Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Finally! A break for both! ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm finally back! Well, I'm also back in Indonesia after 8 months of evacuation in the states. But I'm also back from my vacation in Bali and Thailand! I've got a very nice tan from it. (Even though I had a permanent tan in the first place.) But I'm so happy I finally get my own room back! I absolutely hate sleeping with siblings in the same bed at hotels. They snore a lot. Anyway, enough of that. I'm sure a lot of people were waiting for this chapter, so enjoy!

Warning: A lot of OOC. Not like that isn't normal in this story.


Vegeta watched Mirai and Goku from the kitchen, while they chatted together in the living room. Actually it seemed like Mirai was doing most of the chatting, while Goku was nodding to and from sleep. He couldn't believe his bad luck. Instead of spending time with Kay- Kakarotto, he had to watch Mirai bore her to death. He could be sweeping her off her feet right now with his practiced Prince Charming act!

He also noted in annoyance that he was in this position much more often these days. Him glaring hatefully at his future son while he went cavorting around with HIS future mate. {What the hell am I doing?!} he thought to himself. {If I were on Bejito-sei, then I would have killed him already for getting anywhere near her like that, whether he be my son or not!}

He sighed in defeat, {Maybe I've finally gotten sentimental.}

A familiar voice suddenly called out from behind him, "Maybe, but maybe you just have extremely bad luck." The ouji's eyes bulged out of their sockets and he slowly turned around. A stately woman stood behind him, wearing royal crimson robes, an auburn tail swaying to and fro behind her. She smiled and gave him a little 'V' sign.

Vegeta's eyes grew wide and sparkly, and he ran for her arms wide open, "Mommy!"..... only to go right through her and fall on his face.....

Queen Ruby raised an eyebrow, "Veggie-chan? Are you alright?"

The ouji clambered to his feet and answered gruffly, "I'm fine. I just had a painful reality check." He looked over to her and asked, "How did you come here anyway?"

Ruby humphed, "The how isn't important, it's the why."

"I know for a fact that if I asked you why you came here, I'd have a very big lump on my head right now."

".....Anyway!" Ruby smiled and pointed over to the living room, "You see that pretty onna over there?"

Vegeta nodded.

"Do you like her?"

Another nod.

"You want her for a mate, don't you?"

At this the ouji blushed, "Mother!"

Ruby shushed him, "Oh calm down, I know all about her. I came here to help you."

Vegeta's eyes widened considerably, "You can?"

The queen pulled an arrogant smirk very similar to Vegeta's on her face, "Of course I can. I can do anything that I want, now that I'm dead. I'm here right now, aren't I?"

She pulled to vials out of her robe sleeve, one pink, and one dark red like blood. She gave him the red vial first. "This is a bonding potion. You drink half, she'll drink the other, then you'll be bonded together forever."

Vegeta frowned, "You mean like mated bonding?"

"Well, not exactly. Without her consent you could never have your souls bonded, but you would have her body whenever you wanted," she said rather quickly. Then she gave Vegeta the pink one. "Now this pink one is women repellant for that nosy purple haired brat."

"Women repellant," the ouji repeated skeptically.

His mother smiled, "Pour that on him and all the women in the universe will run away from him in terror. He'll grow into a woman less, old crony."

Vegeta's eyes widened, "Really?"


A sadistic grin swept over his face, "Excellent." He paused to look up at his mother. "Mother, you're in hell, right?"

Ruby sniffed, looking a bit miffed. "Right."

"So, do I need to sell you my soul or something?"

Suddenly he found himself on the floor with a large lump on his head. Ruby screamed, "How dare you talk to your mother like that?!"

Vegeta winced, "Sorry Mother."


Bardock slowly looked around Willith's home while the rival angel set to making a room for his guest/prisoner. The "home" was an impressive five- story mansion that looked like it belonged to someone obsessed with Greek pillars. Bardock couldn't walk two steps without smacking himself into one. Not only that but the dark angel had to squint to look through all the blaring white. Eventually, he had to bring out a pair of sunglasses just to shield his eyes from the whiteness. He, with his black hair and dark tan, looked so completely out of place in such a mansion that it seemed ludicrous.

