Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only Time ❯ Welcome to the Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This is a Goten and Bra fic. Don't like it, don't read it.

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters.

Only Time
Chapter 1 : Welcome to the Past

"Hurry up Goten," said an ecstatic Bra running through the halls of CC.

"I'm right behind you, and what's all the hurry?" He asked with a strange expression on his face.

He slowed down to a quick walking, still following the blue hair woman. Damn it, what have I gotten myself into.

He took his time to get into the lab. He didn't like where this was going. "Bra?" He called as he entered not seeing soul in the room.

"Back here," he heard her voice from behind the screen. He walked toward the back and found Bra leaning into a desk.

"What are we doing here?" he asked approaching her. He looked over her shoulder and saw her hands move through bolts and cables looking for something specifically.

"I want you to do something for me," she said as she caught something and enclosed her hands around it.

Immediately, his left eyebrow arched upwards. He definitely didn't like where this was going. "What do you want me to do?"

Bra stepped back from the table and moved toward the big screen. She pressed on one of it's buttons and inserted the small disk. As it entered, the screen came to life.

Goten was still outback glancing around to all the things that Bra had. This is a disaster area, he concluded leaning back from the table. She has so many things in here, I don't know how she could work through all of this.

"Goten," he heard Bra call him back to the screen which he knew too well.

"I'm coming."

He stood right beside her and waited for her to say what she wanted him to do. Just as he was about to ask again, she pressed the play button of the TV and images came instantaneously.

"Come on Trunks, don't be stubborn," called a young Bulma on the screen. "You'll go to the park after you're done."

"But mom," whined the four year old. "I'm supposed to meet Goten there in five minutes."

"You should have thought of that before you decided to blow up half of my kitchen," said a scrutinizing Bulma.

Bra put it on pause and waited for Goten to ask the question.

"What is it?" he asked just as expected.

"Well, it's kind of like a memory track," she responded sitting down on the small sofa in front of the TV. "It goes into your mind and finds memories that we think have been lost. It's almost like a tape done of events that have happened in the past."

"It's good to know that you have another achievement but what does it have to do with me?" He asked with an untrusting gaze. Bra put on her angelic face and turned to him.

"It's nothing serious, I just want you to let me use it on you," she said normally.

"That's all?" he asked suspiciously.

"That's all," she responded giving him one of her smiles. He sighted and nodded.

"Al right, but it has to be quick, we're supposed to get ready for the trip," he said walking up to another of the desks on the room. "B, in how many projects have you been working on?"

"Not many, I've mostly let some of them off for some time but I just keep them out if I get an answer for them," she responded going through many disks. She frowned and took them all toward the TV. She set them down and started to go through them.

Goten, on the other hand was roaming through all of the plans and figures in the desk. He picked one up with curiosity. He looked at the screen and pressed the first thing he reached. It turned on asking for time.

What in the world would this be? He asked himself as he entered the current day, year and the time. He pressed the key again waiting for something else to come up. Nothing did so he just set it on the table leaving it on.

He walked back to Bra and sat down right beside her. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm looking for a clean tape," she responded not even paying attention to him.

"If you've tested that thing with others, why am I necessary?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, the only tests subjects that I've used have been my mother and Pan. I need a male counterpart to test."

"Well, then why me?" he continued to ask.

"You're the male that I could get faster to agree. My dad isn't too fond on trying my inventions and Trunks is too busy to spare any of his time. You, I see almost everyday and always helping me out when I need something."

"I think I should be rude from now on," he said to himself but out loud.

Bra laughed at that. "You couldn't be even if you really wanted to." She popped another disk in waiting for some sort of image to come by.

The screen flashed and in it appeared a scowling young Vegeta.

"This must be one of my mother's. She's right there." Bulma was walking away from Vegeta leading him away from his resting place by the tree. "Mom said that dad appeared right on the day that Goku came back from space after planet Namek."

"I know about that," began Goten. "The future Trunks came by to warn dad of the androids and the whole three years went."

"Yeah, it must have been about..." she put a thoughtful look on her face. "25, 26..." she said counting her fingers. "About thirty years."

"That's a long time." replied Goten snatching some of the disks for close inspection.

"Yeah, I think I remember the date of when that happened. The year was 754, day was the 3rd and the month was March."

"So it was on the 3rd of March of 754?" he asked. "You really have a good memory."

"I know," she got up from the floor with Goten in tow to just retrieve one of the disks on the box. They passed the forgotten flashing screen.

The screen flashed the date on it as line's of being downloaded passed as quick as a second. It started to beep unnaturally gaining the attention of the two people on the room.

Bra went to it wondering what in the world was going on. She found the incisive thing and gasped. "Oh my Kami." she said out loud getting Goten's attention.

He went to her waiting for an explanation. "What's going on?"

"It's activated, it's activated." It started a countdown and a computerized voice started.


