Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Other World ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Note: New Chapter, YAY!!!!! This is the one where things really start picking up. This also means that the story is almost done, but do not fret!! I'm planning another delight for your eyes. Now on with the fic!!

Chapter 11

"You can't be serious!" Yamcha exclaimed to the guard who had arrived to take him to Aiya's private dining room, "How do you expect me to leave Bulma with him?" said Yamcha, pointing a finger at Vegeta.

"Klopet," the guard insisted, "The queen says that there is much to talk over."

"Well why can't I take Bulma with me?" Yamcha asked with a hint of panic.

"That's a question for the Queen."

"Fine," Yamcha realized there was no arguing with the Queen's crony. He turned to Vegeta "You better not try anything."

Vegeta simply rolled his eyes. He was wearing a strip of blue fabric across his chest since the tailors still hadn't gotten finished with the shirts.

"Bulma be careful." Yamcha said and kissed her on the cheek. He gave Vegeta one last defiant glance before following the guard out of the room.

"I will." Bulma responded in a slightly angry voice as she poked her food. When it poked her back, she pushed it away. Bulma was angry at being the only one who couldn't speak the language.

"I don't like this place," Vegeta said to Bulma a few minutes later while poking his chest.

"I don't either, but what are we supposed to do about it? And stop that," Bulma said in an annoyed voice, as she smacked his hand away from touching his newfound breasts. "You're embarrassing me."

"They're my breasts." Vegeta responded.

"If you weren't so weak I would kick your butt till you begged for mercy," she said to him playfully.

"You have no skill and can't control you energy. Matter of fact, It's not even your energy I could beat you easily," responded Vegeta with his usual arrogance.

"You want to try me?" Bulma questioned. She was having fun getting under his skin.

"Maybe later." Vegeta said

"Why, are you scared?"

"No, I just have more important things to worry about. Like how to get out of here "

"We could just walk out Vegeta," said Bulma matter-of-factly.

"Do you mean to tell me that you haven't noticed the guards positioned all around this room?" Vegeta asked.

"Guards?" Bulma glanced around the room and realized Vegeta was right. There were guards everywhere that hadn't been there before, and they were watching her and Vegeta.

"When did they get here?" she asked.

"Right after that idiot left." responded Vegeta with disgust in his tone.

"Yamcha's not an idiot!" Bulma exclaimed

"If he isn't an idiot, how did you know who I was talking about?" Said Vegeta, "Anyway shut-up and let me think."

"You can't tell me to shut up!" Bulma exclaimed as she hurled her food in Vegeta's direction.

"What's your problem!" Vegeta exclaimed, ducking as a yellow hunk of something flew past his head and hit the person behind him. Had the woman caught the fool's stupidity along with his strength?

The person behind Vegeta who was hit by the food threw something green into Vegeta's hair. Vegeta's eye twitched in anger as he turned around.

"You know what this means? This means war!!!" Vegeta then threw his food, but it missed its target and hit someone else.

Meanwhile, the guards had been trying to get to Bulma since the first throw of food, but the food fight happened so suddenly and they became caught up in the commotion. Some tried to break it up, but failed while others were busy dodging food. Some even started throwing food as well. The ones who were still looking for Bulma and Vegeta caught no sight of them through the ruckus.

"Come on woman lets go." Vegeta said as the food fight entered full swing.

"What about Yamcha?" Bulma asked.

"He can take care of himself." Vegeta said with a scowl. Why she cared for that fool, he would never know.

The two made their way out into the hallway unnoticed

"Which way?" Bulma asked as she looked to the right and left.

"This way," said Vegeta as he ran to the right. Bulma followed him.

After a while they heard footsteps closing in on where they were. Vegeta quickly scanned the area and found a small shadowed crevice then forced himself and Bulma into it. They were standing so close that they could feel each other's breath.

"Did you hear that?" said one of the voices from the hallway, "It sounded like running. Look around for them."

Hearing this, Vegeta wrapped his arms around Bulma and tried to go deeper into the shadows.

After a few minutes the people moved on.

"Lets go." Vegeta commanded as he unwrapped his arms and backed out of the crevice.

Bulma stayed where she was and looked on in a daze. She and Vegeta had never been that close. Bulma's heart threatened to break through her ribcage with it's quickened pace. Even considering that Vegeta wasn't completely himself, Bulma was still excited.

"Woman, are you deaf?" Vegeta asked when he saw her make no attempt to move.

"I'm… ready." She stammered, "Where are we going?"

"There's a door up here that leads to the outside gardens. We can make a run for it from there."

"How do you know?" Bulma asked.

"That's not important." Vegeta responded in an annoyed voice as he headed towards the gardens, "Hurry up or I'll leave you."


"Do away with them already Zarbon." said Frieza as he looked on in boredom at the two quivering children who lay in front of him, begging for their lives.

