Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Testing Days ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.

*groan* That had to be the worst case of writer's block I've ever had.


Drumming his fingers on his desk, Qu'pac, the fuzz ball angel from the southern quadrant and one of Bardock's very few friends in the high class angel headquarters, sighs, his eyes darting up and down the page of his computer.

He doesn't know how, but somehow he's been assigned to the impossible task, along with many other of the elite scientists, of deciphering the complex spell that had turned one of the last saiyajins alive into an onna. His eyes glaze over as he goes off into wandering thoughts, watching the creamy ceiling swirling as if it was made of clouds. Oh wait a sec, it is made of clouds.


The angel snaps out of his daydreams and yelps, "I'm awake! I'm awake!" He looks up from his desk and sees a white-blond haired angel glaring down at him, brandishing his wings angrily. Qu'pac smiles, "Oh hello, Willith."

Willith glares down at him and scowls, "Sleeping on the job are we?"

Qu'pac turns red with embarrassment, "Sorry sir." Turning back to his computer screen he begins studying the 5D model of the spell cast with a whole new vigor. The higher angel smirks with satisfaction and his eyes glance over the other angels under his supervision. Qu'pac shyly looks up from his work and says quietly, "Um... Willith-sir, no offense, but wouldn't it be better for Bardock to be helping with this study? I mean he is-"

"A genius! I know!" the angel snaps irritably. He crosses his arms and huffs, "I also know that he is the poorest excuse of an angel that I've ever seen in my afterlife! He'd mess up this operation just for the fun of it!" He clenches his fists until his knuckles turn white, "I wish that he would. Then I'd see the pleasure of seeing him to be damned to hell for all eternity!"

Qu'pac glances up and mutters under his breath, "I think he'd like that too."

Willith's head snaps over to the fuzzy angel's direction and demands, "What was that?"

The lower angel's eyes widen in fright but before he can say anything another angel, a blue skinned and even deeper blue haired angel makes his way in their direction and calls out, "Willith, we have a preliminary analysis on the structure of the spell."

The blond angel glares at Qu'pac and growls, "We'll finish this later." He turns his attention to the blue angel and asks, "So what do you have?"

Glancing over the notes, the angel answers, "Well, there seem to be some familiar traces of some of Merlin and Gracopadi's enchantments. But it's bouncing all over the place from karma notations to Shiva's destruction spells and even Santa Clause's invisibility charms! We should call it a thousand spells not just one.

"But the most disconcerting thing is that this spell's foundation is something that isn't in our data records at all! It's completely unpredictable, some of the spells that we know are inactive at times until the base of the spell changes it's structure and switches the spells. It usually happens when we're trying to really delve into the base of the spell. It's very extraordinary actually. It's as if-"

Willith finishes quietly, "It's covering its tracks..."



Goku groans as her stomach begins to protest its lack of food. She sighs and goes to look for the ouji, currently training in the GR. {Kami, eating only eggs all the time is going to kill me! But I only know how to make breakfast! If only Veggie would actually cook for me once in a while...} She reaches the GR and bangs on the door, "Hey Veggie! You in there?!"

A gruff voice answers, "Yes! What do you want?!"

The younger saiyajin asks, "Do you want to spar with me?"

The whirring of the GR goes down as the metal door opens and Vegeta's head pops out. Goku smiles serenely, wearing the gi that he had gotten for her, including the 'ouji-boots,' her ebony hair tied up into a sleek ponytail. The warm rays of light reflect off of the metal exterior onto Goku, making her seem to glow. A large lump forms in his throat and a blush line crosses his cheeks. He thanks Kami his face was hot enough from training to cover it up. He coughs and says, "W-well, I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

Goku frowns in confusion, "Why?"

{Too much body contact.} Vegeta sighs, "Look you're just-"

The younger saiyajin narrows her eyes and demands, "You aren't afraid of hurting me are you?"

Vegeta yelps, "What?! Why would you say something like that?!"

Goku smirks playfully, "Maybe cuz I'm a girl now. But I bet I can still kick your butt!"

"You can not!"

She sticks out her tongue and grins, "Can so!"

Vegeta growls, "I'll show you!" He immediately charges at Goku, readying himself to do a powerful punch. The younger saiyajin laughs and easily dodges it, then puts a hand on Vegeta's shoulder, teleporting them both to a secluded mountain area. Vegeta shrugs her off and takes an offensive stance, smirking, "You're serious, aren't you?" An excited grin answers him and Goku also takes an offensive stance.



A scream rings out of the valley as Vegeta slams Goku into a mountain side, reducing it to rubble. The ouji smirks but a huge ki attack comes out of the rock aimed straight at him. He knocks it out of the way but then Goku suddenly flashes behind him and smashes both her hands over his head, sending him flying.

Vegeta stops himself in midair and flips around to face Goku once again, rubbing his hand over the place that she had just hit. {Kuso, that's going to be a big bump.} Slightly panting for breath, he observes the other fighter, noting her deeper breathes and heavier sweating. His eyes widen in surprise, {Is she actually lagging behind?}

He decides to test it out. Putting on a smirk, Vegeta says haughtily, "Come on, Kakarotto. You can do better than that! Or am I really getting too tough for you?"

Goku smiles, "We'll see about that." She starts up her trademark move, "Kaa Meee-

Meanwhile Vegeta starts up his own, "Fiinaaal-

"Haaa Meee-



Two ki blasts erupt from their hands, soaring directly at each other, until they impact. Equal in ki, they balance out, forming two large hemispheres, striving to overpower the other. Vegeta yells, "I'll show you!" He pours more energy into his attack and his opponent does the same. The entire area is tinted with bluish-white as they fight to subdue each other. The hemispheres grow bigger and the enormous energy from the blasts causes the earth below them to crack and crumble.

