Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Onnafied ❯ That's a lot of staring, and screaming ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it, never will.


Miyanon: Okay, before you guys says anything. I swear that I just finished school today.

Bardock: The assembly sounded like hell.

Bejita: -
snorts- Oh please.

Bardock: Not Hell! Just regular hell!

Bejita: -
grumbles about technicalities-

Miyanon: Well anyway, it's been waaaay too long. And This Saturday I'm leaving for Thailand for six weeks of language training. It's gonna be fun!

Bejita: -
blinks- You are joking right?

Miyanon: Of course, I am! Sheesh! I didn't really want to just get out of school just to go to a YWCA so I can be stuck in a classroom for six hours each day learning only one subject!

Bardock: Wow, touchy.

Miyanon: -
sighs- I've been under a lot of stress as of late. But not to worry! I don't think it'll affect my writing!

Bardock: Unless you get a major writer's block like that last time.

Miyanon: True, true.... Poker again?!

B&B: -
look up from their game- We bore easily.

Miyanon: -
groans- Okay, whatever. We'll just start. ....Hey let me play!


Blood slowly drained from the damp cloth until the bowl of water had a distinctive red tint to it. Thin, dexterious fingers took the cloth and mopped up the rest of the blood that had come from the serious abdomible wound, then bound up the tortured saiyajin's chest tightly with some of the new bandages that some of the other saiyajin females had made.

Ruby, her hair down and about, sweating in the eternal HFIL heat, smiled at her patient before heading to another saiyajin to treat. The wounded saiyajin coughed out weakly, "Thank you, you highness."

"Don't talk," Ruby chided out in annoyance. "Just go to sleep." She sighed and brushed back her hair with her hand. She wasn't really used to this work, but since most of the nurses decided to frickin' REINCARNATE themselves, the hall was seriously understaffed. So she really had no choice but to help out.

Suddenly she felt so light headed, her vision going spotty. Aleria grabbed her before she fell, crying out in worry, "Are you all right, your highness?"

Ruby shook away the spots and supported herself on her own two legs. "Yes, I'm fine." But the truth was she wasn't feeling well since the whole sandwich incident. She felt that it had to do something with Bejita. Actually it was kind of obvious it had something to do with Bejita. Ever since he disappeared, it felt like... he disappeared. As in she could no longer feel him through their bond anymore. As in there really was no bond anymore. But then that meant...

No! She was just tired, that's all! "I'm going to go rest in my office. Think you can handle this for a while?"

Aleria nodded (as IF she was going to say no) "Yes, your highness. Have a nice nap." She let the queen go on her way, up the stairs to her office/bedroom. The poor queen was exhausted. She could tell that her highness wasn't getting any sleep at all, even with sleeping pills. Her fists dug into the bandages in her hand as she thought of how all the other females had abandoned them. Just left! Stupid little- ARGH! It made her crazy just thinking about how unloyal they were!

Her cold ebony eyes scanned the patients as well. They were no help either! She didn't blame them for being here. After all who went and got themselves tortured on purpose? But those ingrates! Once they were healed, they thanked the queen kindly and then skidaddled! Couldn't they at least wait around and help out! Even if it was for an hour!

Then she spotted one long haired saiyajin heading out the door. Whe she'd show him! Rolling up her sleeves, she approached the third class.


Mirai and Trunks exchanged odd glaces between each other as Goku slapped down a plate of burned eggs in front of them. It wasn't as bad as Bulma's usual, but it was bordering between brown and yellow with the burned color winning. Plus it had the faintest odor of...

Trunks nearly gagged at the thought of it and elected to grab his six boxes of eggos from the freezer.

Goku was too distracted by her thoughts to notice or really care. The hand that wasn't propping her head up from the green clothed table was busily crushing her fried rice between the grooves of her fork, while her eyes fixated to a spot beyond the walls of the kitchen. It was a sure sign that she was gone.

