in order to get it back. The idea of having to interact with Vegeta more had her wanting to kick the nearby pipes.

Bulma distracted herself by doing what she did best, working with the machinery. By the time Raditz returned, she had already fixed the problem and pinpointed the terminal that had been tampered with.

“Here,” she said, showing him on a map. “This is where our insider cut the alarm that should have triggered when the East Sector lost steam. Perhaps you can focus your investigations there.”

Raditz nodded, then he looked at her and smiled. “You know, it's pretty amazing.”

Bulma blinked at him. “What is?”

“That you're even more clever than you are pretty.”

Bulma felt heat rise to her cheeks. She put her hand on her hip and gave him a stern look. “Are you flirting with me despite my overalls?” she asked, amused.

Raditz gave her a wicked grin. “I'm flirting with you because of them.”

Bulma looked away, flattered, but now wasn't the time or place to be contemplating what someone like him could do to someone like her. The hot bowels of the underground were making her sweat enough as it was, and she felt a bead of sweat run down the side of her face, slipping down her throat. She wiped it away and swallowed thickly. “Well, perhaps you can flirt with me on the way back to the Bingley estate. I was taking care of my friend before you brought me here and I should probably check up on her.”

“Oh, my apologies,” Raditz replied, sobering. “Of course, thank you for your assistance. Allow me,” he said, and he placed a gentle hand at her waist and escorted her back out. Bulma knew she should brush him off, but honestly, it felt nice and comforting to have the attention of a gentleman, and Raditz seemed harmless enough. He was the total opposite of Vegeta in every way, and it was terribly welcome, especially after the screaming match she had gotten into with Vegeta earlier.

Raditz saw her back first to her own estate to gather some personal items, then to Goku's. Thankfully, Vegeta wasn't around when she arrived.

“Perhaps I can call upon you later, when your friend has recovered,” Raditz inquired.

Bulma smiled. “I don't see why not. Maybe we'll meet at the next ball?”

He gave her a roguish grin. “With bells on.”

When he left, Bulma went upstairs to check on Chi Chi, but found the bedroom empty. She paused, surprised. Chi Chi's leg had been seriously hurt, she doubted Chi Chi would be able to walk on it for days yet. Bulma hunted down an attendant. “Do you know where my friend is?” she inquired.

“This way, Miss.”

The attendant led her to the back of the house and opened a door, her ears greeted with the sounds of grunting. Bulma stepped in, her eyes going wide at the sight of Vegeta and Goku sparring, naked but for some lightweight slacks, Goku's billowing, Vegeta's fitted. Goku also wore metal bands on his wrists, the same that Raditz had worn, and Vegeta of course still wore his ki guard, but what was surprising was that Vegeta no longer had any bandages on. Bulma's eyes trailed over his muscular back, amazed to see only old scars and a large, angry red mark, but no sign of any healing wounds.


Bulma looked to the side and saw Chi Chi sitting on a bench, appearing healthy and beaming at her.

Bulma walked over and sat down by her. “Chi Chi, did Son carry you here?”

“No. Just after you left he paid me a visit. I admit that he caught me weeping. I was in so much pain. He took one look at me and left. When he came back, he had some medicine that is meant only for officers, look!” Chi Chi raised her skirt and Bulma saw that her leg was no longer bandaged, the wound healed cleanly. Bulma could hardly believe it.

“That's some amazing medicine,” she breathed in awe, looking back at Vegeta, assuming he had used the same medicine on his wounds, which explained the lack of bandages. Vegeta and Goku were trading blows in the empty room, circling each other and throwing punches, blocks and kicks, sweat trickling down their swollen muscles. They were both in incredible shape, Bulma didn't think she had ever seen two finer male specimens. “Why are they fighting?”

“They're training,” Chi Chi corrected her. “Goku invited me to watch.”

“`Goku'?” Bulma asked with a raised brow.

Chi Chi blushed but waved at Bulma to hush as she continued to enjoy the show. They watched the two men fight. Their attacks were fluid, powerful, both men highly skilled. Goku threw a punch so fast Bulma couldn't see it, she only knew that he had because Vegeta raised his arm before his face to block it. There was a sickening, metallic crunch.

“Argh! Fuck!” Vegeta swore and staggered back, clutching his arm.

“Oh, oops, you okay?” Goku asked, stepping towards him.

