Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Open Your Heart To Me ❯ Shared Dreams ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yue Lover: Hello, readers! I apologize if this fic contains crappy romance. If it does, it's probably because I'm not good at writing romance down.

Vegeta: Come on, just start the fic already!

Yue Lover: *Gives Vegeta the infamous "Heero Yuy Death Glare@"*

Vegeta: EEEPPP!!! *Flies away from Yue Lover*


Bulma kept running and running, intent on getting away from the person behind her. She didn't look back, in fear of tripping on something and getting captured. In front of her, she saw a small house. She looked behind her and saw the person who was chasing her was trying to get a wild boar off of him. Taking advantage of his situation, she ran at neck-breaking speed towards the house.

"You can't escape me, Bulma. Not in your dreams, or reality," The man who has a battle scar on his face said. His obsidian eyes had an eerie red tint to them. Bulma backed away from him slowly, whimpering in fear.

"Why are you trying to hurt me, Yamcha?" She demanded with a new sense of determination. Yamcha, the one who was chasing her, laughed maniacly. His laugh turned into a scowl, and he grasped Bulma by the neck.

"It's pretty simple, really. I want you to be mine forever. I will make you my slave, have my way with you, and crush your violated body to pieces. That way, you can't cheat on me, and you can't get anyone to help you, because it will already be too late. I can tell you are growing stronger because you train now, but you aren't strong enough to even phase me. I'll give you a fair warning: watch your back, because if one word of this slips out to anyone, I will have to kill you, and the person you told will also die. Do I make myself clear?" He hissed. Bulma made an attempt to answer him, but could only mange a sad nod.

"Good. I will release you. Remember what will happen if you tell anyone," Yamcha said. He released his grip, and Bulma fell in a heap on the floor.

~-~End Dream~-~

Bulma woke up in a cold sweat. She panted, trying to regain controll over her breath. She looked around, making sure Yamcha wasn't there. She let out a sigh of relief, and checked her alarm clock.

"Two in the morning?! That's the least amount of sleep I've ever had!" Bulma exclaimed. She heard footsteps heading towards her bedroom door.

"Woman, keep it down! I'm trying to rest! I know you're too stupid to realize that, so I'll leave you to your own thoughts," Vegeta's gruff voice said. Bulma heard him walk away.

'Stupid monkey,' Bulma thought with pure hatred. She tried in vain to get back to sleep. Instead, she thought over the recurring nightmare. She had been having it for two months now, and Vegeta would always tell her to "Keep it down", because she would accidentaly shout "Two in the morning?!". One question rang in her head:

"Why doesn't he just blast me into oblivion for waking up? Oh wait, never mind that. He won't have anyone to fix the GR, since my mom and my dad......I had better quit thinking about the past," she said to herself. She decided to get up and face the day, even if it was only two in the morning. She took a hot shower, put on a navy blue sweater and kaki pants, and blow dried her hair strait. She took a look outside her window.

"Snow is so beautiful. It is both cold and beautiful at the same time, just like a certain saiyan prince I know," Bulma murmured.

~-~With Vegeta~-~

Vegeta went back to his room after telling Bulma to "Keep it down". He tried to go back to sleep, but found he couldn't. Instead, he thought of the recurring dream he had been having for two months:


Vegeta heard noises in the woods he was flying above. He looked down and saw Yamcha chasing after Bulma. After fighting off a wild boar, Yamcha phased in front of Bulma. Vegeta let out a growl, and flew down after Bulma. Something stopped him from going near them. He saw Yamcha grab Bulma by the neck, and his blood boiled.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Vegeta yelled, but Yamcha didn't seem to notice. He could only watch with rage-filled onyx eyes as Bulma crumbled to the ground when Yamcha relaxed his grip, and both Bulma and Yamcha disappeared. That is when Vegeta would always wake up.

~-~End Flashback~-~

'Why did I even try to help that loud-mouthed, annoying, beautiful earthling in the first pla-.........wait, where did "beautiful" come from?' He brushed that thought out of his head, then got up to take a shower and get ready to train.

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