Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Here's where the drama comes in ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Goku sullenly watches the tube, depressed from her fifth loss in a row. She knows that she shouldn't, that it was Vegeta's time to shine, but still... it's just irritating! She just couldn't fight like she used to! A stab of hunger pangs her in the stomach, and she clutches at it in pain. She moans, {Kami! If only I could get some real food! But that means either eggs, sick of that, pancakes, sick of that too, or rice pudding, which I am getting sick of fairly quickly. If this keeps up I won't be able to eat breakfast anymore for the rest of my life!}

The sound of padding feet catches her attention and she turns her attention from her stomach to the figure coming up behind the couch. Goku looks back at the TV again, ignoring the annoying internal pains, "I haven't healed from our last fight yet."

Vegeta humphs, "I'm not planning on fighting you today." He plops down onto the couch next to her and smirks mischievously, "I'm going to retrain you."

Goku's head snaps back and yelps, "What?!"

The ouji says smugly, "I believe that you heard me."

The younger saiyajin stammers, "B-but my style works best-"

"For your old body. You don't have the edge in battle that you used to because your brute strength is gone. So you have to learn to rely on your other... uh... edges."

Goku frowns in confusion, "You mean these?" pointing to her chest.

Vegeta blushes furiously, "NO! Of course not! I mean like speed and agility! With a smaller frame you should have the same compensation that I do."

Goku says, "Oh... So I can copy you!"

The ouji yelps, "What?! No! You can't!" This is not going the way he wants it to. He continues, "Ma Ling Fo Qua has been passed down to me from generation to generation of the royal house of Bejita-sei! Only royalty is allowed to use it!"

The other saiyajin frowns, "Ma Ling Fo Qua? What does that mean?"

Crossing his arms, Vegeta answers smugly, "Royal butt-whoopin' style." Goku blinks and stares at him blankly, but suddenly bursts into uproarious laughter. Ticked off at not getting what's so funny, the ouji yells, "What?!"

"Royal butt-whoopin' style?! That's the vocabulary that kings use?! Ha ha!"

Vegeta turns beet red and demands, "Well what's it supposed to be called?!"

Taking him seriously, Goku stifles her laughter into a small grin and a couple chuckles to think of a good name. She smiles as an idea pops into her head and says enthusiastically, "How about Mosquito Style?"

The other face vaults, "WHAT?!"

Excitedly, Goku nods, "Yeah! You're really small and fast and always dart around me in an annoying way."

Vegeta says incredulously, "Annoying?!"

The younger saiyajin grins, "Yeah, and like a mosquito, you take a punch at me/suck my blood and I, with my great size and strength, am hardly affected!" demonstrating by flexing her feminine biceps. The corner of the ouji's mouth twitches as he controls a laugh. Seems like Goku forgot that she's a girl now. Goku continues in her own eager fashion, frequently stressing her points with her body gestures. "Then that's when I, like the giant humanoid to the mosquito, pull a finishing move on you that ends the match/squish you like the little insect that you are!"

Vegeta stops seeing the humor immediately. She just unintentionally insulted him! He glares at her in annoyance, {Only KAKAROT can pull off something like that.} He comments dryly, "I just ADORE your use of analogies," his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Goku smiles, "Thank you!" oblivious as always to the ouji's cynicism.

Quickly losing his patience, Vegeta demands, "Do you want to learn my style or not?!"

The other blinks in confusion, "But I thought that you didn't want me to-"

Vegeta points outside towards the GR and yells, "Just get over to the Gravity Room!"


It is yet another perfect day in the angels' sector of heaven. The sun is shining. There's not a cloud in the sky. And the cherry blossoms are still in full bloom, never wilting from the sun or the lack of rain. And Bardock is once again cursing it as he walks up the blaringly white marble steps to the Angel Headquarters, "Kami dammit. What I would give for just one rainy day."

