Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ A fishing disaster ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Goku licks her sticky fingers and grins at the ouji across from the small fire that they had built. A small mound of delicate bones replaces what was once a flopping pile of trout that the two saiyajins had managed to fish out of the river. She notes with satisfaction, the insatiable manner in which Vegeta consumes the fish, glad that she managed to please him once again.

Obtaining the rods to go fishing was easy enough. Everyone had been out of the Son house at the time, so getting the rods had been a snap with Goku's Instant Transmission. What came after was a complete disaster.

Vegeta absolutely refused to put any bait on his hook unless it was something besides worm or leeches, which was all that Goku had. They had to go all the way over to Capsule Corps just to get cheese, but it turned out there wasn't any. So then they had to go to the supermarket where Goku had attracted a lot of unwanted attention with her new body, much to the annoyance of her and the ouji.

When they finally came back and started fishing, Vegeta kept on hooking himself trying to toss out the line into the water. Goku had to teach him every basic step of fishing from the beginning. Several lost and broken fish hooks later, the ouji had finally gotten the hang of it.

But then he got impatient waiting for the fish to bite and ended up scaring them all away with his powering up.

Goku sighs and leans her head onto her hand, watching Vegeta eat the last bit of his fish. At least they managed to get some fish in the end. And whether Vegeta wanted to admit it or not, they had fun wrestling a particularly big 7 footer onto the river bank. Idly, Goku's eyes wander down to Vegeta's muscled chest and she starts thinking about how alike the ouji is to one of those dark chocolate caramel filled candies. So dark and bitter on the outside, and yet so sweet and gooey within. At least that's what it seems like with the behavior that he's shown her lately. Goku blinks, {Did I just compare him to chocolate? Wow, I must still be hungry.}

Suddenly the ouji's voice catches her attention. Vegeta smirks, "Like what you see, Kakarot?" 'Oh Kami, please do.' He shakes his head in slight confusion, {Where the heck did that come from?}

The younger saiyajin looks up from Vegeta's chest and says apologetically, "Oh sorry for staring. I guess I was just daydreaming." She looks back to his chest and says, "By the way, you have fish juice on your shirt."

Vegeta glares and looks down at his shirt in annoyance, noting the yellowish stain on his white tank shirt. {I suppose she isn't attracted...} He mentally slaps himself and growls, {Well why should she be?! She's probably still a freakin' man at heart!... But is she really?} He decides to experiment.

He starts taking off his shirt in slow deliberate steps, showing off every fined toned muscle that he can in the process. Goku stares at him incredulously, "Vegeta, what the heck are you doing?"

The older saiyajin answers coolly, "I'm going to take this to the river to see if I can wash out the juice." He gets up and stretches his body in the same slow and antagonizing manner that he did taking his shirt off. He smirks and thinks, {Now what right minded saiyajin female wouldn't want a piece of this?} his narcissism blatant. He glances over at his companion to see her reaction and stares at her in disbelief.

Her back is turned to him and she is calmly working on gathering the fish bones together so that she can get rid of them all at once, completely ignoring the ouji's show. Vegeta blushes madly and picks up his shirt to go over to the river, {I can't believe I was doing that!} A little arrogant thread of disappointment also laces his mind, adding to his embarrassment.

Once Goku feels the ouji heading over to the river side, she turns around slowly, making sure that he isn't paying any more attention to her. Seeing his back turned to her, she falls back onto her butt, letting out a sigh of relief. She lifts her hands to her face and inspects them carefully. They'd been shaking the whole time that she was watching him. And she was painfully aware of the strong pull in her body that just told her to go and touch him. She shivers, {What the hell was THAT?} Not only had the ouji surprised her, but her body had as well. She'd never reacted that way to anyone taking off their shirt before. Not even to ChiChi when they get ready for bed together, even though that hasn't happened in a long while. Even before she was turned into a girl. She shakes her head slowly, {Kami, everything's been a mess since I've been turned into a girl. I don't know what's what anymore.}

Suddenly Vegeta calls out her name in the middle of her disturbed thoughts, making Goku nearly jump in fright. The ouji yells again, "Kakarot! Hurry up! We need to get the poles back before any of your baka family notices they're gone!"

Goku says shakily, "A-alright Vegeta. I just need to clean up and then we can teleport over there." With that she faces her palm towards the pile of fish bones and blasts them into ashes.


Bejita says sternly, "Alright Bardock. Are we clear on the whole 'electrocuting my son' issue?"

The angel rubs his black eye and scowls, "I can't."

"Exactly." Then the ou adds, "Besides, the more you electrocute him, the more people are going to think that you completely disagree with this whole thing."

"But I DO."

Sighing, Bejita leans onto the back of the palace wall and asks, "Why do you object to this so much anyway? Even Celipa agrees with this."

Scowling, Bardock looks off the edge of the cloud that he's seated on, overlooking the Earth. "I just don't like it. You're forcing my child into this."

Bejita scoffs, "Nobody's forcing her! She'll fall in love with my son all by herself. Kami knows, Vegeta already has the hots for her."

The angel's head snaps up and he yells angrily, "By herself?! What about those moonbeam charms and the repellant spells?!"