Suddenly, Willith called from upstairs, "Bardock! You lousy bum! Get up here!"

Bardock was instantly behind him, scaring the pee out of the angel. The saiyajin smirked, "Now Willith, is that any way for such a high ranking angel as yourself to talk?"

Annoyed, Willith snapped, "What the hell are those glasses for? They look absolutely ridiculous!"

Bardock's eye twitched. "Did you just diss my special limited edition Matrix sunglasses?" he said in a dangerously low voice.

The high-ranking angel was suddenly aware of how much pain he could possibly be in in the next three seconds. He gulped, "No. Not the sunglasses. Of course they look very um... What do those mortals say? Chill? I just meant that you look ridiculous wearing them inside the house." Bardock glared at him for a second, but then nodded and went to check out his room. Then Willith knew he was safe.

If you really want to know Willith, you must know that he wasn't one of the most powerful beings in the Angel Sector of Heaven, and he knew it. However, strength wasn't necessary to base the foundation of his quick but successful political career. He passed the entrance exam with flying colors. From then on he made his way through all political obstacles with his sharp wit and subtle side dealings. Until finally he became the Vice Councilman, in charge of almost all of the affairs in Heaven and next in line of succession for any retiring angels of the High Counsel. No one had ever been able to rival his cunning, no one! At least... not until Bardock came along...

Bardock was the only one that could really pose a threat to his position. Not only was he extremely smart, but he was also THE most powerful angel in Heaven. He could easily take over his position as Vice Councilman, if it wasn't for his less than flawless reputation, which Willith felt obliged to contribute to with a few scandalous rumors. It also helped that Willith kept on rigging his annual tests so that he couldn't rise any higher than the average ranking.

Even so, it would be hard to get rid of him. The Recruiting Board was too damned proud of their find, finding a good saiyajin that could pass the entrance exam unlike a certain other, a.k.a. Goku. However, with his infamous reputation even Bardock himself thought that he was hanging onto Heaven by a thread. Only a few people, one of them being Willith, know he really hung on by a whole section of Angel Headquarters and not only any section either.

The Recruiting Board was a major sector of the headquarters and their power rivaled that of the Angel Counsel. And they were thought of as the most righteous, fair and noble angels in all of the Angel Sector. The most angelic of the angels. (Of course Willith stayed far, far away from there during his rise to power.) They were the closest things to the angels of ningen religions. They weren't suited for administration or anything like that, because of their unwillingness to compromise their ideals, and they were exceptionally down to earth. They were good people, whether or not Bardock hated them for putting him in Heaven in the first place. So of course they were the most highly respected group of all of Heaven.

So there was no easy way to get rid of Bardock, whether Willith was the Vice Admiral or not. Therefore he resorted to an old saying. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

Two days before the trial he volunteered to be Bardock's attorney, much to the High Counsel's surprise, and he worked out a strategy to have Bardock under his constant watch. What better place than to have the saiyajin in his home? Even then, Willith just had a gut feeling that watching him would be very difficult.

He went inside the room with Bardock and glared at his back.

The dark angel dumped his bag on the floor and looked around the room that Willith had set up for him. It was a rather nice two-story suite with a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and a study. All white of course. He also noted the security cameras all over the place.

Bardock nodded, "Not bad. I was expecting a dungeon actually."

"Unlike you, I'm not a barbarian," Willith humphed.

The saiyajin took a quick tour of the suite and then came back to the Vice Councilman and declared, "I'm going out."

A thread of panic laced Willith's mind, "Out?! What do you mean out?!"

Bardock raised an eyebrow, "Well you can't possibly expect to keep me here the whole time. If I'm not mistaken, I'm a 'potential' suspect. You don't have the right to lock me up on no charges. However, you're welcome to come with me and meet my friends."

Willith crossed his arms and scowled, "Who would want to be friends with you?"

