Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ The Phoenix ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter six: The Phoenix
Goku couldn't think. His eyes were locked onto the teacher as if he would die if he moved them from his face, shocked to see him there, reaffirming his grip on the glass as he walked away, looking for a seat in another part of the pub, where Yamcha, Tien and Krillin could easily find him, sipping the beer thoughtfully, his eyes straying back over to where the teacher was sitting - or more appropriately, slumped over - watching him knock back shots of clear liquid silently.
What is he doing here? Goku wondered, then realised the stupidity of that question, gritting his teeth. He's drowning his sorrows into drink. If this has been happening since the other day… He looked back over, concerned. Should I go and talk to him? He watched in silence as a woman went over and started flirting, watching sadly when Vegeta shook his head and patted her shoulder, her eyes going wide as she flinched away, saddened and disgusted. He was glad when Vegeta immediately turned back to his drink; he didn't want to be spotted drinking on a school night. However, the teacher had no right to judge him, as he looked drunk already; his head on the table, arms wrapped around it protectively.
And it was like that for half an hour; Goku sitting and watching him, waiting for his friends faithfully while observing Vegeta drink shot after shot, a sick feeling rising in his stomach at the amount of alcohol he could drink. Suddenly, his phone began to ring, and he hastened to answer, the noise getting him some dirty looks from the regulars of the pub, blinking when he saw it was Yamcha calling.
“…Hello?” He answered, the phone pressed to his ear tightly - this pub had a reputation of being getting beaten up and having things stolen - and his beer in his other hand.
“Hey man, I won't be able to come tonight.” Yamcha replied, sounding pissed off and irritable, making Goku want to know what was wrong. He frowned slightly, and waited for the excuse, knowing it was entirely possible that Yamcha had found a girl to spend the night with already. “My dad grounded me because I tried to borrow money off my little sister.” Oops, well that was unexpected, and he knew Yamcha wouldn't lie about that.
Who would want to admit that they were so poor they borrowed off their little siblings?
Nobody. That's why he knew he could trust his long-haired friend, trying not to laugh at Yamcha's predicament, but finding himself almost unable to. Conversationally, he continued.
“Oh, so, is anyone else coming?” Goku asked, his eyes fixing on Vegeta again, watching the small teacher drink another shot.
“Well…I don't think so. Krillin's parents yelled at him because it was a school night; and Tien doesn't like going in pairs.” Yamcha sounded disappointed and confused as he said the last part, but Goku knew why Tien didn't go in pairs. There had been a rumour that Tien was gay for the longest time - before Yamcha had come to this school - and he hated it so much that he wouldn't go anywhere alone with a guy, meaning Goku would have to go home soon instead.
“Why don't we go at the weekend when you've been paid then?” He suggested, using his logic to make sure that all three could go. There was a pause.
“Aw, man! Why didn't I think of that?!” Goku burst into laughter and he vaguely heard Yamcha grumbling, a big grin on his face. “Oh, shit, my dad's coming upstairs! Gotta go!” There was a crackling sound, then he could no longer hear his friend's voice, sighing as he put his phone into his pocket. He couldn't help the silly smile on his face from Yamcha's bad luck; he thought it was funny he had to borrow money from his seven-year-old sister.
He took a huge gulp of the remains of his beer, and left the empty glass on the bar, moving towards the door, before stopping and looking in the direction Vegeta was sitting. He had already planned to visit him, so seeing him in the pub was rather lucky, he supposed, as he made his way over and sat next to him, adrenaline running through him as he placed his hand on the teacher's back, watching as he lifted his head, blinking bloodshot eyes at him, a frown on his face as he tried to figure out who he was.
“…I know you.” Vegeta said, blinking and rubbing at his eyes, wincing and shivering as he looked closer at him, their faces rather close, unnerving Goku a little as he shifted away, smiling nervously. “…I can't remember where I know you from…” The small statement almost made the teen grin at how the teacher acted when drunk…if he were a girl the taller of the two would even say that it was rather cute…
“That's fine si- Vegeta.” Goku replied, biting off the end of the word `sir', realising that since they weren't at school, he could call the other whatever he wanted; especially if he was drunk. Hell, he could probably insult him or make him cry if he wanted to, and Vegeta would not remember…but he didn't actually want to. “So what are you doing getting drunk in a pub like this when you have work tomorrow?” The small teacher leaned against his shoulder, arms wrapped around his left one, Goku's face going scarlet in shock.
