Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Other World ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own dbz… blah blah blah

Authors Note: I thought of this story in a dream. Well actually the story was different in my dream. It was one of those weird dreams where you can talk cow and the cow can talk Spanish, but it did have a good base. All I had to do was pick out the plot and firm it up so basically I copyright this story to my dream world. (P.S. That's also why later on some things just won't add up, but I'll try my best to make this fit)


The piercing ring of the phone cut through the silence of the bedroom, causing its two occupants to awaken.

The woman, who was the closest to the phone sat up and reached for it. As she sat up her blonde hair slid down to her arms.

"Hello?" she said into the phone. The person on the other end responded and then asked a question of the blonde.

"Yes, he's here" said the blonde in response to the question as she glanced over at the other person in the bed. She pointed the phone into his direction and then spoke.

"Yamcha, the phones for you" she said.

"Who is it?" Yamcha asked as he took the phone

"A Bulma or something."

"Bulma!" Yamcha exclaimed in shock before bringing the phone to his ear. He then said desperately into the phone, "Bulma, I can explain"

"No, it's ok Yamcha." Replied Bulma. Her voice was surprisingly calm. "I understand Yamcha."

"You do?" Yamcha said letting out his breath that he hadn't even noticed he'd been holding.

"Yes, I understand completely Yamcha." Bulma responded harshly; her prior calm now non-existent. "I understand Yamcha why you stood me up again. I also understand that you just can't commit and I don't want to hold you down any longer. Have a nice life Yamcha, it's over."

"But, Bulma…"Yamcha said to no one but the dial tone. Yamcha sat up and brought his legs over the side of the bed.. He let his hand containing the phone fall into his lap and he could do nothing but stare at it.

"Yamcha, are you ok/" asked the blonde as she put a hand on his shoulder."

"Yeah, I'm fine Lisa." He said as he stood up and walked to the window. The sunlight cast a soft glow over his naked body. "I just need some time alone" he continued

Lisa took the hint and gathered her clothes. "Ok Yamcha." She said. "I'll just take a quick shower."

She did just that while all the time Yamcha stared out the window, cursing himself silently for being such a baka.

He continued to stare out the window as the water from the shower started and stopped, not even noticing Lisa's offer to talk as she left.

He stayed like that for some time, staring and thinking. He had been in front of that window for an hour before he decided to go to Capsule Corp. and apologize in person.


Bulma hung up the phone and forced herself not to cry. She had known that this would happen. It had happened before, but she had always taken him back. This time though, she wouldn't. Bulma just couldn't take all of the betrayal.

Bulma turned to see Vegeta standing there shirtless and with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want" she hissed, hoping to drag Vegeta into an argument. An argument would take her mind off of Yamcha. As she stared at his bare chest that was covered in sweat she wondered what would take her mind off of him.

"The gravity machine's broke. Go fix it."

"This is my house Vegeta. You can't order me around."

"I just did."

"Vegeta." Bulma growled.

"Look woman" Vegeta said as he walked to her. He stopped right in front of her before he spoke again. They were so close that Bulma couldn't help but take a step back. It was slight, but if Vegeta noticed he didn't let on that he did. " Arguing with you is always amusing, but I refuse to be your scapegoat. That stupid human may have made you mad or what not, but I don't care. I just want you to go and fix the blasted gravity machine, and if you value your life you'll fix it right away. Those androids are coming in two years whether you like it or not."

Vegeta turned and walked away before Bulma could say anything.. She knew he was going to the extra training room that had been installed prior to the gravity room being built. It was meant for times like these.

She and her father had told him about the fitness room, but he had refused saying that the equipment there was un-effective; so they had instead made a room just for him.

As Bulma watched him go she wondered if she should go after him. That thought was soon dismissed. Instead she went outside to asses the damage done.


Vegeta walked off to the extra training room and started to get into his routine of calisthenics; five-thousand of everything he could think of backed up by some weight training and a solo spar.

He knew it wouldn't be nearly as effective as training in the gravity room, but that wasn't an option.

About 5 minutes into his training Vegeta heard the front door opening. He guessed it was the woman. Footsteps came towards the training room and stopped in front of the door.

Vegeta sat up from his sit-ups and placed an arm over his knee. He stared at the door wondering if she would come in.

Instead, the footsteps continued on towards what Vegeta guessed was the lab. A few minutes later the footsteps came back and walked out the door.

By then, Vegeta had already continued with his training. He was just getting into his five-thousand kicks when a pounding came on the front door.

He ignored it at first, but it came again, and then several more times, but coupled with a horribly annoying tune.

Finally, not being able to take it any more, Vegeta walked to the door


Yamcha arrived at the door of Capsule Corp. and knocked on it. As he stood there he went over in his head again, what he was going to tell Bulma. When his knock wasn't answered he knocked again. After that he knocked and rang the doorbell.

Yamcha did this several times. He knew Bulma was here. She just had to be and he needed to make things right again.

Yamcha started to ring the bell again when the door opened.

"I swear, if you ring that thing again or knock one more time, I will break your arm."

Instead of Bulma, there was Vegeta standing there without a shirt on. Yamcha's mind automatically jumped to conclusions.

"Where's Bulma? What did you do to her?"

