Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Time ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

One Last Time by: Sakura

A/N This songfic has a dedication, but I won' tell you until the end. Must keep you in suspense...kinda. The song's `One Last Time' by Dusty Drake. Enjoy!


[When she picked up the telephone

His voice came on the line

She said this can't be happening

And tears fell from her eyes

She said 'What am I supposed to do

I can't handle losing you?'

He said 'I just had to call and say goodbye

One last time']

He died, but this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. It seemed to almost be part of a regular routine. Save the world, manage to come out alive; fight next week, not make it home for dinner.

You get hurt, get the Guardian to heal you; you die...call upon the magical dragon to bring you back to life. But there was rules you had to follow in order to bring the dead back to the living word. They were as follows:

No wishing for death.

People can only be brought back once.

Cannot bring back to life if died from a natural cause.

Those are the rules for the Earth dragonballs. The ones from planet Namek were slightly different. She thought about going to Namek to retrieve the star balls, but decided against it. Her eldest son was able to pilot a spaceship, but she didn't want to put him in anymore danger. And she certainly wasn't sending her youngest son into space- he had no experience with such things.

[He said 'There are some things in this life

That are out of our control

Like who we fall in love with

And when it's time to go']

Another thought came to mind. Friends of the family would miss him just as much as she did- maybe they would be reckless enough to fly into space to Namek. But her husband's rival, he was a proud prince. Though she knew the rival would miss him, it was unlikely for him to leave his family. Then there were the other humans. They would miss him enough to summon the Namekian dragon.

[She said 'What about the plans we had'

He said 'This connection's gettin' bad

Now, c'mon baby let me hear you smile

One last time']

How could she think something so horrible? Would she really depend on their friends to bring him back? What if something happened to them? She could never forgive herself if something like that happened.

She sunk down and cried softly. She had been an unfavorable wife. Yelling at him numerous times, forcing things upon him; those weren't things a wife should have done. A wife would have been loving and understanding, no matter what the circumstances. But she had been loving and understanding...most of the time. Or had she?

[She started to apologize for

All the things that she'd done wrong

She said 'I would've loved you better

If only I'd known']

It was hard to tell if he would forgive her if he was still here. She had been so cruel, yet he was such a caring man- most would say she shouldn't worry because he loved her so much, and would forgive her no matter what. She just wasn't sure.

[He said 'You were the perfect wife

Promise me you'll go on with your life'

She says 'The boys won't understand'

He says 'Tell them Daddy loves them and be strong']

She expected him to come back any day now. That somehow he had been brought back to the living, and he would return to hold her tight. He would come back so she could change her ways and be like a normal wife; a loving and understanding wife.

[He said 'Hon, I've gotta go'

She said 'Don't you dare hang up

There's so many things I need to say

I love you so (much)']

He was her husband, after all. The man that fell from the stars...

[It was almost like she felt him leave

She cried out 'Can you still hear me'

She fell down on the kitchen floor

When the signal died

As the pilot tried to pull out of the dive

One Last..].

The proud Saiyan warrior, savior of planet Earth, "...Goku, I love you."

A/N Taa-daa! Another songfic from me, to you. Like I said earlier, this fic has a dedication; she's a very sweet thing for what she told me in a previous review. If I could, I would hug her right now. But before we say who that person is...

Some people say that I write depression fics, the painful side of love. I've been told that it's because I've gone through this painful side, but that isn't it. I only know from what I see. A lot of the painful truth I've seen with family members or friends from school. I, myself, have never really experienced with painful love. But on a happier note...

I've found myself a muse! My very own muse! I found her wandering around my brain, looking for someone to help. I call `er Taani. So, she'll be helping my with my fics from now on, maybe now updates with come quicker- if Taani does her job. And now...

...my dedication for this fic goes to...Daughter of Magic! Thanks for the encouraging words!