Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ Jokes or not? ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.

Miyanon: Hey guys! I'm back! Finally... This has taken me ages to update! Boy how I hate school! Well enough of that because to make up for it, I've decided to have my first special guest ever! Actually it's guests. Bardock and Bejita, who a certain friend of mine has decided to dub them B&B.

Bardock: Probably because Beets follows me wherever I go.

Bejita: I don't follow you! You follow me! Except for this time when you decided to go out in PUBLIC in the intro of Miya's story! I was just courteous enough to allow you to come out here!

Bardock: ...I think I threatened not to play poker with you unless you came with.

Bejita: Oh shut up!

Miyanon: ...They aren't normally this weird. What's weirder is that I have conversations with them on a regular basis on IM. No! I'm telling the truth! *sigh* Well, I guess my friends are the only ones who can really understand that and not think I'm completely insane...Wait, they think I am anyway... ANYWAY, for a treat, and for some sort of penitence for not updating for so long, I'm going to have a question poll up for B&B, so that you guys can ask them whatever you want! And if they decide NOT to answer I'll threaten them with NON-EXISTENCE.

B&B: *gulp*

Miyanon: Well, since I got that point across, on with the story!

Bejita: *whispers* Exactly why do we hang out with her?

Bardock: *shakes head* That, my friend, is a question that may never be answered. Well, let's play poker! *brings out a pack of cards and chips*

Miyanon: ......................


Vegeta Ouji was having a wonderful dream. A dream of his life with his beloved Kayka. He had figured everything out for them. They live away from Capsule Corps and any other type of civilization, living comfortably off money that they'd win in martial arts tournaments. Alone and free from ningen society, they were wild, saiyajin, able to follow instinct whenever they felt like it. And most importantly, they were in love.

Underneath the soft silk sheets of their bed, Vegeta felt the warm, curved body beside him and a smirk played onto his face. He felt like following those instincts of his right now. Wrapping a strong arm around his mate, nuzzling her soft neck. A strong purr revertebrated throughout the room, and the ouji felt a thrill of pleasure when he realized it wasn't just his own.

His mate turned over, facing into him and responded with gentle nips along his jawline. He began to burn in the most pleasurable way that he could imagine and hungrily took in her eager lips. They both fought for dominance over the kiss, though the female was almost always submissive. But she had equal right for control, having both the right mentality and strength. But far from being frustrated, the constant challenge invigorated the ouji. Her scent alone was driving him mad.

In the short lapses they took for breathe between each passionate, heady kiss, Vegeta pulled his mate closer possessively, and whispered, "God, I can never get enough of you." The younger saiyajin laughed in response, giving him a tender kiss the nose.

.....But something didn't feel quite right... He couldn't feel her mind in sync with his. He should be able to feel his mate's mind. With a slight frown, he bared sharp canines, suddenly burning with the need to re-mark her, re-establish their bond. He grazed his teeth against the soft pulse of her throat, but jerked back violently. What? Where was it? The mark was gone! He withdrew, feeling chills come over his body.

There never was a mark!

No! It was wrong! Wrong! WRONG! Desperate he exposed his own naked neck toward his beloved, pleading her for some sort of assurance. Shivers went throughout his body, feeling her lips brush the hollow of his throat and trailing his strong, corded neck.

Just do it. God, just do it.

He gasped when her sharp teeth pierced his skin. Small trails of blood trickled from the light scrape, but it was no mark. Not yet. He leaned his head back in further invitation, his burning want destroying his rational and any thoughts of the consequences. All he knew right then was that he needed this. Needed her. And if he didn't get her..... He would go insane.....

Suddenly he was pulled away, the rays of the sun were triggering his conscious mind and it was tearing Vegeta away, as if a tyrant. He was forced to open his eyes, looking straight into the blinding sunrise. With a growl of frustration, he flipped over and tried in vain to go back to the dream, but no doubt Goku was thinking of other things. With a great sigh, Vegeta sat up in bed, wrapping his arms around his knees in a protective position.