He goes inside to the reception room and to his surprise sees that Qu'pac isn't there behind the desk. Confused, though he doesn't show it, the angel goes to the substitute receptionist, a feline like alien that he's never seen before. The saiyajin asks, "Hey, what happened to the guy that was here before? Y'know the really fuzzy brown, round one?"

Yellow eyes flick up to meet his and the receptionist says formally, "He's been recruited to a scientific team led by Willith. He won't be here for a while." She asks courteously, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

However, lost in his one thought, {Man, poor Qu'pac,} he doesn't hear the words coming from her mouth. Once he realizes that she asked something, he shakes his head to clear it up, "Sorry. I came here to get my assignment, too."

The feline angel opens up the registry and asks, "Name please?"

"Barudokko. First Class."

She mumbles, "Alright..." but then she suddenly does a double take. "Barudokko?!" Staring at him intently, the angel says in disbelief, "You can't possibly be him!"

{Oh great, what rumors have been spreading about me now?} Bardock sighs, "Look, I'm Bardock okay? The saiyajin angel. Black sheep of my whole species and of heaven. Must I show you some I.D.?"

The angel's eyes look behind the saiyajin and widen when they see the furry brown appendage coming from the back of his robe. She says quickly, so quickly it seems to Bardock that she's frightened, "No that's alright!" She nervously fumbles down the registry and quips, "You must report to the Platinum Room to get your assignment!" She slaps closed the book and says tensely, "Please, have a nice day! Please!"

Bardock raises an eyebrow at such strange behavior, but just shakes his head and starts towards the Metallium Corridors. Then another feline angel comes up to the receptionist and says in a hushed voice, "Filo? Was that who I thought it was?"

Filo nods her head vigorously and whispers, "Yes! It's the saiyajin abomination!" She puts a hand to her chest and sighs, "Kami, I was so scared! I thought that he was going to bite my head off!"

Her friend hisses, "Shhh! Not so loud. Saiyajins are supposed to be able to hear a whisper hundreds of dregules away!"


Sighing, Bardock ruffles his hair with his hand, drearily walking down a sterile white corridor towards the Platinum Room. {Just great. This has to be the lowest I've ever been. Now everybody's afraid of me! I can't wait until I get out of here.}

Walking past a dark corridor, the saiyajin suddenly hears a hushed, "Hey! Bardock!"

The angel turns in the direction of the whisper and glares into the dark hallway, "Who's there?"

A little fuzzy brown hand comes out of the shadows and beckons him into it, "It's me! Come here!"

Bardock readily complies and hides in the shadow along with his friend, "Qu'pac? What is it? What's the matter?"

Qu'pac says, "Look, people are getting awfully suspicious around here about you."

The saiyajin merely rolls his eyes, "Tell me about it."

"No! That's not what I mean!" Bardock frowns, his attention caught. Qu'pac continues, "Willith's starting to get funny ideas about you. He thinks that you turned that saiyajin, what's his name, Kakarot! He thinks that you turned him into a girl!"

The saiyajin's heart nearly stops in his chest and a great burst of excitement is threatening to erupt from his mind. {Yes! People are finally suspecting me!} However, the angel says as calmly as possible, "That's really stupid of him."

Qu'pac says urgently, "Well he thinks that he can back it up! So you have to be extra careful about what you do around him and his lackeys... especially since..."

Bardock's eyes burrow into a frown, "Especially since what Qu'pac?"

The fuzzy alien says remorsefully, burying his round face into his small hands, "Oh Bardock! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!"

The saiyajin angel says in alarm, "What?! What did you do?!"

"I told him... that you wanted to go to hell..."

Bardock says in disbelief, "Wh-what?"

Sobbing, Qu'pac says, "Now he's going to get you! And he's going to get you any punishment but going down to hell! Even if you are guilty!" He cries, "I'm sorry! He cornered me and... and... I didn't know what to do! He forced me to tell him how you always wanted to go down to hell with all the other saiyajins! I'm sorry!"