She really is pretty, Mirai thought to himself, admiring the soft curves of her face. Even after discovering Kayka's identity, Mirai found himself enchanted by her and he wasn't going to deny it. ...Except to his father, but that was different.

Still, Mirai was no threat. Made absolutely sure he wasn't a threat. Because he wasn't going to try anything on her, not just because of how vulnerable Goku was in this form, but also because he heard enough about saiyajin mating rituals from his mother (in the future) to know that his very presence here was a threat to his own life.

Gods! His father was ready to kill him when he thought his future son was competition! After that Mirai made it a point to touch her as little as possible, so as to not arouse any aggression in his father.

Which was why he wasn't holding her hand like he felt he should be doing right now. Instead he asked, "G-
Kayka," -he caught himself quickly in front of his chibi self- "is something the matter?"

The question jolted Goku out of her faraway thought. "Hm?" she looked at Mirai, "on no. Nothing's wrong."

She went back to grinding her rice.

A second later.

"Mirai, does Vegeta seem to be acting a little... different to you this morning?"

The demi-saiyajin frowned, "No, I haven't seen him yet."

"I hab!" Trunks piped in with a mouth full of waffles. After a quick swallow, he said, "He was wearing his saiyajin armor and he kept asking where Mirai-sagonaya was."

Mirai suddenly turned as white as a sheet, as if he just saw a ghost. Both Goku and Trunks looked at him in surprise. "Er.. Mirai? Are you alright?" Goku asked in a concerned voice.

The demi-saiyajin instantly stood from his seat and said rather quickly, "I'll be going away for a while. For- ah... training! you know. Uh... if Dad asks, tel him I'm back in my own time." And in a blur, he was gone.

Trunks and Goku looked at Mirai's empty chair in confusion. "That was odd," the saiyajin said. Her breakfast buddy nodded in agreement.

Then Vejita came into the room quite "unexpectedly," wearing the very saiyajin armor that he came to Earth in. Or at least the same style. He grilled out, "Have you seen the brat? The older one?"

Goku smiled nervously at him. Why did he seem so much more intimidating all of a sudden? "You just missed him. He went to back to his own time."

"There's no way you're getting to him now," Trunks grinned, guessing why his future counterpart left.

Vejita muttered a quick curse under his breath. "I need a sagonaya to fight!"

"What about me?" The prince-king glared at his love.

"I can't fight you! That defeats the entire purpose of Harukuin!"

Goku's face went black once more. She had long since given up on her fried rice. "Haru-what?!"

Trunks finished up his last waffle and asked through licking his sticky fingers, "Wad aboud me?"

Vejita scowled at the boy, "No, you're too young."

"Piccolo?" Goku suggested helpfully.

"NO!!" The prince-king screamed out in frustration. "He's frickin' asexual! Why in the world would he-!" Vejita stopped his tantrum short with a groan. "Just nevermind, Kakarotto. Go flaunt yourself somewhere so I can go kick the ass of whoever so much as looks at you."

The look on Goku's face was priceless, and Vejita nearly burst into laughter right there.

"WHAT?!" she squawked in disbelief.

"Hey, Ruby had to do that! No one dared to do Harukuin with royalty!"

Goku glared at the prince-king, her arms folding across her chest, "And exactly who is Ruby?"

Vejita's face drew into a look of genuine confusion. "I have no idea..."

The saiyajin woman didn't look too convinced. She glared at him harshly, until Vejita could literaly feel sweat forming at his pores. "D-do you mind?"

He gave a yelp when Goku, gently as she could, slammed a fist on the table, making it groan and creak. "Fine! I'll go flaunt myself or whatever! I don't even know what it's for! I don't even know what flaunting is! But whatever! Fine!" With an agitated hiss, she withdrew from the kitchen.

"Must be PMS," Vejita muttered and called happily after her, "I'll see you in half and hour!"

Trunks, meanwhile, had long since stopped licking his fingers and his hand hung in his mouth like a fleshy look, while his wide bright blue eyes stared at his "father" in pure confusion.