What just happened? That dream. It felt real. It felt TOO real. His hand touched the aching part of his throat that was still painfully bare of any sort of mark. And it definitely wasn't normal. He could have sworn that Kakarot was right there beside him, even though she never spoke nor could he see her face all that well. But it was undeniably her. So then, what the hell was that?!

Suddenly he recalled the one time that his father told him about something similar to the situation. Bejita and his mate had often shared dreams bordering the physical and metaphysical. Dreams so real that it was like they were right next to each other even if they were thousands of miles away. It happened only to a rare few, the statistics were something like one couple out of forty-million. But what was the most astonishing about it was that it symbolized a coupling of such almost infinite value. And if it was happening to him and Kakarotto.....

Vegeta's eyes lit up in utter shock and amazement. His body shook as he tried in vain to control it, but his face betrayed him with a crooked half- smile. "He- hehe- hahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Laughter of the giddiest kind filled up the room and came out loud and clear right into the hall.

Soulmates! He and Kakarotto were soulmates! They were destined for each other! The ouji knew his thoughts resembled a script right out of a chick- flick, but he really didn't give a damn! Soulmates! He never imagined he would ever be this delighted in his life, but then again, he never imagined that he and Kakarotto were capable of sharing that intense a bond! But apparently, their souls were literally made for each other! He flopped back onto his bed, still laughing like a squeally little girl. Soulmates. He repeated it over and over in his mind, chanting it like a mantra. Such a rare and precious thing.... Although, it was kind of, well..... odd that it happened the generation right after his father's coupling, but who cares!

Grinning madly, he realized that it was nearly a one hundred percent guarantee that he'll have his beloved Kayka!

He frowned. It'd still be nice if Kakarotto stayed a girl though.

Meanwhile, in the room right down the hall, a sweat-slick, restless figure shot up from bed with a pained cry. Staring ahead at nothing, Goku's eyes were wide with panic and her breath was quick and sharp. She couldn't remember.....

The dream! It was fading from her mind, like sand through a sifter. She tried in vain to catch a hold of the details before it escaped her completely. No! Her dream! It was important! There was something that she missed in it, that she knew she had to remember or she'd never be happy! Gripping her head in her hands, she pleaded desperately with her mind to show her the dream, but it stayed as stubborn as a mountain..... or Vegeta.

Wait, it had something to do with him! But that was all she could make out. Dammit, that just wasn't enough!

It was after the panic faded and defeat sunk in that Goku became aware of the strange taste in her mouth. Trembling, she touched her lips and drew her fingers away. The finger tips were coated with blood. And it wasn't her own.....


Bardock stared at the ceiling from his bed, suddenly feeling a terrible sense of doom. He looked around his white prison and frowned.

Something bad happened. At least something bad for him. And whatever happened, it was really ticking him off. And what ticked him off even more was that he didn't know what was ticking him off in the first place!

Just then he heard the door open and turned to see Willith strutting in. Bardock scowled, "Oh great. Someone to tick me off even more."

The white-blond angel ignored the comment and scowled angrily, waving an official looking paper in front of the saiyajin's face. "What the hell is this?!"

Bardock gave him a bored look and took the paper, reading,

"Vice-Councilman, Willith, it has come to our attention that Chuui Barudokko has ignored his duty and did not properly dispose of a demon in a possessed ningen's body. He must be disciplined immediately and made to go finish the job.

"Sincerely, Councilwoman Elena."

Bardock stared at the paper and slowly an amused smirk came to his lips. "Oh wait a sec. That's right. That's why they sent it to you. You're responsible for me, aren't you?" Willith twitched in agitation. "You ARE! HA! That's great! So you're going to discipline me, now?"

The angel's lip quivered, but he stood firm, 'Yes, I am."

The dark angel let out a harsh laugh, "Yeah right! I have an idea. How about I spare you the pain and I go take care of the demon ASAP. In exchange, you let me stay at my house. Deal?"

Willith glared at him absolutely furious, squaking indignantly, "WHAT?! Who do you think I am?!"

"It's a simple yes or no question, Willith," Bardock sighed in exasperation.

