Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Odd Couples ❯ More than advice ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: One Shot Odd Couples...
Author: Miryoku Tenshi - J'dee
Rating: NC-17 (offensive language and Lemon)
Pairings: Bulma / Goten
Story Brief: Vegeta's gone off in a huff at Goku merging with the Dragon and Bulma's sent Trunks out to look for him. It's been three months now and Bulma's feeling lonely missing Vegeta and Goku both. Goten pays Bulma a visit wanting some womanly advice about his and Paris' relationship...

Author's Notes: I've decided to start this ficcie up, it a bunch off odd couple lemons. There will be a different couple for each chapter...

Disclaimer: I don't own db/z/gt and if I did would I really write this couple?? I don't think I would cause I'd get um... made fun at?? Well I haven't seen this couple before.


Bulma leaned her head back against the upholstery and gave herself up to the clean wind blowing hard in to her face. She let sensation replace thought until there was nothing but the noise and movement of the convertible hover car as it speed through the air marked road. The scenery rushing by in a blurred glory of colored cream, yellow, blue building blurs. Hopeless to keep on thinking- where was he?
Vegeta had up and vanished in an angered uproar when Goku had merged with the dragon, anger she hadn't seen since he was under Babity's spell. Could it be he wanted to mourn Goku like everyone else? Except in private. Three months now... No Trunks and no Vegeta. Just her and Bra and even now Bra was off staying at Pan's for the week. Loneliness was settling in to her thoughts as the car pulled up her drive and she blinked and looked at Yamcha.
"You okay Bulma?" He asked as he killed the engine.
She nodded. "Mmm yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"You were really quiet on the ride back here from the hospital that's all." Yamcha replied trying to sound casual yet also a careful tone in his voice too, like he didn't want to make her mad.
"I'm just wondering what Vegeta and Trunks are doing..." she replied honestly. She always found a good friend in Yamcha.
He nodded his head slowly. "Man it's so odd, Goku always used to come back... now-" Yamcha's voice drifted off. Bulma let out a sigh.
"Goku... always the hero."
Yamcha frowned. "Well I promised Chi-chi I'd pay her a visit and keep her company, she's pretty lonely without Goku around and if I don't go-"
Bulma saw Yamcha's expression and she chuckled. Chi-chi still was able to strike fear in to Yamcha after all these years. Bulma still had that ability but she couldn't do that when there was no one to strike fear in or yell at anymore.
"I know... Thanks for driving me to and from the hospital." She smiled and grabbed her bag undid the seat belt and got out of the convertible.
Yamcha started the car up again and Bulma waved good-bye to her long time friend as he drove off.

Bulma walked up the drive with her bag and she stopped seeing Goten sitting on the doorstep. He looked up at her and she smiled at him. Seeing Goten was just like looking at Goku at times. He smiled back at her nervously.
"Ummm hi Bulma... is Trunks back yet? I wanted to talk to him..." Goten asked.
Bulma shook her head. "No sorry Goten."
"Oh..." Goten looked a bit disappointed.
"Is it anything I can help you with?"
"Oh I was just looking for some advice- er guy to guy." he replied sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.
Bulma smiled at Goten again, he was so cute when he was shy. She unlocked the door and opened it. "Well are you sure I can't help you with it?" She asked.
Goten thought for a moment. "You could, but it'd feel odd asking you a question when I could ask my mother, but then she'd get all hypo on me when I mention it..."
Bulma blinked. She'd heard plenty of words to describe Chi-chi's mods, but hypo had never once been used before. Bulma was suddenly curious as to what could get Chi-chi hypo?
"Come on in Goten, no one's here, so you can talk to me and I promise I won't get 'hypo' on you." Bulma chuckled as she carried her bag inside.
She heard Goten follow her and he shut the door after her. He'd grown up so much in the years she'd know him. It was the same with Gohan. Both were very strong young men with the Son gene flowing through them. They both had equal qualities that had Goku written all over them.
Bulma put her bag on the table and she sat down on a chair and Goten sat down nervously on the couch his hands in his lap and he was plucking imaginary fluff of her grey colored trousers.
"So what do you need advice about Goten?"
"It's Paris..." Goten replied looking at Bulma then down again his cheeks heating up.
Bulma smiled. "Trouble in paradise huh?"
"Oh no nothing like that." he shook his head. "It's great, I love her so much... but it's just I asked her to marry me." Goten added.
Bulma blinked. "You did?!" She exclaimed. "Oh my Goten that's wonderful!!"
Goten swallowed. "I know, but I'm worried I've never... well I've never been with any one before. Not even Paris and I'm scared actually. I don't actually know what I'm expected to do. Paris she wants to have um... sex ya know before we get married."
"Oh!" Bulma exclaimed. "And have you?"
Goten shook his head. "No... I only asked her today... about the marrying thing."
"And she mentioned sex in return am I right?" Bulma asked. It was understandable, alot of women these days wanted that pre-marriage sex thing to see if it was worth it and if here was really that love thing there...
Goten nodded in reply to Bulma's question. "She like gave me a week cause she said we can't this week. She's got a friend coming to visit her this week, and well she said her friend will be gone in five to seven days and then well we have the rest of the month till her friend comes back again next month, but this friend is really persistent for her company if they keep coming back every month for a week. But she won't tell me if her friend is a guy or a girl-"
Bulma chuckled Goten was clueless on what Paris had told him.
'Poor guy... he must think she's cheating on him.'
Goten blinked and looked at Bulma. "What is it?"
"Oh I'm sorry Goten..." Bulma chuckled. "I think I better explain what -I think- Paris means by her 'friend' coming to visit every month."


