Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Only You ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Only You" By: Kaialicious

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or its characters. I in no way make a profit off of Dragon Ball Z, and therefore live a meager existence. Any attempt at suing me will most likely result in a lackluster trial with the spoils being a pink bear bank filled with pennies.

(Come on, you don't want that do you?)

Author's Note: This story takes place in an alternate world. It stars two of my favorite characters, Bulma and Vegeta. Bulma and Vegeta find themselves on another planet. A planet controlled by women who treat their male counterparts as slaves. Will the temper mental Saiyan allow himself to be ruled by a woman? Or will this planet suffer the wrath of the dark haired prince? It contains some LEMON and is not for underage individuals. So, if you do not fit the age requirements, please DO NOT READ THIS!

*The opening scene takes place on a planet named Genowa…


He had been opposed to this from the start. How she had ever convinced him to don the ridiculous outfit was beyond him. The plan had originally been to blast the insufferable creatures into another dimension, but the woman wouldn't have that. She wanted to study them. Examine their culture.

Humph! What good was a culture that was completely ran by women?

And the men! How could they allow themselves to be ruled by them?

They were all weaklings. The woman expected him to be subservient. To address her as his mistress and play the role of a slave. A disguise she called it.

Bah! He felt like an utter fool.

"It will be an adventure," she'd told him with excitement in her eyes.

There was nothing adventurous about being led around like an empty headed lap dog. Strangely enough, the woman seemed to be enjoying herself, which annoyed him even more.

They had landed on the planet Ganowa only a day ago. An escort had been waiting for them comprised of twelve women. One of the women was a high official by the name of Ferra.

Vegeta had sensed power coming from the woman. She posed a problem for them. In more ways than one. Ferra had set her sights on him. She thought him to be just a slave, there for the taking.

Humph! Women! They were such idiots. Still, the fact remained that he repeatedly let one particular woman have her way. He looked at her. She was wearing a pink gown today. The women of Ganowa wore long flowing gowns and had given Bulma an impressive wardrobe. They called her fal, sister, and treated her as if she were one of them. Vegeta they ignored. Ferra certainly didn't.

It was clear what she wanted from him.

"What an exquisite specimen, fal Bulma," the high official commented as they walked in the garden together. Bulma turned around and glanced at Vegeta. He was dressed in a white tunic and trousers. His feet were bare and he wore a golden bracelet around his ankle. It was a sign of servitude on Ganowa. Ferra herself had suggested that Bulma put it on Vegeta.

"To keep other females away," she had said. "You wouldn't want your property to be tampered with. The women here are quite aggressive and will try to take advantage of him."

Yes. Bulma could see how these women would want to claim Vegeta for their own. Vegeta was very handsome. Even with the ever present scowl on his face.

She was surprised that he had maintained his cover this long. He had a short temper and had not been treated well since their arrival on the planet. He was rudely ignored during discussions and was not even allowed to sit at the table during dinner. He ate only if Bulma "allowed" it, as was the custom. Despite her role as a mistress, she showed her true nature by letting him eat every night.

The women were puzzled by Bulma's compassion for her slave. It did not matter that she was not of their planet. Her behavior was rather unsettling. Vegeta made a mental note to correct her softhearted emotions or she would give them away.

"Fal Bulma, are you all right?" Ferra asked when she did not resume her walking.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm okay." To Vegeta, she snapped out, "What are you looking at slave!?!"

He stared at her in shock, then remembered his role and lowered his gaze.

So, she has not forgotten to flaunt her power…

His lips twitched with amusement. She would see who really was in control when they retired to their room.

"He is exquisite, Ferra," she was saying, "but he can be quite annoying at times."

"You do not beat him?" Ferra asked.

"Beat him? W-Well, of course I do." Bulma lied. "In fact, I've stopped beating him because he likes it so much."

Ferra gasped and darted another look at the compact, spiky haired slave. He was an unusual creature. A beautiful one as well.

"Have you considered selling him?"

Bulma stumbled over a vine and quickly regained her balance before she could make a fool of herself. She cleared her throat and said, "I wouldn't give him the pleasure."


Everyone went silent as Bulma slipped off her day robe, revealing a white, fringed, bikini ensemble.

Vegeta noticed that the other males were gawking at her. Literally drooling over the woman's shapely body. He admitted to himself that he saw no wrong in their actions, for Bulma was a very beautiful woman. His woman.

Pride consumed him.

She stepped into the water and waded out a bit before she began to swim. She was oblivious to the number of eyes that watched her, his foolish human. Vegeta could sense her ignorance. She did not see herself as an envied rival among the women, or a lustful prize to the men. She had no idea what she was up against. It was his duty to protect her from these wolves. They had only one thing on their minds, and Vegeta was opposed to it.

No one would lay a finger on his lovely human. He would see to it that they did not.

"Vegeta!" she called out to him, breaking him away from his thoughts. "Come on in, the water's fine."