“Damnit, Son, pay attention! You're too busy showing off to that goddamn girl,” Vegeta snarled, nodding in Chi Chi's direction.

Goku laughed and blushed, rubbing the back of his head. “Ahaha, yeah, I'm not used to an audience. Is it broken?”

Vegeta looked at his ki guard and swore a string of curses, which presumably meant yes. “…! You goddamn moron. If you can't fight without using your strength bands, then you don't deserve the privilege of them. You don't see me blasting a hole through you, do you?”

“Hey, it was an accident,” Bulma said hotly from the sidelines, standing up and coming over to intervene. “Anyone can make a mistake.”

“Mistakes cost lives,” Vegeta snapped back at her coldly.

Bulma narrowed her eyes at him. “Oh and I suppose you've never made any, Mr. Perfect?”

He narrowed his own eyes back at her. “I have,” he said heavily, and the confession surprised her. She heard Goku sigh but when she glanced at him, he looked away, not meeting her eyes.

Bulma looked back at Vegeta. “Let me see it,” she said, changing the subject, holding out her hand.

He sneered at her. “Going to kiss it better?”

Bulma's fingers twitched. How much she would love to smack him. “No, but I can fix it. Don't you remember what Raditz told you about my job?”

Vegeta bared his teeth. “You will not speak that man's name in my presence,” he told her, his voice low and threatening.

Bulma rolled her eyes. “Please. Would you show me your stupid ki guard before I change my mind?”

Vegeta finally raised his arm and she could see the metal had bent and cracked in various places on the gauntlet. Vegeta flipped the latches open and tried to pry the damaged gauntlet off. It didn't want to come easily, in fact, it almost seemed to be stuck…

He grunted and finally the contraption popped free. Bulma couldn't stop a gasp when she saw his arm underneath. It was ruined, the flesh horribly burnt, blistered and scarred from where the metal had rested against his skin. Many of the wounds were new, but many were also old, long born, clearly a side effect of using the device.

Bulma looked at Goku, aghast. Goku's face was also tense, though he hid it better than she did. “Vegeta,” he said, his tone soft, almost pitying. He hadn't known either.

“Shut it,” Vegeta snapped at Goku.

“Does it hurt?” Bulma blurted out before she could think better of asking. Both Goku and Vegeta looked at her, Goku surprised, Vegeta annoyed. Bulma wished she had kept her mouth shut, but she wasn't about to back down. “I mean… is this normal? Does it injure you every time you use it?”

Vegeta's eyes narrowed, observing her with a guarded look. “Every time,” he admitted flatly.

Bulma swallowed, feeling pity blossom within her. No wonder ki guards were used so rarely in the military.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed further and he thrust the gauntlet at her. “Here. You want it so badly, take it. What the fuck do I care, it's broken now anyway, so you can't fuck it up any worse.”

Bulma took the gauntlet, giving Vegeta a nasty look, any pity she felt for him quickly quashed. “Gee, thanks. How gracious of you.” She turned the gauntlet over in her hands, her mind already contemplating ways to improve it. “Oh, and I'll need my scouter back too.”


She frowned at Vegeta, impatient. “My modified scouter. You never gave it back, genius.”

He sneered at her. “I've no idea where your stupid scouter is. It must have fallen off after it nearly got me, and subsequently all of you, killed.”

Bulma puffed out her cheeks with anger, trying to count to five before she burst with rage. “Listen. I can see you're in pain, so I'm going to let that comment pass. Why don't you use some of that magic medicine for your arm and maybe you'll be a little nicer to people?”

“Magic medicine?”

“Yes,” Bulma said, ignoring the choking sounds Goku was making next to her. “The stuff Son put on Chi Chi's leg…” her voice trailed off as she saw Goku frantically signaling for her to stop talking. Oops. Apparently that was supposed to be a secret… Goku slapped a hand over his face as Vegeta turned his fury onto him.

“You gave senzu oil to a CIVILIAN? Have you lost your fucking mind?”

“Aw, c'mon Vegeta,” Goku whined. “She was crying, and it's my fault she got hurt after all.”

“Goddamnit… Whatever, I never heard any of this!” Vegeta snapped, and he shoved past them both, storming out, the door banging closed behind him.

In the wake of his dramatic exit, Bulma winced, looking back at Goku. “Sorry,” she apologized.