Vejita shifted uncomfortable in his seat, "What are you lookin' at?" he said, a half-hearted scowl on his face.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Before Vejita could answer though, Bulma walked in. There was an uncharacteristic morning smile on her face, an apron that said 'Kiss the Cook', and a full plate of pastries in her hands. "Good morning, everyone! I made these this morning."

Trunks stared at his mother, and stared even more when his father immediately reached for a Danish. "Thanks woman."

Trunks stared even harder when Vejita actually put said Danish into his mouth and gave a small purr of approval. "Damn, this is good. Maybe I'll try a puff."

Suddenly Vejita's eyes lit up as an idea hit him. "Puffs...Full Monty..." A wicked, wicked smile came to his face and he scrambled out of the kitchen without another word.

Trunks still kept staring, even though his eyes were beginning to start to water. "What the heck is
Full Monty?" he asks in pure confusion.

Bulma smiled, as cheerful as ever, "I believe it's a British movie about male strippers."

The boy's face went blank as a sort of numbness washed over him. His mother put the plate of pastries under his nose and grinned. "Puff?"

Trunks stared at it and stared at his mother once more.

The kitchen suddenly filled with horrific shrills and Trunks fled from it as if his very life depended on it, or at least, his sanity.

Bulma watched her son take off and smiled, with a shrug. "Oh well."

The door, however, opened once more to reveal Bunni. There was her characteristic bright morning smile on her face, an apron that said 'Hot Stuff,' and a full plate of pastries in her hands. "Good morning, everyone! I made these this morning."

Except... there was no one there to greet her, save for one person.

Bulma, with a bright smile on her face and a plate full of pastries in her hands, said cheerfully, "Good morning, Mom! Guess you're a little too late."

Bunni looked at her daughter, her beautiful precious daughter...

And she twitched.


Bardock stared at the padded white walls around him, glaring at him, slowly closing in on him, threatening to crush him to death.

His tired, weary eyes looked at these walls, but he just smiled.

This Special Centre's form of "solitary confinement" was a complete joke! Yesterday only felt like a month. There was a window up it the corner of the room. Thanks to his saiyajin senses, he could hear people through his inadequate "soundproof" doors.

But Frieza's version of siltary confinement... that was complete hell. No, it was worse than hell, seeing the shape that Bejita's in all the time.

He suffered through complete silence, complete blindness, complete shutdown on all his senses, even taste, smell, and touch. He suffered it for two years, other people told him, before he finally broke down. But two years was a laugh. When he was in that horrible place, it was...beyond time. No beginning, no end, just constant nothingness.

You see, Frieza, the ingenius freak of nature, had planted a chip in the back of his mind, one that controled all his senses. It could control his adreneline too, making him pumped up for missions, and leaving him in a horrible state of withdrawel afterwards until he got to go onto another mission. In fact, most saiyajin practically begged to go on missions, just to feel that beautiful rush of energy, to feel like they were gods, instead of just regular soldiers. It was an addictive state of mind.

Those chips were what controled his army. Even Zarbon and Dodoria had them. Bardock shivered in anger as he absently touched that small scar at the back of his head. The chip was long gone, but the scar was still a heavy reminder of what he went through.

Which is why this place was such a joke. Obviously none of the angels had any experience with Frieza before, sappy little wimps. Hmph!

Bardock didn't really want to admit it to himself, but another factor for the ridiculousness of the situation was because he could have conversations. Nice long conversations...


General Mchtejaxthletiacu, otherwise known as General Mac, regarded the dark angel with something akin to both fury and awe. No, Bardock couldn't see him, couldn't hear him. That was supposed to be part of the whole solitary confinement deal.

You could say that General Mac had a love-hate relationship with the saiyajin. When he first met Bardock about ten years back, he knew it from the moment he looked into the dark angel's eyes that Bardock was the greatest fighter he will ever meet. He also knew he hated Bardock from the very moment the damned minute that he opened his mouth!