Bejita sweatdrops and takes a couple steps back from the enraged angel, "B- Bardock, calm down! That's just a little -help?" Bardock blasts into ssj2 and towers over the ou, his eyes completely pupil-less. The ou says quickly, "Okay, maybe it's not necessary. But do you really want to take them off?" A glare. "Okay! Okay! I'll call Ruby and get her to take them off!"

Bardock nods and says, "Good. I've had enough meddling."

Bejita says flatly as he takes out his pitchfork, "And turning my son into a living lightning rod isn't?" Another dangerous glare. Bejita says quickly, "Shutting up now." He plants the pitchfork into the ground and taps on it a couple times. He says lightly, "Ruby? Honey? You there?"

A small shriek. And the queen yells, "Bejita! I told you not to do that!"

The ou send the ssj angel a glare and he says, "Sorry Ruby, but I need you to take off the moonbeam spells and repellant charms."

Silence. Then Ruby says, "First of all it's moonbeam charms and repellant spells. Second, DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT WAS TO PUT THOSE ON?! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THEM OFF FOR?!"

Bejita protests, "Ruby! Please! You have to! Or else Vegeta's going to turn into a frizzled popsicle stick!"



Ruby sighs, "Oh fine. But you better give me an explanation right-" Bejita taps on his pitchfork again and the line goes dead.

The ou looks back on his friend and says in annoyance, "There? Are you happy now?"

Bardock nods and grins, "Perfectly."

However, things of a different sort transpire in HFIL. Ruby growls in annoyance as she takes out her black magic books to repeal the spells. "Of all the times to take the spells off, it has to be when the Hall's in the middle of an ogre invasion." A loud crash from downstairs confirms the mini war. She opens the book to the pages necessary and mutters a few ancient words, nullifying the spells.

After that's through she leans back into her plush leather chair and taps her fingers together in thought. A smirk worms its way onto her face and she says to herself, "Well, I may had to have taken off the moonbeam charms and the repellant spells, but nobody ever said I couldn't a binding spell on them."


Slowly, the door to the Son household opens and two heads pop into the dark entrance way. Vegeta whispers, "Anyone there?"

Goku does a ki check and shakes her head, "Nope. No one." With poles in hand, they sneak into the house and head up to the storage closet on the second floor. It feels odd to the younger saiyajin to actually be sneaking around her own house, but if she doesn't want ChiChi to figure out who she is...

Suddenly, a wave of discomfort falls upon the two saiyajins, but it leaves as quickly as it came. Goku yelps, "What the heck was that?!"

Vegeta growls, "How the hell am I suppose to know?!"

Suddenly the lights turn on in the hallway and they face Gohan and ChiChi, who are staring at them in shock. Goku's eyes widen and she thinks, {How in the world?! How did they sneak up on us like that?!}

Gohan's eyebrows knit together in confusion and he asks, "Um... Vegeta? Who is this and... what the heck are you doing here?"

ChiChi scowls, "Really, ouji, don't you think that plaguing us when Goku isn't even around is a bit much?" Her eyes flit over to Goku and they widen in shock, "Oh you! You're Bulma's cousin! Kayka! What are you doing hanging around with Vegeta? In my house I might add?"

Goku laughs nervously, "Uh... hehe, um..." She looks at the poles in her hands and brings them out, "We were borrowing fishing rods? Vegeta said it was okay."

Gohan and ChiChi both glare at the ouji through narrow eyes. Vegeta stutters in protest, "I-I said no such thing!"

The raven haired housewife sighs, "Sure you didn't, ouji." She takes Goku's arm and smiles, "Come on Kayka, I'll show you around our home properly, then I'll make you some tea."

The younger saiyajin blinks, "Um... okay," and allows herself to be dragged off.

Vegeta automatically starts to follow, but Gohan grabs his arm. The ouji turns on the demi-saiyajin angrily and demands, "What are you doing boy?"

Gohan hisses, "Vegeta, what exactly are you doing with that girl?"

At once the ouji pales, but his face turns red and he yells, "What are you trying to suggest?! I don't have a crush on her! How dare you say such a thing?!"

The demi-saiyajin blinks in confusion, "I never said anything about a crush..."

Vegeta stares at him, a hot blush threatening to take over his face. He grabs Gohan's shirt and pulls him down to his height, growling, "Kisama, if you dare say anything to anyone else..."

Gohan yelps, "Okay! I won't tell!" His shirt is released and he's allowed to stand up straight. Vegeta gives him a final glare before he starts to stalk off towards the kitchen. However, Gohan suddenly says, "I suppose it's all right. That it's about time you found someone else."

The ouji stops dead in his tracks and turns around, "What the hell does that mean?"

Gohan just shrugs, "I don't know. You and Bulma just don't seem like lovers anymore."

Vegeta says flatly, crossing his arms, "And just how would you be able to tell?"

"Haven't smelled sex on you for months," Vegeta just gawks at him. But he continues, "and I don't think that it's because you're incompetent. I expected you to find some sort of intimate partner long ago." And with that last profound statement, Gohan leaves to go to his room.

The ouji stares at his retreating back, stunned speechless, his mouth wagging as if he wants to say something but he can't put it into words. He stomps his foot in frustration and thinks wildly, {The nerve of that boy! I'm going to kill him! I swear I will!} His fists clench and he storms off to the kitchen. Hopefully he can convince Goku to get away from there so that he can have a good, long spar with her to beat out the implications that Gohan had suggested.