Vegeta saw the jealous looks that the other slaves sent his way. He smirked and removed his tunic, then slowly walked to the edge of the water.

Under normal circumstances, he would not have complied with her orders, but he was playing the part of a slave, and slaves always did their mistresses bidding.

He waded out to her and grunted in displeasure when she splashed some water on him.

"Relax, Vegeta. You are so stiff. If you were any stiffer I could use you as a surfboard," she teased him.

"I am getting bored with this little game of yours, woman. These bohemians are on the verge of raping you after you pulled that little stunt of yours."

She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Stunt? What stunt?"

"The way you stripped your robe," he explained. "It was highly erotic."

"What? That is ridiculous!" she exclaimed and swam closer to him. "Are you saying that I did it intentionally?"

He could sense her anger coming to the forefront. She was a tantalizingly beautiful female with a wicked temper, worthy of any male Sayain warrior. If only she had been born a Sayain female instead of a weak human… He would have considered taking her as his mate and not just as his concubine. Sayain laws be damned.

"You are drawing unwanted attention whether you are aware of it or not," he pointed out. "If you are going to study these people, do so, but don't go about the task like a complete idiot."

Her brows furrowed in annoyance. "You're the one who's drawing the attention! Stalking around like some golden Adonis in front of Ferra and her friends! My, Kami! She offered to BUY you from me!"

"Really?" he grinned. "Are you jealous?"

"Please! I am simply pointing out the fact that you are jeopardizing everything with your vanity!"

"What do you want me to do? Walk around with a bag on my head?" he asked in a raised voice.

"Of course if it would work I'd let you do it, but it's not just your face that's causing the problem." She looked down at his chest.

"I can't help it that I am impressive to look at," he balked.

"Well, you are…and that tail of yours feeds the women's imaginations, as disgusting as it may seem." She finished. "To me!" she hastily added.

Vegeta studied her face. It was turning red. He thought perhaps that the twin suns of Ganowa were burning her fair skin, but soon, the redness disappeared and he realized that she had been blushing.

How human, he thought.

He uncoiled his tail and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her to him. She gasped and lashed out at him the only way that she knew how, with her mouth.

What in Kami's name do you think you're doing!?! You're not supposed to be aggressive! You're a slave, remember?"

"The role grows tiresome," he told her. "I'll ask you again. Are you finished observing these morons?"

"No," she answered.

Vegeta clenched his teeth and said, "I am growing impatient, woman. What makes you think that I won't leave you here with those idiots?"

"You can't leave me here, and you won't either," she said quietly.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at her and frowned. "Do you think I care whether or not you stay here on this fucking waste of a planet?"

His harsh words, meant to frighten her, only made her laugh, which flustered the prince.

"You do if you want to leave," she said mysteriously.

He grabbed her forearms beneath the water, almost bruising her in the process. "What have you done?"

"Only what I had to," she replied.

Vegeta felt red hot rage assail him. The willful little…

"I think that we should return to our room," he said and pulled her towards the shore.

"Vegeta, you're being aggressive again!"

He slowed down and retrieved her robe and his tunic, but still led her towards the buildings. She dug her heels into the sand and clasped her fingers into the hairy, sensitive appendage that was wrapped around her waist. She gave his tail a tight squeeze and he cried out in pain, dropping their clothes.

"I'm sorry," she told him, "but you are making a scene."

"M-M-My tail!" he stuttered.

He dropped to his knees in the sand and twitched. The pain was unbearable. It nearly brought tears to his eyes.

A couple of women and a few slaves gathered around them, watching the strange scenario.

"Fal Bulma, is everything all right?" Neri, a young mistress asked her.

"Oh. Ah, yeah. Everything is great. I'm just disciplining my slave." She gave Neri a smile and waited until her audience had diminished before she returned her attention to the spasming prince.

She hadn't meant to use the tactic. Already, she was feeling guilty about it.

A sob escaped her throat. She was so sorry that she had been so angry. She released his tail and hurried to their room.

What had she done? This planet was getting to her. The female dominated society was driving her to the brink of madness. Tasting such power was ruining her. Maybe Vegeta was right. Maybe they should leave.


The deep, masculine shout nearly made her jump out of her skin. He had arrived in all of his glory.

"Don't you ever touch my tail again! Do you understand!?!"

"Vegeta…" she began.

"Silence! Once we are in this room, I have all of the authority!"

He had that look on his face. The one that said, 'Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you.'

Her lips trembled and she could feel a flood of tears coming, but she held them back. She wouldn't let him see her cry.

"What did you do?" he repeated.

"I…removed some things from the ship."

"What things?"

"A few wires. Nothing that a scientist couldn't put back together," she said.


"Technically, it isn't your ship," she muttered.

He stepped towards her menacingly. She stood her ground. When he was finally before her, he placed his hand over her throat and squeezed gently.

"You are a nuisance, woman. You will reattach the wires this instant. We are leaving this miserable planet today," he ordered.