Every word the saiyajin said was completely insulting! General Mac demanded respect from everyone around him. He was the advisor of councils and kings, the comander of all the armed forces of his entire planet and its allies, up until he was killed in battle with Coola.

But Bardock disrespected him and undermimed his status every time he saw him. Yet General Mac couldn't say a word of disrespect to him, which was easily solved by not saying anything to Bardock at all.

How ironic that Bardock's fate was now in his
very capable hands.

Apparently, Bardock was enjoying solitary confinement and could be heard laughing every now and then. Not crazy laughter, but regular laughter, which was never a good sign.

The dark angel had psychic powers.

How no one found out about it before was an absolute mystery, yet everyday he broke through the psychic barriers around his cell like a bullet through a cracker to communicate with someone on the outside, whom the Center had not been able to track yet. In fact, Bardock may not have even realized that there were any barriers, which was just damned annoying!

In any case, General Mac was being pleaded by those pansy-ass Special Centre caretakers to take care of the matter personally.

Oh yes, he would take care of it alright.

No one has ever been able to resist his torture methods before.

Rest assured he would make Bardock break, and General Mac will be right there, to make sure that when the Special Centre caretakers gently put the pieces back together to their liking, he would be there to help.

A small smirk graced the General's face, as he continued to watch the saiyajin, the only person ever to have called him, "
Short stuff."


[Hey Qu'Pac]

{holy jeez! bardock! don't DO that!}

[And how am I supposed to contact you?]

{i don't know! Doesn't your psychic powers come with a warning bell?!}

[Not that I know of.]

{damn... i could be crazy, y'know, talking to you and i wouldn't even know it}

[Oh shut up. Anyway, that's the rundown on the security systems here?]

{it's insanely good. it's under mm's direct control so it's even better than the vault at hq.}

[Double M?]

{military martyrs. you know the soldiers who died fighting under orders for their country of cause of whatever.}

[If that's the case, then why aren't there any other saiyajins up here?]

{well, did your saiyajins actually believe in the cause they were fighting for?}

[Well- yes, some at least- maybe- Okay, no. But there must be at least some from the Dawn Era, when we were first civilizing ourselves.]

{that's got to be at least 10,000 years ago!}


{i'm not sure if you'll be able to find them anymore. even if they were here they would have gained anough spirituality to join the Greater One in Nirvana by now.}


{well not to worry! we'll get you out of there first! Now let me tell you about the ventilation system first...


It was starting to get late in the day and there was still no sign of the two saiyajins anywhere on Capsule Corps.

But Trunks didn't care. He blamed the whole thing on Goku really. It's his fault he got turned into a girl and turning his whole family insane.

He only momentarily got his sanity back when Goten flew over, declaring that he wanted to play. He just watched his friend play 'SpyHunter' by himself, too disoriented to be up to playing a two player game. He had a reputation after all. He couldn't lose to Goten of all people just because of his dumb parents who both went completely bonkers.

Goten suddenly stopped playing, effectively running his car straight into a bunch of chickens and a wall. "Trunks?"


"You seem troubled."

Trunks just laughed.


Piccolo and Krillen stuck closely to each other, eyes wide as they stared at the battle between mother and daughter in the kitchen. No, not battle. It was an all out war!! Think iron chef- only with cleaning and cooking and every so often Piccolo and Krillen had to dodge the knives that were thrown at each other.

The tall nameck sighed as he tilted his head to the side to dodge a butcher knife. He didn't plan on getting caught up in this feud between Bulma and Bunni. He came to Capsule Corps to investigate the disappearance of Goku by the sudden appearance of Kayka. Like he really cared. What would Bulma's cousin have to do with Goku anyway? But the little former monk insisted that it was important.

And why did Bulma and Bunni still keep smiling like that?! They were having a battle! They could at least stop smiling like everything was hunky-dory! It was incredibly annoying!

