Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out behind the bike shed ❯ Deceit ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out behind the bike shed
By The Chichi Slaughter House
Disclaimer: (cackles evilly and dies) Obviously DBZ isn't mine…none of these characters are mine…the plot…is mine…but the characters aren't…and…ummm…neither's DBZ, but I already said that. I also do not own any brand names mentioned in this fic.
Warnings: YAOI, GokuxVegeta(Goku being the seme, Vegeta being the uke), highschool fic, OMG! Burn it now! XD Smartass comments from author, possibly lemons also.
Just to get this straight, Goku is called Kakarott Kirabiyaka, but his nickname is Goku. Only his family and Vegeta will call him Kakarott. And I know, Turles isn't related to Goku, but I wanted him to be in this for plot reasons.
Chapter fourteen: Deceit
Goku sat at his kitchen table, one of the various house phones clutched to his ear as he blinked and waited for the teacher to say something else. Vegeta had just said that he wished to talk about the day before, and a lump was in Goku's throat at the memory as the seconds ticked by and still, not a word was uttered. He remembered how attractive the shorter man had looked in that moment, how soft his lips were, shivering lightly as he imagined grasping those warm hands, leaning forward and brushing their lips together…
“I…don't want to say this over the phone…” The teacher said quietly, other voices able to be heard as he spoke, Goku understanding why when Vegeta's voice lowered further. “Do you think you will be feeling better tomorrow? You could come to my apartment after class and we could talk about this there instead…” Grinning weakly as he was pulled out of his little daydream, the teen realised that he was being invited around after school, a tint of red rising on his cheeks as he thought it over.
“I think…I think I'm still grounded.” He finally managed to reply, almost sure that he wasn't, but unsure, not wanting to go out and come home to be in worse shit than he had previously been in. There was a short silence, and a sort of nervous tone came through.
“Oh…well…” Vegeta paused. “I think we should talk about this as soon as you can…” Confused at how serious the teacher sounded, Goku thought of a quick solution, hoping to god that he was actually ungrounded as he wanted to sort this out as much as the teacher seemed to; the little daydream drifting back into his memory before he pushed it away to think about later when it would not cost the small man any money.
“I'll ask my dad tomorrow if I'm grounded and I'll let you know after English…okay?” He offered, hoping that the fact he was going to try would be enough to calm the teacher, who seemed rather nervous and on the edge at that point. Luckily for him, it seemed to work.
“Alright Kakarott, I shall see you tomorrow.” The tone was filled with confidence, and it made him smile to hear it. “Goodbye, and get well.”
“Bye.” Hanging up, he put the cordless phone back into its charger and smiled to himself as a wave of nervous anticipation wracked through his body, the adrenaline causing him to finish putting his things in the dishwasher and run back up the stairs to choose what to wear for the next day, for how he would be dressed to be in the apartment and talk about what had happened.
After about twenty minutes of rummaging through his wardrobe, he stopped, going red in the face at how weird he was acting, not sure why he even cared what he was going to wear. Telling himself not to be stupid and putting back the clothes he had strewn all around his and Turles' room, he reminded himself that he had been told to go to bed, and his body felt heavy and sluggish, the adrenaline having worn off and leaving him feeling tired. Yawning softly, he moved over to his bed, crawling under the covers and resting his head on the pillow, trying to fall asleep.
Growing bored quickly, Goku picked up his mobile phone from the floor and began to play on one of the games on it, feeling tired, but his mind unable to shut down just yet. He became bored of his mobile's games too and groaned softly to himself, his bed nice and warm as he lay in it, looking up at his ceiling. His daydream started to drift back into his mind, so, snuggling into his cover and closing his eyes, he surrendered to it, smiling to himself.
“Kakarott…” Vegeta whispered, pressed up against him and nuzzling his neck, making him hold the smaller man closer, walking towards the teacher's apartment slowly, stroking his back. “I'll get my key…” Whispered seduction came from the shorter man's lips as the door to the apartment sprang open and they hurried inside, slamming the door behind him as their mouths met in a fiery kiss, Goku moving them towards the bedroom.