Bra pressed the buttons unsuccessfully and frantically. "Nine."

She knew of no way of shutting it off, she examined the date that was set. "Eight."

Who the hell turned this on? She glanced at Goten who looked dumb struck. "Seven."

"Damn it Goten, I said not to touch this things when you're in here," she knew it was too late. Her only hope now was that it wouldn't actually work which she knew was unlikely or that it wouldn't take them somewhere that would be outside of the Earth.


"We can die." She breathed forcefully as she remembered the consequences of it.


Wasting no time, she latched it into her bracelet and hugged Goten with all of her might. He was caught by surprise by her movement. "Don't let go." Was all she said before a flash of light came.

Both Goten and Bra closed their eyes in protection to the light, not letting go in fear of falling. Bra hadn't really comprehended how where it was that you passed when time was passed but she knew that with no form of hard surface between you and the outside was bad.

For what seemed like seconds, the light came and went. Bra and Goten felt their selves floating, not feeling any ground between them and a solid place. They both gasped, there seemed to be no oxygen in the atmosphere they were in.

They both looked at each other seeing the other start to look pale from the lack of air. A minute passed by, they were still in the lifeless sea of blackness feeling their selves being moved.

Another minute passed by and Bra's hold on Goten started to become loose. Her hands didn't have any strength anymore and she could barely see him.

Her hands started to slip from his waist and fall back, Goten caught her with all the strength he could muster as the air in him started to diminish just as quickly. He slipped his arms through her legs and shoulders. He swung her arms around his neck and prayed.

Please kami, please get us out of here. His eyes started to close when he felt the change of atmosphere around him.

He saw light, but his body gave out on him and they fell. Bra started to move away from him as the air separated them. They fell about 1000 feet to the ground and landed with a thud.

Goten landed face down, for some time he felt as if he couldn't breath. If it hadn't been that he had feel like that all of his life, he would have surely died. He started to move his arms in the motion to get off the ground. As he lifted his upper body, his chest swell up with pain. He fell again head into the soil.

"Damn, must have a broken rib," he cursed under his breath as he got up a second time ready for the pain. He took a step to the front and winced as he felt pain go up throw his leg.

Then, he remembered. "Shit, where's Bra?"

He looked around through all of his surrounding, he levitated finding it hard to stay up in the air. He went up 100 feet, 200 feet, he scrutinized every detail of the prairie landscape. He was about to go down when he saw a contrast of blue on the light green.

Rapidly, he flew toward it hoping that it was her. He landed about ten feet from her and walked the rest of the way ignoring his own grunts.

Unlike Goten, Bra had landed on her back. Fortunately, there had been no rocks to where she had fallen. He knelt beside her and took her pulse. He felt it and let out a deep breath that he hadn't known he had been holding. He searched for any injuries and found a deep bruise on her left side. He felt for any broken ribs but as if a miracle, he didn't feel any.

He checked her legs finding a broken bone on her right leg which might prevent her from walking. He looked at her arms seeing scratched from the soil and the machine that had transported them, was broken on the side.

Great, just great, he said to himself. I pick this day to be out of sensu beans, he furiously searched his pants for any that he might have misplaced and smiled as he felt something on his back-left pocket.

Please be a sensu bean, please, he prayed as he entered his hand to get it out. After fidgeting with the pocket for some time, he finally got it out. It was half of a sensu bean, how will he make her chew it if she wasn't conscious.

He knelt beside her once more and shook her hard enough to make her flinch or react. He needed some water, it always helped to have some water. He concentrated on any sound that was around him waiting to see if he could hear anything resembling water. He heard a small tap, he closed his eyes and let himself be led by the sounds, not the surroundings.

He stopped and found a small river near a roam of trees. He went back to Bra and with the up-most carefulness, he lifted to his arms and took her toward the small clearing. He set her down again and scooped some water in his palms. He walked back to her lifted her head. He moistened her lips, opened her mouth and let some of the water go in.

Immediately, she began coughing, not opening her eyes but coughing regaining consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes barely seeing Goten in front of her.

"Here," she heard him say and drop something in her mouth. She chewed it and let it work. Bra had been in sessions with her father and brother but, she had never fallen 1000 feet into the ground.

Her head pounded and she found her vision blurring, she closed her eyes and let the darkness enfulge her again.

"Damn, I need to find Bulma or Trunks," said Goten enfulging her in his arms again and taking off into the air. He searched for any power that would lead him to someone he knew.

He found the readings of Trunks, Vegeta and Bulma so he took right into that direction. They passed mountains, rivers and canyons. He cradled her into his arms protecting her from the strong wind. The environment kept on changing as he used more of his energy and went as fast as his body could allow.

He speed up as he got a clearer feeling of the signal. There were craters all over the place, like if meteors had fallen to shape the landscape.

