Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ One Step at a Time ❯ The Unforgiven ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, nor do I own the lyrics to "The Unforgiven." They belong to their respective owners. But no one would waste their time suing me, so I'm done with this disclaimer.

Author's Note: I love this song. It fits Vegeta so well that I had to make a songfic. What's funny is that I've always hated songfics. *cringes* I'm becoming a hypocrite or something. Oh well, when inspiration hits, there is nothing I can do to stop it. So, because I've never done one, this could very well suck. If so, I'm very sorry. But enough of my ranting, here we go. I'm sorry if there is any OOCness in here as well.

BTW, the change in tenses is done on purpose to distinguish between reality and the viewing of memories because Bulma and Vegeta are kind of seeing these memories as they happen - this is the reason for the present tense. I tried to change it to all past, but it didn't have the same effect, so I'm sorry if it's a little confusing. Thanks, and enjoy!

The Unforgiven

Vegeta bent down to softly kiss his lover's ear. The Cell Games were over, and he was still alive. Now he had to atone for all the pain he had caused.

It simply amazed him how this weak human woman could effect him. Her very presence gave him a comfort he didn't think he could ever know. It was an unbelievable feeling. But he had hurt her very badly, and it was killing him inside. He needed to show her how he truly felt.

Gently, he sat beside her sleeping form on the edge of the bed. Leaning over slowly, he caressed the side of her face with his hand. Amazing how a hand built for destruction could be so gentle. The affectionate touch roused Bulma from her slumber; her eyes fluttering open, adjusting to the darkness of the room. Her aquamarine eyes latched on to the onyx pools that gazed down at her. Bulma felt a small smile cross her lips.

"You came back," she whispered.

The prince simply nodded. He hadn't had a choice. He needed to come back to her, no matter what the cost.

He had even sacrificed his pride to return to her.

Too bad he had such a hard time telling her.

Tears began to pool along the rims of her eyes. Vegeta wanted nothing more than to kiss them away, but he couldn't. He needed to show her something first.

"Don't cry," he said. His voice was commanding, yet soothing. Bulma took a deep breath.

"You hurt me that day."

"I know."

He remembered how hard she had cried when he had left. But at the time, he didn't have a choice. He needed to find the power of the Super Saiya-jin. He had needed to obtain that strength. It was the only way to protect her.

"Why did you leave?"

"I had to."

Bulma sighed. "I love you."

Vegeta's breath caught in his throat. He had to say something, but he somehow could not force the words from his throat.

"Why can't you love me?" Her voice was full of sadness from tears spilt over stretches of time. "I just don't understand."

Vegeta bent down closer to her, his face mere inches from hers.

"Let me help you understand."

There was no turning back. He closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. She instantly responded, her arms snaking around his neck to pull his body closer, determined not to let him get away.

He wouldn't leave. He'd never leave her again. And he would show her why.

He opened his mind to her.

He would show her his past; something he had never shared with anyone.

He hoped she would understand.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

New blood joins this earth

And quickly he's subdued.

Through constant pained disgrace,

The young boy learns their rules.

A child is born into the universe, thought to be destined for great power.

Even his birth is blood splattered.

He was ripped from his mother's womb. Deep crimson fluid stains his tiny, harsh face and is matted in his dark hair. But, unlike most newborns, he never sheds a tear throughout his arrival into life. It would have been weak for the Saiya-jin no Ouji to cry.

His mother lies bleeding behind the warrior who carries him to his nursery, carrying him by the scruff of his neck. In her desperate pain, the mother cries out, proclaiming her torture aloud. But the horrible screams are quickly silenced as a ki blast reduced her body to ashes.

"What a weak woman," a man says, "to scream out loud. Even if she did give birth to a child as strong as the prince."

The infant then hears laughter from within his birth chamber.

He is taken from his home, by force, to rule under Frieza only a few years later. Not long after, his home planet, Vegeta-sei, was gone. His life of slavery is to be filled with pain, disgrace, and death. His future is filled with blood.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With time the child draws in,

This whipping boy done wrong.

Deprived of all his thoughts,

The young man struggles on and on he's known

A vow unto his own

That never from this day

His will they'll take away.