"I'm not going!" she said defiantly. "I like it here!"

"You would! You like having those weak imbeciles staring at you and waiting on you like trained dogs! Well, I am not one of those fools!"

"No. You're no fool, Vegeta. I'll fix the ship, but only if you promise to leave me here."

Even though Vegeta had threatened to leave her on Genowa, he had only been trying to scare her. In truth, he didn't like the idea of leaving her behind. Not when he had gotten used to her presence. Not when he had gotten used to her smell, and that soft, warm body when they both shared their bed at night. He'd also gotten used to her habit of sprawling on top of him while she was deep in slumber. He'd grown accustomed to her annoying voice and nagging behavior. Yes, he enjoyed this human too much. He couldn't let her go so easily.

"What about Kakarott and the others?" he asked, releasing her from his grasp. "What will they all think when I return to Earth without you?"

They would think that he had abandoned her, or worse. She could almost envision another battle between Goku and Vegeta, but instead of fighting over the fate of the world, they would be fighting over her. It would break her mother's heart, especially since she had gotten used to having Vegeta around the house. She enjoyed fattening him up with sweets.

While everyone was a bit uncomfortable around the hot tempered prince, Bulma's mother treated him as if he was some misunderstood little boy who needed to be fed. Mrs. Briefs had never forgotten what Vegeta had done for Bulma. He had saved her little girl from the awful Zarbon on planet Namek.

Mrs. Briefs had a fondness for the prince and treated him as if he were her own flesh and blood. Surprisingly, Vegeta let her and was rather quiet about it.

He respected Mrs. Briefs in his own way. Mr. Briefs was another story. Vegeta thought that the Earth's smartest scientist was a complete idiot. His arrogance was that great.

"I'll write them a note."

"They will think that I forced you to," he snapped.

"Can you blame them?"


"KAMI, VEGETA! YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!" she cried, and fled to the bedroom.

He smirked. He had won this round.


She sobbed into her pillow, but the muffled sounds still drew the Sayain's attention. He had remarkable hearing. It was one trait about him that she abhorred.

She felt him enter the room. She hadn't heard any footsteps because he was such a light walker.

"Go away!" she told him.

Not one to take orders, the Sayain sat down on the edge of the bed. She felt the bed dip from his weight. "Why do you want to stay here? You have people who care about you on Earth. No one cares about you here. So why stay?" he questioned her.

"I want to know how this society has evolved into what it is today." She answered.

"The men were too weak. Need you have to ask?"

"Vegeta, you don't understand," she sighed.

"I do understand. That head of yours constantly gets you into trouble," he concluded.

She lifted her head from her pillow. "I do not get into trouble that often! Stop exaggerating!"

"Then what were you doing on my ship?"

She had stowed away on the ship that her father had built for Vegeta. She had been curious as to where he was going. So she left everything behind and followed him into space.

It had taken him only thirty minutes to discover her. He'd said that he could smell her scent in the room below the gravity chamber. Bulma made a mental note to stop wearing her designer fragrances when ever she was planning to hide from him. Of course, she completely overlooked the fact that he could still smell her, his senses being above human expectations and abilities.

"That is beside the point!" she yelled. "I am tired of this issue! I came in here to get some rest, not to hear you complain!"


"What is that supposed to mean?" she sat up and glared at his back.

"You truly are an idiot. Tell me, how did you manage to live as long as you have with a brain the size of a pebble?"

Red hot rage flooded her veins. She had taken just about enough insults from him to last a lifetime. She decided then and there that she wasn't going to take it anymore.

"You'll wish that you had never said that!" she reached for his tail, but Vegeta predicted the move and grabbed her wrist. He pushed her back against the bed and climbed over her.

"That is your only defense against me," he taunted her.

"No," she muttered, "not the only one."

She raised her knee, landing him one directly in the groin. Vegeta groaned and collapsed on top of her.

"Get off of me!" she shoved at him, but he didn't even budge.

"You bitch!" he said between gulps of air.

She managed to free her left side from his weight, but his body still continued to hold her down.

"I'll kill you!" he was saying. "How dare you do this to me?"

Bulma once again reached for his tail, but Vegeta muttered a curse and blocked her hand.


"My name is Bulma! Why can't you remember that?" she snapped.

Vegeta pressed his weight into her and studied her features. He marveled at how beautiful she was, even though her face was twisted with anger for him.

"Why do you always fight me when you know that I can kill you at any moment?" he asked her.

She stared into his onyx colored eyes and raised a questioning brow. "Yes, why haven't you killed me? You've had countless opportunities."

"Perhaps because you are so weak that you are not even worth it."

"Up yours, Vegeta!"

He laughed at her. She was easy to upset. He dipped his head and nibbled on her earlobe.

"You are a difficult person to understand, Vegeta," she said softly.

"Hmmm," he said and laved at her delicate throat. He could taste the salt from the sea on her skin. In her anger, she had forgotten to take a bath. The Saiyan knew that he could rectify that quite easily.