Goku gave her a lopsided smile. “Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it, or him. He's not so bad once you get to know him,” he added, but even Goku sounded uncertain. He gave Bulma a once over. “…To be honest, there's something about you that really riles him up.”

“Lucky me,” Bulma mumbled under her breath. She waved the ki guard in her hand. “Welp, I had best take a look at this before Mr. Attitude changes his mind.”

She headed out and grabbed her tools to see if she couldn't fix the gauntlet. It was, after all, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to examine a ki guard up close.


A few hours later, Bulma's mind was fit to burst with all she had learnt from playing around with Vegeta's broken ki guard. As loathe as she was to admit it, Vegeta had provided her with an amazing learning experience. She had thought she had known just about everything there was so to know about the technology at their disposal, but this little powerful device had turned her ideas upside down on their head, and she was in heaven.

Fixing the gauntlet was easy. Learning how it worked wasn't that much harder. But trying to improve upon the design… there was the challenge. Finally, after a few calls to her father to bounce some ideas off of, and having pulled the whole thing apart and put it back together, twice, Bulma was fairly confident that not only was it fixed, but better than before. Still, she wouldn't know if it was truly working and improved until it had been tested, and the only one who could do that was…

“Ugh,” she said to herself, frowning in displeasure. She would have to talk to Vegeta again.

Gathering her courage, Bulma picked up the newly polished gauntlet and realized she had no idea where to look for the stubborn man. He appeared to be staying at Goku's estate much as she and Chi Chi were… or was he just here a lot? Bulma was a little embarrassed to have no idea about the man's situation.

She walked around the house until she ran into an attendant and asked if they had seen Vegeta. They told her to try the training room she had been to before. Bulma did just that.

Opening the door Bulma walked in and saw the attendant had been right. Vegeta was in the room, alone this time, but just as undressed, still only wearing training slacks, his feet and upper body bare. He was performing a string of push-ups and had clearly been working out for some time, his skin sweaty, the ground wet with drops of perspiration. He barely glanced at her as she entered.

“The brass mouse has returned,” he said.

Bulma scowled, although dressed in her overalls and covered in oil and grease, she supposed she did look the part. She chose not to raise to his bait. “I'm done,” she announced.

“Good for you,” Vegeta replied. He grunted, shifting his weight onto one arm, putting the other behind his back. He continued his one-armed push-ups flawlessly. Bulma looked away, refusing to be impressed.

“Don't you want to try it out?” she asked, waving it in front of her.

“I've already requisitioned for a new one.”

“Oh… So I can keep this one?” Bulma said, and started to slip the guard over her arm.

That got a reaction at last. Vegeta glanced at her and as soon as he saw what she was intending, sprang to his feet. He was by her side in a heartbeat and snatched the gauntlet from her.

“Are you suicidal?! You don't have a license!”

“Maybe I do!” she replied hotly.

“No, you don't. There are only a dozen people who do and I know each and every one of them,” Vegeta snarled back. “Idiot woman!”

Bulma crossed her arms, fuming. “I'm very definitely not an idiot. I can handle a few blisters for science. Men aren't the only ones who can tough it out, you know.”

“You think this is from misuse?” Vegeta snapped, holding up his scarred arm. “This is what happens when you use it correctly. Just think about what happens when you don't. Here's a hint, there used to be twice as many people who were licensed to use ki guards as there are now, but they were weak and got sloppy. Does that paint a clear enough picture for you?”

It did, actually, but she wouldn't admit that. “Whatever,” Bulma replied with forced flippancy. “I care more about the mechanics of it more than the use anyway. But if you're too scared to try my modifications…”

He bared his teeth in a silent snarl. Vegeta snatched a rag she had half hanging out of a pocket and used it to wipe the sweat from his arm.


He ignored her. He dropped the rag on the ground, then slipped the brace on, his arm still blistered and ruined. She saw him give only the tiniest of winces as he tried not to react to the pain. Once the buckles were snapped on, Vegeta flexed his fingers and arm, examining the fit. He didn't say anything, and Bulma took that as a good sign, as Vegeta was more than likely to tell her if there was something wrong.

Then he turned on his heels and walked off.

“Hey, where are you going?” she called after him.

“Outside. I can't shoot this in here, can I?”

“Oh, right…”



Bulma followed him outside, walking past Goku and Chi Chi who were sitting under a gazebo, sharing food and each other's company. Vegeta didn't even glance their way.