“…I like to drink.” Was the response; giving away nothing, though Goku already knew, feeling the urge to comfort the other, but being too nervous to do so. “And I have sick leave for as long as I need it.” He looked at the other's face pityingly.
“I think you've drank enough tonight, you know.” Goku was surprised at how old he sounded and how the shorter man looked up at him from his arm, looking innocent and confused. The fact of the matter was, that while he had been at the pub, he had seen the other drinking the equivalent of half a litre of spirits and felt nervous for his health, not wanting him to drink more in case it caused some permanent damage, something that he would never forgive himself for if he let Vegeta get any.
“Yeah?” He nodded and started to get up, brushing Vegeta's grip from his arm and ignoring the confused look he was given.
“Well, I have to go now, so-” He began, but stopped speaking in shock as Vegeta grabbed onto his leg and his face flushed a bright scarlet as he tried to push him away. “I…um…err…ahh…”
“D-Don't go…I feel safe with you around…” The older man begged him, causing the teenager's cheeks to flush a dark red as the teacher's hands wrapped around his thigh. “Please…stay with me…” It was barely a whisper, but Goku heard it, his expression softening as his hand gently grasped Vegeta's wrist.
“How about I take you home?” He suggested, lifting Vegeta up from the seat with care not to hurt him, the eyes of the one in his arms looking into his own, completely trusting him.
“…Alright…” A hand grabbed his, and, for a second, Goku could swear that the other was absolutely gorgeous and irresistible, his dark tinted eyes seeming to glitter and sparkle at him in an alluring way, Goku's cheeks heating as the setting sun came in from the window, giving the hair it's beautiful reddish-shine like when he had first met him. Vegeta leaned in, whispering, his voice hushed and shy. “Are you my boyfriend?” Goku's face went bright crimson as Vegeta began to move closer to him, pressing against his side, his surprisingly-full lips very close. “…Because you're so hot…I'd never let you go…” The smaller man purred, leaning in as if to kiss him, making him tilt his head away in embarrassment.
“Well…umm…” Goku swallowed as the teacher frowned slightly, a hand moving to rest on the teen's broad chest, his head leaning on the teen's shoulder again. “I'm not…no…” The grip on him loosened somewhat, and Vegeta's hand moved from his chest, the older of the two looking rather confused.
“Oh…I'm sorry…” The tall teen watched as the teacher pulled away from him, looking at the floor for a moment. “I…assumed…” He could see a deep colour of pink across the other's cheeks and couldn't help a nervous grin.
“It's okay…let's get you home, okay?” Vegeta nodded weakly and allowed him to grasp his arm, leading him out of the dark smoky pub into the fresh air, a wonderful breeze blowing. The teen watched as the breeze blew through the other's charcoal locks, the sun setting on the horizon, bathing them and the whole street into a reddish-orange glow. As he watched his teacher enjoy the breeze, he felt him pull away, walking oddly towards a table, before climbing onto it and staring into the sunset from there, allowing him to get out his mobile and look for some paper to ask the other where he lived.
He unfolded the sheet of plain paper, frowning when he saw ink on the other side, turning it to stare at the front, amazed at his luck.
It was Vegeta's CV.
“You okay?” Vegeta called back to him, making him blush lightly and look up, to see the other turned towards him, looking scarily beautiful in the light.
“Y-Yeah, I'm fine…I'm just calling a taxi…” He watched Vegeta turn back away and looked at the address on the CV, hoping it was up to date as he flipped open his phone and dialled a taxi company.
“Hello, Green Guy taxi service.” A bored-sounding female voice answered, and Goku didn't blame her. Working on phones would be really really boring.
“Uhhm…hi…can I have a taxi please?” He said, always hating how the taxi service worked. It seemed stupid to say you wanted a taxi at a taxi place; it was pretty much obvious why you rung. What else could you order from them? Pizza?!
“Where are you?” The voice asked, monotonous in the tone being used, nails tapping at the other end.
“At the Phoenix pub.” He answered, feeling - somehow - rude to be calling, even though that was the whole point of her job. She was making him feel like a moron.
“Where are you going?” He paused, then read out the teacher's address, his eyes moving again to watch Vegeta enjoying the sunset, unable to keep a smile from his face. “It'll be there in five minutes.” The lady informed him, then hung up, though he didn't notice, too busy staring at his teacher - who had began trying to balance on one hand on top of the table, his body suspended in the air - finding him fascinating.
Soon enough, a taxi pulled up at the gates of the pub and he blinked, realising he still had his phone next to his ear, going red as he closed it and made his way over, resting his hand on Vegeta's arm.