He lifted her into his arms, carried her from the bed and took her into the bathing room. There was a sunken pool in the middle of the floor. Vegeta smiled wickedly as a thought crossed his mind. He held her over the pool and unceremoniously dropped her into it. Bulma sputtered and flailed her arms in surprise. She soon found her footing and glared at the smirking Saiyan.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" she yelled at him through clenched teeth.

Vegeta ignored her scathing looks and removed his trousers. He noticed that her eyes alighted immediately upon his engorged member. The prince was well aware of his endowments and took pleasure in the fact that his body had become a challenge for the human's weaker frame. Human anatomy was essentially too delicate to brave an encounter with a Saiyan male. However, Vegeta had discovered from several encounters with the hot blooded Bulma that Saiyan sex was possible with her. She seemed to crave it and became just as wild as he was during such instances. Even now, her blue eyes greedily devoured him, despite her current feelings of hostility towards him.

Vegeta lowered himself into the water and watched as she finally blinked when his member disappeared beneath the surface. His nudity had made her lose her train of thought and Vegeta took advantage of it. He pulled her on to his lap. His erection floated upright between their bodies. Bulma took a hard swallow and concentrated on the scars on Vegeta's chest.

"Your clothes are quite strange, woman," he remarked. "Very revealing. You have never worn anything like this in my presence on Earth. Where did you get it?"

"I made it. Women on Earth wear them all the time. It's called a bikini," she explained.

"A bikini," he repeated and tugged on one of the spaghetti straps on her top. It seemed impossible to him how the woman could keep the thin fabric in place over her bountiful breasts and femininity. One tug from his finger and the strap tore loose. The white fabric fell away, revealing a set of plump, pink nipples. He greedily snared one of the hardened peaks into his mouth and suckled on it.

She made a small whimpering sound and clenched her fingers in his crest of dark hair. She loved the spiky mass. To her, it resembled a crown, a constant reminder of his heritage, his status.

"My prince…" she heard herself say and cried out as she was slammed back against the wall of the pool. The jolt had not hurt her. It merely shocked her.

"Oh, Kami," she gasped as she felt his member brush the folds of her softness.

He was hard and throbbing and she wanted him inside of her. She reached for his huge length, running her hand up and down the silken shaft appreciatively before she moved aside her bikini bottom and steered it to her tiny, wet portal. Vegeta lifted her hips and quickly impaled her, sending a frisson of electric heat through out her body. She moaned and lifted her hips. His shaft barely moved from her tight passage. Her interior was like a silken glove. Even with her lubrication, the task of pulling free from her was next to impossible. Vegeta had to dig his fingers into her hips and lift her free of his rod just seconds before he pushed into her sweet, honeyed flesh. Her walls clasped to his shaft lovingly, wringing a groan from his throat.

Bulma tucked her head between his neck and shoulder and bit his nape. Vegeta growled and thrust harder. Bulma's muffled cry and the feel of her teeth against his skin spurred him on. He took her hard and fast, restraining none of his Saiyan strength.

The power of their coupling tossed waves of water from the pool, soaking the marble floor.

Vegeta clutched her bottom. Upon finding her luscious posterior still covered in the infernal bikini, he grasped the material and ripped it free from her body. He fondled the creamy curves of her bottom and whispered words of encouragement to her in his Saiyan tongue. His gruff voice made her have an orgasm. The tremors within her body caused her to become tighter.

"Ooooooohhhhh, Kami!!!" she screamed as her second orgasm flooded her quite unexpectedly. "Vegeta!" she cried and wildly pulled back his hair so that she could seize his mouth in an oxygen draining kiss.

Vegeta stood up with her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her fingernails into his back.

"Move with me, woman," he ordered.

Bulma bucked against him, stroking his staff with her soft, inner walls. He wanted her to move with him. He wanted her to bring him to his release.

It was a challenge of sorts. Saiyans had the stamina to last for hours and hours to guarantee the satisfaction of a Saiyan female. But Vegeta was giving Bulma the opportunity to prove that she was more pleasurable than any Saiyan female. So pleasurable that she could make a Saiyan male lose his restraint.

Bulma accepted the challenge by grabbing the base of Vegeta's tail and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

"Ugh!" he grunted and buried his teeth within her neck, piercing her flesh. He sucked hard and tasted her blood in his mouth.

Bulma instinctively did the same to him in a passion filled daze. The taste of his blood sobered her a little and she transferred her mouth to his chin and nibbled him there. Vegeta growled and nipped at her nose.

"Too much…" he muttered, and gave one last thrust into her clasping warmth before his seed spilled into her.

He stepped out of the pool, Bulma still in his embrace. He carried her to the bed, but halted when she protested.

"What?" he asked her crankily.

"We're both wet."

He grumbled something obscene and surrounded them both in a flare of ki energy, drying off their bodies. Bulma, startled by his power, clung to him in fear.

