Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Our Way ❯ Epilogue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Is that the phone?” Bulma’s mom asked, pushing herself up on her elbows in bed.

“No, dear. That’s the fax machine,” Dr. Briefs answered, pulling the covers higher.

“Don’t you think you’d better see who the fax is from? It might be important.”

He sighed as he got out of bed and put on his robe. After all these years, he knew better than to try and ignore his wife. She wouldn’t let him rest until he proved the fax was something that could have waited until after dawn.

“So what is it, dear?” she asked when he returned to the bedroom. “Was it important?”

“Not really,” he yawned. “It was just a message from Bulma. She and Vegeta eloped last night. She sent a picture, too.”

“Oh. Well, wasn’t that thoughtful of them. Did she say where they were?”

“Nope,” he said, climbing back into bed. “But they’ll be home in a week or so.”

“That’s nice.”

“We’ll have to cancel the arrangements. Call everyone and let them know the wedding’s off.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t make any arrangements,” she said with a satisfied smile as she cuddled closer to her husband.