Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Out of my Head ❯ Love is Found ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love is found

Another beautiful morning shines on the happy home of the Goku family and none other then his first born son Gohan is seen absorbing those rays, standing proud on the hill like a proud super hero empowered by the light. He opened up his powerful muscular arms and breathed in the crisp cool air "Today is gonna be a new day I feel totally psyched I'm gonna go to school, find Videl and do my best to show her I'm not a geek I'm not weird I am".

"LATE" "Late …AH OH CRAP I AM LATE THANKS MOM BYE" Gohan flared SSJ and blasted off like a rocket though he blasted back home, right after he forgot his lunch then headed off to school Chichi giggled a bit. "I always knew he liked that girl young romance just like me and Goku" she giggled again and decided to go wake up Goten and speaking of waking up, "CRAP I DON'T BELIEVE IT I'M LATE" Videl screamed rushing around.

"For the first time since….ever I've never been late" Videl gulped grabbing on her clothes frantically doing everything that once "Let's see white shirt, black shorts, my books, my lunch, huh WHERE'S MY OTHER BOOT?". Her suddenly noticed her right boot was missing as she wiggled her right toes she smacked her head with a groan forgetting the maid picks things up, she ran at full sped down to the washer and yanked out the drenched boot.

"This is just great now my foot feels like it's attached to a sponge" she shutters and flies out the door with her things as fast she can dropping stuff, not noticing it of course in her rush nor noticing Mr. Satan cowering away. "Oh man is he gonna call again WAH HE'S GONNA CALL he can't call I didn't answer the first 5 times maybe he won't call again" Mr. Satan gulped, staring at the phone it rang again he squealed and ran off to hide cowardly.

"For once Gohan you made it on time" "Sharpener's right it's a good thing your on time this sub makes you run 10 laps around the school for tardies", Gohan breathed a sigh of some relief but mainly grief Videl wasn't here yet. Suddenly a burst came from the door Videl was panting her hair in a mangled mess and her right leg wet from the water splashes in her boot still, the buzz cut buffed up teacher looked at Videl with an angry snarl "Videl?".

"Uh… yes coach Burst?" "Even though I'm subbing and a great fan of your skills my rule for being late still stands so go run 10 laps" Videl wheezed, "But Coach Burst I?" "CARE TO TALK BACK FINE MAKE THAT 25". Videl gulped at the coach's screaming bulge-veined head shooting flames, from his massive head Gohan widened eyes at this sight thinking to himself.

Oh my gosh that should have been me that jerk… so what if she was late she's having a rough day already and she doesn't need this not at all, if that sub pushes her one more time…

"Okay but coach what do I do about the homework" "YOUR STILL HERE THAT'S 50 NOW" Videl turned blue and shook like a rattlesnake, she considers herself strong & reasonable but this guy is crushing her like a bug. "Coach Burst its all my fault" Ireeza gasped and tried to yank Gohan down whispering "Your out of your mind don't take Videl's heat" "Gohan you?", he nodded firmly the coach scratched his head at this but grants Gohan it.

"Fine you go run 50 laps and hurry up NOW" "Yes sir" he quickly wrote down a little note on his desk before he stood up and headed out the door, but not before seeing the most beautiful, warmest, most caring thing ever. Videl smiled and whispered a sweet voiced "Thank you" to Gohan he blushed a deep crimson red and winked to her as he ran off she blushed too, but her face was about to become redder once she read the note from Gohan.

"Dear Videl, I'm really sorry your having a rough day I really hope things perk up for you that's why I took your laps besides I could use the workout. Anyway I noticed you were worried about your homework.

Videl slapped her black hair from her face growling as she had forgotten it.

Well I didn't my mom always keeps a close eye on me you found out that first hand right (he wrote a laugh she laughed with it) so please take mine, I'm already doing fine in this class and I'd hate to see things get any worse.

P.S. If you forgot your lunch you can have mine.

Love Gohan"

Videl tried her best not to jump up and scream her eyes lighting up like Christmas tree lights with joy she even squealed a little school girl giggle, looking over his home work and noticing his lunch she couldn't believe it.

I can't believe it I get late and he takes the laps for me my god he's a super sweetie ^_^ he even gave me his lunch and homework well I can't do that, that big lug nut has done so much for me I want to do something for him. And I got just the surprise he'll be waiting for when lunchtime comes and to think the hottest guy in school and he's all…

"MINE" she said it loud enough her whole row stared at her she shot them a cold stare and they recoiled back class went by home work came and went, but all the words & work couldn't drag the happy image of Gohan from her.

"Boy Gohan…I hope that was… the right thing" the young Sayian said panting from running those laps collapsing down on a bench breathing out, he always wanted to do the right thing like his father did so well "HELP!".

Gohan gasped hearing scream it sounded very familiar too he rocketed off towards the yell instantly switching to "HA SAYIAMAN halt villain now, stop you're wicked deeds and prepare to take the valiant slices of justice". Both the black spiked back haired criminal with the scar across his lips in his bullet proof black vest, ragged blue jeans, with brown boots and the woman, who not only was the one who cried help it was "BULMA?" sweat dropped.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to stop reading comic books for those line Go-ACK" Bulma was silenced but a blade pointed at her throat she whimpered, her green hair dangling from her (still) young beautiful face from the man. "Let her go right now" "Stuff your words of wisdom for Batman lovers Sayiaman I don't want her I grabbed her to get your attention you moron, and where you go the real prize follows Videl Satan" Gohan growled out.