Vegeta chuckled at her show of weakness and climbed on to the bed. "You should fear me," he boasted. "I am the most powerful being in the universe."

A smile tugged at Bulma's lips. If she wasn't feeling so gloriously sated, she would have burst his bubble by claiming that Goku was the strongest man in the universe. But since her prince was in such high spirits, she held her tongue. After what he had done, he deserved to flaunt his ego. In fact…

"Yes, my prince. You are the most powerful," she kissed his lips, "being that has ever made love to me."

Vegeta smirked down at her and replied, "Of course I am. Those pathetic human males could never give you what I can."

"No, they can't," she agreed.


Bulma knew that sound. He was pleased with her response. Very pleased if the fullness within her could be believed. He was ready for her again.

"You're so virile…" she sighed.

"Yes," he grinned, "I know."


Bulma awakened the next morning to find her Saiyan prince gone. He had told her that he would be training in the forest where the women could not see him, a promise that he had made to her after she had convinced him to be discreet in his training.

She stretched out and gasped as she felt the soreness between her legs. She gingerly got out of bed and went to take a hot bath.

A knock on her door stirred her from the pool moments later. Bulma wrapped her hair and body in towels and answered the door.

"Ferra, what are you doing here?"

The pretty blond haired council woman nodded in greeting and took in Bulma's appearance. "Fal Bulma. I did not mean to disturb you."

"Its okay, Ferra. I'm done. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you would like to join me in my garden. My persimus plant has come into bloom. I will be harvesting its flowers," Ferra smiled brightly.

Bulma grimaced. "Harvesting flowers… It sounds lovely."

"Oh, it isn't what you might think, Fal Bulma. The flowers are genetically enhanced to provide a special chemical for Genowans," Ferra explained.

"Hmm. Science, my field of interest. I'm sold. Give me a minute to get dressed."


Bulma should have known that something was up when she entered Ferra's personal garden and found fifty slaves roaming the area. They appeared to be taking a stroll in the garden. The one thing that nagged at Bulma's mind was that the slaves were sans women-without their female owners.

"What's going on?" she asked Ferra.

The woman gave a nervous laugh and said, "Nothing to worry about. Once in a while, the slaves are given the opportunity to indulge themselves. They seem to enjoy the garden."

"No chaperones, how kind of the women," Bulma commented.

Ferra led her to a stone path surrounded by bright pink flowers. At the end of the path was a stone bench. The legs of the bench were adorned to look like leaves. Behind of the bench just a few feet away, was the biggest rose bud that Bulma had ever seen. The bud was black and it stood about seven feet tall. Its shiny green leaves were at least five feet in width and eight feet long.

"It's beautiful, Ferra," Bulma said in awe. "What is it?"

"It is called a Solaris vine plant. It is the most coveted plant in all of Genowa. It is so rare that only I possess the only living specimen on this planet," Ferra said.

"Wow." Bulma studied the huge, fragrant bud. She had never seen anything like it before. "The Solaris vine plant, huh? Where are its vines?" She hadn't seen any.

"Funny that you should ask, Fal Bulma…"

Bulma leaned forward and stroked one of the pitch black petals. The bud vibrated beneath her fingers. Bulma gasped and pulled back her hand.

"What the…"

The bud suddenly began to bloom, its petals unfurling slowly, revealing its violet colored inner core. A knot of green vines were coiled within its center. The giant flower's fragrance had grown stronger now, filling the air with its perfume. Bulma saw the vines twitch and then unfurl. The green looking tentacles slowly rose out of the bud-seven in all-and hung limply over the petals to lay on the red soil of the ground.

"What do you think of my prize plant, Fal Bulma?" Ferra questioned.

"Its, uh…big."

"Yes. It has matured into a full adult. I like to think of it as my pet."

One vine snaked its way over to Bulma's ankle. Bulma gently nudged it away with her foot. "Interesting," she muttered, and retreated a few steps. It was then that she noticed that the males had gathered in a semicircle around her and the plant. She bumped into one of them and frowned in irritation when they did not clear a path for her.

"Okay guys, let me through," she ordered.

The men held their positions. Bulma darted a glance at Ferra. The blond woman seemed untroubled by the scenario.

"What the fuck is going on!?!" Bulma asked angrily, hoping that her aggression would make the men cower before her.

"Hold her!" Ferra commanded.

Several of the slaves grabbed her and restrained her. Bulma struggled in their grasp and cursed them all to hell.

"Disrobe her!"

More slaves stepped forward and tore at Bulma's clothes, stripping her naked. Bulma bit and clawed at her attackers. She put up such a fight that they lifted her and carried her over to the Solaris plant, where they threw her into its midst. The weight of her body caused a purple haze of perfumed pollen to shoot up into the air in a cloud. It covered Bulma's flesh. Bulma scrambled to get up, but her movements stirred the vines. The vines slithered over her limbs. They wrapped themselves around her wrists, thighs, ankles, and waist. The vines pulled her legs apart, exposing her to the fifty slaves.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked Ferra who stood nearby watching the whole thing.