With no warning, Bra began to move in his arms. He stopped waiting for some sign that she was conscious. Her eyes opened slowly, her head was banging.

She opened her eyes trying to locate where she was, her arms went to her eyes to get focus. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she remembered what had happened. She looked at her arm founding the object that had started this whole thing.

Damn, it's broken. She said to herself roaming through it. A part of it was broken and open, she could see that some parts had come off and that it was not operational.

She moved to get out of Goten's arms when her head started to pound. She fell on him again holding her head waiting for the pain to subside.

I hit my head too, this couldn't be any worse. Her eyes started to close for a third time that day but she wouldn't let them. "Where are we?" she asked Goten in a hoarse voice.

"I don't know," he replied setting off into the air again. "Stay still, you need some treatment for your leg."

She moved her hand carefully to the leg that seemed to hurt like a splinter. She found a broken bone on it and cursed. It just got worse.

She managed to get out of his hold slowly, she was glad she didn't feel like a concusion had resulted from her fall. She remembered being in her lab, then dissapearing in a light as the machine activated and being in that atmosphere that almost killed them.

She tried to walk away on her own but she fell forwards. Goten caught her as he did the other times, she was glad he was there.

She looked around to try and place where they were right now. She knew she had to see her family, she also needed the lab to fix the darn thing that caused all this.

All this had to happen on my vacation, it's just like my life to get screwed when I'm going to relax. She said bitterly to herself. Past, happened can't change it now.

The irony of those words. She knew she had to be somewhere in time, she just didn't know whether it was past or future. Don't care, don't dare change it. Main lines of time traveling, she said to herself breathing calmly. She glanced at Goten as if to see if he even knew what had happened to them.

He was looking at her as if asking what had happened with his eyes. Just like that, he still doesn't have a clue.

She put her hands on her head as if to calm her brain and start getting all of her thoughts together. "Do you know what happened?"

Goten just shooked his head indicating no. "We traveled in time." His eyes widened, and he then understood why she had strapped that thing to her wrist.

He pointed to it and muttered, "That is a time machine?"

"Yes, I made it to fit in a pocket. It wasn't supposed to work, it wasn't even activated." Goten then realized his mistake. "I didn't know if it even worked."

It works all right, he said to himself. I should know better than to touch things I don't know in a lab.

"What do we do know?" he asked.

"We have to find out if it's the past or future," she said calmly, "I so hope that we're in the future. It is so much easier in the future."

They were entrapped in their thoughts when they felt a big energy surge. They looked to the North on the same direction, it felt as if Goku's and Trunk's energies went up to Super Saiyan. They looked at each other and nodded in silent agreement.

Bra and Goten took off in the same direction, she getting help from him to go faster. Their energy had to be about 250 miles away, they both knew that they had to be quicker if they wanted to get there faster. Goten powered up to Super Saiyan 2, Bra wrapped her arms around his neck and holded on to dear life. She knew that SS2 went really fast and she couldn't take any chances.

In a flash, Goten took off leaving a trail of yellow energy giving a sense that something had been there. It had been about a minute when Goten stopped in mid-air and point out their positions. Bra felt lightheaded again. Goten set them both down into the ground.

They walked but Goten had to support some of her weight on him. Bra felt her mind slip away but she kept on to it. She wasn't going to pass out until she knew where they were.

In the distance, they saw a group of people outlined from the sand and sun. They continued on their pace knowing that their approach wasn't going to be undetected. Unlike the others of her time, she hadn't trained out a lot and even at her age of 23, she hadn't even accomplished Super Saiyan.

Now, she regretted it. With that power, she could manage to stand up and let herself move alone. All in the past, can't change it and won't try.

They walked some time and noticed a funny looking Goku, his clothes were all out of this world for all she saw and her brother Trunks. He looked so old, he had to be like 37 from the one she knew that was only 27. As they continued to approach not even bothering to look at the rest, the others looked to a signal of a really powerful being approaching them.

Trunks and Goku both looked at them and froze like the others in bewilderment. A blond man with green eyes like a saiyan, super saiyan carrying a blue haired, eyed girl who could barely keep in pace.

Vegeta and Bulma both looked at the pair strangely. Vegeta scowling and Bulma gawking. Everyone noted then, the girl looked just like Bulma on the exception of her hair which was plain. It was like a twin, just with red clothing instead of the green that Bulma was wearing.

Bra looked up and suddenly, she knew. She knew where they were and she cursed in all the languages she knew, she hated this.

"Why did it have to be this time?" she asked out loud catching everyone's attention and she passed out from exhaustion.

I know that I, I can't believe
Just what the past has brought me
To the man I wanna be
I know that we have had some times
That we can't forget the struggle
Cause we have so far to go

Next Chapter : Waking up will be a lot of trouble for Bra. There seems to be a lot of people that want to know who they are and what they're doing there.

Moon Star