"What do you want with her scum sucker?" "That's none of your business pee wee so go play super hero some where ELSE and get Videl over here, otherwise Bulma Briefs becomes Bulma the gutted fish" Bulma screamed. Gohan growled and maxed out his muscles with an angry cry "No one harm's my friends and no one EVER harms Videl" the attacker was pale, "See how helpless I am NOW" Bulma reared back her bare leg with a thrust.

The back of her heeled shoe rammed the guy's balls he screamed back in pain Gohan told her to take off she tried but was quickly greeted by a crowd, a crowd of the man's gang members all armed with guns and steel ball bats. Bulma gulped back "I could really use some help now" Gohan frowned at the man walking closer with a cold stare "You disgust me you black hearted, monster" "The name is Blaggard GRAHH" he removed an axe and charged.

Gohan didn't even move an inch as the axe blade shattered instantly as Gohan caught the blade and crushed it before he could even tear his glove, he screamed "I said bring me that black haired brat" Gohan screamed back. "Don't you EVER say that about her" with each word spoken another bone crunching gut bashing blow slammed into Blaggard in total agony, retreating "I'll make you all pay" he said Bulma was totally surrounded "VEGETA".

She cried out and in a flash the proud arrogant and fowl faced Sayian prince was there with a smug unhappy look to the thugs "What in blazes is it now, woman?" "Who's the shrimp?" Vegeta bulged a vein at that "……Shrimp?". Bulma grinned "Oh nothing Vegeta its just that THEY TRIED TO KILL ME I mean it's not like you care about me" Vegeta slightly mad a tiny blush, not replying to that comment just making a few low grunts Gohan giggled.

"Wait a second did I just hear correctly do you worthless pathetic excuse for life forms say you wanted to TAKE AWAY MY MATE?" he screamed out, Vegeta bulging out more veins as the crooks nodded all with smug laughs. "I better get going this is gonna get ugly & it'll be uglier if I'm late for lunch", Gohan flew out of sight the attackers leaped at Vegeta guns blasting rapidly.

All Gohan had to do was look back at the massive mushroom cloud of the explosion Vegeta had erupted over them he grinned and flew off faster, Vegeta grabbed a burnt black man "Your lucky this time you brainless pig. But the next time you insult the mighty Vegeta or DARE touch his mate I'll make sure your sucking chunks of brimstone in the fiery depths of HELL", with that he fainted Bulma tickled her husband's shoulder with a big smile.

"And does the mighty Vegeta mind his mate rewarding him?" Vegeta widened his eyes & turned red looking at his wife with a half-confused face, "Bulma…I only cared…cause I can't cook" Bulma laughed and kissed him. Needless to say Vegeta didn't really gush out emotion of appreciation from the kiss but then again neither did he break it up either a kiss is one thing, that Gohan wishes he could have but from Videl's look he guesses not now.

Videl was tapping her now dry purple boots from her moving leg in a frantic tap with crossed arms and a frowning face to Gohan he gulped at this sight, "Um I uh hi Videl gee…you look mad well I was expecting a hello back. That or I uh….maybe a sorry if you are sorry that is for?" "FOR WHAT?" Gohan nearly fell at that yell as she stomped closer "It's more like you, who should be saying sorry" Gohan was sweating Videl tried not to laugh.

"B-b-b-b-b-but for what?" "For being late I waited 25 minutes to sit here to tell you about your so called lunch gift & homework you DECIDED to give, without asking me but most of all I want to know about what you wrote me".

Oh crap of all Kami the letter I entirely forgot about it STUPID, STUPID Gohan I knew I shouldn't have put love on the end of that note no wonder, but…its true I do love her… I was just so stubborn to myself I love Videl…

"GOHAN" "Yes I know I shouldn't have written that love part on it but the truth is I do love you Videl I loved every single second I've spent with you, since day we first met your beautiful strong and brilliant and I always cared. I never let people bad mouthed you I never let people push you and even though I must sound like the world's biggest ass I just have to get this out, I love you I always will love you even if I am the biggest geek weirdo alive".

Gohan panted a deep breath after saying that even though he felt stupid for telling the truth he was still glad he said it but the second he looked to her, he saw the crimson red blushing and beautiful shine of her sky blue eyes. Gohan suddenly nearly cried realizing what this meant blushing right back "D-d-does that mean?" "Yeah" "You do?" "Of course" "Y-y-you mean it?", "With all of the heart that belongs to you Gohan…I love you" he laughed. Gohan pulled her close in tight warm loving embrace their soft lips kissed an endless dream kiss of sweetness felt in their hearts Videl was free as a bird, kissing her love Gohan finally calm and happy to hold her they never let go.

I could spend my life in this sweet surrender…

I could stay lost in this moment forever…
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure…

Don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep cause I'd miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing cause even when I dream of you,
the sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing…

To be continued…