The white-blond angel shifted uncomfortably and muttered grudgingly, "Yes."

The saiyajin grinned victoriously, "Alright! Consider it done!" He jumped up from his bed and started heading out the room.

"Hey! You have to swear not to be up to no good from now on!" Willith cried.

Bardock turned and gave him a toothy, vampire grin, "Now, now Willith. That's not part of the deal. We can talk about it when I come back. Ciao." In that instant, he disappeared, heading towards the mortal realm.

Willith gaped at the spot where the dark angel stood and cried out in frustration, "Why the little- ARGH!! I can't stand him!!"


Bardock arrived at Capsule Corps a split second later, invisible to all this time. Including BB. He quickly found the possessed scientist in the living room, concocting some sort of scheme or other before Vegeta and his daughter woke up. All of it was mapped out on a gigantic poster that covered almost the entire free space of the floor. Curious, Bardock glanced over it, approving and disapproving certain points in it. It was when he got to Plan G, that he decided that it would be a hazard to his health if he allowed Bejita to continue inhabiting Bulma's body.

Now the only question was exactly how he was going to separate demon from ningen. Soul-rifting..... was a bit too extreme in his opinion. He didn't exactly like the idea of tearing the two entities apart and then wiping the evil and a whole lot of memories clean out of them.

.....Yeah, not that. Holy water's probably better. But where the heck was he going to get that? Ah right! He went over to the kitchen and took a glass from the cabinet, filling it up with tap water. And now to bless it.

He gathered up the spittle at the back of his throat and spat in the water, instantly blessing it. He grinned, "That's good enough!"

Suddenly he heard someone run past behind him whipped around quickly enough to see BB running past in the hallway. "What in the-" He cried, "Bejita! Hey wait!" Ah great, she disappeared into the maze of corridors. Now he was going to have to spend hours looking for her! Why did everything have to be so complicated?! Bardock twitched, nearly cracking the glass in his grip. An angel can only take so much before he blows. He spotted the culprit over in the living room, looking around for his 'mother'. The dark angel muttered coldly, staulking over to the unfortunate teenager, "Too bad you caught me on a really bad day, brat."

He tossed half of the content of the glass onto Mirai, yelling angrily, "Bless you!" However, it didn't have the desired effect that Bardock wanted at all. Instead of falling to the floor in groveling repentance, Mirai just shivered at the slight chill that came over his body while pink smoke visible only to Bardock began to waft from his body.

Bardock turned as white as a sheet, matching his brilliantly white robe, as he realized his mistake. "D'oh! The women repellant! I forgot all about it! Dammit, Queen Ruby's going to kill me!" Glaring hatefully at the oblivious demi-saiyajin Bardock dumped the rest of the water over Mirai's head. "Grovel! Now!"

Mirai let out a sqawk of surprise as his knees buckled and he fell to the floor in a prostrating position. The dark angel smirked, content at finally getting his way. Noting his empty cup, he headed back to the kitchen to get a refill, leaving the demi-saiyajin to fend for himself.

The teenager twitched, physically unable to move his rigid body from the floor. He called out, "Help?! Anyone?! I'm stuck!"


Vegeta hummed gaily as he worked to prepare breakfast. He'd never been in such a good mood all his life! Soulmates! HE still couldn't get it out of his mind. He didn't even notice a glass float into the room, fill itself with water then leave. He was oblivious to everything as he thought of the dream. It was so delicious..... He dumped the egg yolks into the garbage and put the shells in the pancake batter. But he still had to figure out how to keep Kakarotto a girl, dammit! He put 10 tablespoons of pepper in the mix. Well, that didn't matter right now! He had to work on making the perfect breakfast for his future mate! He poured 2/3 cups of vegetable oil in.

Then he paused to take a look at his concoction. It wasn't supposed to look speckled gray... He shrugged and stirred it up anyway, "Well, Mirai can have it." Nothing could get him down today!

But he was nearly bursting to tell someone, anyone. It simply wasn't his nature to be this excited about anything and if he didn't tell someone quick he was going to lose all his self control!