"It is simple, Fal Bulma. You have something that I want. In order to get it, I must first prove that you have defiled your body, so I must use this as my last resort. You should have sold him to me when you had the chance," Ferra said.

Bulma was outraged. "You are a stupid woman, Ferra! Vegeta doesn't even like you! He'll kill you when he finds out what you've done. Let me go now and I'll put in a good word for you when he comes back."

Ferra laughed at her reply. "How can a slave be more powerful than a Genowan female? That is absurd. He would not even dream of raising a finger to me."

"Baka-ne! Vegeta and I are not from around here! We are not Genowans at all! Kami, Vegeta could destroy you all with one finger!"

"It is obvious that your fear has scrambled your brains, my dear Fal Bulma." Ferra turned to the slaves and told them, "Take her."

Bulma watched in horror as the males approached her. They were going to rape her and all because of Ferra's perverted obsession of possessing Vegeta.

"Iie, matte yo!" she shouted. "Just how is this going to get you Vegeta?" she asked the female, buying some time.

"The rules on Genowa are quite simple. If any female is found guilty of being intimate with another female's slave, the guilty female will lose her own slave to who ever bared witness to the act."

"That means that you will be the witness of my indiscretion and claim Vegeta as a reward in the process."

"Yes. Carry on slaves, and do not be gentle about it. I want visible evidence of her unforgivable act."

Bulma trembled as one slave stood between her legs and groped at her thighs. "Please, don't do this!" she pleaded.

"An order was given by the high council woman. We cannot disobey or we will be punished," the slave answered.

"Vegeta was right. You are all weaklings!"

Another slave appeared to her right. He was naked and he held his swollen member in his hand. One look at Bulma's voluptuous body and he came instantly. Bulma turned her head away in revulsion and screamed out the only thing that could keep her sane. She screamed out the name of the only person who had the right to touch her.



Somewhere in the deep forests of Genowa, the Saiyan no Ouiji halted his intense training and stiffened as a sharp awareness took hold of his senses. Something was wrong. He could feel it. A rush of fear that was not his own flooded his mind followed by despair and revulsion. The emotions caught him off guard, so strong were they. But where did they come from? He did not sense any danger for miles around him.

Once again, the feelings assailed him. They were growing in strength. Then, he heard it- a faint cry in his mind calling out to him. An image of his human in tears flashed across his eyes.

Bulma! She was in trouble!


Vegeta's ki flared around him as he took off into the sky. The trees beneath him toppled to the ground as the strength of his ki barely touched them. Vegeta could think of only one thing as he raced to the settlement in Bulma's defense. What ever or who ever had made his little human cry would suffer the consequences of the wrath of the Saiyan prince of Vegetasia.


"Nooooo!!!" Bulma sank her teeth into a stray arm that reached over to fondle her breasts. The slave cried out in pain and looked over at Ferra in fear.

"Hit her," Ferra ordered.

The slave stared at her in shock. A slave hitting a female was unheard of. It was against the law; punishable by death. However, Ferra was the leader of the high council. Her word was law. If he did not obey her, he would be beaten before his mistress. The shame would kill him if the lashes didn't. He raised his hand and struck the blue haired woman across her face. A trickle of blood streamed from her mouth. She spat at him and watched him recede into the crowd.

"You're all weak!" she shouted. She put up such a verbal fight that the men backed away from her.

Ferra muttered an oath in disgust. She ripped the hem of her gown, marched towards the screaming Bulma, and shoved the cloth into her mouth. "You are an exasperating woman!" Ferra backhanded her. "All I wanted was your slave! Look at what you have made me do! What have you to say for your self?" She pulled the cloth free from Bulma's mouth.

Bulma glared at her and said, "You are one sick bitch!"

Ferra grinned wickedly and punched Bulma in the stomach. Bulma cried out and wretched as her stomach lurched and twisted in pain. Ferra shoved the cloth back into her mouth and paced.

"What am I going to do with you now? You have ruined everything!" She stared at Bulma for a moment.

Then, inspiration struck her. She uncoiled one of the vines from Bulma's thighs and rubbed it across her own breasts. "You are quite the lucky little thing," she said softly. "I must confess that I had an ulterior motive when I cultivated this particular plant. You see, slaves who are under my rule are far too weak to satisfy me. In truth, I wear them out. They die quite easily…" Her eyes took on a dazed look. "But the Solaris plant…"

She licked the vine's tip. As the moisture of her tongue touched the vine's rough green skin, it twitched and jerked towards Ferra's mouth, seeking out more of her wet warmth. Ferra allowed it into her oral passage, and the vine snaked down her throat.

It gently pulled it's self out, then pushed it's self in again. It repeated this action for few minutes before Ferra yanked it free. A sticky, creamy white substance, the plant's sap, rolled down from the corner of the high council woman's mouth. She caught the sap with the tip of her tongue and moaned as she savored its taste.