“Taxi's here…” He said quietly, watching as Vegeta relaxed and got down, grasping his arm and holding it to his chest, his head resting on Goku's shoulder again. “Ahh…” The tall teen blushed, feeling a little uncomfortable, but he didn't push the other away, moving towards the cab, trying not to think of how they looked to other people, climbing into the taxi and sitting down, going even redder as Vegeta hugged him close, seeming happy and content to be on him. “Uhm…hi…” He said to the driver, who merely raised an eyebrow at him, his skin a bright green, making Goku want to laugh at the lengths a company went to keep to a theme. Unluckily, the green man noticed his stare and huffed.
“I was born this colour, alright?!” The teen tried to put his hands up in defence - something he had done since early childhood to any kind of attack - but found he couldn't, Vegeta's clinging stopping him from doing so. “Now, where are you going?”
“I didn't mean to stare…” Goku said sheepishly, embarrassed. “I just don't see that kind of skin colour everyday…” The man seemed to forgive him, turning back to the road.
“Alright kid.” Leaning forward, Goku showed him the CV, and pointed to the teacher's address. The taxi driver paused, then looked back in at Vegeta, before saying nothing and looking back at the front, starting the drive to the small man's home. Goku sat back and tried to look calmly out of the window, but he could feel Vegeta pressed fully against him, causing him to shiver from it, though he was not cold at all. He jumped when he felt the teacher move, a leg swinging over the top of his own, Vegeta's face nuzzling his arm as the teacher seemed to doze off, the teen's face going a bright crimson.
Eventually, they pulled up outside a block of flats, the driver pressing buttons on a machine to calculate the fare, while Goku tried to extract his wallet from his pocket, his hand accidentally brushing the teacher's crotch, making him gasp and pull it away, embarrassedly digging through his wallet.
“How much do I owe you?” The teen asked, trying to ignore everything but the driver, biting his lip as he felt Vegeta shift, obviously awake, grasping his bicep and gasping, before whispering quietly to him, squeezing it as he spoke.
“You're strong, aren't you?” Vegeta purred into his ear, pressing against him more firmly, the teen trying to stop blushing and concentrate on paying the driver.
“Five pounds forty.” Goku passed over a ten-pound note and leant forward, truly sorry for staring earlier.
“You can have a pound for a tip too, if you want…” He offered, noticing the taxi man look at him in shock for a moment, before a content smile grew on his face.
“Thanks kid.” Goku couldn't help but smile back. “The name's Piccolo, you can ask specifically for me next time if you want.” Goku's smile turned into a grin.
“Okay.” Piccolo offered him his change, and as he took it from the other's hand, he grinned. “I'm Goku, I'll see you around.” Goku sat back and opened the cab door, calmly getting out and looking at the drunken flushed teacher in embarrassment, unsure if he could walk. “Come on Vegeta.” He offered his hand and went red when the teacher interlaced their fingers together, getting out on wobbly legs and almost falling over. A good-natured laugh came from the teacher's lips as he giggled, grabbing Goku's arm with both hands and clinging to it to try and stay up.
Embarrassedly, Goku shut the cab door and waved to Piccolo, watching him drive off before turning back to his teacher and sighing gently.
“I can't…walk…” Vegeta gasped, bursting out into laughter and almost falling over from the force of his own amusement, Goku hurriedly wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist to keep him standing. It had gone completely dark since they had gotten into the taxi, and the midnight sky was like blue velvet strewn with glitter as they stood there, Vegeta's eyes fixed on his own, Goku swallowing a lump in his throat. “Are you coming up?” The English teacher whispered, lifting a hand to stroke through his hair, causing Goku to almost drop him from shock. “Your hair looks blue…” Goku's cheeks went pink as he tried to move away, wincing when Vegeta's hands fisted in his hair for a moment. “It's so soft…” Coughing, Goku managed to pull away, grasping Vegeta's wrist and dragging him into the building, hearing the teacher chuckle. “Eager, are we?” Goku choked, then shook it off, heading to the lift, pulling Vegeta in after him and referring to the piece of paper before choosing the third floor, the doors closing and leaving them alone together in the lift.
An awkward silence hung in the air between them, only the hum of the elevator giving any noise. Goku shifted nervously, giving Vegeta sideways looks every now and then, just waiting for the lift to stop and let them out, not feeling very comfortable being trapped in the small enclosed space with a guy who was flirting with him. Finally, the lift doors opened, and Vegeta latched onto his arm, smiling flirtily as they stepped out onto the corridor, Goku being tugged to the right, the teacher leading the way to his flat. He was dragged to the end of the hall, then hands wrapped around his torso, hugging him close.
