Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Suicide and breakfast ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter four: Suicide and breakfast
After they had all finished laughing their heads off at Jeice's misfortune, Goku and his friends went to their third lessons - Goku still in fits of laughter - and the rest of the day went rather smoothly; Goku not having enough time to think about what happened at the park as he got a tonne of business studies homework to do. But the tall teen didn't take it lying down; grumbling and arguing with his teacher about it for quite some time, amusing the rest of the class - and the teacher for that matter. Eventually, he'd given up and had gone home, completely forgetting about the incident earlier on.
It was only the next day, when he gazed upon his timetable once more, that the memory rushed back. He had English for his third lesson! The tall teen grew a little nervous as he pondered what to do, standing next to his locker, unhurried as he had a free lesson first. He ran a hand through his scruffy hair and sighed as he stared out down the hallway, not really looking at anything as he thought quietly about the situation.
Okay, it's not a big deal. Goku thought, trying to convince himself that it wouldn't affect him at all. So I know more about him than I ever wanted to and saw him at a really bad point in his life…uhm…it's not that bad… But it wasn't really working. I just won't think about it! I don't have to. It won't affect anything! …
As he spent his entire free lesson agonising over it, the young teen walked around, not really paying much attention as he stared forward blankly, biting his lip. He seemed unable to get the incident out of his mind, and it was driving him crazy! He groaned as he looked at his watch, realising he was late for his RE lesson and then he sighed. Late again. Great. And as he began dashing to the lesson like a crazy man on fire, his bag smacking against his side and back painfully, he remembered that he hadn't done his homework either. He smacked his palm to his forehead as he bit his lip, arriving just outside Mr Kami's RE room, unsure whether he should go in or not, knowing he would be in trouble because he had had the whole summer to research suicide and causes of it.
However, the decision was made for him as another late student barged past him, her long brown hair smacking him in the face as she pushed herself through the door so forcefully that his teacher saw him and smiled. How that he had been seen, he held in a long string of curses and smiled back, going through the door and sinking into a chair at the back of the class. He hated this lesson so much…
A brown folder was suddenly placed in front of him with some paper, causing the teen to look up just in time to see his teacher glide back to the front of the classroom, seemingly unconcerned that he was ten minutes late. Grumbling lightly, he wrote his name on the folder, looking boredly at the blackboard, noting down what was written on it onto his paper while his teacher droned on.
“Suicide is so awful!” Gohan said, looking at his girlfriend Videl as she made more notes from the board.
“I know!” She replied, stopping her note-taking to look back at him with a puzzled expression. “It makes no sense why people would do that, it's so selfish!” Kami walked over and began checking their notes as he grumbled more, beginning to draw a violent picture of a shark biting a man through the middle, a woman screaming in horror and a tonne of dead bodies splayed everywhere with blood, smirking to himself.
“Why would people want to do it anyway?” Gohan asked, looking at Kami for an answer, Videl looking at him also, the rest of the class too busy chatting or taking their own notes to even pay attention to the exchange. Kami looked at Gohan wisely.
“Well, maybe some people find they can't face waking up in the morning.” Goku stopped doodling and looked up.
“I like waking in the morning, 'cause it is breakfast time.” He said with a grin, watching as Gohan slammed his head on the table in disgust, Videl giggling, unable to stop herself as Kami paled at the stupidity of the statement, looking at his folder, seeing the drawing.
“Ummm…yes.” With a funny look in his direction, Kami left, going to the front of the class and continuing to talk about the various methods people took to kill themselves. Despite the seriousness of the topic, Videl couldn't stop laughing, eventually angering the usually placid teacher into sending her out, Gohan sighing gently, obviously ashamed at his girlfriend's lack of control. Goku snorted at how stuck-up Gohan really was, unable to stop his amused grin through the rest of the lesson, thankfully not getting asked about his homework at all.
As he left the lesson, he realised that school wasn't so bad after all, it could be really funny at times, and - uncaring of seeming like Turles - winding up the teachers was absolutely hilarious. He now understood why Turles loved to drive the teachers nuts; even if he had gotten in trouble, it would have so been worth it, just for the look on Kami's face. At the memory, he burst into laughter, having held it in rather well for the rest of the lesson, laughing so hard that he had to lean against the wall for support.