"No? All right, I'm off. Expect me back at supper. If you don't know, I eat a lot." He stepped halfway out the door, before turning around and smirking, "And another thing. I sleep in the nude, so you might want to take the cameras out of the bedroom." Then he left, leaving a flabbergasted angel behind him.

Once he was outside, Bardock pulled the bug, which Willith slipped on him in the room, off and went off on his way towards Angel Headquarters to lead the Vice Councilman off his trail, before he went onto his real destination.


Goku yawned with boredom as she listened to Mirai talk about his future life. She didn't really mean to, but she'd already heard about a billion times when she was a man. Not only that, but Mirai was getting a hell of a lot more sentimental in his story telling.

"*sniffle* And that's when I found Gohan's dead body *sniffle* lying in the GUTTER!" Mirai looked like he was about to break into tears.

Goku awkwardly reached over and patted his back, "It's alright, Mirai. It's alright."

Mirai sniffled again. "Thanks Kayka. I don't usually get so emotional about this. You're so nice to listen to all this."

The gender bent Goku forced a smile on her face, "Uh... sure I am. I mean, no problem." {How long am I going to have to endure this?}

Suddenly, Mirai gave out a startled yelp and jumped up from the couch, feeling the top of his head. He drew his hands away and saw a pink goop covering them, but it instantly faded away. Looking up, Mirai's eyes narrowed with suspicion when he saw his father floating above him, grinning sadistically and dangling an empty vial in his hand.

Mirai yelled, "What the hell are you doing up there?! What did you just pour on me?!"

Vegeta smirked and put his feet on the ceiling as if he were standing up on it. Mirai felt very disoriented just looking at him. Looking down/up at his son, Vegeta asked, "So what were you doing with your *ahem* mother's cousin?"

The teenager flushed and demanded, "How is it any of your business?!"

The ouji narrowed his eyes, "It's more my business than you will ever know." Then he walked off on the ceiling towards the stairs.

Mirai huffed, "Of all the- Kayka, did you see what he- Kayka?" He looked around the living room.

She was gone.


Vegeta lazily strolled over to the bathroom (on the floor this time) where he felt Goku's ki emanating from. Smirking triumphantly, he opened the door and saw Goku leaning over the U-bend. He faked a frown and asked, "Are you alright?"

Goku looked up and smiled weakly, "Uh yeah. It's just that- I don't want to sound mean and all, but all of a sudden Mirai just smelled horrific and if I stayed with him any longer I probably would've spewed on your carpet and why are you smiling like that?"

Vegeta wiped his grin of glee of his face. "Oh nothing. Are you still feeling sick?"

"Well, a little."

"I might have something for you," Vegeta said as he fumbled for the red vial in his pocket.

Goku smiled, "Thanks Vegeta. You're the greatest."

The ouji paused when she said that and looked up at her face. Would she still think he was the greatest if he tricked her into bonding with him? His eyes slowly examined her figure, lewd thoughts forming at the back of his mind. Well, in any case he would have her body. Which he did want VERY much!

But was that enough?

Goku frowned, "Vegeta? Are you okay?"

She looked so concerned when she said that. Then he thought of the laughter, the smiles, her really strange yet sensible philosophy and everything about Kakarotto that couldn't help but make him smile. All of which could be for him. All of which he would probably lose if he did this! His hand trembled around the vial. How could her body possibly be enough?! What was he thinking?!

What he really wanted was a true bond that would bind body and soul! Not some artificial link conjured up by trickery and black magic! Vegeta let out a great sigh, {No offense, Mother, but if I'm going to have her, I'm going to have ALL of her. All or nothing.}

He looked over to Goku and made a small smile. The younger saiyajin only gave him a confused look.

Vegeta held out his hand and said, "Come down to the kitchen with me. I know a really good saiyajin remedy that my nurse mother taught me."

Goku said seriously, "Okay. But only if Mirai isn't down there.

Then Vegeta broke into hearty laughter.


A/N: Well Vegeta finally gets a break! But with only a week and a half to go, will he be able to win Goku's heart before it's too late? Hopefully I'll get the next chapter up sooner so you can find out. Ja!