Goten's rubbed the back of his neck after Bulma finished explaining his cheeks bright red. "Oh man... I'm sorry Bulma I must of looked like a complete idiot then."
Bulma smiled. "No Goten, it's okay." She looked at him. "I'm sure Goku would of made an even sillier remark, if he was in that situation."
Goten looked at her. "Yeah. I miss him."
Bulma looked at Goten. "I know I do too Goten, we all do."
Goten looked at Bulma. "What was my dad like when he was a child?"
Bulma blinked, she looked at Goten, while growing up Goten had come to rely in Gohan for the male role model in his life for seven years. Then suddenly Goku had come back and Goten had no need to train to beat Gohan anymore.
"He was just like you when you were a child Goten." Bulma smiled. "And you're so much like him, it's like he hasn't even left."
Goten smiled and blushed. "Really?"
"Really." Bulma repeated.
Goten rubbed the back of his neck.
"Now tell me anything else advice wise you need Goten? I'm here to help you if need it." Bulma said looking at the young demi saiyan.
He blushed. "Well this sex thing, I've never I don't really know what I'm actually suppose to do. I was going to ask Trunks if I could... um... er... borrow some of his magazines." Goten replied looking down.
Bulma chuckled. "Okay sure, now lets see if we can find them then."
Goten followed Bulma up the stairs in to Trunks room and Bulma opened the bed side drawer and looked through it. Goten stood in the doorway blushing a bright crimson as Bulma looked through Trunks room.

Ten minutes had passed and Bulma scratched her head. "Now where would that boy put them... Goten?" She questioned.
Goten blinked. "I um..." He looked down. "There's a secret panel in the back of his wardrobe." He replied rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed by actually knowing the location of Trunks secret stash of magazines...
Bulma smiled and she nodded. "Well I'll leave you to it then."
"You don't mind if I stay here to read through them do you?" Goten asked. "I really don't want my mom to know, otherwise she'll think I've been round Master Roshi too long..." He added.
Bulma shook her head. "Not at all. I'll be in my workshop if you need me."
"Thanks Bulma."


Bulma stoked the fire then sat down in the chair in the lounge opposite, watching Vegeta's empty chair. She sighed to herself. She felt so lonely without him there, to challenge her yell at her or call out 'woman' when he was upset with her slow progress on working on his new training equipment.
"Vegeta..." She sighed softly. She wiped the tears from her eyes, she wouldn't permit herself to cry over him.

Footsteps filled the silent room and Goten stuck his head in through the door he looked at Bulma. He could feel her sadness and loneliness.
"Bulma..." He said softly.
She wiped her face quickly and didn't look at him. "Yes Goten?"
"I um... well I want to thank-you for your advice."
"It's okay Goten." She replied.
Goten walked up to her. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine..." She sniffed.
He frowned. "You sound sad."
She looked at him. he blinked seeing her tear stained face.
'How could Vegeta leave her like this? I know he cares for her, what is his problem?' Goten thought to himself and he walked round to the front of the chair and he crouched down in front of her and took her hand comforting her.
"He loves you Bulma, he's just confused at the moment... like we all are."