He walked to the back of the garden where there was a strange fence, wrapped in copious amounts of wire. Vegeta stood back, aimed his arm, but paused, looking over at Bulma.

“You should step back.”


“Because if this thing explodes, there's no reason you should die too.” Bulma's eyes widened in surprise. Was he being… considerate? He turned away, facing forward. “I'd much prefer you live with the guilt,” he finished.

No. Of course not. Asshole.

Bulma put her hands on her hips, not moving, confident in her work. Vegeta just grunted, then narrowed his eyes, focusing. The gauntlet made a faint humming sound right before Vegeta fired. The wall was struck with a tremendous BOOM, and it dissolved into a cloud of smoke. Vegeta's brows rose at the amazing devastation.

Bulma felt a smug smirk curl on her lips. “What is brass and copper to men with ki?” she mused aloud.

Vegeta flashed her a curious sidelong look.

Goku and Chi Chi came running over. “What happened? Is everyone okay?” Goku called out.

Vegeta glanced at his gauntlet, then at Bulma, then back at the devastation.

Goku looked over too. “Did you do that?” he asked Vegeta.

“…So it would seem.”

“That wall is supposed to absorb your ki attacks. It always has before,” Goku said, bewildered.

“Well, we need a better one now,” Vegeta replied nonchalantly. He flexed his hand one more time, then gave Bulma a contemplative look. “Would you be able to duplicate these modifications on a second guard?”

Bulma shrugged a shoulder, taking on a haughty air. “If I felt inclined to do so. Of course.”

“What is your price?” Vegeta asked her outright.

Bulma arched a brow. “Money doesn't interest me.”

“I didn't offer it. What do you want to trade for your services?” he explained.

She blinked, startled by his offer, caught off guard. What did she want from him? What could she possibly want from him? “I…”

“A ball!” Chi Chi blurted. Everyone turned to look at her, surprised. She blushed, but persisted. “A ball, here at the Bingley Estate. W-we should show everyone that we're not broken by this recent attack. And… maybe we could collect money to help those who were affected? I think it would be a strong show of faith if the ball was held by one of our planet's newest military personnel. Don't you?”

Goku looked at Chi Chi, and a smile slowly crept onto his face. “Yeah. That sounds great! But only if you promise to stay and help me plan it, and give me every dance come the ball,” he requested, holding out his hand towards her.

Chi Chi blushed prettily, putting her hand in his. Goku raised it to his mouth, and this time actually brushed his lips against her fingers.

“Oh, please,” Vegeta gagged, looking away from their little display.

Bulma flashed him an irritated look.

“You want to throw a goddamn party after half your city got blown to hell?” Vegeta asked, sounding disgusted.

Bulma scowled. “Well, what would you have us do? Curl up in a corner and wait to die? We have to make do the best way we know how,” she snapped at him. She looked at Chi Chi and smiled encouragingly. “I think a charity ball is a swell idea.” Well, to be honest, Bulma was looking forward to another ball like she was looking forward to a hole in the head, but Chi Chi was right. They needed to stand united, and showing the galaxy they weren't afraid, and raising money for the victims of the attack, was an excellent idea. She also had a promise to keep to Raditz…

Which reminded her. “So, I suppose everyone will be allowed to attend?” she asked Goku.

He looked at her, surprised. “Well, of course, all will be welcome.”

“Planning to invite your little brass mice friends?” Vegeta mocked her.

Bulma smiled at him coldly. “Oh, I might. And my new First Lieutenant friend too.”

It took Vegeta a moment to realize who she meant. When he did, his face twisted into a black rage. “You cannot be serious. Do you have any idea who you're even talking about?”

“A polite, sociable, amiable individual?” Bulma replied smoothly. “Only your opposite in every way?”

Vegeta's fist clenched as he took a step towards her. “Appearances are deceiving. You asked me before if I had made any mistakes. Putting my faith in Raditz was one of them. I would caution you not to do the same.”

“I couldn't care less about your cautions,” Bulma told him flippantly.

“Then you're a fool.”

“And you're a prejudiced jackass, thinking you're better than others,” Bulma replied arrogantly. “You think Raditz is weak because he failed a mission? Please. I think you're weak for not being the better man and giving him another chance.”