The ouji watches his opponent straining to keep up and thinks, {Alright. Time to end this.} He exerts an extra burst of energy and his attack swallows Goku's and heads straight at her. She barely manages to dodge it and it explodes against the side of a mountain, the impact blowing her away as well.

Vegeta catches her before she flies against another mountain and shields them both from the second wave. Finally when the energy disperses and the dust settles, the area is reduced to nothing but a barren crater.

The small figure in his arms, shifts uncomfortably and grasps him with small delicate fingers. A wave of guilt washes over the ouji. It seems such a crime to hurt someone so beautiful... He flushes with embarrassment, but then Goku speaks up, "Looks like we kind of overdid it," her eyes surveying the area.

Still unnerved by his thoughts, Vegeta says slowly, "Yeah, I suppose so..." {Since when did I ever worry about delicacy?}

Goku suddenly smiles brightly, "Well, congratulations! Looks like you beat me!"

The ouji blinks in surprise, "I did?" And the realization fully hits him. His eyes widen in excitement and a large grin lights up his face, "Ah ha! I did! I beat you!" The fact he just beat a girl completely escapes his mind. He whoops elatedly, "I beat you! I can't believe it!" He immediately hardens at the awareness of acting so childish and coughs, "Ah, well, of course I beat you! I'm your ouji!" Goku laughs, but Vegeta adds almost grudgingly, "But I had to admit, you were really off in this fight."

The younger saiyajin sighs, "Yeah, I know. I think the transformation must have taken away some of my strength."

Vegeta smirks, "Well, that just means you have to be the one training to keep up this time."

Goku smiles, "That's alright. I need a challenge. Besides it's only temporary." At this her sparring partner slowly stops smirking, a small ruffle of disappointment weighing him down. Oblivious, Goku says, "You can let go. I think I can fly back." He nods and lets her go, and they gradually fly their way back to Capsule Corps.


Bardock watches his laptop screen carefully, making sure the ouji isn't making any pass at his daughter, whatsoever. Satisfied he closes the laptop and it disappears with a snap of his fingers. The shadow of King Enma's Palace begins to wane as the light source slowly orbits the world. The angel glances at his watch, wondering what's taking the ou so long. He hears two voices hissing at each other quietly from around the corner and stiffens, turning himself invisible.

Bejita peeks around the corner and frowns, seeing no one there. He walks into the shadowed area and mutters, "That's odd, he's always so early."

"I'm right here."

The ou turns around and shrieks. He demands, "How did you- Where were you-"

Bardock smirks, "I was invisible." At the devil's questioning glance the angel says, "It's a trick I learned."

Bejita says intelligently, "Ah."

Looking around, the angel suddenly frowns, "So exactly to whom did the other voice belong to?"

The devil-ou says nervously, "Uh... Barudokko-San..."

Bardock groans, his wings automatically sagging, "What the hell did you do now?"

Bejita laughs, the edgy tone still evident, "Well, it's not 'to whom did the other voice belong to,' it's 'to whom did the other VOICES belong to.'

At once, Bardock jerks, clutching at his chest, and whispers hoarsely, "Oh Kami, I think I'm going to have a cardiac arrest!"

Bejita turns red, "Oh come on! It's not that bad!" However Bardock is already on his knees, crying out in pain. The ou protests, "Hey! At least you know her!"

Immediately, the angel stops his foolery and blinks in confusion, "Her?"

His friend nods, smirking, "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised." He turns back at the corner and yells, "You two can come out now!"

But as the two figures walk past the edge of the building, the angel turns as white as a sheet, his black hair and brown tail becoming incomprehensibly more pronounced in his already colorless garments. One of the figures is Ruby, adorned in a rich green velvet dress, suitable for only royalty. She smiles at Bardock warmly, although there is still a regal air to it, much like the type of smirks that the ou would give him. However, she is not the one making the angel quake in his boots.

The other person is a medium built saiyajin female with short cropped jet black hair and a very haughty manner. Her battle armor is much different from the queen's attire and is fairly evident of her former, lower status in life. Nonetheless, Bardock knows for a fact that she is close friends with the queen, an alliance that is most often times used against him to get what that female wants. The angel gulps and says weakly, waving to the lower ranked female, "Hello Celipa."

The female saiyajin's eye twitches and she says slowly, "Hello Celipra?" At the dangerous tone, Bardock automatically takes a step back away from her. But she just advances on him in turn, seething with rage, "Is that all you have to say to me after nearly 40 years of being apart?!"

Bardock pleads, "Honey! Please! I can explain!"

Celipra continues to press on to him, "You didn't even bother to visit me down in hell!"

"But Celli, I was in heaven!"

The ou turns to his mate and says, "I thought you said that she wanted to see him."

"Or call! I thought that once they installed that interdimension phone line you'd at least call me once in a while!"

"But I didn't mean-"

Ruby smiles in amusement, "She does, but just for different reasons."

"Just because you're up in heaven and I'm in hell doesn't mean you can be so high and mighty that you can't even see me once in a while!"

"Celli, please calm down! It's not really that big a deal!"


Bejita groans in defeat, "He is definitely going to kill me later," as the two royals watch Bardock vainly attempt to reason with his hysterical mate.