Suddenly Bardock's knees feel weak and he stumbles against the wall to support himself. {Oh Kami, no. All my hopes! Gone down the drain! I'll never get out of here now...}

His friend shivers and sobs, "I'm sorry. C-can you forgive me?"

Bardock looks down at the tiny outlining of the fuzzy alien and sighs, "Yeah. It's alright I forgive you. That's what angels do." {And it seems like I'm going to be one forever.}

About a minute later Bardock leaves the shadowed corridor and remorsefully continues his walk over to the Platinum Room, feeling like all his troubles just planted themselves on his shoulder and are painfully starting to wear him down. Unknown to him a white-blond angel watches from a cracked open door. The blond angel cackles evilly when he sees the mere shadow of the Bardock's former self. {So it is true. Don't think I'm through with you yet.} And he quietly closes the door.



After nearly an hour of listening Vegeta lecture and watching him demonstrate several positions of the Ma Ling Fo Qua, Goku starts feeling the effects of absolute boredom. She tries to cover up a yawn, but the ouji notices her movement out of the corner of his eye. He straitens up from his current position and Goku asks innocently, "Why did you stop?"

Vegeta growls, "I refuse to teach you if you aren't paying attention! I'm not doing this for my health!"

The younger saiyajin says quickly, "I'm sorry, Veggie! But I've seen you do this stuff in every single one of our fights! I practically memorized everything!"

Calmly, the ouji replies, "Show me."

Goku blinks, "Uh... okay." She pops up from the floor and begins performing several routines that she's seen a million times before. At first she's hesitant and does the moves very carefully, but then as she does it more, she becomes more confident and the moves flow better, until she's practically performing the moves as if she's done it her whole life.

When she feels like she's done enough, she stops in front of Vegeta, grinning widely. But to her surprise the ouji just shakes his head in amusement, "Nope. You're getting it all wrong."

His student yelps, "What?! But I just-"

"Did what you saw. In fact you copied my technique perfectly. Good..." The ouji's eyes narrow, "but not good enough. You don't have the feel for it."

"The feel...?"

Vegeta smirks, "I'll show you." By sudden impulse he stands right behind her and slides his hands down her arms ending by intertwining his fingers through hers. For reasons unknown to her, Goku feels a hot blush rise to her cheeks, glad that Vegeta can't see her face. Then, with the precision and ease of a master of his technique, the sensei guides the student's hands into the several positions that she was just performing earlier.

During which, Vegeta whispers into her ear, "Can you feel it now, Kakarot?" his warm breath nipping at her ear and making the hairs at the back of her neck rise with the nervous anticipation.

Goku blushes even more, {I definitely feel something.}

"It's everything that makes a true saiyajin. The love of the fight, the incentive for victory and domination... That's in every method used. But can you feel that other side too?" He wills her body through more extensive moves, including shifting of the feet and position of the hips. Feeling the control that he has over her and feeling the heat of her body against his, Vegeta can't help but become more enthusiastic in his teaching. He hisses, "Lust, hatred, pride!... and passion. Oh Kami, you can never forget THAT. Can't you feel all the saiyajin in you boiling up? Bubbling to the surface? Can't you feel it?!"

Mesmerized by his voice, the different formations and movements turn into an intricate dance, expressing all of the emotions that the ouji described to her. But suddenly Goku feels so weak, her body nearly falling out from under her. She becomes too overwhelmed, the room starting to disappear in a dizzying pit. She whispers, "Stop."

Vegeta almost doesn't hear her, "What?"

Goku whispers even more urgently, "Vegeta. Vegeta, stop it. Stop!"

The ouji complies immediately and demands, "What is it! What's wrong?" She doesn't answer him as she sinks into his arms, falling into the subconscious. The darkness swarms her and the last thing that she hears is a faint voice screaming her name.


Miyanon: I just realized how much fun cliffhangers can be... When you're on the giving end of course.