He suddenly sensed Goku's ki come nearer and purred when he could smell her sweet musky scent. Goku frowned as she came in through the open arched door.

Was there a cat in the kitchen?

And something smelled like burning compost. She covered her nose and said in a muffled voice, "Morning Geta."

Vegeta slowly turned and leaned on the stove, giving Goku a sweet, languid smile, "Good morning, Kayka."

Goku blinked, not usually on the receiving end of that kind of expression. She sniffed the air experimentally again. Burning flesh?! She glanced over at the stove and shrieked, "VEGETA! YOU'RE COOKING YOUR HAND!"

The ouji blinked and looked down at the stove, where his hand was leaning on the hot stove and smoking. "UUAAAAAHHHH!!!" He screamed and pried his hand off of the stove to shove it in the stove and water it down with ice cold water. Behind him, Goku was struggling to contain her laughter. When a snort escaped her, Vegeta snapped back at her in embarrassed indignation, "Oh shut up!"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Goku just laughed at him anyway. "Geta, I can't believe you didn't even notice!!" Vegeta just glowered at her. "Oh stop pouting."

"I'm not pouting."

The younger saiyajin smiled, "Oh don't worry about it. My hair caught fire once and I didn't notice either."

Vegeta stared at her in disbelief. Suddenly he snorted and soon doubled over to the ground, pounding the floor with tears in eyes, laughing like there was no tomorrow. Goku laughed weakly, "Uh yeah, it is funny." But he kept on laughing for another five minutes. Goku narrowed her eyes and smacked him over the head.


"That's not nice!" Goku pouted, folding her arms over her chest.

".........Want me to make it up to you?" the ouji asked, a sly grin on his face.


Vegeta muttered with a frown, "Damn, that's cold."

Giggling, the taller saiyajin said, "I'm just kidding. So how do you want to make it up to me?"

"A kiss!" The ouji's eyes bulged out and he slapped his hands over his mouth.

At once, Goku's eyes went narrow and she said disbelievingly, "Eh?"

Vegeta blushed and laughed nervously, "I'm just kidding! Haha-hehe! See! Just a joke! Haha!" How the hell did he let something like that slip?!

"I don't think it's funny," the younger saiyajin frowned. "Really, no one should joke about that sort of thing."

"I wasn't! No-! I mean I was- but!" Vegeta shut it before he could dig himself in a deeper hole than he was already in. "Okay, just scratch that. How about I take you out for brunch?"

"You're not joking about this either right?"

The ouji huffed indignantly, "What do you take me for?! You know no saiyajin ever jokes about food!"

Goku sighed with relief, "Oh okay, I just can't tell when you're joking or not." With a grin she adds, "But first I gotta go and change though! Be back in five!" Running out of the room, she nearly bounded up the stairs.

Vegeta looked over at the gray mush that he had made and sighed, dumping the entire thing in the garbage. A kiss! He felt like kicking himself. How could he be so stupid?! Obviously this soulmate thing was affecting him more than he had previously thought. He needed to tell somebody before he did something so stupid again!

Mirai was a definite no-no. Trunks just wouldn't appreciate the grandness of it all. Bulma! She'd understand! With a victorious grin Vegeta went off in search of the shrewd scientist. Her ki was nearby actually. He frowned at the nearly doorless hallway. There wasn't anything here except a broom closet!


And that just came from said closet. Smirking, the ouji went over to the door and opened it up. Inside he saw Bulma still in her pajamas, stuck in a bucket while she was trying to untangle herself from the fishline, hose, and mops that had come falling on top of her. "How very dignified, onna."

"Oh shut it!" She snapped irritably. "Help me out of here!"

"I don't think so. I have something to tell you and I think it would be much safer for my personal well being if you just stayed right where you are. Onna, I am in love with Kakarot."

Bulma looked up at him with narrow unimpressed eyes, "And your point is...?"

Vegeta blinked. "You- you're not mad? Not even surprised? At all?"

The scientist rolled her eyes, "Well it was bound to happen sometime. Now would you help me out?!"