A young man, no older than ten, is crouched on his hands and knees. He is stripped of his armor, clothed only in a pair of spandex pants. His fingernails attempt to dig into the hard, metal floor. His teeth are clenched together as pain racks his body in forceful blows.

"Maybe next time you will finish the job on time, my sweet prince," Frieza mocks, his voice cold and smooth. He lifts his tail again, bringing it down to slash across his exposed, muscular back, leaving a long, thin line that quickly wells up with his royal blood. Warmth flows down his sides in thin streams, dripping into small pools on the floor. Over and over, the steel hard appendage rises into the air to strike the young prince's back with its cold, creamy white flesh. The blood begins to flow faster.

The prince grits his teeth harder, his long, sharp canines piercing into his bottom lip. Ruby fluid seeps from the wound as he resists the pain. The metallic taste fills his mouth; the scent fills his nose. The familiar sensations cloud his mind as he resists the pain. He would never give in.

The Saiya-jin no Ouji would never cry.

He would never let Frieza own his pride the way he owned his body.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What I've felt,

What I've known,

Never shined through in what I've shown.

Never be,

Never see,

Won't see what might have been.

What I've felt,

What I've known,

Never shined through in what I've shown.

Never free,

Never me,

So I dub thee unforgiven.

Vegeta's eyes blinked open as he pulled back from the kiss to gaze at Bulma's form. Her eyes were clenched tight and her body was tense and strained. He allowed her a few moments to absorb the few events he had allowed her to witness. If her fragile mind couldn't take those, he wouldn't dare show her the rest.

But his lover's heart-rate quickly slowed and her muscles relaxed. Her eyes fluttered open slowly.

"What was that?"

Vegeta smirked. "What do you think it was, woman?"

"Was that you? Was that your childhood?"

The prince nodded slowly.

Bulma shuddered in disgust. "How awful it must have been to have to grow up like that. I can't imagine what that could have been like for you." Blue eyes gazed at him in longing. "But I still don't quite understand why you are showing me all of this."

Vegeta pulled the woman closer to him. "There is more, but do not be afraid. I would never hurt you."

"I know. Please let me see."

Closing his eyes in concentration and holding Bulma tightly to his chest, Vegeta moved on.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They dedicate their lives

To running all of his.

He tries to please them all,

This bitter man he is.

Amethyst eyes stare at him, not clouded with hate, but with worry. It amazes him that this woman does not hate him.

"What is wrong, Vegeta?"

The female alien walks slowly over to him, through the metal hallway of Frieza's ship, her eyes sparkling with a fierce intensity.

"Nothing," the sixteen-year-old prince grunts. "Leave me alone, Callisto."

Callisto's species had been nearly wiped out by Frieza's army four years earlier. Her parent's had handed their only daughter over to the warriors attacking their village in an attempt to save her life. They claimed that she had an abnormally high fighting power, and would make a good addition to their army.

The idea had worked, even though Frieza's warriors had vaporized Callisto's parents as they dragged her away to their space pods.

Frieza never defiled Callisto's heart. Although she had indeed turned out to be a strong fighter, she was not in the top ranks of Frieza's army and had very little contact with him. Despite everything, she retained her pure soul and kindness, having yet to kill a single creature.

Vegeta was assigned to help train the squadron that Callisto was placed in. He had marveled at her work ethic and her strong spirit. She was what he had wanted to be, despite her weaker power level, of course.

However, Callisto is now quite fond of her sensei, and takes time to talk to him whenever possible. She even uses terms of endearment towards him.

Vegeta's feelings for Callisto are mutual, but he can not dare show them.

Such things can be dangerous.

"Vegeta!" the female alien pleads. "Talk to me!"

She is slightly shorter than the Saiya-jin. Her body is similar in shape to that of Frieza when in his final form, except for her pointed ears that make her face look elfin. Her skin is shiny and smooth, marbleized in shades of violet, from soft lavender to deep royal purple. Her appearance, at first glance, is both startling and beautiful.

"I can not speak with you anymore," Vegeta says, frowning. "You do not understand what you are doing."