Hands grabbed at his shirt as they tumbled onto the huge bed, his hips between the teacher's legs as he kissed him harshly, pulling back from swollen lips to pepper soft kisses over Vegeta's face, pants coming from the lithe form driving him on.
He moved his lips down the other man's neck, lapping and sucking at the smooth skin as his hands undid the buttons holding the older's shirt together, exposing his chest, only to have it devoured by his hungry lips, hands tangling in his hair as the smaller body arched up against him…
A rough shake of his shoulder woke him up and he blinked as he looked blearily around his room, seeing his twin looking at him, the palm of his hand still on his shoulder as his brother leaned in, using his other hand to check his temperature, an annoyed look crossing over the ill teen's face.
“Turles.” He growled, angered that he had been woken from a really pleasant dream before it had gotten to the good part. His own hands came up to push his brother away as he yawned and stretched, his twin standing to the side of him, the modified scouter upon his face. Moody, he sat up and glared, wondering what time it was, but not asking, trying to check his watch, only to find it was too dark for him to be able to see what time it was. “What do you want?” For a moment, a crest-fallen expression crossed over his brother's face, then he sighed and shook his head, feeling bad. “Sorry, but you did just wake me up…” He apologised, looking tiredly at Turles' face.
“No problem…” Turles replied, sounding a little down. “I just wondered if you wanted to play Tekken with me or something.” Shrugging, Goku got out of bed.
“Why not.” Both twins moved over to the console, and Goku pulled out the Tekken games they owned, laying them on the floor in front of the younger twin. “Depends on what you want to do, which one we play.” He started, then pointed to Tekken one. “This one's harder to play than the others because the controls aren't as quick.” He pointed to Tekken two. “There are a lot of girls in that one, and it has Angel and Devil in it too.” Picking up Tekken three, he couldn't help a grin. “This one has a whole bunch of cinematics to watch, and it has Jun and Kazuya's kid in it…” Turles picked up Tekken four and began reading the back. “Ah, you can destroy the environment in that one.” With a grin, he offered over Tekken Tag, watching as Turles took it and began to read the back. “This one's my favourite though; you can have two characters and swap between them whenever you choose, and…you can have a bowling tournament as well.”
At that, Turles lifted his head and handed him Tekken Tag, a huge grin over his face.
“This one!” Goku couldn't help a laugh.
“Alright then, let's see who wins!”
After about an hour, the two twins were in their third bowling match, on their final turns. Oddly, the scores were neck and neck, though this was Turles' first time at the game, he had learned fast and had chosen what he felt were the right characters for the job; Yoshimitsu and Jack two, whereas, Goku was sticking with his usual team of Jin Kazama and Yoshimitsu as well. It was Goku's turn, he was waiting for the right moment to press X, his finger over the button, ready, when their door burst open and Radditz stormed in, Goku pressing the button in shock, his finger slipping.
He knew his older brother was ranting, but he wasn't paying attention, turning his face to stare at the screen in horror as the familiar sound of `miss' came from the speakers and it became his twin's last turn, cursing as he realised he was going to lose. Turles, on the other hand, quickly paused the game and put down the controller, seemingly listening to their longhaired sibling, making Goku angry that Radditz had blown his chance of winning game three as well as the other two. Looking at him, Goku knew he was in trouble.
“Who the fuck has been downloading porn on the computer??” Or maybe it wasn't him after all. Turles gave him a sideways look and he folded his arms moodily.
“It sure as hell wasn't me, Radditz! I never get to go on the damn thing!” He defended, scowling. “And who cares if there's porn on it anyway?” Radditz growled and moved over, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
“The computer is full of viruses because of it, you moron!” Pushing at his brother's hands, Goku shot him a filthy glare.
“Well it wasn't me, alright?!” He snapped, struggling in the grip. “Besides, Turles can just go and fix it, so it's not even a big deal!” His twin looked at them both calmly, shrugging.
“Of course I could if I wanted to.” He replied, his voice low. “I will if no one tells dad, and if Radditz gives me money.” The taller of the three growled and let go of the older twin, instead going for the youngest, grabbing onto him, before noticing the scouter and hissing.
“You'll goddamn fix it now! And I'm not giving you any fucking money!” Even though he was being threatened, Turles kept his cool.
