Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ouji-Sama Wo Oikakete ❯ Inryoku ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warning: This fic contains Yaoi (male/male relationships), so if you don't approve, please leave now.

Rated R for yaoi-ish situations, rape, violence, swearing, some shounen ai… And cruelty to Vegeta XD

Vegeta's POV. All thoughts are in italics, flashbacks are indicated by asterisks and third-person POV.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Z-boys, they belong to Akira Toriyama. I just like playing with them, but if someone's willing to sell them to me… >)

Ouji-sama Wo Oikakete

Chapter 1: Inryoku (Attraction)

I stare up at the sky, feeling the sun's warmth on my face. It's not often that the Prince of all Saiyajin has the chance to stop and observe something so frivolous, and even less often that I would actually take it. The birdsong I'm hearing now is usually drowned out by the incessant maddening hum of my Gravity Machine, the slowly passing clouds obscured by layers of scarred metal and convoluted wiring twisted together by the woman. Either that, I amend, or I am too preoccupied with trying to kick Kakarotto's ass. The baka sprawls near me foolishly, arms akimbo and a battered grin on his face. I know that I am in a much worse state, as usual. I can see my dark blue sleeveless combat suit is ripped and covered in blood - Mine or Kakarotto's, there's no way to tell. We sparred together today, like we have almost every day for months now. He sought me out, the days of relative peace obviously grating on his Saiyajin lust for battle just as they did mine. The woman says he seeks me out for company, but doubtless she has no idea what she is talking about. After so many years on this planet, I am still regarded with mistrust by Kakarotto's Earthling friends, those fools. Not that I care, of course. Those weaklings do well to stay out of my way! On the odd occasion, Kakarotto's brats and Trunks join us with our sparring, but we have left them far behind. I am now able to power up to the level of Super Saiyajin 4 without using the woman's Brute Ray, thanks to the brutal battles Kakarotto and myself indulge in. We beat each other half to death, gaining great enjoyment from such an activity, and then heal ourselves with one of those Senzu beans, eliciting a surge in power afterwards. Having our tails back doesn't exactly lessen our powers either. Today, however, we remained powered down in the first Super Saiyajin form, to test our skills rather than overwhelm each other with brute strength. The evidence of our restraint is visible in the rolling landscape still stretching relatively intact for miles around. We halted our training a short time ago, Kakarotto laughingly pleading that he was hungry. Hn, that fool seems to never do anything but eat, fight and sleep. And aggravate me, I amend as he reaches over to tap my shoulder, bare where it rests - far more sedately than his, I might add - against the grass a comfortable distance from him.

"Don't touch me," I snap.

"Hey Vegeta, you awake?"

I roll my eyes at his stupidity. "Of course I am, baka. What do you want?"
"I was just wondering…" His hand goes to the back of his head in his universally appealing pose as he flashes a grin at me. "Aw, nothing!"

I turn my head slightly to regard him sideways, trying not to show my wry amusement. "Kakarotto, spit it out. Or am I going to have to go over there and re-enact today's fight?" His grin widens as if he doubts my ability to do so, and my expression settles into a familiar scowl. I swear, if he doesn't watch it, I'll rip that…

"I was wondering if you missed Vegeta-sei," He blurts hurriedly, as if trying to forestall the dissipation of my good mood.

I blink at him a few times before resuming my observation of the sky. "Sometimes."

I really shouldn't encourage him. He continues, "I think I would too. Miss Earth, that is. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, without all my friends."

I make a small noise of contempt. He could never grasp the concept of being alone, doomed to be the last full-blooded Saiyajin in existence. "I am the Prince of a race of corpses," I whisper to myself, barely moving my lips.

As Kakarotto glances at me I am suddenly reminded that there is still one other akin to me, his acute Saiyajin hearing having picked up my words. For once he remains silent, mercifully removing his thoughtful gaze just as I clamp down on the urge to shift uncomfortably. Perhaps I have misjudged Kakarotto's perceptiveness; only now am I coming to realise just how much was shared between us during our fusion into Vegetto, and later, Gogeta. Only a thin gauze separated our minds, allowing some thoughts and feelings to pass from consciousness to consciousness. I have an eerie feeling I have somehow been contaminated, that some residue of Kakarotto has been left behind. These suspicions are heightened by the occasional incident where I look into Kakarotto's eyes and I can see what he is thinking. We sometimes speak without words - not telepathy as such, but communicating through a glance or gesture that is seemingly innocuous until the hairs on the back of my neck prickle with the dawning realisation of what has just transpired.