Vegeta's eyes widened and he reeled back as if slapped in the face. Then his jaw tightened, and his hands fisted, his ki guard crackling with warning. Bulma stepped back, alarmed. Vegeta struggled but finally collected himself enough to speak.

“Yes, I suppose you're right. I do think he's weak. He's pathetic, worth less than the shit on my boot. And you're a foolish girl to let his glib tongue deceive you.” And with that, Vegeta pushed past her, stomping off, disappearing into the house.

“What was that ab-” she started to say, but she turned and saw Goku was giving her a rather disappointed look.

“You shouldn't speak about things you don't know,” Goku cautioned her.

It was shocking to see Goku act so coldly. Bulma suddenly felt like a contrite little girl getting scolded by her parents. She looked away, ashamed. “I… well, he…”

“I'll see you ladies at dinner,” Goku said dismissively. He gave Chi Chi a little bow, then left to follow Vegeta inside the house.

Bulma hung her head in shame.

“Are you trying to sabotage this for me?” Chi Chi said hotly when they were alone. Bulma opened her mouth but Chi Chi wouldn't let her speak. “No, you are totally out of line, Bulma, and you know it. What is wrong with you? I finally find someone nice and all you can do is argue with his best friend, pouring salt into some old wounds that are none of our business! If you can't be civil, perhaps you should consider returning to your own estate before Goku throws you out, and me with you!”

Bulma swallowed thickly, hurt by her friend's rejection but also knowing that she deserved it. All Chi Chi had ever wanted was to fall in love, and now that she had, she had to watch her best friend unintentionally come close to ruining it. If Vegeta was an ass, so was Bulma for constantly engaging him and being just as impolite.

“I'm sorry, Chi Chi… I'll do that.”

“Wait… you're actually leaving?” Chi Chi asked, sounding suddenly uncertain by the prospect.

Bulma nodded. “I don't trust myself around Vegeta. Everything he does makes my blood boil. Besides, my estate isn't far, so I can visit easily… if you and Goku will still have me.”

“Of course!” Chi Chi said, hugging Bulma, already forgiving her.

Bulma went inside and collected her items, but she wasn't fast enough to make a clean escape. As she was bidding Chi Chi a last farewell at the front door, Vegeta and Goku happened by them.

“You're leaving?” Goku asked, surprised.

Bulma gave an embarrassed smile. “Yes, well… I think I've overstayed my welcome,” she tried to joke, glancing at Vegeta. He huffed and looked away.

“Oh, oh no no no, I'm… This isn't what I meant to happen,” Goku hastened to apologize. “You're more than welcome to stay. Please, I'm sure Chi Chi would like you stay.”

“Yes!” Chi Chi said, and bless her heart she at least sounded genuine.

“Vegeta too,” Goku added.

Bulma raised a brow in disbelief. Goku really was clueless if he thought Vegeta wanted her to stay. She looked at the colonel, who was giving Goku the exact same incredulous look she could feel on her own face. Ironic that in this they were united.

Goku was insistent. “C'mon, Vegeta, it was all just a big misunderstanding, right? Tell her she's welcome to stay.”

“It's not my fucking estate,” Vegeta grouched back, looking away sullenly.

“Vegeta!” Goku begged.

“If she wants to leave, what difference is it to you? She's not the one you're all doe-eyed over.”

Goku blushed and ran a hand through his hair, laughing awkwardly as he glanced towards Chi Chi, then looked back at Bulma. “Really, you can stay.”

“It's fine,” Bulma said with a smile. “I have work to do, but I'll be sure to visit a lot if I may, and you're more than welcome to call on my estate too.”

“Oh, we will then!” Goku said enthusiastically, slapping Vegeta on the shoulder. “Won't we?”

Vegeta sneered. “Thrilled,” he growled sarcastically.

Bulma bade them all farewell and climbed into a carriage to go back to her estate. The carriage ride home was a lonely one without Chi Chi, but Bulma's mind kept going back to Vegeta in the garden, the rare look of anguish he had shown over her comments, haunting her ride back.


AN: Beta-read by Artephile / Marcella-Duchamp.

Find more from LadyVegeets or follow her on twitter, tumblr, FFnet, AO3 or p atreon.

 p.s. The other contestants who wrote for the challenge were, BigBad-Wolfy , Bitchii-Usa , Verimol Lab , Mariana Oliveira , Fleur Licorne ,Vera Lynn and FrogLady15 and you should read their entries too!