"The woman? She's busy right now." Vegeta allowed himself to lean against the door frame and he crossed his arms across his chest" "I do know that she doesn't want to see you., besides she's probably to tired to see anyone anyway, after what I made her do."

"You….you…" Yamcha searched his mind for a word to call Vegeta , but he couldn't find one that fit.

"The woman's in the back fixing my gravity machine." Vegeta smirked as he saw the change on Yamcha's face. "Such a baka" he thought.

Yamcha turned around and headed towards the gravity machine. After a moment Vegeta followed him. The training he was doing now was next to pointless so he might as well watch the fireworks.


Bulma knelt down over the gravity machines open hull. She had already been inside the gravity room. At 1st glance the damage seemed minimal. Well, minimal for Vegeta. The walls were a bit messed up with small craters here and there, but nothing that couldn't be fixed quickly.

Bulma herself had thought that Vegeta could still train in the room. That is until she turned around and saw the gravity room's computer.

"Damn him" Bulma thought as the damage done to the computer resurfaced in her mind. Even now, she wondered how she had missed it when she first walked in. There was a huge hole in the computer. Some of the buttons were melted. And little bits of metal were strewn on the floor around it.

When the gravity room was activated a shield automatically went up around the computer to protect it from damage. This time though Vegeta had just gone to far. Whatever he had done, had broken straight through the shield and totaled the computer. It was a miracle that the chamber hadn't exploded.

Bulma wondered again why she hadn't gone into that training room and yelled at Vegeta for what he had done earlier. The damage could take weeks to repair; possibly a month, and that was only if she put all her other projects on hold. Bulma had no desire to have Vegeta annoying her for a month.

Sure he might train sometimes, but more likely than not, the training without the challenge of gravity pushing down on him would soon bore Vegeta and he would just count it as a waste of time.

In truth it was. He had trained so much under heavy gravity that any work out without it wouldn't help at all and because of that he would annoy her..

Bulma concentrated on her work again and pushed some wires to a side. Behind all the wires was a small box with wires protruding from it.. She unhooked the wires from the box and placed in on the ground outside of the machine.

Bulma sat on the ground and took a screwdriver out of the utility belt that was on her waist. With that she unscrewed the top off of the box.

Inside the box was a sphere like machine that was about the size of a grapefruit. It was surrounded by a protective foam like substance.

Bulma carefully pulled it out and turned it in her hands, checking for any damage. The outside looked fine, but she would need to take it apart to know for sure.

"Hey Babe" said a voice from above her.

"Yamcha" Bulma said knowing who it was, even before she looked up.


"Yamcha." Bulma said again, but with an angrier tone.. She stood up and looked at Yamcha, who was about 15 feet away from her. A little farther behind him was Vegeta who she guessed had come along to see their argument.

Bulma forced her anger down. She wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing them fight. At least she would try not to.

"Bulma" Yamcha began, "I'm sorry about this morning. I know I've been a fool."

"No, really?" asked Bulma sarcastically

"I..I'll try not to let it happen again Bulma. I want to be with you again. Lisa… she was just, just another girl. No one could ever replace you Babe. It's just that… well…I'm a man…"

In the background Vegeta let out a laugh.

"You're no more man than she is woman." He said with a smirk on his face, "The perfect couple."

"Look" Bulma said to Vegeta as she gripped the sphere in her hand tighter, "No one asked you. Besides don't you have training to do Vegetable head?"

"Plenty. The quicker you get that machine fixed, the quicker I go on about my business."

Yamcha looked on from the middle. For the moment he was all but forgotten. While that was good in a way, it wasn't exactly what he wanted. Yamcha weighed his options in his head and decided that the lesser of two evils would be to remain silent.

"Do you think I'm your slave or something Vegeta?" yelled Bulma "Well if that's all that's swimming through your empty skull, I suggest you kill your last brain cell now! I'm not your servant I'm your hostess and you better get that through your head quickly or I'm kicking you out! Oh and as far as your damn gravity machine goes, I'll fix it when I want to. If you hadn't killed the computer then I might have been half done already, but no. You had to go all out."

"You'll fix it" said Vegeta "You'll fix it because you want to live."

"Vegeta…"Bulma growled "Why don't you just die! Shine anta baka!" Bulma threw the closest thing to her at Vegeta. Unfortunately, the thing she decided to throw was the sphere from her hand. Only once she let it go did she realize her mistake.

"Nooo!!!!" Bulma screamed, but it was too late. Vegeta had already risen his hand and let lose a ki blast.

When the two connected a bright light surrounded Bulma, Vegeta, and Yamcha.

Bulma covered her face with her hands to shield her eyes from the light. At the same time a million thoughts ran through her head at once.

Would they die? If they did would she be cremated or buried? Who would miss her? Who would become president of Capsule Corp? Would her parents have another child and name it after her, even if it was a boy? Would they put her in that cute blue dress she had just bought if she died? Would they get her makeup right?

These thoughts and more flashed through her mind then disappeared just as quick. Then darkness surrounded her.


Whoa for once I jumped right into the plot. I know that right now this might sound like a normal V/b romance but it's not. I'm not even sure if it's going to be More V/B or more Y/B. either way they both get some B.

Maybe you can review me and in the end you'll find out who got the B.