"Would it not be better for you to take them under your care?" Zarbon asked with a slight falter on the last word. In all his years under Frieza he hadn't seen any evidence that Frieza actually cared. He might act like it sometimes, but everyone knew it was false. Zarbon cleared his head and continued. "Having others of my race might be good since you seem so fond of me my Lord."

"Oh, Zarbon," Frieza said as he raised a finger and disintegrated the two children before him, "You know that you're one of a kind to me."

"Yes I know and are we done here?" Zarbon asked while keeping his eyes from going over the spot where the children had once been. It wasn't that he minded killing anymore; it was a thing that you had to get used to if you served under Frieza. Killing his own did cause him to be a little reluctant though. After all, he had gone under Frieza's service to give his people a little more time free of Icejin Rule.

That time was up and all Zarbon could do was follow the Icejin to which he had sworn fealty. He could refuse and most likely be killed, but dieing wasn't one of his priorities.

"When we're done all depends on how long it takes for them to agree to the terms of our new treaty. Your race really can be quite arrogant Zarbon. Maybe they'll refuse and end up like a certain bunch of monkeys." Frieza let out a small chuckle as he and Zarbon turned to look at the eight-year-old Vegeta who was standing about fifteen feet away and staring off into the distance.

"Little prince," Frieza said in a teasing voice. "It's time to go."

Vegeta turned and quickly hid the anger he felt at being called "Little Prince." then said, "Yes, Lord Frieza and walked towards him."

"I trust you're enjoying your time on this lovely planet?" asked Frieza

"I am." Vegeta said truthfully. During previous missions he had been told to stay on the ship. It had been luck that even allowed him to be here because the soldier assigned to come had gotten sick and needed to be replaced. Vegeta admitted that this mission wasn't as exciting as he had hoped, but anything was better than being on the ship.

Frieza smiled and turned back to Zarbon.

"Go and tell the Royal Family to be ready with their decision within the hour. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you again," said Frieza with a sinister smile across his face.

"Yes Lord Frieza." Zarbon replied and turned to leave.

"Oh better yet, tell the council instead. I'm sure a few heads will be made to roll from there. After all, the final decision is the Royal Families anyway. Take Vegeta with you as well and show him around or something. I don't want his first time planet side to be a bore."

"Yes Lord Frieza." Zarbon said again and then left with Vegeta following him. They first went to the council and Zarbon told them to be ready for a meeting soon and then Zarbon showed Vegeta around the castle. They walked in silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

After a few more minutes Zarbon finally spoke, "Here we are." He said as he turned towards a door and opened it. It led to a garden and as Zarbon walked in and stood, Vegeta leaned against the wall.

"The gardens have always been my haven," Zarbon said after a few moments of silence, "Where is your haven Vegeta?"

Vegeta was surprised by this question and thought for a moment. What did Zarbon want to hear? "My haven is in the company of Lord Frieza." he cautiously replied.

Zarbon laughed at this and mumbled something about no free thinkers then his scouter beeped. He brought his hand to it and ended the conversation with a,"Yes Lord Frieza." He then turned to Vegeta and said curtly, "Go back to the ship" and after that he left.

Vegeta did as he was told after lingering a little longer on the planet. Later that day, the crew learned that the treaty had been successful and the planet would become part of the empire.

~End Flashback~

"Can we do this quickly?' asked Yamcha as he took a seat in one of the chairs

"Don't you want to eat?" asked Aiya

"I'm not hungry." Yamcha responded. It was a lie, of course because being a Saiyan made him always hungry, but he wanted to get back to Bulma as soon as possible.

"Then I'll get straight to business," Aiya said. "There's a ship coming at the end of next week to take you to planet Cold."

"That's kind of soon and will it be just me? I'm not sure I can take down the whole empire with out some help." Yamcha was not even sure he wanted to try, but did not want to disappoint the woman that had so much faith in him.

"My army will be accompanying you, and you'll only be targeting the leaders. Hopefully once they're under our control, then the whole empire will fall." replied Aiya, sensing the reluctance in Yamcha's voice. If her plan was to work then he had to believe her. "Ice and Cooler are the ones you will be after. They're siblings. Cooler is the eldest and most powerful of the two, but Ice can hold her own in a fight."

"I see..." Yamcha said, "Anything else I need to know?"

"Just little details."

"Then I can hear them later." Yamcha said as he stood and got ready to leave. Just then a guard who was covered in all types of food rushed in the door, and bowed before Aiya.

"They esca..." the guard stopped himself and quickly changed what he was going to say when he noticed Yamcha. "They escaped; the people who took the two aliens escaped my queen. A food fight erupted in the dining hall as a distraction and they took them."

"What!" exclaimed Aiya and Yamcha simultaneously. Yamcha was surprised because Bulma was gone and Aiya, because her plans weren't going as she had expected.


Next chapter will be out soon ^_^ I already have half of it on paper, so inspire me to get finished quicker and review!!!