"That's where you are wrong, Vegeta," Callisto replies, gazing deep into his eyes. Her hand comes up to softly caress his cheek. "I know exactly what I am doing."

She moves in closer until their faces are mere inches apart. The soft scent of her hair fills his nostrils. This woman is intoxicating to him and he knows what will happen if they are caught. These feelings are like poison in his world. It is something that ends with death. The prince's muscles visibly stiffen and her head tilts, his tension physically noticeable.

And then she kisses him.

Her lips, soft as rose petals, brush across his mouth, leaving him wanting more.

But the contact is fleeting, gone within a brief moment. He opens his eyes, the taste of her mouth still lingering.

What he sees makes his eyes widen in terror.

Callisto floats in front of him. Fingers are entwined in her silky, sweet-smelling locks. The tense grip of an aqua-skinned man holds her up off the floor.

Zarbon chuckles. "Well, what do we have here?"

"Let her go, Zarbon," Vegeta growls menacingly, his fists clenched tight at his sides. "This is none of your business."

"Oh, really? Is that right, kid? I think it is my business," the elite replies. "And I think Lord Frieza would agree."

The prince swallows hard, resisting the urge to leap forward and strangle the life out of the warrior before him. He hears a quiet whimper of fear escape from Callisto, but she does not struggle in the stronger man's grip. Instead, she hangs from Zarbon's hand like a limp rag doll. Her features are controlled as she tries to hide her fear.

~Good girl,~ Vegeta thinks. ~Be strong. Never be afraid.

The prince and his enemy lock eyes in a brutal stare-down. Zarbon's smirk mocks him silently, but Vegeta does not move a muscle. He could not. If he did, Callisto would surely die.

"What is going on, Zarbon?"

The Saiya-jin no Ouji spins around to meet eyes with his master, Frieza, who has flown up behind him in his floating throne. The large, pink, retched body of Frieza's other elite warrior, Dodoria, stands beside him. The smirk on his face rivals Zarbon's.

"I found these two kissing in the hallway, Lord Frieza," the aqua-skinned warrior replies. "I thought I should punish them."

Frieza's eyes widen. "Kissing? How strange." His eyes move to the teenage Saiya-jin with curiosity. Then, the alien suddenly laughs. "Incredible. The monkey has feelings!"

The alien floats over to Callisto and stops just in front of her limp form. He brings his tail up, running the tip of the strong appendage along the side of her face. Beads of sweat have appeared on her forehead through her panic, but she somehow retains her control.

"Well, she is a pretty girl," Frieza coos. "Does she turn you on, my sweet prince?"

Vegeta visibly cringes, his muscles shaking with tension.

"Put her down, Zarbon," Frieza orders. "I have a better idea."

"Yes, sir." The elite warrior throws Callisto to the floor, head first. She skids to a stop about ten feet from the prince's boots, raising her head from the floor. Her eyes meet Vegeta's in fear. Her gaze betrays her terror now and her body is tense with panic.

"Vegeta," Frieza says slowly. "Kill her."

The Saiya-jin no Ouji's eyes widen and his gaze falls to his feet. For a few brief moments, he does not move. He is too busy controlling himself.

"Are you disobeying me?"

If he does, he knows it will mean death.

Once again, he doesn't have a choice.

"No, Lord Frieza," he hears himself say.

"Then destroy her. Prove your loyalty to me, or I will kill you both."

Vegeta raises his black pools to meet Callisto's amethyst gaze. Tears are running down her marbled cheeks in thin streams. Her eyes plead for mercy.

But mercy no longer exists.

The saiya-jin raises his hand, his palm faces her, his thumb bent over the middle.

"Vegeta-chan! No!" she cries out. But it is too late.

The ki blast that bursts from his hand is a bright yellow. It races towards the young woman with blinding speed.

It kills her instantly, but the smell of burning flesh and the scream that echoes through the hall lingers.

The noise will fill his nightmares forever.

Without a word, Vegeta turns on his heels and walks down the darkened hallway, ignoring the sickening laughter of Frieza, Dodoria, and Zarbon behind him.

He could not cry.

Not even for her.

But it still hurt like hell.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Throughout his life the same.

