Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Oh no... ❯ Chapter 1

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Teresa:(me)Chi Chi & Goku's daughter,May & Goten's triplet,long waist lentgh blue hair with red tips,icey blue eyes,tomboy,really naive,Trunks' girlfriend,14 yrs old

May:(my sister)Chi Chi & Goku's other daughter,Teresa & Goten's triplet,short blond hair,firey red eyes,tomboy,really naive,Bret's girlfriend,14 yrs old

Bret:(real person)lead singer of Poison,medium blond hair,green eyes,smarter than May & Teresa,May's boyfriend,15 yrs old

Trunks:...I shouldn't have 2 say anything...15 yrs old

Ricki,Bobbi,& C.C.:the other members of Poison
< b>We start our story on a sunny day at the Son house.It's all peaceful in the home,until...

Teresa:*hops up out of chair,starts dancing & singing*I say sexy thing 2 myself while I'm...DAA-AANCING!!!!!!!!!! (watch "Kitty Cat Dance" on albinoblacksheep.com 2 further understand)

May:*falls off couch laughing*

Bret:what the?!

Trunks:*looks up from book,raises eyebrow*...oookkk...


We later find the 4 at a Poison concert.After the performance,more trouble stirs...

Teresa & May:*walk up 2 microphones*

May:b4 we end the show 2night...

Teresa:me & May have a little something 4 u...

Ricki,Bobbi,& C.C.: ...?

Trunks & Bret:*bury faces in hands,shake heads*oh...no...

May & Teresa:*lay down guitars,dancing & singing*I say sexy thing 2 myself while I'm...DAA-AANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Audience:*gasps,some laughs r heard,some1 faints*

Trunks & Bret:*anime sweat drops,slight embaressed blush,drag May & Teresa away*

Teresa & May:*laughing uncontrolably*

Later on,at the movies,more trouble stirs from our 2 trouble makers...



Teresa & May:money!now!*holding out hands*

Trunks & Bret:*give em money*

May & Teresa:*run off 2 snackstand*



person:*anime sweat drop*weirdos...

May & Teresa:*kick person*SHUT UP!!!!

person:*kicks em out*

May & Teresa:WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trunks & Bret:*shake heads mournfully*

That night,back at the Son house,every1 is sleeping soundly,until...

May & Teresa: ...*take deep breaths,shouting*IF YOUR HAPPY & U NO IT SHOUT HOORAY,HOORAY!!!!!!!!!...*keep going*

Trunks & Bret:*come in*WHAT R U ALL DOING IN HERE NOW???!!!

May & Teresa:*still singing*HOORAY!!

Trunks & Bret:*knock em out,go back 2 bed*

Teresa & May:@_@...

Goten:*comes in,see's May & Teresa: ...?...I don't even wanna no...*goes 2 bed*
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A/N this is my 1st story on Media Miner,so tell me if u like it.u don't have 2 review (I never do)but if u don't like it,I would really like it if u would review & tell me,yes I will accept flames...>_<