“You seem a little desperate brother. Are you sure it isn't your porn?” Radditz' cheeks flushed darkly, and he was caught, pulling Turles onto his feet, then pushing him in the direction of the door.
“Just go and fix it, alright?” Snickering, the youngest brother went to de-virus their computer, leaving the two elder brothers alone, Goku raising an eyebrow at his taller brother, who just turned away, scowling. “Shut up Kakarott. I'm a guy after all.” The younger brother just rolled his eyes, moving and reaching under the youngest's bed, pulling out a magazine and handing it over.
“Just borrow our stuff from now on.” Radditz just blinked and took it, before leaving the room, causing Goku to roll his eyes again, his gaze settling on a magazine he had never seen before lying harmlessly under his brother's bed. Intrigued at why Turles would hide something from him, he moved over and pulled the magazine out, staring at the cover. “Oh my God…” He breathed, flicking it open and skimming a few of the pages quickly, hearing footsteps nearing the room, closing it and chucking it back under, his face red as his little brother entered, shaking his head.
“It wasn't even anything major…” He said, moving to sit next to Goku again, picking up his controller. “Just a few Trojans and Bloodhounds, nothing to get excited about, and the porn-” Goku could only stare at his brother quietly as the game was resumed. “It wasn't even good porn, I mean, he mustn't be very good at finding the stuff! I know better sites than that, and they're free!” Hearing the sound of a strike and a split, Goku swallowed, knowing his brother had the best score on the game, but not really caring.
His younger twin had gay porn under his bed.
Not lesbian porn - which he quite enjoyed himself - but two men, doing those things with each other that he had almost dreamt about doing with their English teacher - to their English teacher.
For a moment, he wondered just how similar identical twins were. Their tastes in a lot of things were exactly the same - would it be the same with people they found attractive too?
He remembered the first day back to school, that first English lesson with the teacher. The way Turles had seemed to behave, the look on his face when Goku had looked around the room - lust. That day when he had asked for help getting Vegeta's address, when the girl had said that since they had gone back to school Turles hadn't really done anything to her except from behind, the way Turles had seemed jealous and bitter even as he had called him a teacher's pet…how his younger twin had closed his eyes before grabbing him…
It all made sense now.
The biggest problem that he could see was that he too was…attracted to the teacher, if nothing else, and if Turles found out, he could have a problem on his hands. He didn't know what to do. If Vegeta decided that he somehow wanted them to try and be a couple together, then what would happen if Turles decided to go after the small man? Would Vegeta think it were some kind of joke that they had tried to pull? From their school record, it would seem likely; as he was involved in quite a few of his darker-skinned twin's pranks…
Calming down, he realised that Turles didn't even know that the teacher was gay, and, from his own experience, he knew that his twin never acted until he was one hundred percent sure of some form of success. Which was a thing he would not have until he knew Vegeta's sexuality, making Goku feel he really had nothing to worry about until it was figured out, in which case, Turles would probably tell him; as he usually told him everything that he learnt about teachers.
He was safe for now, at least.
“I beat your high score!” Turles laughed, getting to his feet and smirking down at him. “And it was only my third try. Say, how many years have you been playing that? Because you're just no good at it!” The younger of the two gloated, causing his twin to roll his eyes and turn off the game without saving it, losing that high score without the youngest even knowing.
Revenge was always fun.
“Oh well, I guess I'll just have to try harder or something.” Goku said with a shrug, his stomach rumbling loudly. “Besides, Radditz distracted me earlier…” Turles snickered.
“Yeah, yeah. Blame him all you want, you're just a sore loser.” Grinning, the older twin just shook his head.
“I'm going to get some lunch.” Laughing, he left the room, leaving Turles feeling amused and good about himself. The younger twin couldn't keep a grin from his face as he moved towards his bed, knowing that it was not his third ever try on the game; it was his third try at home. He had played the game as many times as his twin had, but he didn't think he needed to know that.
His smirk turned to a frown as he noticed his newest magazine had a bent cover and was not in the place he had left it, turning to stare at the door.
Had his twin been through his stuff? And just where was his `Big Breasts Monthly' magazine??