He's battled constantly.

This fight he cannot win.

The thick flesh tightens around his throat and it isn't long before his crimson life bursts from his lips with a cough. It stains his mortal enemy's face, but with a snicker and a depraved grin, Frieza licks the blood away.

The sneer never leaves the alien's cruel face as punch after punch of pure, fiery pain assaults Vegeta's body. He bottles up his torture as Gohan and Krillin look on not far away, helpless against the terror that is crushing his body.

This torture had started with Earth. Before he had decided to go to that godforsaken planet, he had never lost a battle. That was all his life had been; an endless battle for survival. Then Kakarotto had stolen his pride away. That third-class piece of trash and his half-breed son had defeated him. What followed was a long string of disappointment, as if meeting Kakarotto had put a curse upon him.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Had his father lied to him? Wasn't he supposed to become a Super Saiya-jin, destined to defeat the murderer of his people? Yet, here he was, without hope. His blood continues to drip from his lips as every punch upon his body brings him closer to a realization.

He can't possibly win.

He is going to die.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A tired man they see no longer cares.

The old man then prepares

To die regretfully.

That old man here is me.

The pink ki beam has pierced his chest. He knows it isn't long. The intense, flaring pain causes his eyes to widen in surprise. The prince has felt a lot of pain in his life, but this surpasses everything. It spreads from his chest, warm, flowing torture along his nerves. It flows across his whole body, sending unbearable heat through his being, followed by a feeling of intense cold, as if his bones would shatter at the slightest touch.

Then he is falling, his torso thrown backward from the beam, his arms too weak to keep him in his seated position. He does not feel the hard ground as his back hits it. All his pain has left him, seeping slowly out of his wounds along with his blood. His head turns as his neck muscles also fail him. Blood erupts from his throat with a cough as he turns his blank eyes to meet Kakarotto, the last hope for his people. Sad, that he is forced to depend on him after all of this.

He isn't strong enough. Regret seeps into his numbing mind, and tears begin to leak from his eyes. It is the first time he has ever cried. He curses himself for being weak. He curses Kakarotto for being strong.

He rasps short words of wisdom to the last true Saiya-jin. Frieza deserves to die for everything he had done.

And when the bastard did die, Vegeta would see him in hell.

And then thought is gone, and darkness replaces it.

There is silence amidst chaos.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What I've felt,

What I've known,

Never shined through in what I've shown.

Never be,

Never see,

Won't see what might have been.

What I've felt,

What I've known,

Never shined through in what I've shown.

Never free,

Never me,

So I dub thee unforgiven.

You labeled me,

I'll label you,

So I dub the unforgiven.

Vegeta opened is eyes finally to feel that the front of his shirt was damp. Tears were f! lowing freely now from Bulma's eyes and her body was racked with helpless sobs. With strong but gentle arms, he pulled her small frame into his lap. Her lashes fluttered and her eyes opened, her big, blue gaze staring helplessly at him

"Oh, Kami, Vegeta! I didn't know!"

She flung her arms around his neck desperately, refusing to ever let go. His arms slinked around her back in an attempt of comfort.

"To feel for another was not acceptable. To care for another meant death," he explained. "It is hard for me to express myself. You, of all people, should know that."

The blue-haired woman gazed up at him again. "Oh, Vegeta! I love you so much!"

He ran his fingers through her silky hair, a genuine smile brightening his rugged features. "I know, Bulma. I know." He leaned forward, capturing her lips for another gentle kiss.

When they parted, Bulma's tears had dried. Her lips had turned to form a small, timid smile. "You will say it, someday. I know you will."

The prince shook his head. "Nope."

"Yes you will."

Vegeta pushed her lightly out of his lap so that she was lying on her back on the bed. "I said no, woman!" he joked, crawling onto his hands and knees over her form. "But how about I show you, instead?"

Their lovemaking was slow and deliberate. The couple took their time, secretly wishing that the night would last forever. The kisses were sweet and the touches were gentle. They longed for nothing more.

And when fatigue took over and sleep came, a few tears escaped from Vegeta's closed lids.

It was the second time he had ever cried.

But this time, they were tears of joy.