She slid one hand over Bulma's thigh and rubbed the twitching, wet, vine along Bulma's skin. Bulma shuddered in disgust as the sticky sp soiled her body.

"Relax," Ferra told her. "You just might enjoy it."

She brought the vine closer to the apex of Bulma's legs, positioned the tip and laughed as she noticed the sheen of tears in Bulma's bright blue eyes. "Come now. It will not hurt…for long."

She steered the vine towards Bulma's softness. Bulma instinctively contracted every muscle in her body to fight against the intrusion. She would not be taken so easily. She would die fighting if she had to.

Oh, Vegeta! Why couldn't I have listened to you? Why couldn't I have just gone back home with you?

She summoned up the prince's image in her mind's eye. His presence had always been a comfort to her despite his temperamental attitude. By Kami, she loved him. She wished that she could tell him before…

Oh, Kami! She was going to be raped to death by a plant! She focused on her fierce prince and released all of the love that she felt for him into that one perfect image. If only they could be together one last time. She would tell him her feelings. She would tell him that she loved him, no matter how many times she called him a bakayarou. Oh, if only…


She could almost hear him. His image was so real that Bulma could swear that she could see him hovering over them. A flare of energy surrounded him. An intense scowl was on his face.

V-Veggie chan, she thought. I must be going insane.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!!" she heard her vision scream and watched as the mirage sent a shower of blue fire balls down towards the slaves…


One of the blue energy blasts came perilously close to Ferra. She released the vine and looked up at the intruder.

"W-what? How can this be?" she stuttered. "Y-you are flying!"

Vegeta descended upon the scene of fleeing slaves and burning bushes. He landed several feet away from Ferra. He took one glance at Bulma's state and turned his cold onyx eyes upon the council woman.

"How dare you!?!"

"Hold your tongue, slave! I am your superior!" Ferra told him in indignation.

"YOU ARE NOTHING!" Vegeta yelled.

He started walking towards her, a prominent vein in his forehead. Ferra took a few steps back. She reached into the pocket of her gown and pulled out a sharp little dagger. "Stay back!"

"Do you think that you can take me with such a pathetic, puny weapon? I am the prince of all Saiyans! You are but a stain under my boot, you fucking bitch!" he ranted.

Ferra paled from his harsh words. She had never been so insulted in all of her life, and by a male, no less.

"Do not come any further or I will kill her!" she threatened, holding the dagger over Bulma.

Vegeta continued forward, his eyes narrowed, his forehead furrowed in anger. "If you touch her, I assure you that you will die a slow and painful death!"

"What is it about her that has made you so -hostile?" Ferra asked jealously. "She has no rank here among us. In truth, she seems to be a complete idiot! What female would not try to solidify a position in the high council? It was even offered to her and she refused! One does not refuse an offer like that!"

"She is not like you. She would never seek out power over another. She is too good for even the likes of you!"

Ferra gasped at the insult and slashed the blade across Bulma's thighs. A muffled cry came from the human as two thin lines of blood appeared on her flesh.

Vegeta halted and gasped in shock. He could feel Bulma's pain. The astonishing physical link between them frightened him more than anything he had ever experienced, even his life with Freiza. What Bulma was going through, was true terror, and it tore at his soul.

He turned his gaze towards Ferra. The bitch was laughing.


He moved so fast that he appeared to go invisible, and then reappeared in a blur before her. Suddenly, Vegeta's hand was wrapped around her throat. He lifted her off of the ground. Ferra struggled as Vegeta tightened his grasp. Her eyes felt like they would pop out from their sockets. She dropped her dagger and clawed at Vegeta's forearm. The madness that she saw within the dark haired warrior's eyes increased her fear. She never would have guessed that this monster lurked just beneath the surface.


Ferra could hear her throat being crushed. The reality that she was going to die finally became apparent. She had never envisioned her life ending this way. She had never imagined that her life would be extinguished by a male. She realized too late that her selfish behavior had spawned this outcome. She had orchestrated her own demise and all because she had lusted after this beast.

With one twist of his wrist, Vegeta snapped Ferra's neck and tossed her lifeless body several feet away from him. He had wanted to break every bone in her body, but Bulma's terror had restrained him. She'd felt his intense hatred for Ferra. She'd seen what he'd wanted to do to the woman and had sent him a mental plea not to.

Vegeta had never been one to take orders from anyone, but his human's emotions were in such turmoil that he complied with her wish and finished off the detestable Genowan.

He went to Bulma and took in the bruises that covered her skin. He could smell the scent of other males upon her. It made him doubly furious.

Those bastards!

He was having frenzied thoughts. He wanted to finish what he had started on the weaklings that had cleared out of the garden when he'd showered them with his Gatlin Gun Blast. It would be what they deserved for defiling his precious Bulma. Heads would roll!

No, was Bulma's silent appeal.