Behind the innocent façade I can sometimes see the darker, more intelligent person lurking in the blackness of his eyes, and it makes me wonder if he has the ability to do the same. I do not want to know what he can see in my eyes.

I look at him now, his brow delicately furrowed in thought, a blade of grass angling out the side of his mouth. My hand surprises me by reaching of its own accord to tug the blade from his lips.

"Vegeta…" At his utterance of my name a strange quiver ripples through me, a wave of arctic fire pulsing from the inside out. I keep my face impassive as he continues, but I can not help but wonder at my reaction. "You… You always have to be so cold. Why won't you let anyone get close to you?"

I stare at him numbly, aware that he is blushing slightly and unable to comprehend why I am foolishly doing the same. "Baka, I have no time for - "

He cuts me off peremptorily, and I tense with anger. "Not even Bulma. You won't let us see who you are inside, you even deny it's there. But I know better, Vegeta. I've seen inside your mind, and I know there's someone in there. Someone who's lonely and crying."

"And you're a fine one to talk of such things!" I bark, startling myself with the force at which it the words spill out of me, but completely out of patience. "Goku, the Earth Saiyajin, gentle as a lamb and twice as stupid. Yet you glory in the hunt, using the blood-letting as a release for your own pent-up Saiyajin desire for the kill! What would your wife and son think?"

The blood drains from his face and I smirk with satisfaction. An instant later I find myself slammed against a tree, Kakarotto's hand pressing hard against my throat. I laugh mirthlessly in his snarling face. "But don't worry, I won't tell your little Earth friends about the atrocities I've seen end felt you perform at night, Kakarotto. That would make you a threat to their cosy little delusions of peace, wouldn't it? That would make you become an outcast like myself!"

After visibly struggling to get himself under control, Kakarotto says levelly, "You didn't answer my question. But you're not an outcast, Vegeta." The pressure his hand had been exerting on me lessens, making it decidedly easier to breathe. At my snort of derision, his brows lower again but his fingers remain gentle, resting against my skin as if to prevent my escape. "You won't give them a chance to get to know you like I have."

"You don't `know me', Kakarotto." I sneer.

At this he runs his other hand through his wildly spiked hair in frustration. "Then let me!" He almost pleads. I remain silent, scowling off to the side so I don't have to look up at him any longer. This isn't the first time I wish I had more height than that of a youth. My years with Frieza didn't exactly promote healthy growth in a young Saiyajin.

Kakarotto's small chuckle regains my attention. "I know a way… It wouldn't be… Unpleasant." I look up at him in alarm; his eyes have taken on a dangerous glitter and his fingers… His fingers are sliding around the back of my neck, pressing just hard enough so I can feel my own pulse quickening against his skin. I flinch as he gently grasps the hair at my nape, leaning closer with a tiny smile on his face.

"Kakarotto, I - " He silences me with his other hand on my mouth, and my face heats against my will. I pray he thinks it is from anger, when in truth my body has reacted almost violently to his touch. The same shiver as before runs through my insides as he watches me with slitted eyes.

"I'm not completely ignorant of my Saiyajin heritage like you think I am, Vegeta." He presses himself against me, thigh to muscular thigh, his face inches from my own. My snug combat suit hides very little; I am humiliated. Just like… that time.

"Do you know of the Qi'Shan technique?" He says softly. Realisation dawns, and he grins at my expression. "I see you do. It requires close physical contact for the trick to work, but…" He shrugs. I writhe frantically to escape, to protect myself and my secrets, but his hand leaves my nape and joins its twin in easily pinning my arms against the tree behind me. The rough bark scores my back. I am quickly realising that at such close quarters, Kakarotto's Gi hides very little either. He couldn't possibly… No, not someone like me. No one ever could. His tail, darker than mine, snakes its way up to twine with my own, making me shudder with pleasure as the reddish fur is ruffled. Where the hell did he learn that?! I am too flustered to control my Ki properly; it bursts around us in erratic flares of light as for the first time in decades I fail to go Super Saiyajin. His hair lifts itself and fades to gold, his aura bursting out to envelop me like warm honey. I look into beautiful green eyes and see a predatory glaze that is purely Saiyajin, yet utterly Kakarotto. I am both terrified and drawn; my insides are on fire. He leans closer for the kill, tilting his head to reach down to me. I use the last of the air in my heated lungs to yell furiously, "Damn it, Kakarotto!!" before his lips reach mine and the world spins away into oblivion.




~To be continued…~