Bulma looked at Goten as he spoke to her. Her eyes looking in to his, it was like looking in to Goku's eyes and she felt him squeeze her hand lightly with more comfort. She sighed sadly.
"I know..." She said softly.
Goten pulled her close and he gave her a hug, an embrace. Bulma felt his warm body up against hers and she looked up at him, it was like she was looking up at Goku. She missed him too. Bulma began to sob softly.
"I miss him, how could he-"

Goten rubbed her back gently soothing her. 'How can I comfort her? I'm no good with this woman thing. I came round to see Trunks about that.' He thought.
"It's okay Bulma... I'm here." Goten said to her softly comforting her.
He looked down and saw her look up at him and he blinked. There was an odd look in his eyes he'd seen before. His mother had given him that look.
'I must be like a ghost to them... I look like my father it's haunting them. It's haunting me... I'm not my father- I'll never be him.'
Bulma smiled at Goten. "You have such a pure heart Goten."
'Well I have to if I want to fly Nimbus...' He thought and blinked. "Thanks. I think?"
Bulma leant up close to Goten and he felt her lips touch his in the softest of kisses. He closed his eyes at the feeling of the kiss.
"Bulma..." Goten murmured against her lips. "We shouldn't-" his voice drifted off as he felt Bulma's tongue sear the inside of his mouth hotly.

Bulma had no idea why she'd just kissed the son of one of her closest friends. But she'd always wondered what it would of been like to kiss Goku. Goten was definitely the closest personal likeness to Goku. He not only looked like Goku, but acted like him.
"What's wrong Goten?" She whispered up against his lips.
She felt Goten suck in a breath. "Nothing..." He murmured back.
Bulma felt Goten begin to suddenly respond to her. Bulma ran her hand up and under his long sleeved white shirt touching his chest, she could fell his sculpted muscles beneath her fingertips. Goten groaned slightly.
"Mmmm Bulma..."
Her name on his lips... It did things to her, made her feel wanted. She fingered the bottom of his shirt with her other hand and she then peeled his shirt up, she pulled back from the kiss to remove his shirt and Goten looked at her with the complete and utter innocence and trust. Bulma lead him to the floor in font of the fire and pinned him under her kissing him passionately.

'This is Trunks mother you idiot!! What are you doing? Vegeta will kill you for this!!' His mind screamed at him, but his body was the one in control reacting to her want and need. 'Stuff Vegeta, he neglected her... I won't.'
Goten watched as Bulma sat up over him. She peeled her own top off revealing a perfectly sculpted womanly body and a black lace bra cover two full and round breasts. Goten's mind flicked back to Trunks magazines he'd spent most the afternoon reading over. Was this his chance to actually have sex with a woman before Paris or was Bulma leading him on? He wasn't sure. But her felt himself hard for her.
Bulma looked down at his pants and she smiled. "My Goten..." She breathed.
Goten swallowed and he watched Bulma reach behind her unclasp her own bra then slide it off exposing herself for him. Goten sucked in a breath.
'Whoa...' He thought.
Bulma took his hand and guided it up to her breasts and Goten felt her silky soft skin, running his hands over the full mound and then running a thumb over the rosy tip, making them harden at his touch. Bulma sat him up and Goten on instinct took a breast in his mouth and his tongue flicked over the hardened nipple and his teeth nipped and tugged at hungrily.

Bulma ran her hands through Goten's hair. This was what her body longed for. Goten was still young, but he was also a man as well. Goten pulled back and he looked at her. Bulma smiled at him encouragingly. She took his hands and drew them downward to her jeans and then in to her panties and to where her body needed the most attention. She could feel Goten hard hands touch her softly and she guided two of his fingers in to her and she began to guide him in stroking motions and she moaned feeling the touch of a man in her again. She let Goten's hand go and she closed her eyes her head rolling back as he continued to stroke in the patterns she showed him.

Goten could feel the soft round mound of Bulma's arousal and he stroked around it over it and in circles, he was rewarded with the feeling of a warm liquid, he looked at Bulma's expression and knew that this was her arousal. He felt his own arousal itch for a release his trousers chaffing him.
"Mmmm Bulma..." He began kissing her naked neck.
'Damn Trunks man your mom is a hottie...' he thought.
Bulma groaned. "Goten... If you want I could teach you want you need for your first time with Paris..." Goten trailed kisses down her neck slowly tormenting her.
"Then teach me..."
He felt Bulma move from him and he groaned watching her as she stripped the rest of her clothes exposing her completely naked body for him then she moved over him and undid his trousers and pulled them off along with his underwear.
"My my Goten... needing a bit of a release are we?"
He blinked and looked at her and he watched Bulma go down on him suddenly taking his length in her mouth. "Whhhhoa." he breathed shakily. "Damn..."
He groaned as Bulma sucked on him and he felt himself throbbing hard with her teeth raking up and down on him as she sucked, licked and nipped at him all over.
He felt her flick her tongue in to the tip of him and he groaned loudly.