“The key's in my pocket…but I can't get it myself…” The smaller man purred softly, looking up at him with a look that made his cheeks burn in embarrassment. “Will you get them for me?” Goku gently pushed him away.
“No, get them yourself.” The teen instructed, looking at him calmly, finding the teacher's attitude unbelievable, but knowing he was drunk and didn't actually know who he was. He doubted Vegeta would be all over him in such a manner if he could remember, let alone if he were sober. The first meeting with him, and Goku had felt that he was a very careful man, who wouldn't make any stupid decisions, and although he knew of the short man's love-life, he still stuck by that feeling. Vegeta would not want to wake up the next morning in bed with him, and he knew it. “You need rest.” With what looked like a pout, Vegeta pressed closer to him, leaning towards him as if to kiss him - looking flirty and gorgeous and so cute - Goku leaning away so it didn't happen—
Then the small teacher threw up over his clothes, shaking and panting, clinging to his shirt, luckily not getting any sick on himself. Goku just stared for a while, then shuddered as he felt the heat and wetness of it sinking into his skin and heard Vegeta rummage for his key.
“I-I'm sorry…” It was a weak whisper, but he heard it, forcing a smile, though he knew his favourite shirt was most likely destroyed by it.
“It's okay…” He replied, refusing to look down, not wanting to know how bad the damage was. Vegeta fumbled to open the door and then fell in, landing on the floor and trying to get up, movements a little sluggish from too much alcohol, or the after-affect of throwing up so violently, Goku lifting him up by the waist, making sure not to press him to his shirt, even though that would be a more secure hold. “You alright?”
“I-I feel sick…” Vegeta gasped, pulling from his grip to run into a different room - Goku presuming it was the bathroom - leaving Goku to come in and close the door himself. The apartment was nothing like he had imagined as he stood in the doorway, looking at the livingroom carefully. A huge silver television, big comfy armchairs, a sofa bed, a hi-fi system, a PS2, a tonne of games, DVD's, CD's…all scattered over the floor, looking a lot like his bedroom, the mess somehow comforting, looking around at the pale blue wallpaper, smiling to himself at the wooden flooring.
It looked so modern.
Moving, he went into the kitchen, the appliances all being of the same silver as the television, the wooden cabinets and drawers looking so simple, yet so nice in the calm, modern atmosphere. He noticed that the counter was made of a type of creamy marble, the rest being of the same wood as the cabinets, stools made of silver metal and creamy marble tops - obviously specifically designed to go with the table - around it, somehow making him smile. Vegeta had such an awesome apartment.
He heard gagging noises and decided to stay away from the bathroom for a while, seeing two rooms at the other end of the apartment, unable to resist as he walked over, opening the one on the left to find Vegeta's office.
Bookshelves lined the walls, thick volumes on every shelf, a silver computer in the corner surrounded my smaller shelves of what seemed to be lesson plans and other various documents, a huge leather computer chair against the expensive-looking wooden desk with the computer and some candles on. There was another desk on the far side of the room, sans computer on it, huge amounts of paperwork littered over its surface, candles on it too and a regular small stool placed next to the desk, a small fridge between the two desks, appearing to have beer and lemonade inside. The floor was also wooden, and the walls were covered in a cream wallpaper covered with Chinese symbols, the light covered with a unique sort of shade, a tassel dangling from the bottom, two windchimes hanging on the ceiling too.
It was immense.
Swallowing, he turned the light switch on, setting a low light across the ceiling, making his heart thud in his chest at how nice it was. The atmosphere was so soothing to him that he felt he could work well in this room, and, silently, understood how Vegeta would like such a room. It practically radiated comfort at him, making him feel somehow like he were at home, the feeling of calm and familiarity in the air causing any tense part of him to relax, and a smile to form on his lips.
Stepping out of the room and switching the light off, he turned to the other room, red as he knew that this would be the teacher's bedroom, and knowing that Vegeta may not like the fact that he had snooped around his apartment, retreating from the door to go towards the bathroom to check up on the owner. He found him with his head resting on the rim of the toilet, too focused on how pale Vegeta looked to look around the room properly, not really caring to look at it anyway. He moved forward and touched the small man's shoulder.