A timer went off and the two women stopped their cooking immediately and both placed a steaming piece of pumpkin pie in front of their two captives. They glared at each other through their smiles and said ever so sweetly, "Do try it, which do you like better?"

Piccolo said in his usual gruff voice, "I don't eat food."

So the two turned expectantly to Krillen. Annoyed, the monk muttered under his breath, "Thanks a lot Piccolo."

With a sigh, Krillen picked up a fork and took a bite of each pie starting with Bulma's, taking a drink of water, and then with Bunni's. They both hovered over him, waiting to hear what he would say.

Krillen looked up in thought, tapping the prongs of his fork against his lip until he looked back at the two women. "They taste the same."


The shrills made Piccolo reel back in pain and nearly fell out of his seat. His companion held his hands up nervously as if to appease them. "Come on! It shouldn't be so unexpected! You must have used the same recipes or something!"

Bulma sighed and drew a smile back on her face, "Well, I suppose that's true, right?"

Bunni also regained her smile, "Yes, it seems that the only thing we must do is make up new kinds of food, right?"



And they went straight back to their war.

Krillen and Piccolo sweatdropped. "When is Kayka going to be back?" the monk yelled over the din of the cooking women.

"She should have been back hours ago!" Bulma yelled back while she busily chopped up a chocolate bar into little chunks.

Krillen sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Oh fine. Why don't we just leave? I'm sorry for dragging you here for nothing, Piccolo." He looked up at his fighting ally, only to find that he was staring at the kitchen door, or at least in that direction.

"I think I feel Son's ki coming this way."

Krillen raised his eyebrows and searched out for the ki as well. Funny, it didn't really feel like his. "Are you sure?"

"I can tell by the inner aura. I'm better at sensing that than you."

It wasn't meant to be insulting, but Krillen was still a little miffed. So they quickly snuck out of the kitchen before the two women noticed that they were gone.

They went outside onto the lawn, the setting sun bleaching the sky with orange and violet hues. Oddly enough, Goku's ki was on the ground, walking down the road and not flying. Piccolo strained to look over the stupid hump in the road that kept him from seeing the saiyajin. Krillen didn't even try, because even if he was as tall as Piccolo, the nameck's eyes were still better.

Suddenly Piccolo's eyes bulged out and his jaw went slack. Krillen took it as signs that Bulma and Trunks actually were right. But as he looked over the hill in the road, he wasn't exactly prepared to see... one of the most beautiful women he ever saw in his life!

Goku approached Capsule Corps' ground, absentmindedly rubbing her arm with her right hand, deep in thought, and nearly didn't notice her two friends until she practically bumped into Piccolo's chest. When she looked up, she nearly had a heart attack when she saw the nameck staring down at her.

What the heck is he doing here?! she wondered. As an afterthought, And why does he seem so much taller than before?

Krillen was there too, she noticed, and he hesitantly smiled and waved at her. "Uh.. hi, are you Kayka?"

Goku nodded silently, her eyes wide. She really had no idea what to do! Did they know about her?! She panicked mentally, even though she was completely calm on the outside. "Do you want something from me?"

Piccolo opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but Krillen held up a hand and smiled, "No, no, that's not why we're here! We just came to- uh... welcome you! Yeah! We didn't meet you yet, so we just wanted to say hi! Um... say, how long are you going to be here?"

Goku smiled, even though Krillen's act didn't exactly fool her, "I'm going to be here for only about another two weeks."

Piccolo and Krillen exchanged looks. That was when the dragonballs were going to be ready. "Well, thanks a lot for welcoming me," Goku continued. "You two are Piccolo and Krillen, right?"

Piccolo asked, even though it was more like a demand, "And how do you know of us?"

Goku smiled, not faltering in the least, "Oh! I saw you in tournaments since I was young! It was awesome watching you fight! I love martial arts!"

Piccolo muttered under his breath, "Yes, I bet you do." Krillen quickly elbowed him in the ribs.