The fire flickered illuminating the two of them in the darkness of the room. Goten's back arched as Bulma continued to chew and suck and on him. She pulled back.
"Are you taking notes?" She teased seductively.
"Completely..." Goten replied.
"Good, then come down on me..."
Goten blinked and he watched Bulma lie down and he followed her finger leading him and watched as she inserted it in to herself and moved it about. Goten took her hand and he cleared the way for his entrance and he flicked his tongue in to her womanhood and was greeted with a moan of ecstasy. He licked the inside of her finding the same sensitive nub he'd stroked earlier and he ran his tongue over it licking it and tasting it. Tasting her.

Bulma ran her hands through Goten's black hair, he was learning so fast, for someone who'd never had sex before, it surely didn't seem that way. She then felt his teeth as he nipped on her and her back arched. He was making her wet and quickly. She pulled him up to her and kissed him on the lips, and she wrapped her hand round his length and he looked at her wide eyed and he guided him slowly in to her entrance.
"Remember for first timers, to be gentle..."
Goten nodded at her and she then began to pump her hips and her hands touched his behind and guided him in matching her rhythm.
"Then move like so, mirroring the person." She instructed.

Goten groaned feeling his length being massaged by the closed walls of inside of her. He could feel his length shaking with need for release. He began to control the moment controlling himself picking up the pace of the pumping motions, and each time he'd move faster and a littler bit harder. He was answered with Bulma's moans and as he got harder, she cried out her body thrashing with enjoyment under him. He felt himself shudder a release in to her and she smirked at him and pulled him down and kissed him. Her arms round his neck she rolled over so she was on top and Goten felt her body continue the pumping movements he felt his length begin to ache as it shuddered again and then he felt Bulma's inside tremble then there was that warm liquid feeling again and Bulma flopped down and rested on his chest.
Goten cringed at the pain he felt. He watched Bulma as she drew circles on his chest slowly. He watched her curiously.
'Is she regretting this? Am I regretting this?' He asked himself silently.
Bulma looked up at him and he watched her pull off him and he flinched in pain and She looked at him sympathetic. "Sorry..."
"No worries..." he croaked.
Bulma helped hi sit up and Goten felt a pain shot through his length. She helped him get dress and helped him lie down on the couch and she got dressed herself.
Goten closed his eyes, he felt Bulma pull a blanket up over him.
"Just relax Goten. It will hurt like anything in the morning..."
"I have to get home..." Goten began.
"Shhh..." Bulma kissed him on the lips lovingly. "I'm going to call Chi-chi and let her know you're staying here tonight. It's too dark to send you home now alone, I don't want you flying in to a tree in your disorientated state." She added.
Goten chuckled. It was actually a funny image and when he was distracted it had been known to happen before.

Goten watched as Bulma left the room, he lay there looking at the ceiling at the light that flickered across it from the fire. Goten swallowed. What would he tell Trunks about his first time? They'd both sworn to tell the other about it. Through if Trunks had had sex Goten hadn't heard anything about who it was with and he frowned wondering why. It couldn't of been that bad could it? Because Goten knew that his first time was far from it...

Bulma returned moments later. "Chi-chi is fine with it."
Goten blinked. "She is?"
"Yeah I said you were here doing some reading and lost track of time." Bulma said and she lay down next to Goten on the couch.
Goten lifted the blanket up and put it over her too and wrapped his arms around her.
Bulma rested back in to his warm embrace, it was only a brief fling. She was going to have to make sure Vegeta didn't find out. It was bad enough he was obsessed with surpassing Goku, if he knew one of his kids had taken her while he was gone, then he wouldn't be very impressed and Goten's life could possibly be shortened.
"Just between us right?" Goten asked her softly.
"Right." Bulma replied looking in to the flames of the flickering fire.
She felt her eyes slowly drift shut and she fell asleep.

Goten looked down at her as she slept, he blinked, usually it was the other way round according to Trunks' magazines, he shrugged it off and brushed some hair from Bulma's eyes and he held her close to him as she slept.

'One week and I can be with Paris...' He thought to himself. 'I don't think I'll mention tonight to her or Trunks. It can just be mine and Bulma's little secret.'
"But man that was some advice..." He remarked out loud to himself smirking.
He then closed his own eyes and entered the world of sleep.

***THE END***

r & r

I know I'm sure to get flames for this couple but oh well!!!
I like did this on the spur of the moment and it's like 5:45am so you better say at least one thing nice!!! Or else!!!