"Now that's just disappointing," Vegeta frowned as he pulled the possessed Bulma out of the wreckage.

Bulma pulled the bucket off her butt and grinned, "Well that was easy."

With a sigh, Vegeta added, "Well, if you're not already surprised by that, then it wouldn't hurt to say that we're soulmates, too."

The reaction is explosive. Bulma screamed at the top of her lungs, "YOU'RE WHAT?!!" She grabbed the ouji's shirt and demanded, "HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE SOULMATES?! THAT'S FREAKIN' IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

Wide-eyed, Vegeta grabbed her by the shoulders and dumped her back into the closet, slamming the door on her and locking it. Inside Bulma pounded on the door, "YOU LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Instead, Vegeta just took off, wanting to let her cool down before he even tried to reason with her. Unfortunately for him, he was out of hearing range when Bulma yelled, "YOU DUMBASS! THIS IS YOUR FATHER!! YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT SOULMATES!! YOU FOOL! COME BACK HERE BEFORE YOU RUIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP!! VEGETAAA!!!"

Suddenly the door opened, just as BB was pounding on it. As a result she fell down on the floor right at a pair of gold tipped boots. "Vegeta!"

The wrong, yet familiar voice said, "Um, Beets? What were you doing locked in a closet?"

BB looked up and to her dismay saw, the scarred angel frowning down at her with a cup of glowing water in his hand. "Dockers! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Uh... No offense, but I'm here to unpossess the woman you possessed. So if you don't mind-" The dark angel poured the water down, but BB yipped and miraculously dodged it by rolling off to the side. Bardock glared at the possessed scientist, "Oh come on! You have to get out of that body sometime! And I have a good deal on your immediate departure!"

BB cried, "No! You don't understand! Vegeta and Kakarot are soulmates!!"

The angel turned a deathly pale, the only color contrasting the white on him, his ebony eyes and hair. "Bejita, don't even joke like that."

"I'm not joking! Vegeta told me himself!"

Bardock said weakly, as if the whole world around him was crumbling. "Vegeta... told you... himself...?"

BB nodded his head vigorously. "You know a saiyajin would NEVER joke about that! We have to find him before he does something stupid! Bardock? BARDOCK!!!"

The angel had fainted.



Bejita: *puts down his cards* HA! A royal flush!

Bardock: How the- *slams down his cards* How do you get a royal flush every time?!

Bejita: *smirks* I'm a king! Royalty is attracted to me!

Bardock: *twitches*

Miyanon: Exactly how much time do you spend playing poker?

Bejita: *grins* At least four hours everyday!

Miyanon: *sweatdrops* You guys really need a hobby.

Bejita: But we do! It's diligently practicing the art of magic and deception!

Bardock: Magic and deception...? I knew it! *points an accusing finger at the demon* You were cheating the whole time!

Bejita: *huffs* No, I wasn't! I was practicing the art of magic and deception?

Bardock: You give me back my chips, cheater!

Bejita: Oh come on, I'm a demon from hell! What do you expect?!

Miyanon: Uh... right... ANYWAY, that really took too long for me to write. I hate writer's block!

Bardock: *mutters sarcastically* Don't we all?

Miyanon: Oh shush. I blame it all on the writing projects I've been having. If you want the complete list go to my story Incidences of Madness. But I will say that I've been working on a website! If you wanna visit, click the link on my profile! I just put up a guestbook, too, so please sign in!

Bardock: You're really desperate for some visitors aren't you?

Miyanon: *sighs* I've been advertising it a lot. So far I've had 74 visitors, about 60 of them being myself.

Bejita: .....*points and laughs* BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Miyanon: ...Thank you. Thank you very much.

Bejita: *grins* You're welcome!

Bardock: Before you start bickering. Thank you for reading!

Miyanon: How come you're the one saying goodbye?

Bardock: I'm the guest, you have to be courteous.

Miyanon: Point.

Bejita: I'm a guest too! Get me some food!

Miyanon: Don't push your luck.

Bejita: *pouts* Awww.