I'm so going to have to do that another time! He thought to himself, unable to stop his elated grin as he dashed off to the canteen to get a bite to eat before his English lesson, which was next. He was absolutely starving, the talk of breakfast making him ravenous enough to eat a whole loaf's worth of toast, licking his lips at the idea. Just as he arrived at the canteen, ready to get in line to grab some food…it closed, his jaw dropping in horror. That was so unfair!! Now he'd have to sit through a lesson while his stomach was rumbling so badly!
Swearing under his breath, he began to walk to room 2B, his head hung a little, everyone on the corridor able to hear his loud stomach, his cheeks going a bit red from embarrassment. He turned a left, and collided with his twin brother, both falling to the floor, him hitting his head on it and cursing a blue streak as his brother sat up, smirking at him.
“I heard about RE, Kakarott.” Turles said, amused, watching his older brother sit up and rub the throbbing place, grumbling, not even looking at him. Suddenly his stomach rumbled so loudly it made Turles' eyes widen in shock and surprise, before a Yorkie chocolate bar(1) was pushed under his nose, making the teen blink as he looked at his brother. “I know you can't concentrate unless you've eaten something, go on.” Gratefully, he took the delicious food from his sibling's hand, for once appreciating the fact he existed.
“…Thanks…” Goku said as he got to his feet, Turles following suit and smirking at him.
“After your performance in your last lesson, I think you deserve it.” Goku laughed and ripped the wrapper from the bar, sinking his teeth into the lovely chocolate and eating the whole bar hurriedly. Turles sweatdropped, then smiled - sort of - at him. “Let's go to English, shall we? I have a great idea!” At this, Goku sweatdropped also, knowing he wanted to switch seats with him again, but feeling like he owed it to him for the bar.
“Oh, alright, we can switch places again…” Turles smirked and lead the way, his brother lagging behind as he looked for a bin, giving up after a moment as he was unable to find one, stuffing it into his pocket to bin later. They hung around near the English corridor until the bell rang, entering the lesson to find that everyone as writing their names on a piece of paper and leaving, Goku secretly feeling relieved as he thought that Vegeta would think that he was playing around, not serious at all. And he didn't really want to anger the teacher again, twice in two days would really start him off badly, and he had already messed around today.
Flashing a smile at his brother, he went and wrote his name on the paper, about to leave the room when Turles grabbed his arm.
“Next lesson, right?” There was a firm look in his younger brother's eyes hat made him nod, a determination that said `You will obey me. You owe me.' And with his nod, the hand let go of him, allowing him to leave the room, correcting himself about his earlier thought of his brother.
If Turles is nice, he wants something.
With a sigh, he walked around, trying to figure out where he wanted to go for his now-free lesson. He could go to the park, as he wouldn't need to come back for lunch, but there was always the problem that there could be a fire alarm, and then he would be in trouble with the headteacher for not being on the premises in his free lesson. And knowing his recent bout of luck, if he left the building, the fire alarm would definitely go off. Grumbling as he thought about where he could go, he noticed he was leaning against the wall, frowning as he moved away, knowing Turles was more than capable of devising another plot and forcing him into it if he didn't get as far away as possible before his brother left that classroom.
He stalked the empty corridors boredly, his eyes looking over the walls, looking over the wall displays, not really interested, but needing something to do. However, something was really bugging him.
And it was Vegeta.
For some reason, he really wanted to know where the small teacher was, what he was doing, why he wasn't in school, and it was annoying.
He shouldn't even care that the teacher wasn't in. In fact, he should be glad! It was a free lesson, and he was practically wishing that it wasn't?! He didn't know what was wrong with himself. Scowling, he decided to get the teacher's address, hoping that having it would stop him feeling so weird and somehow rejected, searching for Turles and a computer…
(1)This particular chocolate bar is the raisin and biscuit variety; if you don't know what it is like, please look for a picture in Google.