Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ One Moment ❯ One Moment ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.

Notes: I wrote this in response to a fic challenge hosted by The Hentai Institute. The challenge can be found here at http://associates.hentaiinstitute.com/challenge6.html. The picture is also shown there so it will make a little more sense if you see it.

This is the creation of a single moment. It is my rendition of the picture found in the link above. Tell me if it works or not.


One Moment


I did not ask for my title…it was given to me like my purity of blood, like my Saiya-jin instincts, like my birthright to power.

But it was my title that brought me to this. My title, or something equally beyond my control. It was something that Furiiza saw in me that made him want me. Something that screamed out to him, told him to take me.

Hurt me.

Beat me.

Destroy me.

But I vowed, then and there, on my blood, on my pride that I would defeat him. Yet, it seems like I have failed again. I am vaguely surprised I have some pride left, after it was shattered by Furiiza, after Kakarotto ripped it to pieces, the boy's father.

Nevertheless, it still remains. My pride maybe broken, but I will get it back! Even if it cost me my life.

It shouldn't be too hard. I am the Mighty Prince of all Saiya-jins damn it! All I would have to do is find him, show him how strong I've become. Prove once and for all who was meant to be the strongest in the universe.

Coldness consumes me at that thought. The strongest in the universe, the most powerful being, able to take anyone down, never excepting the limitations of one's own body but mastering them and over riding them. Someone with a power that is beyond unbelievable, and it seems to keep rising, going up and up and up until there is not confines for anything anymore. That is who I want to be, that is my life goal!

However, it seems Kakarotto has the same vision. But it doesn't matter, he doesn't matter. I will defeat him. I have too; it is in my blood.

What is this? I finally notice something that shocks me out of my musings, something that even pulled me away from thoughts of revenge, battle and power. Not many things can do that now.

The boy has his arms wrapped around me. Warm, comforting, strangely past my comprehension. It reminds me of my past, bring thoughts and memories of times long past. My first thought is push him away, beat the living shit out of the foolish boy who dares to show such affection for me. I clench my fists.

How dare he? I am the Prince; I am not a weakling! I don't need his help. I can face these demons on my own. I feel my power level rising, though it didn't seem to be ascending very quickly. I prepared to strike the boy, the stupid boy who was hugging me so tight with my own Saiya-jin armor pressed up against me.

I hesitate, not because I choose to. It really was my Saiya-jin armor. I remember when I first wore the armor, the coverings that defined my royalty. I also remember my father in that armor. I curse, no doubt out loud, something that the boy wouldn't know. The profane words didn't help though; they didn't stop the flow of remembrance from over taking me completely.

The idiot boy has unleashed my soul, flooding my being with half-remembered dreams and visions of those fateful times. Times when I was to be the strongest in the Universe, periods where I ruled with my pride intact. Then, it brought times of pain.

Recollections of the fall of my people, the destruction of my life.

It was the first time since these tragic events took place, that I consciously thought of them. I had thought I was strong, meant for all the power in the universe. I wasn't; Furiiza crushed that delusion. I thought I would recover, bounce back and defeat him once in for all, claiming back my title, my blood, my pride.

But now, laying here in the arms of the boy, feeling so cold inside. It was hard to tell what it really was. Not all my rage burns like a fire, some can freeze my insides to ice. Maybe this was one of those times because I felt it. Anger. Hurt. Rage. It coursed through me, freezing and burning, making me feel weak yet absolutely invisible. Yes! I can do it. I was meant for power! It is my birthright, one that I refuse to live without.

Then the memories came again, grounding my hope to dust. He was there, Furiiza, his claws digging torturously into my skin, tearing at my tail with his sharp fingernails. I hadn't had the power to defeat him then. He had won those battles, but I knew I would have my time. I would once again stand upon the strength of my lineage, gain back my pride.

Pain seized me; there was no pride, no blood, and no dreams to keep me whole now. There is nothing. I do the only thing there is to do, I hide from my torment. I wrap my arms back around Gohan, pressing my face into the all too familiar Saiya-jin armor, probably shocking the hell out of him. Maybe he's less of his father in him then I thought.


Loneliness and defeat wash over me, but I hide, in the arms of the boy, until I must once again gain my bearings, collect the pride I still have. I must stand and defeat my demon once and for all.

I will reclaim myself!

Ironic though, Kakarotto is one of only two people that had ever been able to defeat me, strip me of my pride. But his son, the one holding me now, the one I am, for once in my life, holding as well, is unwittingly helping me get it back.

Hn, stupid boy though. Don't know weather I should just pull away now and kill the brat or stay. I wonder what made him think he could do this. What made Gohan come up to me now?

I take it back, maybe he is more like his father then I first thought.

Only Kakarotto could never being as clever.


Exactly 1000 words! Was it true to the picture? Was it loyal to Vegeta? Did it stay in character? Review and tell me what you thought.