“Are you okay?” The teen asked, keeping his voice sounding gentle as he squeezed the shoulder in front of him, worried when the teacher gave him no response. “Vegeta?” Shaking harder, the taller of the two frowned, sighing as he realised that Vegeta had passed out. “What am I meant to do now…?” Deciding that putting Vegeta to bed was his best bet, Goku stripped off his stained shirt, tossing it to the floor and picking up the smaller man, surprised at his weight, having expected him to be heavier, but not minding as he carried him towards the bedroom, noticing the sadness in Vegeta's expression as he slept, his features calm, yet seeming so depressed that his heart felt like it was bleeding for him.
As he reached the door, he swallowed again, noticing that Vegeta had managed to cover himself in sick too, going red as he realised he would have to strip the other before putting him in bed, opening the door to the bedroom quietly. As with the other rooms, the bedroom was - for all intents and purposes - a Heaven. The first things that he noticed were the blue-carpeted floor - the first room in the house to have one - and then the large bed in the centre of the room, covered in silky-looking sheets of a dark blue, the material shimmering from the light of the moon outside, the curtains matching the covers. Tall pine wardrobes and drawers were in the corner of the room, a bedside table to the left of the bed, a book upon it…
Nervously, he looked down at Vegeta again, before placing him on the floor and going red as he fell to his knees, unbuttoning the teacher's shirt and throwing it into the hallway, the other's chest bare, golden skin almost glowing from the light of the moon. His cheeks darkened at the sight, and his hands slowly moved to undo the other's pants, closing his eyes, hoping to whatever gods were listening that the man was wearing underwear. Luckily for him, the small teacher was wearing a pair of white briefs, and although they were tight on the narrow hips, it was better than nothing. Goku picked him up again and moved over to the bed, laying Vegeta upon it, noticing him curl up and nuzzle his pillow, seemingly drifting off into an even deeper sleep.
That's cute…I didn't expect him to do that… Goku fondly thought, then frowned at himself. This was his teacher; those types of thoughts were not meant to be directed towards him. Stop thinking and go and get clean. I'm sure he won't mind if I use his shower… The tall teen began to leave the room, pausing to pick up the other's soiled clothes, before heading into the bathroom, to collect his shirt. Paying attention this time, he looked at the pale blue tiles, smiling to himself as he saw how much they looked like water, before letting his eyes stray to the cream bath and sink, the toilet matching them too, the shower curtain having dolphins all over it, the cabinets all made of wood, with white doors. It was such a pleasant bathroom to look at, even though he was looking for the place where Vegeta did his washing, pausing as he looked behind the door, grinning shyly at the fact that the washing machine and tumble dryer were in here. So odd.
But who was he to complain? It was convenient for him.
Stripping off the rest of his clothes, Goku put them all in the washing machine - all the fabrics being dark enough to wash together - and popped in a tablet, turning to the shower, swallowing as he realised he hadn't got a towel, noticing one on the towel rack that looked big enough for him and shrugging it off. He climbed into the bath and pulled the shower curtain around it, in case Vegeta woke up and came in accidentally. Turning the hot water on, he could have purred as the spray hit his skin, the temperature feeling perfect to his cooled body. He rubbed his skin with his hands, looking at all the haircare products and shower gels and bath salts Vegeta had, going red as an image of Vegeta using them came into his head.
Shaking his head, he got rid of the thought, keeping his eyes on the wall in front of him, his hands scrubbing over his skin methodically, ignoring the urge to look through everything the teacher had and getting out of the shower when he felt he was done. Stepping out, he pulled the towel from the rail, pulling it around his hips and tied the ends together around his waist securely. The teen went red as he noticed that the towel barely covered him, looking around and noticing Vegeta's dark navy dressing gown, putting it on and tying it at the front, relieved that it was longer than the towel, feeling sleepy.
Rubbing his eyes, he walked into Vegeta's bedroom, seeing the smaller man still curled up, fast asleep, frowning as he pulled the covers over him, not wanting him to get a cold because of his forgetfulness. The double bed seemed to call to him as he did so, the silken sheets feeling good on his skin, making him want to crawl in and go to sleep himself, but he didn't, unsure of how his teacher would react to it. Goku left the room silently and sat in one of the armchairs, gradually falling asleep even though it wasn't very comfortable.
He woke up when he needed to pee, dashing into the bathroom hurriedly and relieving himself, washing his hands after, not remembering where he was, and being so sleepy that he thought he was at home, drying his hands on the clothes he was wearing. Yawning, he rubbed his eyes, padding past the livingroom and going into the bedroom, Vegeta's body being unnoticeable under the sheets, Goku going and climbing into the left side, not even pondering how different the house and bedroom were to his own.
The teen closed his eyes and fell asleep again, completely oblivious.
But he would pay for it tomorrow.