With a mental shake of the head, Goku decided that they probably did know about her. "You know, Piccolo, maybe you and I can spar sometime." Her voice didn't really sound threatening, but the nameck had enough of those types of spars to know exactly what she meant.

"Touché, Goku."

"I meant it, y'know."

Krillen glanced between them, looking slightly confused, but he smiled and slapped his childhood friend on the back, "Well that's alright! We won't tell anyone!"

Goku smiled, looking astonishing to the former monk, "Thanks Krillen."

Krillen laughed nervously, fiddling his fingers together, "You know when Trunks told me, I thought that you would look... I dunno, a bit more manly or something."

At that, the saiyajin blushed, instinctively putting a hand to the back of her head, "Dang it, Krillen, don't say stuff like that!" Then she did a double take, "

Meanwhile, upstairs, Trunks suddenly had a terrible sense of foreboding. He looked over at Goten and said in the most serious of voices. "Goten, I need someplace to hide."


Bejita smiled twistedly as he twirled his recently recorded tape on the tip of his finger, feeling very proud of what he did. {Now there is absolutely no way that Kakarotto can resist even two seconds of this. She'll be all over me before the tape even runs through.}

However, hidden inside "his" mind, Vegeta was completely and utterly mortificated. His entity pulsed with his horror and embarassment, and probably would for the rest of his being every time he thought of what his father DID with his body.

He would probably
never, ever recover, ever again.

Bejita caught the tape in his hand, smiling benignly as he let it rest on top of his current body's chest. "I should probably show this Kayka now."

If he hadn't closed the link between him and his son and completely forgot about it and completely forgot that he had a son and a soulmate already, and all those other unecessary things, Bejita would have turned mind-deaf from the inner heart wrenching screams of horror that filled Vegeta's entire domain.

But he did suddenly get a terrible migraine.

Aleria smiled in satisfaction, wiping her bloody hands onto her robes. Now that she actually managed to get that long haired third class to work, she could take as long a break as she wanted to.
Actually, Raditz was a sweet guy. Of course that could've been because he was tempered by HFIL, but most saiyajin just got more mean hearted.
Although...it was kind of strange that Raditz said she reminded him of his mother.
She sighed, and ran a hand through her sweat matted hair. Damn, it was just too hot in HFIL. She wished she could just go and jump into the blood lake. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible since there was an increase in ogres around hell and she couldn't be indisposed at such a time. Not when  she could be needed at any time to keep a saiyajin from blinking out of existence.
Aleria smiled as she passed through the hall, seeing Raditz being poked and picked on by some of the healing saiyajins.
"Women's worker!"
Men. At least her Raditz wasn't as immature and ignored them even while he helped to change their bandages.
Aleria frowned at the thought. Since when did she think of Radtiz as hers? Oh well, she shrugged and folded up her apron. She should probably check on the her highness to see if she was doing any better.
She thought of Radtiz some more as she ascended the stairs to the queen's quarters, the smallest of blushes on her face. Yes, he really was cute.
Suddenly, she almost tripped over a foreign object on the circular stairway. When Aleria looked down, her eyes suddenly widened and her jaw went wide open, but no screams came out.
Ruby never made it to her room.
Miyanon: breath of relief Oh thank God! I actually finished it before I left! It's a miracle! -suddenly a holy light comes down and the air fills with the sounds of the heavenly host- BARDOCK, STOP THAT!

Bardock: -
grins cheesily and snaps his fingers-

Miyanon: -
turns back to the game- Okay, so what have you got?

Bejita: -
smirks and puts down his cards- Royal flush.

Miyanon: ......Bardock's right, you are a cheater.

Bejita: Hey!

Miyanon: Well, enough of that. I actually have to start packing and stuff. I hope that you enjoyed this! I'll try to update it as soon as I get back! By the way, my school starts in August. So I don't have that much time before school starts, but I will try!

Bardock: You? Update in less than two months? HA! That really would be a miracle!

Miyanon: You're not a very nice angel, you know.

Bardock: Of course!