Vegeta growled in anger and fired a ki blast at the heart of the plant that held Bulma in its grasp. The blast set the plant on fire. The vines that held Bulma quickly loosened and wilted to the ground. Vegeta caught Bulma as she was released. He placed her gently upon the grass. He knelt down beside her, pulled the cloth from her mouth, and winced as he saw the cut on her lip.

"I'm sorry, Vegeta," Bulma cried. "I'm sorry that I didn't want to leave when you said we should."

"Onna…cease your tears. I am not angry with you." He removed his tunic and put it on her. He examined the wounds on her thighs. They were not too deep, to his relief. But in the end, they would still leave scars long after they had healed. As would other not so visible scars, he thought.

"Did they…" he could not bring himself to say it. He willed it not to have happened. Not to his human.

"No," she answered weakly.

But they had tried, if the smell was any indication. Damn it!


"Yes, onna?"

"I want to go home," she whimpered.

"We will go home, onna. We will go just as soon as you are feeling better."

Hearing his promise, she slid her eyes close in exhaustion. Vegeta gathered her protectively in his arms and flew towards their quarters to tend to her wounds. She would sleep long and hard, giving him ample time to exact his revenge on the fools who had molested her.


Bulma wrapped the blanket around her and got out of bed. She was still a bit tired from her recovery. Vegeta had done a good job of watching over her as she lay abed. She missed the brooding prince. She wanted to see him, to thank him for staying with her. He had proved to her with his unselfish actions that he cared for her. The former Vegeta, the impatient one would have left her there to rot. She owed him her life.

She went to the bathroom and got herself cleaned up. She donned a pink colored robe and left the room. What she saw outside made her fall to her knees. The entire village was destroyed. The buildings were engulfed in flames. Piles of ashes, cremated bodies, littered the ground. The hot breeze from the flames stirred up some dead leaves. The leaves whirled into the air and then landed within a burned out house.

"Vegeta, what have you done?"

He had taken his rage out on the other Genowans, the defenseless women and slaves. They hadn't a chance, not with his power.

"Oh, Kame…it's all my fault." Tears blurred her vision and spilled down her cheeks.

The guilt of this day would stay with her forever.

The Saiyan prince materialized out of no where. He seemed alarmed to find her outside. He knelt before her and held her shoulders. "Bulma, are you in pain?"

She shrugged him off and turned her gaze away from him. He frowned at her and crouched back on his heels. "I see. You mourn for these fools."

"You shouldn't have killed them. You had no right," she told him.

"I had every right! They tried to kill what was mine!"

Bulma gasped at his possessive words. He was still the selfish little prince. "They weren't all evil."

"Whatever they were, they are now all dead. They are of no concern to us now." He stood and stretched out a hand to her.

She hesitated.

"We are going home," he said.

She took his hand and let him cradle her in his arms. He flew into the sky with her and headed in the direction of their ship. Bulma studied his drawn features. She wondered what he was thinking.

"I am wondering what horrible things you have planned to punish me with."

His words made her blush. So, she hadn't imagined the link between them. It was real. This complicated things. What if she wanted to be alone with her thoughts? Would he still be able to hear them? Oh, it wasn't fair at all.

"You will learn how to hide them in time," he told her.

She feigned irritation and said, "I am not speaking to you, saiyan."

He laughed and told her, "It would be a cold day in hell before you shut up."

Bulma fumed. "HOW DARE YOU!?!"

"Silence! I will not have my woman shrilling at me like some harpy! You are the mate of the prince of all Saiyans. You must conduct yourself with grace and civility. I will not have you embarrassing me with your wild temper tantrums."

"I have wild temper tantrums?"

"Oh, they are most uncontrollable! I see that I will have to make sure that this habit of yours doesn't get out of hand. From now on, you will accompany me where ever I go. That is the only way that I can make certain that you will not make a fool of my family's legacy."

What was he talking about?

"Vegeta, what are you saying?"

"We are bonded, forever. There can be no other woman for me. There will be no other man for you," he explained gruffly.

Bulma let out a sound of shock as she realized what he had said. Were they married in some way? She found it hard to believe. "Hontou ni?"

"Hontou," he answered her seriously.

"Oh, Veggie-Chan!" she covered his face with kisses.

He growled in mock annoyance and yelled, "Damare!"


"I cannot fly with you climbing all over me like that," he snapped.

Bulma smiled at his sudden cranky behavior and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly and played with the soft, thick mass of black hair that formed his crown. He loved her. She could feel it in her bones. She giggled happily and whispered to him, "I love you too, my prince."

"Of course you do," he purred. "What woman wouldn't love me?"

He laughed as he felt her teeth bite into his neck. His bride was reprimanding him for his teasing comment. What an excellent mate he had chosen to spar with for the rest of his life.

The End

*Sigh* such a sweet tale…it wasn't meant to be sweet, but you know it just happened that way. Thanks for reading long story. Don't forget to tell me what you think. ^_^